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Crocs in the Dining Room?

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Wear what you like! As long as it isn't breaking any ship rules who cares what everyone else thinks!!

I will be having too much fun on my cruise to care what others wear!

And if they do make comments to you, take it with a grain of salt! I think it is stuck up to tell people what to or not to wear! :rolleyes:

Maybe others think that fat people shouldn't wear certain clothes, or red heads shouldn't wear pink etc etc. (I don't think this it is just for an example.

If people are soo worried about dinning attire they have too much time on their hands.

If some stranger tries telling what to or not to wear or comments on my outfits I would just laugh, wink and walk away.

If they don't like what you wear, tell them not to look. :)
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[quote name='Desdemona01']And I will never understand why some people just won't *let it go*! The haters just won't be happy until everyone is in lockstep with them, and that's never going to happen;) If you truly didn't care you wouldn't even bother yourself with your negative posts on this thread (and that's all that they've been). When I see a thread that I have no interest in, I just don't go there, instead of trying to convince people that they are wrong.
I will never understand why some people are so full of hate about a "stupid shoe".[/quote]

Wow, I certainly don't get that anyone is "full of hate." What I see is a thread in which anyone who disagrees with the idea that crocs are the most wonderful thing since sliced bread is basically told to go away and keep their opinions to themselves, while others post over and over again about how wonderful these shoes are.

Seems to me more like it's the croc lovers who want everyone to be in lock-step (or croc-step) with them.

To paraphrase an earlier post: We get that you like crocs. Let it go.
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[quote name='cruisemom42']
To paraphrase an earlier post: We get that you like crocs. Let it go.[/quote]

It's just amazing how nasty the opposition is. I graduated from middle school a long time ago and left behind the "you can't wear that if we think it's not cool" mindset even before that.

As I said before, if something doesn't interest me or I dislike it, I just don't go there! Too bad some of you can't do the same....
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It almost sounds like you are not allowed to have a meaning about shoes, or clothing in general,
I never understood the hype about crocs, why would anybody in the world put something like that on their feet?
On the other hand, different tastes makes the world colourfull..... there is enough grey allready,
I would never say; you can't wear this, or you should wear that, I do have an opinion; sure you can wear crocs in a dining room, but I think it's ugly :D
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[quote name='cruisemom42']Wow, I certainly don't get that anyone is "full of hate." What I see is a thread in which anyone who disagrees with the idea that crocs are the most wonderful thing since sliced bread is basically told to go away and keep their opinions to themselves, while others post over and over again about how wonderful these shoes are.

Seems to me more like it's the croc lovers who want everyone to be in lock-step (or croc-step) with them.

To paraphrase an earlier post: We get that you like crocs. Let it go.[/QUOTE]

I thought this thread was pretty nasty! :eek:
I rarely come over to this board, and on the few occasions I do, I don't post but read threads that interest me.
My usual home is on the HAL board. But a friend over there who knows I like Crocs pointed me in this direction. I read the entire thread today -- wow, that is a lot of reading!
But definitely the tone gets nasty.

It reminds me of a thread we had going on the HAL board once about door signs. Someone innocently asked about decorating cabin doors ... and WW III broke out.
Because people who opposed decorating doors said it was tacky.
Aye, there's the rub.
People who do like to decorate doors did not appreciate someone's calling their endeavor "tacky." It's akin to calling their taste tacky.

The same thing is happening here. People are saying Crocs are ugly. Or worse. A lot worse, in a couple posts.
Rather than saying they're too sporty for the dining room, or too beachy, or too whatever ... people have to get personal, pretty much telling those who wear Crocs that their taste is tacky.

And of course the Crocs wearers are going to get up in arms!

There are always going to be people who love a style and people who don't.
People who think it's cool to have a polo pony on their chest, a purse with a bunch of LVs on their shoulder, a sundress in hot pink and green print.
And there are going to be people who would never wear clothing with such obvious branding.
There is no right or wrong here.
Chacun à son goût.

The rudeness comes in when the name-calling starts.
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I am not pointing fingers here. The problem I have is just like junior high, those who feel that they are fashionable, and put a lot of time into their look, feel that it is their god given right to ridicule those who don't fit the mold.

Seeing people here ridicule someone deciding to wear probably the only thing that feels good on their feet, makes me angry. I watched kids tormented in school for looking different, by all of the girls that looked the same (same style hair, clothes, makeup etc...) the same happens with adults when they have the opportunity to be anonymous.

I don't think that anyone tries to look bad, but when we grow up to the point where we know that superficial really doesn't matter, it is really liberating. Having someone look down on you and being able to laugh it off is priceless.

So lets all agree to disagree, nobody will ever agree on everything, but we are adults here.

Viva La Crocs!

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[quote name='bakechef']I am not pointing fingers here. The problem I have is just like junior high, those who feel that they are fashionable, and put a lot of time into their look, feel that it is their god given right to ridicule those who don't fit the mold.

Seeing people here ridicule someone deciding to wear probably the only thing that feels good on their feet, makes me angry. I watched kids tormented in school for looking different, by all of the girls that looked the same (same style hair, clothes, makeup etc...) the same happens with adults when they have the opportunity to be anonymous. [/quote]

I think everyone is getting a bit hysterical. The OP DID ask for "our thoughts" on crocs, it was not a factual question!

Almost every response made on the negative side included a sentence saying that if these shoes are the only shoes you can wear, then by all means you should wear them. I totally agree with that.
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Here is a link to a list of celebrities that wear Crocs and pictures (Teri Hatcher has been seen wearing them and I think she's more famous than some of these people but isn't on the list):


Our President is on this list too!!
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Here is a link to a list of celebrities that wear Crocs and pictures (Teri Hatcher has been seen wearing them and I think she's more famous than some of these people but isn't on the list):




Our President is on this list too!!


So what's the point?

fact that lot's of celebs wearing a hype should make them (the shoes) beautifull?

If you want to look like every body else, I really choose crocs, despite some other say here on the thread, you not stand out in these shoes :rolleyes:

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In one of my favorite movies, Shawshank Redemption, it's the night before Tim Robbins "escape" and the classic line.....


" The last thing anyone pays attention to is your shoes" (If youv'e seen the movie, you know the scene)


Wear crocs, stillettos, platforms, flats...whatever. Be comfortable, be happy and enjoy !!

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So what's the point?

fact that lot's of celebs wearing a hype should make them (the shoes) beautifull?

If you want to look like every body else, I really choose crocs, despite some other say here on the thread, you not stand out in these shoes :rolleyes:


There is no point. I was just pointing this link out since this seems to be such a hot topic on this board.


I never said that the fact that a lot of celebs are wearing the shoes should make them beautiful.


I was just trying to lighten the thread up, but you seem to want to take it too seriously.


It's shoes people! If you don't like the style, why do you have to bash those who do? I can't believe how juvenile some of you are acting.


I'm 18 and think that I have a little bit more maturity than some of you on this issue. :rolleyes:

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There is no point. I was just pointing this link out since this seems to be such a hot topic on this board.


I never said that the fact that a lot of celebs are wearing the shoes should make them beautiful.


I was just trying to lighten the thread up, but you seem to want to take it too seriously.


It's shoes people! If you don't like the style, why do you have to bash those who do? I can't believe how juvenile some of you are acting.


I'm 18 and think that I have a little bit more maturity than some of you on this issue. :rolleyes:


:) Lighten up darling, it seems you're the one taking things too serious,

Is it American, saying that shoes (or whatever) are not your taste is bashing someone?

I have an excentric taste, I'm used to opinions, but never feel bashed, I just stick to myself, and I think that's something a lot of people on this thread are not used to,


People do have different tastes, why is it such a prob?

The op did ask a question on a public board, and yes, sometimes you get answers you don't want to hear, I guess that's life :cool:

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ooo...maybe we should start up the great stocking debate now!:eek:


If anyone cares, my thoughts on crocks with capris or a sundress would be a no. I think they'd look too clunky. And I'm a shoe slut so I always notice shoes. Some don't. Some do.


Personally I can't stand crocs, but I love my Uggs. Go figure. (and no..I wouldn't wear Uggs on my cruise.

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There is no point. I was just pointing this link out since this seems to be such a hot topic on this board.


I never said that the fact that a lot of celebs are wearing the shoes should make them beautiful.


I was just trying to lighten the thread up, but you seem to want to take it too seriously.


It's shoes people! If you don't like the style, why do you have to bash those who do? I can't believe how juvenile some of you are acting.


I'm 18 and think that I have a little bit more maturity than some of you on this issue. :rolleyes:


you are wise beyond your years...good job!;)

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ooo...maybe we should start up the great stocking debate now!:eek:


If anyone cares, my thoughts on crocks with capris or a sundress would be a no. I think they'd look too clunky. And I'm a shoe slut so I always notice shoes. Some don't. Some do.


Personally I can't stand crocs, but I love my Uggs. Go figure. (and no..I wouldn't wear Uggs on my cruise.


This is too clunky?


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I've been hearing about Crocs for years. This past March hubby & I were in St Thomas and it seemed everyone was wearing Crocs but us ... and they all raved about them. We saw them on all kinds of people - young & old, male & female - different colors, but all of them basic beach style. Everybody raved about how comfortable they were, but I was like "too clunky, I'll stick with my zorries" (flip flops to the rest of you :) )


Before I read this thread started I didn't know that Crocs come in different styles. I'd love a comfy pair of flat MaryJanes! So I got right on it and they should be delivered any day ... and if I like 'em you better believe I'll be wearing them with my capris & sundress in the dining room!! And if they're really comfy and I'm having a bad knee day on formal night, they'll be under my long dress as well!:D

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There is no point. I was just pointing this link out since this seems to be such a hot topic on this board.


I never said that the fact that a lot of celebs are wearing the shoes should make them beautiful.


I was just trying to lighten the thread up, but you seem to want to take it too seriously.


It's shoes people! If you don't like the style, why do you have to bash those who do? I can't believe how juvenile some of you are acting.


I'm 18 and think that I have a little bit more maturity than some of you on this issue. :rolleyes:




Thanks for your post and for attempting to lighten up things on this thread. Yes, you do have more maturity than some here! ;)


Amazing, isn't it, that you can post something as innocuous as a list of celebrities who wear Crocs, and you get criticized for it as some intrepret your motivations!


People get silly about all sorts of subjects, and there are some who are so tenacious, they won't let go until they have the last word. It's as if they believe they have a mission to convert everyone to their point of view, and until they do that, they'll argue, rant and rave.


I hope you won't let people like that dissuade you from posting on this site.

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Thanks for everyones nice responses.


Since I never answered the original poster (I don't think) I will say that I don't think that Crocs would look good in the dining room, unless there was a foot problem where they might need to be worn.


If I had to wear Crocs in the dining room, I would at least try to wear the Prima style (I believe that's what they are called) seen on Paris Hilton above instead of the usual "Beach" style.

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Here is a link to a list of celebrities that wear Crocs and pictures (Teri Hatcher has been seen wearing them and I think she's more famous than some of these people but isn't on the list):




Our President is on this list too!!


Wow. This really just reafirmed my "crocs are ugly" mindset. Man...not a single one of those photos was something I would say "well that's not TOO bad" to. Sheesh.


That said....doesn't mean anyone shouldn't wear them if they love them!! Just soooo not for me!!! :p

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Boy what a heated discussion!


I read most, but not all of the responses...too many, so this may have already been mentioned.


I just bought a pair of Cleo crocs in black. They look really cute with capris and shorts...kind of like a Croc version of a flat strappy sandal. They look much better on the foot than in the pictures. I would wear my Cleo crocs in the dining room on an informal night, but as much as I am a croc fan, not my Caymans or beach style (the style with the holes).

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