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I am probably the only one...

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Got back from the Mariner Eastern a couple days ago and my wife and I have decided that we really don't like RCI. I know, people will think we are nuts. We have been on two CCL ships (Glory and Destiny) and we have wanted to try RCI for the longest time. So we did and were constantly comparing everything to CCL since thats what we are familar with. First, why is it so hard to get a glass of lemonade or tea anywhere else than the windjammer? The bars don't have it and when the windjammer is closed for a couple hours for cleaning you can't get it. On CCL there are beverage stations scattered throughout the ships, why doesn't RCI do that? There was only one ice cream machine on the entire ship and the line was like 30 people deep everytime we went by it. When were the Vegas like shows that we saw on CCL? Went to three shows and did not see a one Vegas type show. The dining room food, ehh it was average we thought. Not great, but not bad. The service was top notch though! Our wait staff made dinners great! All the service was great throughout the ship to be honest. I think we ate breakfast twice in the windjammer. On the first morning most of the food was luke warm. The tongs & plates were warmer than the food! We thought it was a fluke that day so we tried again and sure enough the same thing. After that we ordered room service each morning. That was much better and actually hot when we got it. We never felt like going to the dining room breakfast so cannot comment on that. Although people in our party did use that option and were very complitmentary of it. RCI has to get a better recipe for pizza! Tombstones are better than that stuff they served. No where on ship can you get a bag of popcorn. We have had this on CCL cruises, whats up with that? Why does RCI only offer the "top movie" in 5 different languages and NOT English! I understand many different nationalities are represented on board, but come one at least offer the movie in English! Then the kiosks in the photo dept. Those things were useless. Either they would lock up or if you were lucky enough to get to your pictures they were there one day and the next day they were gone! Or you had some stranger's pictures on your seapass card! That kiosk thing was a joke and the photo staff had a different answer everytime you questioned them about an issue.


On top of all this I ended up getting a stomach virus on the second to last sea day. So I spent 36 hours in the bathroom. Not sure if it was noro or what, but I am pretty confident it had nothing to do with food. Other people in my party had the same dinner item I had and they were fine. I cannot blame RCI for my illness, but it was kind of like icing on the cake for us.


We had read and heard so many good things about Mariner and we were flat out dissapointed. Even a platinum C&A member in our party was surprised at some of the things that happened. They had been on the Mariner before and won't go again.


I know I am going to get comments, but this was our experience. We went with a large party and basically expected the same level or better than CCL offers and did not receive it :(

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So sorry you had a disappointing experience! I actually appreciate your comments and honest review.


I think it's true that we tend to compare our cruises with the first cruise we took, or the line we're most familiar with.


Hopefully your next cruise will be better! Have a great 4th.....

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the best time. And really sorry you got sick - that is the worst! I agree with you about the lemonade and tea - would be nice to have it all over the ship. Have you tried HAL? I sailed on the Zuiderdam last year and loved it (not as much as RCI though - I missed the silly little games that RCI does).


I hope you enjoy your next sailing - whatever ship it may be on.



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I think you had an honest review for your experience.


One of the hardest things to do when trying a new cruise line is putting aside the inevitable comparisons to what you are used to. We tried Princess a couple of years ago and did the same thing........just human nature.........as I look back on it now, Princess isn't that far removed from the RC experience.......maybe in a few years (your illness aside) you can look back and do the same thing.


RC isn't for everyone and I really am sorry it did not live up to your expectations........thank goodness for all of us we have choices.


Happy Cruising.

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Thanks for the review.

Every line has their "thing/things"

Evidently CCL has popcorn, easily had lemonade and ice cream.

RCCL, as you pointed out, has great service and staff.

I for one would give up popcorn and easily had lemonade for great service.


There truly is a line for everyone.:p


I have noticed "most" cruisers tend to lean towards the line that took their cruise virginity.:D


Again, thanks for the review. :)

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Thanks for sharing your comments. Not every cruiseline is for everyone. I agree with you about the movie comment, we had Pirates of the Caribbean on the tv in every language but english but I think that was because it was being shown in the theatre.

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I too am sorry that RCI didn't meet your requirements. I don't wish to seem rude or overly defensive of RCI, but you seem to have already found a cruise line which is suited to your needs. I can appreciate why you wanted to discover whether or not other grass would be greener, and I'm sorry it didn't work for you.


If we ALL loved the one cruise line, their would be no room, no competition, no need to try to improve...etc...etc, so your post is actually very helpful to us all.


Best of luck with any future cruises.



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I also think that your first cruise is special and the best. I also find that when I inflate my expectations for something, I am disappointed. Maybe you did that with this cruise. Also different lines appeal to different people. I'm sorry this one was a disappointment for you. I look forward to trying the Carnival line one of these days. I'm sure there are things I will like better on different lines than others.

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Sorry you did not enjoy your cruise. I think that is why there are choices of cruiselines so that we can "choose" the line for us.


While I had a great time on Princess...the service was the best, I am loyal to Royal. We don't cruise for the food but believe that the activities and entertainment are the best out there for us.


Not all of my RCCL cruises have been the best, I complained to RCCL (via letter) about one of them. That said, I think if we don't take the opportunity to do so, we don't give them the opportunity to address with their personnel.


I think you just have to try and not compare; which I know is hard not to do.

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Funny how here on the RCL threads, people seem to accept a negative post "more" then on other boards. Had this been a Princess topic, I am sure we would be hearing 2,4,6,8....who do we appreciate. The OP would have been flamed, stomped, thrown under the bus...until the thread was deleted.


Interested to see if this thread will continue as it has started.

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We had a great time on the same cruise as the OP, and loved the ship. This was definitely our best RC cruise, and we had such a good time we booked the Voyager for Spring Break while we were aboard.

I do think it's hard not to compare things to your first cruise and find them lacking. Our first cruise was on Princess to Alaska and we were just in awe of everything. When we sailed on the Rhapsody the cruise had a hard time measuring up. I've cruised on both Princess and RC several times now, and I appreciate certain things about each, but enjoy both lines. I've also seen cuts on both Royal Caribbean and Princess since our first cruises with each, but I've just learned to adjust to what is offered and enjoy the amenities that are provided.

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The cruise lines are basically the same, but different in their own ways. As soon as you start to compare any of them you will always find things that you liked better on one cruise line as compared to another. We sailed on the NCL Dawn and liked the Freestyle dining and the great entertainment. However, the cabin was tiny and uncomfortable and would make us think twice before sailing with them again. We sailed on HAL's Noordam and had a great cabin, but the ship was just plain boring so that's something else to consider. You just need to find the cruise line that offers more of what's important to you.

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To OP: You certainly aren't alone, loads of folks obviously love Carnival! Now, you are probably in the minority on this RCCL board, but you are not alone. Hope you have many more enjoyable cruises, whatever line you choose.


I do disagree with the fact that your first cruise is your best. We didn't know any better and booked a very port intensive itinerary our first time. We set our alarm every morning to get up and watch the ship sail into each new port. We took an excursion at each port and we stayed up for all the midnight buffets! We came home exhausted and didn't cruise again for 5 years. We've since move to RCCL, only book itineraries with 2 sea days and now cruise almost every year. In the past couple years we cruised multiple times each year. I don't know if we are cruising more because we found RCCL, or just because we are getting older and can travel more. But our more recent cruises have been MUCH more enjoyable than our first 2 on a different line.

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So sorry you had a disappointing experience! I actually appreciate your comments and honest review.


I think it's true that we tend to compare our cruises with the first cruise we took, or the line we're most familiar with.


Hopefully your next cruise will be better! Have a great 4th.....



I have to agree with this as well. Our first cruise on Celebrity did have a few things that were better than our 2nd (RCI) The welcome aboard champaign, the escort to your stateroom were 2 of the things that we had on Celebrity that we did not have on RCI but those are only small differences and we enjoyed both cruises a lot. Just one example, the Ocean Cafe on Celebrity beat the Windjammer for hotness of the food every time. But we liked Mariner's layout better and the DW liked the E2 on Mariner better than she liked the CC on Millie (She's a left hander) :p Mariner had Becky luv and Captain Johnny and nothing matched that on Millie. So every cruise will be different. Have a Happy and Safe July 4th as well. :D

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I do disagree with the fact that your first cruise is your best. We didn't know any better and booked a very port intensive itinerary our first time. We set our alarm every morning to get up and watch the ship sail into each new port. We took an excursion at each port and we stayed up for all the midnight buffets! We came home exhausted and didn't cruise again for 5 years. We've since move to RCCL, only book itineraries with 2 sea days and now cruise almost every year. In the past couple years we cruised multiple times each year. I don't know if we are cruising more because we found RCCL, or just because we are getting older and can travel more. But our more recent cruises have been MUCH more enjoyable than our first 2 on a different line.

Well I did say I find that Most.......

It certainly is not an absolute.

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We were on the week before you guys and I tried very hard to limit my expectations before boarding. We had sailed on Carnival 3 times, and RC once before this cruise, but after all the wonderful reviews I had read on the Mariner, I admit I did have high expectations. While yes there were a few things that I feel Carnival does better (the ice cream vs. frozen yogurt is definitely one as I mentioned in my review), I believe the two lines are very similar. I would not hesitate to go on either line if the price and itinerary was right. The Mariner was my favorite ship overall, however the cruise itself compared with my previous cruises.


To each his own, and if someone feels one line is better suited to them, by all means sail with them, absolutely no hard feeling here. For those that don't have a strong loyalty to one line, or have a distinct preference, its better for us if you aren't where you don't want to be spoiling our trip!

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I love to sail on RCCL vessel's and will again! Some of the things mentioned by the OP should be looked as things RCCL might consider (more self serve ice cream machines for the masses, a location for beverage such as tea and lemonade) for improvements. Do I enjoy everything on RCCL no, but everyone has their own tastes on entertainement, games & food.

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Some people like Carnival some don't it is ok.:D




I agree. I cruised Carnival for many years and tried RCI. No looking back in my book. Carnival just does not measure up. I guess that's why we have so many choices out there. I think that there is a cruise line for everyone and if they all did things the same way then why have choices? Hope that the OP's next cruise is a good one.

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Great posting! I'm a Diamond C & A member, and have a Mariner scheduled for August and look forward to it and its ammenities. I also have a Celebrity Century cruise booked for next February, first time deviating from RCCL. I'm trying Celebrity as a change to our winter Majesty schedule (DW is a teacher and we must cruise during vacation weeks). Although Majesty was refurbished, they changed the gym (which is very important to DW and I) and after 4 Majesty cruises, we felt we needed a change. I am a little hesitant to try Celebrity, where my only point of reference has been RCCL.


Your posting is a great illustration that you appreciate the differences, but feel that Carnival meets your particular needs better than RCCL for very valid reasons. Cruising is indeed a very personal choice, and that is why there are so many varieties, destinations and price points to meet the varied personal needs of all of us cruisers.


Thanks for a great thread all!

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. . . I do disagree with the fact that your first cruise is your best. . .

I also disagree with that. Our first cruise was in 1993 on Carnival and we hated it. We thought the service was awful, food not to our liking at all (we actually lost weight) and the majority of the passengers were pretty obnoxious. We almost swore off cruising altogether. A couple of years later, at a friend's suggestion, we tried cruising again - this time on RCCL. We have been hooked ever since. We even tried Carnival a couple of times again, but IMHO our overall experience on RCCL has been far superior to Carnival. A friend, who was a Carnival devotee (11 Carnival cruises) became disenchanted with them after his last cruise and decided to try RCCL. He just got back from the Explorer this past Sunday and called me to say "I finally understand what you have been talking about all these years. We had an incredible time!"

FWIW - under the right circumstances, I would try Carnival again, but all things being more or less equal, I prefer RCCL & Celebrity.

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To OP: You certainly aren't alone, loads of folks obviously love Carnival! Now, you are probably in the minority on this RCCL board, but you are not alone. Hope you have many more enjoyable cruises, whatever line you choose.


I do disagree with the fact that your first cruise is your best. We didn't know any better and booked a very port intensive itinerary our first time. We set our alarm every morning to get up and watch the ship sail into each new port. We took an excursion at each port and we stayed up for all the midnight buffets! We came home exhausted and didn't cruise again for 5 years. We've since move to RCCL, only book itineraries with 2 sea days and now cruise almost every year. In the past couple years we cruised multiple times each year. I don't know if we are cruising more because we found RCCL, or just because we are getting older and can travel more. But our more recent cruises have been MUCH more enjoyable than our first 2 on a different line.

You have described us exactly.The only difference is we didn't wait 5 years between.If we were not running for an excursion we were up early to get a deck chair by the pool.LOL.Much more enjoyable now age does have some benefits.
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