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Cruising With A Service Dog....everything You Ever Wanted To Know!

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Quampapetet- Our regular vet would have done it for me but she didn't have the right paperwork (her front desk gal is not so bright). I made the appointment to have it done 2 weeks in advance but THANK GOODNESS the cruise line asked for it a few days early so we found out she had the wrong papers. So I had to call around and find someone who DID have them and only ONE vet in a our small city did so I had to take what I could get. Fortunately' date=' my vet and this vet know each other so they chatted and vet records were verified over the phone. Now that she knows what forms to order, we'll be set for next time.


Mexico-Grand Caymen

I didn't know that. Good think our cruise was in the right order! The ship told me they handled everything for me! The first night on board they came by and told me Todd was cleared for all but Grand Caymen, but we knew that because of his titers. We were shocked when we tried to get off the boat and they would not let us.


Potty training- Typically Todd will go ANYWHERE I tell him to potty or "hurry- hurry" that's why we weren't so worried about pretraining. I have never asked him to go indoors though, I think that's what freaked him out. He's gone on pavement LOTS of times when no other surface is available (I have the wet wipes to clean paws to prove it!) hehehehe He will squat if there is no place to "lift" but given how big they said the box was, we thought we were doing him a favor. (he had no trouble squatting on Eric's pillow! LOL)


He only received his certification this past July so much of this is new to us. While we went through training together, it focused mostly on teaching him to refine his alert skills and "helper" skills. His obedience was already at the highest level so I think we missed out on some things we would have learned if he had been trained from a pup. Almost 3 years ago I went on disability and it was not till then that Todd started to alarm for my heart arrhythmias. Because of my other health issues I was homebound much of the time anyway so taking him with me only included family and friends. Then I happened to talk to a lady whom I'd met years ago who trains service dogs and she suggested we take Todd through a program, so that's what we did. Then we had to take him to have him tested and get all his official papers signed. It took FOREVER to get the training and testing done so three years later, he's finally a "real" service dog.




The litter box they provided with mulch and a "pee" stick added!




Todd and I.




Todd getting ready to have a shark snack. (hmmmm yummy shark)




RAAAAAR- Look I'm an alligator!




Todd resting after a LONG day. He fell asleep holding his favorite toy.




Todd in his beads after a Mardi Gras show.



Please don't think that our trip was about Todd. I took HUNDREDS of pictures, I only posted these of Todd since he is the topic of this board.


Great pictures. Thank you for sharing them.....he's a cute little guy!!!


It never ceases to amaze me what these dogs are capable of doing. And, the fact that he's capable of saving your life is a miracle in itself.


Keep-up the practice in the "box" and before you know it he'll be a real pro and your cruising will be so much easier for all of you.


The picture of the "potty box" looks pretty good. I'd drop the "pee-stick" thing and insist that he squat. And, it looks like the filler was those damn paper pellets that you covered with mulch. Once Todd uses it enough he'll become more secure.

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Mornin' all:

Todd's Pet: What cute pictures. And the "pee" stick is priceless! Having had a lab, (boy) he still squatted a lot. He would lift his leg, if he felt like it or someone prior to him had peed on a pole, but his favorite position, squatting (standing on three legs, holding 110 lbs) might have been the issue!


Sad news here. Our beloved little adopted outdoor kitty, Callie was runover by a car, the other night. We didn't know about it until the neighbor lady told me. RIP my sweet little girl. All she ever wanted was hugs and scratches.

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Todds pet, Awesome pics! We were lucky our dog went right in the box. Keep up the training for your next cruise.



Nancy, I'm so sorry to hear about your cat. We know how hard it is when one of our babies passes away. Shes getting all the hugs and scratches she wants now.



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First of all: Nancy, I am so sorry, I know how sad it is to lose a pet...

Tod's pet: Thanks for posting the wonderful pictures and for telling your service dog story. So many of us here just love to hear what wonderful things these dogs do...

Now, onto story time... Well no stories, just relaxing with TWO puppies home for avisit. Lab/golden mixes 7 weeks old and soooooo cute. If my blood pressure drops any lower from holding these pups, I might go into a coma....

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Quam, Sorry to hear you have been sick. Glad you are feeling better.


Thanks, I am finally starting to get better as of yesterday! Then, I somehow sprained my wrist while sleeping (yeah, really strange!) and it hurt so bad today that it brought me to tears. Thank goodness for Advil!!!! But, yeah, I'm typing one-handed now and have found it is pretty darn difficult to do simple things like pull up underwear and pants after using the toilet, doing up a sweater's zipper, feed my dog, etc. This better heal real soon 'cause I haven't done any gift wrapping yet!!


I have written to St. Lucia and of course no response. Thats just rude! Is the chief vet that busy that he can't write back? I doubt it. I wrote months ago and got no response either. Thats 2 islands we will not be getting off on. Well Wex won't be getting off. Oh and Martinique too. I didn't even try to do anything there. We have been there and theres nothing there we care to see. It's totally inaccessible for a wheelchair unless we want to lift him over curbs. They are not very nice there either.




Yeah, I sent a zillion e-mails to all sorts of addresses for the countries and sent them faxes to the number one needs to fax for the import certificates, but only Dominica replied to an e-mail (and then the cruiseline nixed that port) and only the Netherlands person gave me a fax back, which was an e-mail address for St. Maarten, who never wrote back.


I'm still going to try to get import permits from all the countries that need them and, if they don't get back to me with them, will bring along the proof from the fax machine that I did fax for them, so it is their fault I don't have them.


Martinique sounds like a good faux sea day for ya! Stinks that it is so boring and hard to get around.

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Mornin' all:


Quam: I'm not sure where you are located, but that nasty little bug has made its way into Colorado! Trav has been sick all week. Poor little guy, he missed the Reindeer Games yesterday and now his Christmas party today. They were allowed to wear pajamas today, they are going to gather around and read Christmas stories. He is upset, but still he even says too sick to go to school.


Hope everyone has a fine Friday and wonderful weekend.



Aww, parties are the worst to have to miss! :( I hope he feels better real soon! I've had it for a little over a week and a family member of mine has had it for longer (finally went to the doc today) and another family member also is starting to get better.

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The weather here in L.A. is so gloomy and rainy! Half my office is sick.


Last weekend we had a heat wave......We went to the CCI Open House at the satellite office in Westwood and it was so hot you couldn't stay inside!


For us long time L.A. residence we think this is perfect temperature changes for an earthquake! :eek:


My Vet does not charge me extra for the Health Cert. or the Animal Health Statement. He charges me for the exam and immunizations ONLY. He knows Brenda is a Service Dog and doesn't "gouge" me. Please speak to your Vet and ask him/her to do the same. They have the capability to acknowledge the amazing work that these dogs do and recognize it by not charging for necessary documentation and the need for his/her signature. You may need to just ask!!!!!


Feel well everyone.....get your shopping done and again......




With Love, Roz & Brenda


Hope you don't get an earthquake! The only earthquake I've been in was in the Alps in winter with plenty of snow on the ground, so I don't know how temperatures affect them or anything.


I get the VCA discount from IAADP, which includes for app'ts for health certificates.

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Quampapetet- Our regular vet would have done it for me but she didn't have the right paperwork (her front desk gal is not so bright). I made the appointment to have it done 2 weeks in advance but THANK GOODNESS the cruise line asked for it a few days early so we found out she had the wrong papers. So I had to call around and find someone who DID have them and only ONE vet in a our small city did so I had to take what I could get. Fortunately' date=' my vet and this vet know each other so they chatted and vet records were verified over the phone. Now that she knows what forms to order, we'll be set for next time.[/quote']


Ah, that stinks! Strange they didn't have the papers already, but I understand about not-so-bright vet office folks! :p Why didn't the other vet just give your vet the papers? Were they pre-stamped for that vet or something?


Mexico-Grand Caymen

I didn't know that. Good think our cruise was in the right order! The ship told me they handled everything for me! The first night on board they came by and told me Todd was cleared for all but Grand Caymen' date=' but we knew that because of his titers. We were shocked when we tried to get off the boat and they would not let us. [/quote']


If you do Cayman after Mexico, you just won't be able to get off the ship is all; you won't be prevented from going on the cruise. Just like if your cruise goes to Jamaica, where dogs can't get off at all, you can't get off the ship (and might not be able to go outside on the ship), but can still go on the cruise.




That looks just like the box Royal Caribbean put out for my dog (on a public area of the ship)' date=' except my dog is a lot bigger than yours so the box was way too small for my dog! It was terrible.




Todd getting ready to have a shark snack. (hmmmm yummy shark)




RAAAAAR- Look I'm an alligator!


LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Those photos are hilarious!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


(And do the ppl who made them not know what an alligator looks like?! Look where they put the eyes!)

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Nancy; I hope your little kitty didn't suffer and I'm sorry for your loss.


The rain here in L.A. is the most we've seen since 1952. Amazing! Brenda loves to walk in the puddles.....what a sight! She's so funny...she doesn't like to get dirty and walks like a prima-dona in the dirt but get her near a rain puddle and she turns into a pup!


Roz has been involved with the "end of year campaign" at work. There's so much money needed with all the economic downturns fundraising agencies are overwhelmed with homeless and foodbank demands. It's always an interesting dynamic in our house, this time of year. We want to celebrate but are constantly reminded of the children and seniors who are struggling and, it's especially hard to see it this time of the year.


Sunshine; I hope you got that drink that you deserved. And, Quam stay well and take care of that wrist.


Everyone have a Merry Christmas and lots of love and licks in the New Year!

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Mornin' all


Morey: Thank you for the update. I was beginning to wonder about Roz. Glad everything is good.


I just realized why I don't like the holidays. Morey hit it on the head. It is very hard for me to get in the spirit when I know there are so many people suffering just trying to keep food on the table. Then there are our services members that are in a hell hole protecting us from idiots. I will stop there, I don't want to bring everyone else down. Just my thoughts.



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Hi, I'm just inundated with such sad, sad stories.....I've worked here for over 13 years and I've never seen it like this. It's absolutely "bleek" out there.

If you have a roof over your head, heat in your home, food on your table and family and friends to turn to.......be grateful. I had to get one of Morey's extra jackets out of the back of our car and give it to a man who was walking into our building.....so sad!!!!

I know I don't need to remind all of you of what's going on, it's just overwhelming. And, it's not going away any time soon.....No more sad............

Let's talk holidays, cruising and dogs. I love when the weather is like this, especially at this time of year. It just brings the whole feeling to reality. I can remember when we were celebrating Christmas and it was 82 degrees outside [didn't feel like Christmas to me!] I love the smells in the house and the fireplaces going......love it!

Well, we did it. I sent in the Successor dog application papers [geeezz, am I getting a dog or a C.I.A. Agent?], along with a picture of the three of us [of course, it was while we were onboard a cruise] -It was so hard to do but I know the time is right and, Brenny is ready. Everything here, at the office, will go home with her [including her crate.] She will have a "comfort zone" and more love than she'll know how to handle with Morey.

It's just hard to give-up that closeness and special bond that she and I share at work. I know it's best for her and I want her to be a healthy and happy senior!!!!!!! Hopefully, it won't happen so fast........CCI does have a "wait-list", we'll see how that goes.

Unfortunately, or should I say fortunately, I have become very accustomed to the service's that these amazing dogs offer and I would find it very difficult to work without one.

In the mean time I'm going to enjoy every working second with Miss "B"!

Have fun everyone and take good care of YOU!!!!!!!

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Hi, I'm just inundated with such sad, sad stories.....I've worked here for over 13 years and I've never seen it like this. It's absolutely "bleek" out there.


If you have a roof over your head, heat in your home, food on your table and family and friends to turn to.......be grateful. I had to get one of Morey's extra jackets out of the back of our car and give it to a man who was walking into our building.....so sad!!!!


I know I don't need to remind all of you of what's going on, it's just overwhelming. And, it's not going away any time soon.....No more sad............


Let's talk holidays, cruising and dogs. I love when the weather is like this, especially at this time of year. It just brings the whole feeling to reality. I can remember when we were celebrating Christmas and it was 82 degrees outside [didn't feel like Christmas to me!] I love the smells in the house and the fireplaces going......love it!


Well, we did it. I sent in the Successor dog application papers [geeezz, am I getting a dog or a C.I.A. Agent?], along with a picture of the three of us [of course, it was while we were onboard a cruise] -It was so hard to do but I know the time is right and, Brenny is ready. Everything here, at the office, will go home with her [including her crate.] She will have a "comfort zone" and more love than she'll know how to handle with Morey.


It's just hard to give-up that closeness and special bond that she and I share at work. I know it's best for her and I want her to be a healthy and happy senior!!!!!!! Hopefully, it won't happen so fast........CCI does have a "wait-list", we'll see how that goes.


Unfortunately, or should I say fortunately, I have become very accustomed to the service's that these amazing dogs offer and I would find it very difficult to work without one.


In the mean time I'm going to enjoy every working second with Miss "B"!


Have fun everyone and take good care of YOU!!!!!!!



Roz. I am so sorry. Really! If it isn't too prying may I ask what the final reasoning was? I have been watching Valentine lately and I believe that she too is getting close. She has what I call "old people eyes." They seem somehow smaller and watery. I'm also starting to suspect arthritis and will be taking her to the vet soon for that,

The school she went to is out of business and I have no idea how to get another dog, She turned 10 on December 15th. So far she still wants to go out with me all of the time and hasn't balked at doing anthing asked of her and her alerting is still exemplery. Sometimes Mommy just worries.

Happy Hollidays to everyone and especallly your fur babies!!

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Roz. I am so sorry. Really! If it isn't too prying may I ask what the final reasoning was? I have been watching Valentine lately and I believe that she too is getting close. She has what I call "old people eyes." They seem somehow smaller and watery. I'm also starting to suspect arthritis and will be taking her to the vet soon for that' date=' [/size']

The school she went to is out of business and I have no idea how to get another dog, She turned 10 on December 15th. So far she still wants to go out with me all of the time and hasn't balked at doing anthing asked of her and her alerting is still exemplery. Sometimes Mommy just worries.


Happy Hollidays to everyone and especallly your fur babies!!


I'm on Morey's computer, I hope I can send this right. If not, I'll do it again from my computer at work tomorrow.


I didn't recognize the "signs" right away but it was so obvious once I was willing to face it and not be so self obsorbed in trying to keep her with me every moment.


Every morning Brenny and I walk into the Center, where I work and where Brenda has been by my side for over 8 years. I found that she was trailing behind me more and more in the last year and I had to continually give her "directives" such as "let's go", "Brenda, side". Then I found myself stopping to allow her to catch-up. When I would go shopping with her, I noticed she wanted to take a break by lying down more often. I drive a big SUV and she jumps in and out of it daily but she was starting to refuse to jump in. I purchased a ramp and she goes up it with ease but it's just not her.


The Vet checked her legs, hips and joints, he found no particular swelling or pain upon movement and she had a good range of motion. He said that he felt she could have some soft tissue swelling that he's not feeling and would be very normal for older dogs.


Brenda also has a few fatty tumors that could be pressing on nerves, ligaments and muscles. Again, very normal for the senior dog and especially the Lab.


Like Valentine, Brenda loves to work. Her hearing, vision and other skills are as sharp as they were when she was 2.


CCI and the Vet both believe that Brenda's refusals are based on muscle weakness and the normal aging process, even though there is no significant physical changes [of which we're thrilled to hear!]


The Vet said that the reason she's not displaying a lot of Arthritis could be due to her diet and suppletments [of which I've given her since we got her!] It's so worth the extra money and especially worth it since she doesn't have to endure the joint pain and deterioration that can come with the aging process. Although some dogs can suffer with this even though their owners have given them all the supplements and good diet. Sometimes it's just pure luck and genetics.....just like in humans.

Because Service Dogs are so highly trained and want to please I really have to be fair to her and give her the best retirement to enjoy her "down" time in the very best of health, instead of being sickly. I owe it to her!

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Mornin' all:

Roz: You are the best mom and mom's just know what is right. Ms. Brenny will be a better pup by staying home with dad and getting that extra rest. She will be so happy to see mom at the end of the day, she will show her delight. She will be the best big sister and teacher for a little sibling. Be at peace with yourself.


Ms. Valentine's mom: Same goes for you. You have angel's at your sides, that will always be your angels!

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Ok Girls enough of this talk!!! :mad: It's hard enough at this time of year to deal with things.


Roz, I'm sorry to hear about the sadness you are experiencing at work. We do what we can for others. It's such a tough money time, with the cruise and xmas. We have big brothers/big sisters organization that collects clothes and other household items. I always try to make sure I have a bag ready for them when they call. It's a small thing but I hope it helps somebody. The need for help is just overwhelming. So many people losing their jobs and homes. John and I are so so lucky we both have jobs and a place to live.


Anyways....... I can't wait to get outta here!! Wooooooohooooooooooooo! I am so ready for this cruise! Today is Johns last day til the 3rd and then he only has the 3, 4, 5 of Jan to work. I still have a million things to do. But I've got it under control... sorta. I gave John a list of 3 things to do. And he called me last night and said "Maybe we can work on these things this week" WE??? 3 things he has to do for this whole trip and he needs help!!! :confused: I just might have to kill him! :eek: This is why I get stressed out...MEN!!! Of course my son, 26yrs old is the same way. Who will bring me his clothes last minute and tell me they need to be washed. :eek: Maybe I'll kill them both and take you lovely ladies with me instead. ;)


As I look out the window, I see snow coming down and it looks beautiful. My heart goes out to everyone in the west who is suffering with flooding rains. How awful. Hope all my friends are healthy and safe. Love you all!




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I will be cruising with my daughter and her service dog the beginning of February. I am desperately in need of some help. Our ports are (in order) Labadee, Haiti; Samana, Dominican Republic; San Juan, Puerto Rico; Charlotte Amalie, St. Thomas; Philipsburg, St. Maarten; Tortola, B.V.I.; then back to U.S. Labadee, Haiti is a Royal Caribbean private island stop.

I have been reading and researching and getting more confused by the minute. Can anyone help me with what I need for these ports?

I know I will need an international health certificate, a current rabies certificate, her graduation certificate along with her photo ID and license, but what else? Is there any special permits I will be needing for any of these ports? Any special tests/labs done? Help!

I am just at such a loss, any and all help is much appreciated. :confused:

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I will be cruising with my daughter and her service dog the beginning of February. I am desperately in need of some help. Our ports are (in order) Labadee, Haiti; Samana, Dominican Republic; San Juan, Puerto Rico; Charlotte Amalie, St. Thomas; Philipsburg, St. Maarten; Tortola, B.V.I.; then back to U.S. Labadee, Haiti is a Royal Caribbean private island stop.


I have been reading and researching and getting more confused by the minute. Can anyone help me with what I need for these ports?


I know I will need an international health certificate, a current rabies certificate, her graduation certificate along with her photo ID and license, but what else? Is there any special permits I will be needing for any of these ports? Any special tests/labs done? Help!


I am just at such a loss, any and all help is much appreciated. :confused:


I know for Tortola, you will need a Rabies Titer Test. I'm not sure you will have enough time to get that done. You better go talk to your vet now. Also, when you dock in Tortola, a vet will come on board to check your paperwork and hold their hand out for $20.

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Ok Girls enough of this talk!!! :mad: It's hard enough at this time of year to deal with things.


Roz, I'm sorry to hear about the sadness you are experiencing at work. We do what we can for others. It's such a tough money time, with the cruise and xmas. We have big brothers/big sisters organization that collects clothes and other household items. I always try to make sure I have a bag ready for them when they call. It's a small thing but I hope it helps somebody. The need for help is just overwhelming. So many people losing their jobs and homes. John and I are so so lucky we both have jobs and a place to live.


Anyways....... I can't wait to get outta here!! Wooooooohooooooooooooo! I am so ready for this cruise! Today is Johns last day til the 3rd and then he only has the 3, 4, 5 of Jan to work. I still have a million things to do. But I've got it under control... sorta. I gave John a list of 3 things to do. And he called me last night and said "Maybe we can work on these things this week" WE??? 3 things he has to do for this whole trip and he needs help!!! :confused: I just might have to kill him! :eek: This is why I get stressed out...MEN!!! Of course my son, 26yrs old is the same way. Who will bring me his clothes last minute and tell me they need to be washed. :eek: Maybe I'll kill them both and take you lovely ladies with me instead. ;)


As I look out the window, I see snow coming down and it looks beautiful. My heart goes out to everyone in the west who is suffering with flooding rains. How awful. Hope all my friends are healthy and safe. Love you all!





A tree fell on our house in Ojai and we had to go up and check things out. Thank goodness it only clipped a corner of the living room and didn't go through the roof. The house is on top of the hill, overlooking a stream that is so full it's looking more like a raging river. Thank goodness the house is on high ground. So much mud and debri everywhere. We're near Lake Casitas and I've never seen it so full. I don't think they'll call this a "drought" year!


Some repair will need to be done but this wonderful, old house will be okay. We got very lucky. So, I'm still writing from Morey's computer. I didn't go into work.


Valentine: There are lots of Organizations out there that you can contact; "Sunshine" can tell you more about them. CCI does not train dogs to "alert" to medical problems. Although you could call them and they may be able to direct you to Orgs. that can help you [1-800-572-BARK]. I want to wish you the best of luck and I hope that Valentine will also go into retirement feeling well and being happy. Maybe she and Brenda can meet one day and muse over their hardwork that they did so well. This is probably one of the toughest decisions that I've ever had to make.


Cindy: I'm getting so excited for your upcoming cruise. I love this part of it....the planning, packing and all that goes with the excitement of getting on that ship. "Men, can't live with them, can't live with them".....isn't that how it goes?


By the time you hit that glorious cruise ship all the stress will be behind you and you can put that "foo-foo" drink in your hands, lay in that lounge chair and just veg. One day, I hope that we can do this together. I'd love to be with you.


pmfan: You will need a rabies Titer [blood draw] and I believe it has to be done within 30 days prior to travel. Don't stress this. Even if your "ducks are not all in a row" for one individual island the worst that will happen is they will not allow the dog off the ship and, you can leave him/her in the cabin or behind with someone. The Rabies Cert. and Health Exam. are most important. Ask your Vet to give you a Health Cert. stating that your dog is in good health to travel and ask him/her to sign it. Make at least two copies of all your dogs paperwork so that you can give one to the folks upon boarding the vessel and have another for anyone else who asks for it. Keep the orignials with you. Giving them a copy will save so much time at registration.

No one will take your dog away from you [they don't want the responsibility]. Someone will stay behind with him/her and just enjoy all that your wonderful cruise ship has to offer.


Important Cruise Musts:

1. Make sure that your TA or you check with the Special Needs Service desk of your cruiseline to set-up the "potty box". Either on your veranda or in an area close to your cabin. And, make sure that the area is NOT behind a door that could be locked. ***I prefer Brenda's box be put in a stairwell near our cabin. The door is VERY heavy and could not be handled by someone in a wheelchair. I handle it with a lot of muscle. I like this best because it's out of the weather and away from the public***.

2. Practice with your dog to relieve itself into a 4x4 box with ease. No stress!

3. Call the Special Needs Dept. and remind them one week before you cruise about the box being filled with mulch, wood shavings or turf.

4. Keep the dogs paperwork with your Passport. So, if it's asked for you know exactly where it is.


Remember: Your Service/Working Dog has as much right to be on this cruise as anyone else. Be proud, walk/wheel with pride and use your good, assertive energy. YOU AND YOUR DOG REPRESENT ALL OF US!!!!


Most importantly have a wonderful, exciting and relaxing cruise.

Edited by wizard-of-roz
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First of all can I just say that I LOVE the holidays...even when I have to work on those special days. This year I am off for several days, my daughters will be home soon and Cooler will come homefor 5 days to hang out and enjoy some family time. I know that many people still need us, and I just do what I can...doesn't stop me from celebrating family time. This year our house will have multiple family members as well as 4 visiting cats and one guest dog.

Two days ago I brought two 5 week old pups home for the night. Rich and I sat with our feet up, each holding a puppy and just grinning. Then I took each pup one at a time to local stores for a quick outing. No puppy feet hit the floor and not pats from people... this time.

Valentine. Response dogs are so special and I don't know where you start. Canine Assistants trains general service and seizure response dogs. Visit their web page at www.canineassistants.org and see if they might meet your needs.

Everyone else happy holidays, happy family time, and Happy Cruising...

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First of all can I just say that I LOVE the holidays...even when I have to work on those special days. This year I am off for several days, my daughters will be home soon and Cooler will come homefor 5 days to hang out and enjoy some family time. I know that many people still need us, and I just do what I can...doesn't stop me from celebrating family time. This year our house will have multiple family members as well as 4 visiting cats and one guest dog.


Two days ago I brought two 5 week old pups home for the night. Rich and I sat with our feet up, each holding a puppy and just grinning. Then I took each pup one at a time to local stores for a quick outing. No puppy feet hit the floor and not pats from people... this time.


Valentine. Response dogs are so special and I don't know where you start. Canine Assistants trains general service and seizure response dogs. Visit their web page at www.canineassistants.org and see if they might meet your needs.


Everyone else happy holidays, happy family time, and Happy Cruising...



AWWWWW! Nothing like a puppy to bring that smile up from the bottom of our feet to the front of our faces. They can fill our souls.


Thank you for sharing your stories and your family with all of us.......I am forever grateful for what you do and I wish you good health and happiness in the coming year!!!!!

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Thanks everyone for the kind words. I am begining to see about the same prolems with Valentine. Wants to lay down in a store or in a wait line.We were tole when we got her not to let her jump so we have doggie steps everywhere she wants to be. The sofa the bed and we even travel with a set on cruises. I'm finding now that she will go up one or two steps and then stand and wait for me to come and help. (no she isn't spoiled or anything) Just after the holidays I'm going to talk her to the vet and have a talk with him I definately thind she needs some pain meds for her legs. She doesn't cry out with it but she doesn't want to climb and loves to have me rub them for her. I'm so sentimental about Valentine's feelings that I'm afraid that she will be jealous of a new dog. I wouldn't have any idea where to go for a new dog. Valentine was sent to me a a very dark time in my life as a pet and straight away started alerting and rarely got it wrong so we took a good thing and ran with it. Now a really sentimental thought... I dont want a new dog I just want her. Selfish! I wonder how many of us feel the same way about our first dog? She has saved me so many times and she even tells David when his sugar is out of wack,


I just lover her!!!!!


Merry Christmas

Happy Holidays &

Hugs and Kisses

From Barbara, David, and Valentine

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Mornin' all:

Roz: You are the best mom and mom's just know what is right. Ms. Brenny will be a better pup by staying home with dad and getting that extra rest. She will be so happy to see mom at the end of the day, she will show her delight. She will be the best big sister and teacher for a little sibling. Be at peace with yourself.


Ms. Valentine's mom: Same goes for you. You have angel's at your sides, that will always be your angels!


You're the sweetest. I love your "pep" talks. And, I must say, I need them!!!! ;)

Edited by wizard-of-roz
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Thanks everyone for the kind words. I am begining to see about the same prolems with Valentine. Wants to lay down in a store or in a wait line.We were tole when we got her not to let her jump so we have doggie steps everywhere she wants to be. The sofa the bed and we even travel with a set on cruises. I'm finding now that she will go up one or two steps and then stand and wait for me to come and help. (no she isn't spoiled or anything) Just after the holidays I'm going to talk her to the vet and have a talk with him I definately thind she needs some pain meds for her legs. She doesn't cry out with it but she doesn't want to climb and loves to have me rub them for her. I'm so sentimental about Valentine's feelings that I'm afraid that she will be jealous of a new dog. I wouldn't have any idea where to go for a new dog. Valentine was sent to me a a very dark time in my life as a pet and straight away started alerting and rarely got it wrong so we took a good thing and ran with it. Now a really sentimental thought... I dont want a new dog I just want her. Selfish! I wonder how many of us feel the same way about our first dog? She has saved me so many times and she even tells David when his sugar is out of wack,


I just lover her!!!!!


Merry Christmas

Happy Holidays &

Hugs and Kisses

From Barbara, David, and Valentine


Your love for her is only mirrored by so many of us who love our dogs just as much.

I find myself watching Brenda when she sleeps to make sure that she's breathing.......and, then I go over and lay my head on her tummy.....I love this dog with my whole being. I totally understand and respect your love for Valentine.

Please take Sunshine's advise or simply call CCI and ask for an Org. that has "alert" dogs that you can begin with, while you still have Valentine to love.

Whatever your decision is I understand what you're going through and please know that you have lots of friends here to support you.

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I know for Tortola, you will need a Rabies Titer Test. I'm not sure you will have enough time to get that done. You better go talk to your vet now. Also, when you dock in Tortola, a vet will come on board to check your paperwork and hold their hand out for $20.


Really...they ask for twenty? Thanks for the info, I'll be sure and have cash on me. So far I've never had to pay at any port.



pmfan: You will need a rabies Titer [blood draw] and I believe it has to be done within 30 days prior to travel. Don't stress this. Even if your "ducks are not all in a row" for one individual island the worst that will happen is they will not allow the dog off the ship and, you can leave him/her in the cabin or behind with someone. The Rabies Cert. and Health Exam. are most important. Ask your Vet to give you a Health Cert. stating that your dog is in good health to travel and ask him/her to sign it. Make at least two copies of all your dogs paperwork so that you can give one to the folks upon boarding the vessel and have another for anyone else who asks for it. Keep the orignials with you. Giving them a copy will save so much time at registration.


No one will take your dog away from you [they don't want the responsibility]. Someone will stay behind with him/her and just enjoy all that your wonderful cruise ship has to offer.


Important Cruise Musts:

1. Make sure that your TA or you check with the Special Needs Service desk of your cruiseline to set-up the "potty box". Either on your veranda or in an area close to your cabin. And, make sure that the area is NOT behind a door that could be locked. ***I prefer Brenda's box be put in a stairwell near our cabin. The door is VERY heavy and could not be handled by someone in a wheelchair. I handle it with a lot of muscle. I like this best because it's out of the weather and away from the public***.

2. Practice with your dog to relieve itself into a 4x4 box with ease. No stress!

3. Call the Special Needs Dept. and remind them one week before you cruise about the box being filled with mulch, wood shavings or turf.

4. Keep the dogs paperwork with your Passport. So, if it's asked for you know exactly where it is.


Remember: Your Service/Working Dog has as much right to be on this cruise as anyone else. Be proud, walk/wheel with pride and use your good, assertive energy. YOU AND YOUR DOG REPRESENT ALL OF US!!!!


Most importantly have a wonderful, exciting and relaxing cruise.



Thanks for all the info and tips. I didn't realize that if you weren't "set" for each port that it only meant that you couldn't get off at that particular port. I thought you had to have everything in order or each port before the cruise line would allow the service animal onboard. Which ports do I need a rabies titer for? We may have to forget those ports as we are 40 days from our vacation.

Edited by pmfan
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