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Cruising With A Service Dog....everything You Ever Wanted To Know!

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Wexler is going to be 9 in July. I hate that the time goes so fast. It seems like we just got him.


I swear I can remember your anxiety of being on the waiting list. Our black dogs show their gray hair so much easier than the yellow's. And, it seems like they get gray over night!

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So far, so good with the puppy! I'm scheduled to pick him up on May 1. I have a vet appointment on May 2, a trainer assessment on May 4, and an eye doc appointment on May 9. Busy week! (a.k.a. I now MUST finish my next book by April 30, because I won't have time to finish it after.)



They are so tiny!



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I just spent way too much time in the Facebook Pets of Luke AFB group trying to get people to take out links to those fake service dog/ESA registration websites. I'm so tired of all these people who want to take their cute little puppies with them everywhere. It's exhausting.

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Final packing day! Tomorrow we drive over to Ft. Lauderdale and sail at 4 p.m., 10 days Caribbean & Canal.


I sent the paperwork last week to the USDA Service Center for endorsement (all overnight service.) They held it back and told my USDA-certified vet to call them yesterday to confirm that the dog had received her K9 Advantix II, 48 hours before departure. Her notation on the submitted form that it would be done wasn't sufficient.


I had some anxious moments last night since UPS tracking did not show it had been put into the system until 8 p.m. I wish it wasn't a six-hour+ RT drive from my house to the Service Center.


I read a good suggestion somewhere recently, to travel with the actual packaging for the heartworm and flea/ tick treatments. It doesn't take up much space but if some official ever questions whether & how the dog has been treated for endo and ectoparasites, you have details. I also added it on the PDF for the form 7001, which I update before every cruise and email ahead to the vet to save time at the exam.


Anyway, now I am doing final laundry, packing Ray's things, and planning a good coat-brushing & ear-cleaning in the back yard today.

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Final packing day! Tomorrow we drive over to Ft. Lauderdale and sail at 4 p.m., 10 days Caribbean & Canal.


I sent the paperwork last week to the USDA Service Center for endorsement (all overnight service.) They held it back and told my USDA-certified vet to call them yesterday to confirm that the dog had received her K9 Advantix II, 48 hours before departure. Her notation on the submitted form that it would be done wasn't sufficient.


I had some anxious moments last night since UPS tracking did not show it had been put into the system until 8 p.m. I wish it wasn't a six-hour+ RT drive from my house to the Service Center.


I read a good suggestion somewhere recently, to travel with the actual packaging for the heartworm and flea/ tick treatments. It doesn't take up much space but if some official ever questions whether & how the dog has been treated for endo and ectoparasites, you have details. I also added it on the PDF for the form 7001, which I update before every cruise and email ahead to the vet to save time at the exam.


Anyway, now I am doing final laundry, packing Ray's things, and planning a good coat-brushing & ear-cleaning in the back yard today.

Chris I hope you and Raylene and Raylene's Dad have a great cruise!...take lots of photos!

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Mayor of Lurkerville checking in!


Fairborne, I was starting to worry since you haven't posted in a while. Bonnie is so beautiful! Your hard work is having great results. One of my co-workers recently visited a relative who is a puppy raiser for Guide Dogs for the Blind, I think that is the organization. At any rate, it got her thinking that maybe she could do it too. I hope so, what a joy to help others have greater independence on life's journey.


Warning - Tiny bit of a cute story to share now. 😊 Gibson thinks he should be able to enjoy people food at every opportunity. (We do NOT feed him anything but his special dog food.) Mandy was enjoying some of her favorite Queso flavored potato chips, when she dropped the whole bag on the living room floor. Of course, Gibson has his eagle eye on the cleanup operations to make sure no stray pieces of chip are left on the floor. Very thoughtful of Gibson to be concerned about cleanliness, not! He made his best effort at licking up any residue/potato chip dust that Mandy couldn't see. End of story? Nope! Later in the evening, after she had gone to bed, Diana calls her to ask why Gibson has nacho breath. She noticed it immediately when he snuggled down for the night. Guess he didn't realize that Queso chip dust causes bad breath after consuming...


When we are in the kitchen he always takes special note of anything that hits the floor. As soon as we move from the spot where it fell he hurriedly strolls over to snap it up. He wouldn't want to be so obvious as to run to the dropped item. It doesn't matter how diligent we are about picking up fallen pieces of food. He loves to eat! Sometimes we have to attach his leash to a chair so he will stay in his spot in the kitchen. Certain members of the family are messier cooks than the rest of us, which he figured out very soon after moving in to be Diana's service dog. Labs are too smart for their own good.


Hope all of you are doing well and enjoying the spring weather. DH and I are getting some R&R on the beautiful banks of Lake Taneycomo, in Branson, MO. Last evening we saw a Pileated woodpecker fly past us, and then a couple hours later he came swooping back the other way! First time in my life to see this gorgeous bird. Across the river from us a Great Blue Heron is standing still as a statue watching for an unsuspecting rainbow trout to catch for his next meal. We can also see and hear dozens of different birds; such as wrens, chickadees, green flycatchers, goldfinches. Not to be left off our list, the ubiquitous turkey vulture, or buzzard as we commonly call them. Winged sensory overload!




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Final packing day! Tomorrow we drive over to Ft. Lauderdale and sail at 4 p.m., 10 days Caribbean & Canal.


Anyway, now I am doing final laundry, packing Ray's things, and planning a good coat-brushing & ear-cleaning in the back yard today.


Have a wonderful vacation Chris and family!

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Mornin' all:

I guess I have become Ms. Lurkerville #2! I just want to say, I come to this site every morning and at least read all the posts. It kick starts my day with a smile on my face (most mornings). You guys make me laugh, sometimes you make me cry, other times tears just well up in my eyes (like right now) just from being a part of you amazing peoples lives. It is refreshing to read about all the "good" and not reflect on the evil that is consuming this country.


I read posts and think, "oh I should respond", then think "I will do it later and later never comes." Also, don't want to miss responding to someone and leave them out! I know, I know, Ms. OCD shows up far too often, even for me.


Cindy: I think your calculation must be wrong, Mr. Sexy Wexy cannot be 9 years old!


Ms. Fairbourne: Little Ms. Bonnie cannot be that "BIG". She was just a wee one, yesterday. Oh and speaking of being that "BIG" Ms. Aruba just can't be training Ms. Bonnie. She was that little mischievious thing just the other day.


Roz: Mr. Horty pants is still that tall, lanky, dark haired boy that trots around with that Tall, big haired blonde lady.


To all the "newer" members. WOW, just WOW that you share your fantabulous furbabies with us. It is like growing up with them.


Anyways, thats all folks. Everyone have a great rest of the week and a wonderous weekend.


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Final packing day! Tomorrow we drive over to Ft. Lauderdale and sail at 4 p.m., 10 days Caribbean & Canal.


I sent the paperwork last week to the USDA Service Center for endorsement (all overnight service.) They held it back and told my USDA-certified vet to call them yesterday to confirm that the dog had received her K9 Advantix II, 48 hours before departure. Her notation on the submitted form that it would be done wasn't sufficient.


I had some anxious moments last night since UPS tracking did not show it had been put into the system until 8 p.m. I wish it wasn't a six-hour+ RT drive from my house to the Service Center.


I read a good suggestion somewhere recently, to travel with the actual packaging for the heartworm and flea/ tick treatments. It doesn't take up much space but if some official ever questions whether & how the dog has been treated for endo and ectoparasites, you have details. I also added it on the PDF for the form 7001, which I update before every cruise and email ahead to the vet to save time at the exam.


Anyway, now I am doing final laundry, packing Ray's things, and planning a good coat-brushing & ear-cleaning in the back yard today.


Are heartworm, flea, and tick treatments required for the 7001? In ten years, we've had zero problems with fleas and only a handful of tick problems from a filthy rental property a block over, and my vet doesn't recommend heartworm treatments for my service dog.

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Have a wonderful vacation Chris and family!


Thanks, Beckie! Loved your story about Mr. Queso-breath. Labs are so food-oriented - I guess that makes it easier to train them.


Unfortunately, Raylene gained another pound, and I'm going to be in trouble come August when she goes for her annual physical (report is sent to Dogs for the Deaf.) I may need to invest in some of Horton's rice cakes for treats.


Going to keep up our long walks aboard ship - I like Holland America because of the full promenades that go all the way around.

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Are heartworm, flea, and tick treatments required for the 7001? In ten years, we've had zero problems with fleas and only a handful of tick problems from a filthy rental property a block over, and my vet doesn't recommend heartworm treatments for my service dog.


No, not required for the 7001 in general. However, some countries (in the case of my cruise tomorrow, Curacao and Costa Rica) specify that the animal must be treated for ecto and endo parasites, and within a certain time frame before entering the country.


When I received my service dog from Dogs for the Deaf, they provided a short term supply of flea & tick treatment and heartworm med, with instructions and the requirement that you continue.


I can't speak for other service dog organizations, but on our annual vet report, the vet must advise when the last heartworm test was, what type of treatments the dog is getting, and so on. In other words, just like keeping up the shots, it is not optional.

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Final packing day! Tomorrow we drive over to Ft. Lauderdale and sail at 4 p.m., 10 days Caribbean & Canal.


I sent the paperwork last week to the USDA Service Center for endorsement (all overnight service.) They held it back and told my USDA-certified vet to call them yesterday to confirm that the dog had received her K9 Advantix II, 48 hours before departure. Her notation on the submitted form that it would be done wasn't sufficient.


I had some anxious moments last night since UPS tracking did not show it had been put into the system until 8 p.m. I wish it wasn't a six-hour+ RT drive from my house to the Service Center.


I read a good suggestion somewhere recently, to travel with the actual packaging for the heartworm and flea/ tick treatments. It doesn't take up much space but if some official ever questions whether & how the dog has been treated for endo and ectoparasites, you have details. I also added it on the PDF for the form 7001, which I update before every cruise and email ahead to the vet to save time at the exam.


Anyway, now I am doing final laundry, packing Ray's things, and planning a good coat-brushing & ear-cleaning in the back yard today.


Chris have a wonderful cruise. Let us know how it all went upon your return.

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Mayor of Lurkerville checking in!


Fairborne, I was starting to worry since you haven't posted in a while. Bonnie is so beautiful! Your hard work is having great results. One of my co-workers recently visited a relative who is a puppy raiser for Guide Dogs for the Blind, I think that is the organization. At any rate, it got her thinking that maybe she could do it too. I hope so, what a joy to help others have greater independence on life's journey.


Warning - Tiny bit of a cute story to share now. Gibson thinks he should be able to enjoy people food at every opportunity. (We do NOT feed him anything but his special dog food.) Mandy was enjoying some of her favorite Queso flavored potato chips, when she dropped the whole bag on the living room floor. Of course, Gibson has his eagle eye on the cleanup operations to make sure no stray pieces of chip are left on the floor. Very thoughtful of Gibson to be concerned about cleanliness, not! He made his best effort at licking up any residue/potato chip dust that Mandy couldn't see. End of story? Nope! Later in the evening, after she had gone to bed, Diana calls her to ask why Gibson has nacho breath. She noticed it immediately when he snuggled down for the night. Guess he didn't realize that Queso chip dust causes bad breath after consuming...


When we are in the kitchen he always takes special note of anything that hits the floor. As soon as we move from the spot where it fell he hurriedly strolls over to snap it up. He wouldn't want to be so obvious as to run to the dropped item. It doesn't matter how diligent we are about picking up fallen pieces of food. He loves to eat! Sometimes we have to attach his leash to a chair so he will stay in his spot in the kitchen. Certain members of the family are messier cooks than the rest of us, which he figured out very soon after moving in to be Diana's service dog. Labs are too smart for their own good.


Hope all of you are doing well and enjoying the spring weather. DH and I are getting some R&R on the beautiful banks of Lake Taneycomo, in Branson, MO. Last evening we saw a Pileated woodpecker fly past us, and then a couple hours later he came swooping back the other way! First time in my life to see this gorgeous bird. Across the river from us a Great Blue Heron is standing still as a statue watching for an unsuspecting rainbow trout to catch for his next meal. We can also see and hear dozens of different birds; such as wrens, chickadees, green flycatchers, goldfinches. Not to be left off our list, the ubiquitous turkey vulture, or buzzard as we commonly call them. Winged sensory overload!





Beckie, are you sure you're not talking about Horton, sounds so familiar!!!!


You're a great bird watcher, I love to do that too!


I loved our cruise to Alaska because we got to see some amazing birds and their babies.


I can't wait until we go into the rainforest, I hope to see a lot unless the sight of Horton scares them all away!

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Mornin' all:

I guess I have become Ms. Lurkerville #2! I just want to say, I come to this site every morning and at least read all the posts. It kick starts my day with a smile on my face (most mornings). You guys make me laugh, sometimes you make me cry, other times tears just well up in my eyes (like right now) just from being a part of you amazing peoples lives. It is refreshing to read about all the "good" and not reflect on the evil that is consuming this country.


I read posts and think, "oh I should respond", then think "I will do it later and later never comes." Also, don't want to miss responding to someone and leave them out! I know, I know, Ms. OCD shows up far too often, even for me.


Cindy: I think your calculation must be wrong, Mr. Sexy Wexy cannot be 9 years old!


Ms. Fairbourne: Little Ms. Bonnie cannot be that "BIG". She was just a wee one, yesterday. Oh and speaking of being that "BIG" Ms. Aruba just can't be training Ms. Bonnie. She was that little mischievio<script id="gpt-impl-0.5476899407201565" src="http://partner.googleadservices.com/gpt/pubads_impl_83.js"></script>us thing just the other day.


Roz: Mr. Horty pants is still that tall, lanky, dark haired boy that trots around with that Tall, big haired blonde lady.


To all the "newer" members. WOW, just WOW that you share your fantabulous furbabies with us. It is like growing up with them.


Anyways, thats all folks. Everyone have a great rest of the week and a wonderous weekend.



Nancy, isn't it so bizarre how time gets away from us.


I promised Horton, when he first came to live with us, that he would have the very best life. And, there are some days, I wish I was him!!!!!! He really has a great life and is so loved by me and everyone who meets him.......I feel so lucky to be his Mom!!!!

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It seems like I've been pretty much just a lurker lately. I honestly do not know where the time goes. I mean to answer a posting and then something comes up.


But wow - so much stuff going on! Have a wonderful cruise Chris! Can't wait to hear all about it. :)


And keep those cute photos coming.


Jagger and I are doing well. Hoping he can come home permanently with me soon.



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Are heartworm, flea, and tick treatments required for the 7001? In ten years, we've had zero problems with fleas and only a handful of tick problems from a filthy rental property a block over, and my vet doesn't recommend heartworm treatments for my service dog.


Krypti, I called my Vets office and asked them why would another Vet tell their patient that heartworm med. was not necessary. He said that would be a Vet who has never seen a dog suffer in agony when they come down with the heartworm. The heartworm is so easily prevented with a tasty chew that the dog takes once a month.


Canine Companions for Independence [the org. I get my Service Dogs from] INSISTS that their dogs be on Heartguard.


Please ask another Vet about it. And, in answer to your question my Vet ALWAYS puts on the form that my dog is treated for Heartworm and takes a flea and tick abatement chew each and every month.


My Service Dog is invaluable to me [as would be my pet dog], it's my duty to make sure they get the very best care I can give them.

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Krypti, I called my Vets office and asked them why would another Vet tell their patient that heartworm med. was not necessary. He said that would be a Vet who has never seen a dog suffer in agony when they come down with the heartworm. The heartworm is so easily prevented with a tasty chew that the dog takes once a month.


Canine Companions for Independence [the org. I get my Service Dogs from] INSISTS that their dogs be on Heartguard.


Please ask another Vet about it. And, in answer to your question my Vet ALWAYS puts on the form that my dog is treated for Heartworm and takes a flea and tick abatement chew each and every month.


My Service Dog is invaluable to me [as would be my pet dog], it's my duty to make sure they get the very best care I can give them.


I'm with Roz. If my vet told me he didn't recommend heartworm preventative, I would find another vet. Just my humble opinion.

Edited by DisneyKidsDad
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I'm with Roz. If my vet told me he didn't recommend heartworm preventative, I would find another vet. Just my humble opinion.

Me three! On our first vet visit, I let Dr Smith know that Scooter had had zeri vet care in the first 8 weeks of life. She asked for a stool sample. When I couldn't bring one in, she decided that a five day worming treatment was a good idea, since Scooter had been living outside in a barn and eating who knows what.


She insists that he is on a flea & tick oral chew as well as Heartguard. Once a month and not that expensive. Safer for him.


Years ago (like 40) hubby saw a dog who had heartworms. They lived on a farm. He said it is a horrible way to go. He is glad we have a preventive now.


Sent from my SM-N910P using Tapatalk

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Me three! On our first vet visit, I let Dr Smith know that Scooter had had zeri vet care in the first 8 weeks of life. She asked for a stool sample. When I couldn't bring one in, she decided that a five day worming treatment was a good idea, since Scooter had been living outside in a barn and eating who knows what.


She insists that he is on a flea & tick oral chew as well as Heartguard. Once a month and not that expensive. Safer for him.


Years ago (like 40) hubby saw a dog who had heartworms. They lived on a farm. He said it is a horrible way to go. He is glad we have a preventive now.


Sent from my SM-N910P using Tapatalk


The heartworm attacks the dogs heart and respiratory system. They die a very slow death of congestive heart failure........it is agonizing and tortuous.....breaks my heart when I even think of it!

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Mayor of Lurkerville checking in!


Fairborne, I was starting to worry since you haven't posted in a while. Bonnie is so beautiful! Your hard work is having great results. One of my co-workers recently visited a relative who is a puppy raiser for Guide Dogs for the Blind, I think that is the organization. At any rate, it got her thinking that maybe she could do it too. I hope so, what a joy to help others have greater independence on life's journey.


Warning - Tiny bit of a cute story to share now. 😊 Gibson thinks he should be able to enjoy people food at every opportunity. (We do NOT feed him anything but his special dog food.) Mandy was enjoying some of her favorite Queso flavored potato chips, when she dropped the whole bag on the living room floor. Of course, Gibson has his eagle eye on the cleanup operations to make sure no stray pieces of chip are left on the floor. Very thoughtful of Gibson to be concerned about cleanliness, not! He made his best effort at licking up any residue/potato chip dust that Mandy couldn't see. End of story? Nope! Later in the evening, after she had gone to bed, Diana calls her to ask why Gibson has nacho breath. She noticed it immediately when he snuggled down for the night. Guess he didn't realize that Queso chip dust causes bad breath after consuming...


When we are in the kitchen he always takes special note of anything that hits the floor. As soon as we move from the spot where it fell he hurriedly strolls over to snap it up. He wouldn't want to be so obvious as to run to the dropped item. It doesn't matter how diligent we are about picking up fallen pieces of food. He loves to eat! Sometimes we have to attach his leash to a chair so he will stay in his spot in the kitchen. Certain members of the family are messier cooks than the rest of us, which he figured out very soon after moving in to be Diana's service dog. Labs are too smart for their own good.


Hope all of you are doing well and enjoying the spring weather. DH and I are getting some R&R on the beautiful banks of Lake Taneycomo, in Branson, MO. Last evening we saw a Pileated woodpecker fly past us, and then a couple hours later he came swooping back the other way! First time in my life to see this gorgeous bird. Across the river from us a Great Blue Heron is standing still as a statue watching for an unsuspecting rainbow trout to catch for his next meal. We can also see and hear dozens of different birds; such as wrens, chickadees, green flycatchers, goldfinches. Not to be left off our list, the ubiquitous turkey vulture, or buzzard as we commonly call them. Winged sensory overload!





Labs are like vacuum cleaners. Wex doesn't miss anything that hits the floor. He doesn't have the 5 second rule, he has the any second, minute, hour rule.

Edited by rangeley
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Mornin' all:

I guess I have become Ms. Lurkerville #2! I just want to say, I come to this site every morning and at least read all the posts. It kick starts my day with a smile on my face (most mornings). You guys make me laugh, sometimes you make me cry, other times tears just well up in my eyes (like right now) just from being a part of you amazing peoples lives. It is refreshing to read about all the "good" and not reflect on the evil that is consuming this country.


I read posts and think, "oh I should respond", then think "I will do it later and later never comes." Also, don't want to miss responding to someone and leave them out! I know, I know, Ms. OCD shows up far too often, even for me.


Cindy: I think your calculation must be wrong, Mr. Sexy Wexy cannot be 9 years old!


Ms. Fairbourne: Little Ms. Bonnie cannot be that "BIG". She was just a wee one, yesterday. Oh and speaking of being that "BIG" Ms. Aruba just can't be training Ms. Bonnie. She was that little mischievious thing just the other day.


Roz: Mr. Horty pants is still that tall, lanky, dark haired boy that trots around with that Tall, big haired blonde lady.


To all the "newer" members. WOW, just WOW that you share your fantabulous furbabies with us. It is like growing up with them.


Anyways, thats all folks. Everyone have a great rest of the week and a wonderous weekend.



Wish it was a mistake Nancy. Not liking that he is 9 already. 🙁

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Krypti, I called my Vets office and asked them why would another Vet tell their patient that heartworm med. was not necessary. He said that would be a Vet who has never seen a dog suffer in agony when they come down with the heartworm. The heartworm is so easily prevented with a tasty chew that the dog takes once a month.


Canine Companions for Independence [the org. I get my Service Dogs from] INSISTS that their dogs be on Heartguard.


Please ask another Vet about it. And, in answer to your question my Vet ALWAYS puts on the form that my dog is treated for Heartworm and takes a flea and tick abatement chew each and every month.


My Service Dog is invaluable to me [as would be my pet dog], it's my duty to make sure they get the very best care I can give them.


I have never heard of a vet that doesn't think a dog should be on heartworm meds. Bizarre!!

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