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Friends of Dorothy


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Regent cruises are quite gay friendly. One of their top cruise directors is openly gay. We regularly meet new gay friends on Regent ships. It's easy to mix if that is what you want to do. We've done six Regent cruises (and are now booked for two more) and we've seen a Friends of Dorothy gathering posted only once. That was last year on the Mariner in Alaska. A couple from Vegas asked the cruise director to post it. He was happy to oblige. Three couples attended as well as one of the ship's entertainers. We already knew one of the couples. We enjoyed meeting the Vegas guys and the entertainer. So if you are interested in meeting other gays that way, I'm sure the cruise director will post an announcement for you. But I don't think they do so without being asked. It would never have occurred to us to do so.



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We have been on the Paul Gauguin twice with another gay couple. Both times there were other gay couples who acted somewhat embarassed when we approached them in a social setting. Given the high percentage of high end gay travelers, we thought that Regent would host a Friends of Dorothy event (both couples are seasoned travelers), but never found one on PG. (on our first trip the cruise director was clearly gay). We did attend the marriage/recomment ceremony on PG a couple of years ago and the staff was very accomodating, but the young honeymooners seemed a little put off by our presence (we stayed anyway!). We love Regent and love traveling, but have come to realize that the other travelers, especially the other Americans, expect us to stay within our place out of sight and out of mind.

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I have never seen a FOD meeting posted, but then never expected one. With ships of this size, you have greater chance to meet people as compared to a 2 to 3000 pax ship.

My first regent cruise was on the Navigator to Alaska.....there were a number of gay and lesbian couples on board and we would mix in the lounges in the evening. But the other passengers were so friendly it did not make staying in a tight group necessary.

Been on the Voyager twice...love the ship, the Paul Gauguin once and going back this Dec1. I am not a gay flag waver, but of course the crew can always tell. I have not hid my gayness and have always been treated with respect as I treat the crew in return.

Only one time did I have a crew member give me attitude, a bartender. his supervisor oberved and lets just say things changed immediately. In fact the bartender and I wound up in a bar off the ship and over indulged....

Do I like my Regent...yes, it is a class act and I will continue to sail with them regardless of FOD meeting or not. Next year I try Crystal...now that is an unknown cruise kine for me and I am doing a transatlantic with no chance to get off the ship. Lets hope thats not a gay homophobe experience.

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I agree with "RMS Olympic" -- Regent is a class act -- with passengers and crew that do not differentiate between young, old, gay, lesbian, straight or ethnic background. When we chose to sit at a large table for a meal, we meet all types of people -- we are not there to judge anyone -- most of people we meet are interesting, fun and outgoing. If they are not, it has nothing to do with race, age or sexual orientation. While, I was not aware of these meetings, on a larger ship, it makes sense.

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We have been on the Paul Gauguin twice with another gay couple. Both times there were other gay couples who acted somewhat embarassed when we approached them in a social setting. Given the high percentage of high end gay travelers, we thought that Regent would host a Friends of Dorothy event (both couples are seasoned travelers), but never found one on PG. (on our first trip the cruise director was clearly gay). We did attend the marriage/recomment ceremony on PG a couple of years ago and the staff was very accomodating, but the young honeymooners seemed a little put off by our presence (we stayed anyway!). We love Regent and love traveling, but have come to realize that the other travelers, especially the other Americans, expect us to stay within our place out of sight and out of mind.


Hi Mike & Bob, any flat tires Ha Ha Hope all is well, we are back on the PG Jan 16 and 26.


Mike & Uriah

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Hi Michael and Uriah,


Funny you should mention the flat tires. When we got home, I changed all of the tubes in our bikes to avoid anymore flat tires. The bikes that Regent bought for us to use on the trip were great, but I think that they had been stored in a hot warehouse for too long and perhaps the tubes had dry rot. We still had a great time and the multiple flats tires did allow us to meet many of the local island folks (who were all so very helpful).


I read on another post that y'alll were heading back in January...we are very jealous. With the possibility of Regent not having the PG beyond 2008 (there are conflicting rumors, so who really knows) we have given some thought to a return in 2008...although we are also considering another Regent ship through Asia and possibly Antarctica in January 2009 to celebrate my 50th birthday.


Hope your travels after the PG were fun and know that we will be in cold Atlanta in January 2008 stewing in our jealousy that y'all are in FP!


Mike and Bob

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Hi Michael and Uriah,


Funny you should mention the flat tires. When we got home, I changed all of the tubes in our bikes to avoid anymore flat tires. The bikes that Regent bought for us to use on the trip were great, but I think that they had been stored in a hot warehouse for too long and perhaps the tubes had dry rot. We still had a great time and the multiple flats tires did allow us to meet many of the local island folks (who were all so very helpful).


I read on another post that y'alll were heading back in January...we are very jealous. With the possibility of Regent not having the PG beyond 2008 (there are conflicting rumors, so who really knows) we have given some thought to a return in 2008...although we are also considering another Regent ship through Asia and possibly Antarctica in January 2009 to celebrate my 50th birthday.





Hope your travels after the PG were fun and know that we will be in cold Atlanta in January 2008 stewing in our jealousy that y'all are in FP!


Mike and Bob


We have heard the same rumors also. When we got back home, Hina, one of the Les Gauguines and the Chef called from London to tell us they were coming to stay with us, had 2 great weeks with them, they told us they are looking for new jobs, so the rumors may be true. When we go in Jan we are staying on after the cruise's with them.



Hope all your travels are full of fun, who knows we may see you on another Regent cruise. We also are looking at the 101 night grand asia pacific cruise on the Mariner in Sep 08


Mike & Uriah..

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Several years ago, one of the cuise directors approasched me asking what I thought about a Friends of Dorothy meeting (my gayness must be obvious). Afraid no one would show, I promised I would. Now mind you, I truly had no interest myself. Only about 8 people showed, including myself. There were many more obviously gay couples on-board who either chose not to attend or knew nothing about it.


Last year, on the crossing, there were regular annoucements in the Passages News Letter. Got the typical full mix of personalities that round. Yet again, several gay couples snubbed us.


I have never been snubbed by any straight couple on-board (which has surprised me). Actually, I have found it just the opposite. Even when I want to be alone, they seem to seek me out wanting to include me. I have always been amazed and appreciative of this. I have made more friends with straight couples then with either single or coupled gays on Voyager.

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Well, I have seen "Freinds of Dorothy" notices on some of our Regent cruises, but not al of them. I confess I haven't looked very well. I'm a dues paying member of a recognized arm of one of our two major national polititical parties that suports gay rights. I am also a supporter of Lambda. Not gay (as far as I know). Just can't stand discrimination. One of the things I have appreciated on Regent (and Silversea) is the fact that gay people and couples are fully accepted by the fellow guests (Gay and straight) and are welcomed to enjoy socialization with fellow guests of all orientations. If I did not observe this to be so, I would not cruise these lines. The same thing is true of people with origins in all the continents and contries of the world.


I advise all of my gay fiends to cruise Regent. Not because there are special activities for them, but because such "special activities" are not needed, On Regent, the gay guests find friends (straight and gay) among the guest population without the need of special organizations and activities. And that's the way it should be.

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I think that just about everyone's life has now been affected by knowing someone who is gay. It's hard to be homophobic once you realize that its in the DNA. My husband and I are straight, but we have close friends that are not.

BTW, a friend (another female) and I went on the PG together as my husband didn't want to go and I really did. I had a problem with attitude from a couple of staff because I was married and traveling without my husband!

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During last November's transatlantic on the Voyager there were several FOD meetings that were posted in the daily programs. We had a very good turnout despite the fact that several obviously GLBT cruisers did not chose to attend. One of the couples that I am thinking of were quite snobbish and were very critical of RSSC -- they probably would not have added much to our gatherings. We are still in touch with some of the very nice people that we met during that cruise.

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I've cruised on several different crusielines but my abolute favorite continues to be Regent. As far as I'm aware... they will only add the FOD notice to the daily schedule if a passenger asks them to. A simple call to the Cruise Director's office is all that is usually required.


On every cruise I've been on "gaydar" has helped us meet other very interesting people. Unlike some of the other cruiselines we've never had a bad experience on Regent.

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This whole thread emphasizes how well guests of different backgrounds mix together onboard on Regent. The young and the old. The gay and the straight. People of different nationalities and national origins. People of different religions. Everybody joins in together and has a good time. The way it should be.

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This whole thread emphasizes how well guests of different backgrounds mix together onboard on Regent. The young and the old. The gay and the straight. People of different nationalities and national origins. People of different religions. Everybody joins in together and has a good time. The way it should be.


We were on the PG at the same time and Mike & Bob and there freinds, I am 60 and my partner is much much younger than me. We had a great time and both the staff and passengers made us feel at home. We had had some of the staff come and stay with us and been to our new straight freinds homes. We had never had a bad time on any Regent cruise.


Happy Cruising


Mike & Uriah

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  • 2 weeks later...

My wife and I travel frequently with a gay couple, including two Regent cruises. Their impression was that if someone asked, the cruise director would arrange FOD events -- that happened on our Alaska cruise, but did not on the Panama Canal cruise, which had a different mix of (much older) passengers. We never encountered any attitude issues on either cruise.

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Just paid off my PG cruise sailing Dec 1, and am so ready to go. Sailed her 7 day a few years back and was treated with respect ...now its a longer sailing...11 days. I hope that the management is still warm and gracious as I remember.....

Last time I was a little apprehensive as as gay passenger, this time.....perhaps a little more relaxed.

I have not seen many posting for this sailing...wondering if it is too close to the holiday season to be popular.

Either way, I am sure it will be a great time, with wonderful service, food, and great fellow passengers.

To any other FOD...try Regent, its no party ship, but a class act all the way.


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was getting onto the Mariner to Alaska and seeing the two twin beds setup in our cabin. In this day and age you'd think things wouldn't be assumed. It kind of irked me that we had to call the steward to adjust everything (which was done quickly and efficiently).


I just wish Regent had some sort of preference setting online so we wouldn't have to wait until we board to request one big bed.


Heading to Asia (Hong Kong to Bangkok) in October on the Mariner again.


I will be really impressed if they entered information into their system to flag our room as a couple. :)

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Regent should have such a preference option online. Nothing should be assumed. We have known of two same sex individuals who were sharing a room who were sisters, or just friends. On the other hand, we have known of married couples who wanted the twin bed situation. And of course, we have known of straight and gay "involved couples" who wanted the queen bed configuration. These sorts of things should not be assumed by name only. Sorry this happened to you.

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Regent home office seems kind of old fashioned in some ways, so I'm not surprised. Definitely should be an online option.


My two examples: I'm the female half of a straight couple--I book all the cruises, and pay for all the cruises. But guess whose name the booking is always in? Second example--my husband has a Ph.D., teaches at a university. At some point I entered his title as "Dr.". Next time I went to the Guest Information form online to change something, I noticed that they had filled in his professional area as "Health Care"! Just dumb, old-fashioned assumptions.

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This at least used to be info that the TA provided to them. I remember one cruise on which I was initially booked solo, but at the last minute my mother decided to join me. When we got to the room it was one bed. The stewardess mentioned that the info she had from the TA was a one-bed configuration. It was no big deal--it was converted to two beds in a flash.

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I agree there should be a way to request the desired configuration up front. My TA normally handles this ...as a single I always want the beds to gether. Of course this does not always happen and a simple request to the cabin staff takes care of everything.

As I am sailing Dec 1 on the PG, I am wondering how the staffing has changed since I was on the ship last(2004). I think I read somewhere the crew changed with the new ownership......

I was treated wonderfully the last time and hope this will be the same this trip. Having just gotten off a RSVP chartered cruise around Italy, this next cruise will be sooooo different. Size of ship, passenger make up and being in a totally different environment. After so many cruises, I still cringe when asked are you married? are you divorced? never married...why? Funny, on a gay charter the same questions are not a threat.....but on a mainstream cruise they are for me. Yes, my issue to deal with. The only lines I have experienced negative reaction was Carnival and Seabourn....never Regent. I hope this remains the case and I will continue to sail Regent Seven Seas..

I not only credit the staffing of Regent, but the passengers as well....the responses to this thread just reinforce the caliber of Regent customers.... like the cruise line....class all the way.

I wonder how this thread would fare on the Crystal board.......

Fod any FOD that have been to Tahiti recently, are there any FOD friendly restaurants or hangouts in and around Paeete? I looked for a chat board for the community in French Polynesia, but cannot find one. Any info would be greatly appreciated.


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