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What would you do if your hairdresser...


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Hi, to the OP...so sorry this happened to you.

You mentioned writing to her about why you are cancelling?

Personally, I don't think you owe her anything:eek:


I have been going to the same gal for more than 15 years

now! I told her she is never allowed to leave;)

I am lucky I guess as I know she would NEVER do something

like that to me. She always asks me if I want to try

something new~but she is always kind about it. She also

asks if I want the "usual" too....I keep my hair very short.

And a cut is only 28.00:D


I am sorry you were put through this~I would definitely

try to find someone new that knows how to cut and

has a nicer beside manner!!!

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You certainly have a right to at the least a 'fix' on the color job, and I would politely but firmly let her know that you will be changing stylists and why. I think almost everyone has had that 'bad' cut at one time or another, and fixing a cut isn't always easy, especially when you had a cut and look that worked for you and made you feel good.


When I've had less-than-optimal cuts from my stylist, who is a local gal I have used for years, it's often because I was lax in communicating to her just what I wanted. Unlike you, I'm always changing my style, trying to find one that really works. In your situation, you had been getting the cut you wanted for years and she really has no excuse for messing it up--and you pointed out to her the exact color you wanted!


Wow, $250! I just got my hair cut, colored, styled and eyebrows waxed & colored for $45. Of course, I do live in the sticks.


I'm so jealous!

The sucky thing about the whole situation is i wrote a check, which i usually don't do, and it is already long cashed.


I could deal with the dark hair, but the cut upset me more than anything b/c it's more permanent than color. And the fact that I told her when she whipped out that razor tool thing that I didn't want her to use it and she did anyway.

And, her 'prell' suggestion didn't work. My hair is actually so dry from the new color product she used; i think that was part of the problem too, she was using a new brand or something... My hair is always long and silky, now it's chopped a bit and dry...

Oh well, it'll grow back by my cruise in November; thank goodness for fast growing hair!


I didn't start this a bashing on all hairdressers; every profession has good and bad; I thought my gal was good... but after 10 years of paying high prices for her being a 'color specialist', no discounts or freebies at all when I see her every 8 - 10 weeks at $200 +/- a clip (I must have at least paid for one of her cars!)

Would it kill her to give her customers a free cut once in a while when they are spending $200+ on highlites / color?


I'm sure she didn't mean to ruin my day or my month, but when I don't go back and tell her why I'm not coming back, she'll understand and hopefully will adjust her attitude towards her customers which are her livlihood...

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Okay, you've been going to this gal for 10 years, now paying $250 for highlights and a cut about every 8 weeks .. figure out how much you've spent at her salon all these years! You should either speak to her in person or if you feel better, write her a letter telling her why you are upset and that if she chooses not to fix your colour and do a "repair cut", you are certainly going to take your business elsewhere. Obviously telling you to use some shampoo to tone down the colour was very glib and disrespectful to your intelligence - she wasn't accepting any responsibility for the poor dye job she'd done or the cut either.


I used to go to a guy that I could only book 2 weeks in advance and had to wait in line on the telephone on Monday morning to get an appointment. I went to this guy for 12 years - with his rising prices, I figure I bought his swiming pool, paid for renovations on his salon and put both of his daughters through college. The last couple of years I realized that there weren't any changes to my regime unless I suggested them, whether it was colour, length or style. On our last "date" as he walked me to the cash register, I told him our relationship was over because he wasn't "doing it" for me anymore. His response was "Yeah, I noticed that" and he walked away. I felt stupid and used, but realized I was free to do whatever I wanted and didn't feel bound to go back to the same hairdresser if I wasn't happy. I tried a number of hairdressers recommended by friends and finally settled on one who seems to enjoy doing my hair and offers suggestions for changes depending on what I'm planning to do in the coming months.


Cut the cord and you'll feel better for it!


Smooth Sailing! :) :) :)


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This type of behavier shown to you by your stylist is very unprofessional. The first rule is consultation...talk with your client and know what she or he wants no matter how long it takes. I hate re-do's so I ask many questions before I color any different shade that is going to make a drastic change. Granted all stylists do make mistakes but the differance is that a good stylist makes the client happy because that is my name going out the door.


As for your sitituation I would purchase a good moisturizing shamoo and conditioner and possibly get a deep cond. treatment at you new salon. You may then want more high-lights to brighten you depending on the condition of your hair. Your cut will just have to grow but you now have the knowledge that you never want a razor used because it doesn't work for you.


Good luck on your new salon.



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I am SOOOOOO annoyed with my hairdresser of 10 years.

I've been seeing the same gal for that long... have followed her to many different salons, and now she has her own salon (for about 2 yrs I'd say).


Her prices are not cheap ($250 for highlights / haircut)


So here is what happened...

I go about 3 weeks ago for my 8 week appointment; I have long hair, so only need a trim every other appointment, and this was that appointment – I was there for ‘the works’ so to speak.


I usually do highlites and low lites depending on time of year; it’s summer so I usually stay lighter. I’ve been wanting to add a little reddish / strawberry blond into the mix for a while, but wasn’t sure how to describe what I wanted.


Well, low and behold, one of the other stylists was doing highlites on someone else who had the color I wanted. So I tell my hairdresser, this is what I want. So she looks at it and says, ok we’ll do this, this and this… I trusted her to do it.


Well, what I wanted and what I got were 2 different things. You know how when you first get a change that it takes usually until you get home to realize how messed up it really is? Well that was me. The color was dark, I didn’t look like a blond anymore, I looked brunette… haven’t been this dark in at least 8 years! :eek:


So, that’s not the worst… I mentioned I was getting a haircut too, remember? Well, I’ve had the same ‘do’ for like 10 years, long straight hair w/ face long framing layers (the Jennifer Aniston cut)…


When she goes to cut my hair, she whips out this razor cutter and started to cut like really fast… I said ‘whoa’ … You used that on me last year and I didn’t like the cut (she butchered me, and I had told her last year and made her fix it one it grew back…)


She says ‘Don’t worry, it’ll be fine…’ famous last words…

So, just like last year she butchered me. Layers cut way back, where I never had them… and too short. Can’t even get my hair into a pony tail which she KNOWS is my haircut requirement. (Did I tell you I’ve been going to her for 10 YEARS???)


She was in a hurry to get out, I think that’s why she did it… not an excuse in my book.


So, when I get to the car, and see and feel it, I just started crying. I was so upset, I felt like I had a mullet sort of. My hair is my nicest feature right now, and to have it so messed up when your self esteem is already low is just such horrible blow. I’ve gained a lot of weight in the last 2 years from a pituitary tumor, so it’s been rough. But, I’ve always had beautiful hair that makes me feel somewhat attractive…


My husband felt bad, he told me to call her… I didn’t want to, but I did, it’s just awkward to complain about someone’s work…

So, I call her and tell her that the hair is to dark… and this is what she tells me, :mad:

“Oh well, we tried something new, it didn’t work out… just buy a bottle of prell and wash the color out, your lighter color should still be underneath…”

I didn’t even get to tell her about the sh*tty haircut… she was so curt.


So, at this point, $281 later, my hair looks like I didn’t have anything done to it. And, the ‘wash the color out’ didn’t work… it’s just as dark.


So, my fellow CC ladies, what would you do? I really don’t want to go back to her, I’m that mad. I have an appt scheduled for Oct 4th, and I just may cancel.


I saw a girl in the local grocery store with really nice highlites and asked where she goes and she goes to one of the local ‘Holiday Hair’ shops…


My dilemma… I’ve got 2 cruises in November… do I want to chance bad hair for the cruises and try the local cheapie salon? Or do I suck it up, and go back to my snot of a hairdresser?

(Plus, I’ve got to get my Driver’s license renewed… do I want a crappy picture for 4 years???)



Would love to hear your horror stories too!

for 281 dollars I would make her fix the color. There is nothing you can do about the cut...unless someone cuts it shorter to fix it. I would not let her cut my hair. I usually go to the cheapie places and get fabulous work done. I went to the higher priced salon last week to try it and I don't like the cut on my hair...she did not take enough off. I paid more for the cut and still will have to go back and get more cut. My Lesson learned: go to the cheapie place. At least I will have the color and cut I want!

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It's funny....I have gone to expensive places ($50 & up for a haircut, but I had gotten a gift cert so it was someone elses money), those big chain places and dept store salons when i worked in the store (andwhen they jacked the prices up so it was $35 AFTER my discount, I stopped going...granted, once in a while they'd give me a free cut-mainly when one of my friends there thought I was having a bad hair day!)


One of the best cuts I got was at one of those lower-priced chain salons in Fla. I had gotten a bad perm (now have naturally curly hair-go figure). I was on vacay and had a serious case of fuzz! For $13.00 I wound up with a $100 haircut-it was great. And the guy spoke broken English. I said I wanted a cute, shorter cut. He got it, and I kept it for years! A gal at my store was a Sassoon-trained stylist and could do anything! But, she split, took 2 stylists with her and the stores business headed down the toilet!


Now, my cousin (a stylisy who manages one of those lower priced places) cuts it! Yes they hire new people-but most of them have a satisfaction policy! Funny, I've never seen anyone in her place, or others like that, invoke it!


Funny, this is one of those instances where you don't always get what you pay for!


Happy hair everyone!!

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I'm so sorry to hear this happened to you. What a Pain in the ***. :(


Why so many here are focusing on the price you paid is beyond me. Who cares if someone from a different city gets a haircut they like for a buck eight nine at the mall! LOL! Doesn't help you!


I'd rather focus on the possible solution. If she's been doing your hair for 10 years then, I would approach her with a "I know you're a better person than this" attitude. I'd call her and tell her how you feel and ask in a sincere voice if she would like the opportunity to make amends by reshaping with a scissor and coloring at no charge. If she apologizes and chalks it up to a bad day, I'd go back. Who knows what was happening in her life that week? You've got a 10 year history of good results from her. However, if she doesn't seem to care, then I'd drop it and don't let her touch your hair ever again.


If that's the case, then look for another stylist and color expert and know that it may not be the same person. My haircutter won't touch a chemical so I go to a different salon for my highlights. Don't shop by price as others have suggested, I'd shop by quality. Look for people who have similar processing in their hair as you do and ask them where they go. I'm a natural redhead and I put a few highlights in my hair and I'm constantly stopped by other redheads or redhead wanna-be's who ask where I have it done. But blondes never ask....why would they? <g>


I wish you luck. I know you want to look great for your cruise and I hope you find a good solution. Keep us posted.

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What would I like do?


  • find out where she lived and let down the tyres of her car...
  • drug her and shave her hair off
  • put superglue in all her door locks
  • spraypaint the front of her shop
  • have all her post redirected
  • phone her at 3am in the morning

What I would actually do?


Tell all my friends/neighbours that she is a crap hairdresser and find someone else. (might also do her tyres as well!)



revenge is sweet! (its also hormonal and a great defence in court!)




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Id give someone else a try. Not many hair stylists know how to use a razor correctly! If you have curly hair and your stylist uses a razor on you it could be the best cut you'll ever have..if she makes some boo boos maybe you can hide them. However in your case, I believe you may have straight hair...an error with a razor is always a bad one!


Give someone else a try..people can change alot in 10 years. Maybe shes on harder drugs than the prescription ones or maybe shes doing more of them. Maybe thats why her attitude changed, prices went up and work hours went down.


Dont let it mess up your self esteem...go buy yourself something nice to cheer you up

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I'm very sorry for your predicament.


Like you and others here, I've been using the same person, following her from salon to salon for about 20 years. I now get a razor cut and it works beautifully and have never had a problem with a cut or highlights. If I did, she would lose me as a client, whether I paid $10 or $500. Money is not the issue here.


I have to also ask why you sat back in her chair if she once "butchered" a cut? You made a choice, and now unfortunately it turned against you.


You can easily remedy your issue by choosing to never use this person again. Just walk away. I'm not even sure if I would bother explaining why you're severing your relationship because it doesn't sound like she would even care right now.


My hair grows like a weed, so just remember, your cut is not permanent. It's not a good thing for you that you'll lose some length, but find someone else to fix your bad cut, so at least you can live with it for now. It will all work out.


As far as the driver's license thing.....who cares and who sees it? I don't think I've ever had a driver's license of passport photo that I loved.


Hang in there, it'll be ok. You aren't who you are because of your hair. ;)

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My first response would be to go back and tell her to fix it.


Since she has messed up before though, you need to find a new stylist.


Yikes $250. I just paid $75 including tip for 3 shades of highlights and lolights and a cut.


Good luck!!



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What would I like do?


  • find out where she lived and let down the tyres of her car...
  • drug her and shave her hair off
  • put superglue in all her door locks
  • spraypaint the front of her shop
  • have all her post redirected
  • phone her at 3am in the morning

What I would actually do?


Tell all my friends/neighbours that she is a crap hairdresser and find someone else. (might also do her tyres as well!)



revenge is sweet! (its also hormonal and a great defence in court!)





Too funny!!

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I would NOT go back to the "snot", and I would speak with the manager of the salon. In a sense it's not "just hair" because the results are on daily display.


It's a hard choice what to do next, but I think sometimes you just have to be patient and let your hair grow. See if you can get some glowing recommendations from people whose hair you like.

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I'm very sorry for your predicament.


Like you and others here, I've been using the same person, following her from salon to salon for about 20 years. I now get a razor cut and it works beautifully and have never had a problem with a cut or highlights. If I did, she would lose me as a client, whether I paid $10 or $500. Money is not the issue here.


I have to also ask why you sat back in her chair if she once "butchered" a cut? You made a choice, and now unfortunately it turned against you.


You can easily remedy your issue by choosing to never use this person again. Just walk away. I'm not even sure if I would bother explaining why you're severing your relationship because it doesn't sound like she would even care right now.


My hair grows like a weed, so just remember, your cut is not permanent. It's not a good thing for you that you'll lose some length, but find someone else to fix your bad cut, so at least you can live with it for now. It will all work out.


As far as the driver's license thing.....who cares and who sees it? I don't think I've ever had a driver's license of passport photo that I loved.


Hang in there, it'll be ok. You aren't who you are because of your hair. ;)


Thanks for the words of encouragement. :) Re: the last time she messed up my hair, it was the first time she used the razor said it was a new tool she liked to use... but it just made my ends too uneven and face framing layers way too short.... The next time I went back, I told her I didn't like it and that I pulled my hair back for 2 months... she apologized and fixed it nicely, like she usually cuts it.


This time, she whipped the thing out SOOOO fast and made that first cut before I could get my mouth open, I told her I didn't like it and I didn't want her to use it and she promised it would be fine... it was too late after that very first slice, so what could I do?

I could have tackled her I guess (lol)... maybe I should have.


So, thanks to all the advice from all you great ladies out there, I WILL NOT be returning to my FORMER stylist.


I'm going to schedule an appt with someone else before my next appt, so when I call to cancel, I can tell her I had someone else fix her screw up.


Thanks again... I'll keep you posted on the hair saga!

Toodles. :D

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi, I was thinking about you yesterday....I got a haircut:) and

it was excellent (thankfully)....my gal did the same wonderful


But I was truely thinking of you and told her the story. Though

I could not remember every detail. I did tell her you had been

going to the same person for 10 years.

She was quite taken aback that it happened~she said she would

have definitely recommended you going back there and having

a discussion with the person.....and the owner of the shop was

there...he can be very sarcastic:rolleyes: he said for the amount

it cost, the hairdresser should come to your home to fix it.

(He used a stronger analogy than that but I cannot post it on here).


I am not sure what your final decision ever was??? Did you go

to someone else in the last couple of weeks?


Just thinking of you since I had mine cut yesterday.

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It does not always cost this much for highlight and a cut in this area, although it could. I have gone to the same gal for over 10 years now too, and a color, highlight and cut cost me $80.00. Actually she charges me 60, I pay 80. I have had co-workers though in different parts(closer to NY) of the state that do pay that much, and it just amazes me.


I think if you just walk away from this gal and never tell her why she will not know that it was her behavor that lost her a client. If it was me I would let her know the why. If you are too angry to do it in person, then a card or note should do the trick.... It would of been one thing if this was a new hairdresser. I feel so bad for you.

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I'm going to schedule an appt with someone else before my next appt, so when I call to cancel, I can tell her I had someone else fix her screw up.



Are you saying that you already have your next appointment on her calendar? If you do, personally, I wouldn't even bother calling to cancel. If they have a receptionist that calls the day before to confirm and she happens to get you on the phone, I'd say, "Sorry, but whatshername, is no longer my stylist". If they get your answering machine, I wouldn't bother calling back.


Her attitude was simply awful and total unprofessional and she doesn't deserve any courtesy from you. If she's left with an unfilled slot in her day, well then....good! :)


After you've been a "no-show" for your appointment, you might want to send a short note telling her how disappointed you are with her, but only do it if you think it would make you feel better. I think she probably won't react much and will think *you're* the one overacting. (which you're not!). Personally, I'd probably send a little note - I know others here would not and simply drop it. Just do what feels right to you.

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I agree with Jane. Courtesy works both ways. If she's that concerned that you were a no-show, she'll call you. Then, you can voice your disappointment with her.


Remember, salons do most of their business through word of mouth. If things suddenly aren't what they used to be, customers will go elsewhere. Good luck.

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Gosh it's good to be a guy, my Navy reg haircut cost me $22 after a $5 tip last week, and I think that sucks. I got haircuts for $7 in 2004 when I was in St. Marys. It takes my barber (who is my wife's beautician BTW) about 10 minutes to cut my hair. I've got monthly appts scheduled out to Christmas.

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Oh I feel your pain.... I had a great hair dresser when I was in college who did my foil highlight and color for $60. Then once I graduated and moved to Dallas I paid well over $100 (20 years ago) for about 1/4 as good a job. I was actually scheduling business trips with weekend layovers in Mobile so I could get my hair done and visit my Grandmother. Finally I had to stop the commuting and after still not finding any one, I got my mobile hair dresser to tell me what she was putting on my hair, and then I stared going to Sally's and buying about the same thing. The only thing is that I have to pull it through a cap instead of foiling it.


Now back to the bad hair cut. I am so cheap I go to Super Cuts for my hair cuts and about every other time lately I've been getting bad hair cuts. ( for $15 you'd expect as much I suppose.) This last time took the cake.... the lady cut 1 inch of the bottom and then 2 1/2 inches off the layers.... it was like chop city. I too felt like I had a mullet. My only conciliation is that I can pull it up in a pony tail (a really stubby one) and then put on one of those puffy hair pieces....


Its grown out enough that if I go get the bottom layer cut now, it will be about back to my normal cut... but I just don't know what I would have done in the mean time while it was growing out of the choppy layers if it wasn't for my hair pieces. Maybe you can go to the mall or Sally's or Ulta 2 and see if you can find a hair piece to match once you've gotten your color fixed. Just having another styling option can make all the difference.


Let us know how it turns out.

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Gosh it's good to be a guy, my Navy reg haircut cost me $22 after a $5 tip last week, and I think that sucks. I got haircuts for $7 in 2004 when I was in St. Marys. It takes my barber (who is my wife's beautician BTW) about 10 minutes to cut my hair. I've got monthly appts scheduled out to Christmas.



and your point is????

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