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I soooooooooo agree with you about the author narrating his book. A lot of times I enjoy it when an author narrates their own book as I feel it has the proper inflection and tone. I'm not crazy about this one, though ... although I love the book and love dogs.


I want to email you, but I don't have your address ... do I? I've been looking here and don't see it.




Hello Stranger, looonnnng timer no talk. How are you doing. Read meany books we should discuss. Happy Thanksgiving.



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Hello Stranger, looonnnng timer no talk. How are you doing. Read meany books we should discuss. Happy Thanksgiving.





Hi, Jim,


I was just going to write to YOU today!!! Yes, we need to discuss some more books. I'll have to look at my list again. Can you believe it? I've actually kept my Excel spreadsheet of books for a whole year now. Remember when we talked about doing this? It's fun to look back and reminisce over what I've "read." Right now I'm in the middle of Marley & Me because I hope to see the movie someday.


How are you and do you have any non-threatening suggestions for me <lol>?


I'm in pre-Thanksgiving mode today and have to get busy. I just got back from picking up pies at Costco. Okay, so I cheated in that regard, but we like their pies and I don't "do" pies. I'm off to make stuffing and other goodies now, though.


Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I'll be back later ...



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I have used Audible for many years, and it works well with my iPod. You just have to download Audible Manager from their site to input your iPod information to make the downloads automatically go onto your iPod. I enjoy reading non-fiction most of the time.


An iPod mini will hold 3-6 books depending on how much else you keep on it. I love not having to find my reading glasses, and being able to listen while relaxing instead of fighting with pages of a book. I am an audio learning, so retain much more of my reading when listening. It's great for airplanes, as you also cancel out the jet noise as you listen.


My latest books have included "Three Cups of Tea," which is about a mountain climber who built schools for girls in Pakistan and "The Audacity of Hope" by Barak Obama. I really enjoy books read by the author, as I think they put much meaning into their own words. Audible.com lets you listen to a sample of the reading, so be sure it's enjoyable for you to listen to the voice of the narrator. Some have made me crazy with their tinny or nasal voices. It detracts from the enjoyment.

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I have used Audible for many years, and it works well with my iPod. You just have to download Audible Manager from their site to input your iPod information to make the downloads automatically go onto your iPod. I enjoy reading non-fiction most of the time.


An iPod mini will hold 3-6 books depending on how much else you keep on it. I love not having to find my reading glasses, and being able to listen while relaxing instead of fighting with pages of a book. I am an audio learning, so retain much more of my reading when listening. It's great for airplanes, as you also cancel out the jet noise as you listen.


My latest books have included "Three Cups of Tea," which is about a mountain climber who built schools for girls in Pakistan and "The Audacity of Hope" by Barak Obama. I really enjoy books read by the author, as I think they put much meaning into their own words. Audible.com lets you listen to a sample of the reading, so be sure it's enjoyable for you to listen to the voice of the narrator. Some have made me crazy with their tinny or nasal voices. It detracts from the enjoyment.




I have been listening to books from Audible.com since last Christmas, actually. I agree, it's a great site!


I enjoy networking here with people who also love audio books. I don't know ANYONE around me who does. The women I work with can't understand how I can focus on a book and do other things at the same time. That blows me away! I love, love, love listening to a book while I'm driving, shopping, cooking, cleaning ... whatever!


Let's see ... a few recommendations for books and authors ... The Beach House (Jane Green), Second Chance (Jane Green), Lisa Scottoline's legal mysteries, Eat Pray Love, Flirting with Forty (Jane Porter), Elin Hilderbrand's books, Sundays at Tiffany's (James Patterson), Kate Jacobs, The Day I Ate Everything I Wanted (Elizabeth Berg), Breathing Room (Susan Elizabeth Phillips), The Traveler's Gift (Andy Andrews), Marley & Me (John Grogan).


Whew! I think that's it for the moment. Any of your suggestions would be greatly appreciated, too. I haven't read either of your recommendations, so I'm going to check them out. Thanks!



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  • 4 weeks later...

This board has been very quiet this month, but I wanted to be sure to wish a HAPPY NEW YEAR to all my online audiobook friends!!!!!!!!!


Jim: Are you too busy listening to write anymore <lol>?


Glassbeagles: How are your butterflies? Please don't forget me.


Here's to a Happy and Healthy 2009. I hope all is well with everyone!

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Before long flights/car rides, my DH and I visit the local library and check out a few good suspense books. We load them on to the iPod. It works well if you use the audiobooks feature.

Some of our favorites are:

The Narnia Series by CS Lewis (GREAT audio production by BBC)

The Lord of the Rings by J.R.R. Tolken

The Patricia Cornwell Scarpetta series (excellent narration)


The Harry Potter books are also good on audio.

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Happy New Year Lynn and all our other audiobibliphiles!!


December has been a busy month!! I have been working a lot of hours at the book store the move is almost complete. We have stocked the shelves with nearly 60,000 books and now we have to organize, alphabetize and sell them. Then I get to learn all about antique & collectible books.


Lets see I am currently reading Silks by Dick Francis and I am listening too (headphones around my neck as I write) The Expected One by Kathleen McGowen. Later to day DH is going to change the battery in my Ipod, I am holding my breath hoping it will work and not destroy it.

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  • 3 months later...

What happened to our little group??????????????? I miss everyone! I know, I know, I have been bad about keeping in touch, too, and am trying to work on that.


I have a new passion that I have to confess here. NOT ONLY do I listen to audiobooks A LOT (in the car, shopping, around the house) ... but I also purchased an Amazon Kindle ebook reader. I love it, love it, love it. Now I can have the best of both worlds ... listening and reading on my Kindle.


So ..............what is everyone reading/listening to?


I'm really all over the place. I recently finished listening to the last Janet Evanovich (Stephanie Plum) book ... well, LAST until June when #15 comes out, that is <g>.


On Kindle I read Cruise Confidential by Brian David Bruns. I loved this book and highly recommend it for a behind-the-scenes look from a cruise employee.

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I'm not familiar with this "Kindle" - will have to check it out. I'm still doing books on tape and CD...many is the night, my sons come home from work or an evening out and bang on the car window at 1AM. I've fallen asleep listening to "just one more chapter." Of course, I then have to rewind everything. I keep resolving to get out of the car as soon as I get home!

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I'm not familiar with this "Kindle" - will have to check it out. I'm still doing books on tape and CD...many is the night, my sons come home from work or an evening out and bang on the car window at 1AM. I've fallen asleep listening to "just one more chapter." Of course, I then have to rewind everything. I keep resolving to get out of the car as soon as I get home!



Wait a second <g>. You fall asleep listening to a book in the car??? I kept re-reading your message, thinking that I was reading it incorrectly <lol>. That is tooooooooooooo funny. Does that mean you only listen to books in the car?


The Kindle is made by Amazon. It's NOT for audio books ... only to read books on. I love it because I can have a LOT of books on it, carry it around, and read whatever I'm in the mood for. I also like making the font bigger. Sometimes I hate the little prints in paperback books.


I still LOVE, LOVE, LOVE audio books, too, though. They are PERFECT for soooooo many times. What I do now is "read" at least two books at a time ... one on audio, one on the Kindle ... and sometimes a second book on the Kindle. The Kindle bookmarks where you are, so it's really easy to read a few books at a time.


What genres of books do you like the most? I would love to hear your recommendations.



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Hi Lynn!

I guess we all got wrapped up in real life. Still listen to books on my Ipod, right now I am listening to The Heroines by Eileen Favorite. Kind of an interesting concept, not sure that I love it but I am enjoying it. I have looked at the Kindle but can't justify the cost, especially working in a used book store.:p


I still haven't had the chance to take pictures of my beads, busy with work and taking care of Bill's Dad. Hopefully I'm not lying to myself when I say maybe this week.

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What happened to our little group??????????????? I miss everyone! I know, I know, I have been bad about keeping in touch, too, and am trying to work on that.


I have a new passion that I have to confess here. NOT ONLY do I listen to audiobooks A LOT (in the car, shopping, around the house) ... but I also purchased an Amazon Kindle ebook reader. I love it, love it, love it. Now I can have the best of both worlds ... listening and reading on my Kindle.


So ..............what is everyone reading/listening to?


I'm really all over the place. I recently finished listening to the last Janet Evanovich (Stephanie Plum) book ... well, LAST until June when #15 comes out, that is <g>.






On Kindle I read Cruise Confidential by Brian David Bruns. I loved this book and highly recommend it for a behind-the-scenes look from a cruise employee.

My sister in-law got a Kindle for Christmas. I think it can do both correct (both an audio book and an e-book)?


How the heck have you been????? Long time no talk.


I have been all over the place in my audio books listening as well. Where to start........where to start.


Read a couple by Robert Crais The sunset express (an Elvis Cole PI mystery) and The two minute rule, suspense about a recent paroled bank robber whose son is murdered.


Listened to a really good book by Nicholas Evans called The divide. A different kind of one by Dennis Lehane called Sacred.


James Patterson The quickie, and a pretty good one by Jane Greene called The beach house.



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Hi Lynn!

I guess we all got wrapped up in real life. Still listen to books on my Ipod, right now I am listening to The Heroines by Eileen Favorite. Kind of an interesting concept, not sure that I love it but I am enjoying it. I have looked at the Kindle but can't justify the cost, especially working in a used book store.:p


I still haven't had the chance to take pictures of my beads, busy with work and taking care of Bill's Dad. Hopefully I'm not lying to myself when I say maybe this week.






I know what you mean about getting caught up in real life. I feel the same way even though I wasn't wrapped up in anything special ... just day to day getting by and working. I didn't want to lose contact, though, with my new "audiobooks" friends <g>.


Somehow I knew you would not forget about the beads ... whenever you get a chance is fine. Do you still have my email address?


I really love the Kindle, although I can understand why you wouldn't want/need one since you work in a bookstore. To justify the price a LITTLE bit, I bought the Kindle 1 on ebay when the Kindle 2 was released on Amazon. I saved a lot of money that way. It's just soooo perfect for me and how I like to read and kind of jump around sometimes. I take it to work for my downtime, and it's wonderful. I told my husband to make it my Christmas/Valentine's Day/Mother's Day gift <g>.


I haven't heard of The Heroines. I'll have to check it out.


Have a great day!!!



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My sister in-law got a Kindle for Christmas. I think it can do both correct (both an audio book and an e-book)?


How the heck have you been????? Long time no talk.


I have been all over the place in my audio books listening as well. Where to start........where to start.


Read a couple by Robert Crais The sunset express (an Elvis Cole PI mystery) and The two minute rule, suspense about a recent paroled bank robber whose son is murdered.


Listened to a really good book by Nicholas Evans called The divide. A different kind of one by Dennis Lehane called Sacred.


James Patterson The quickie, and a pretty good one by Jane Greene called The beach house.





Hi, Jim,


It is sooooooooooooo good to hear from you.


YES, the Kindle can do audiobooks as well. That's funny because I didn't even mention that because I'm so in love with using my Cowon for the audiobooks. I tried out the audio feature when I first got my Kindle (about a month ago), and it's really nice. One benefit is that it has built-in speakers, but I still use my little Cowon that I can put in my pocket.


Oh, I loved The Beach House. Funny you should mention THAT book. My friend in Atlanta were just reminiscing the other day on the phone about how much we enjoyed that book. She READ it; I LISTENED to it.


Thank you for mentioning Nicholas Evans' book, The Divide. That would be a new one for me. I have seen it in the library but never tried it. He's a good author!


I was thinking about you yesterday because I've been "collecting" Robert Parker books. I'm about ready to start the Spenser series. I haven't read ANY of those yet, so I'm excited. Didn't you say you liked those books? Maybe I should verify this with you first to make sure I'm not remembering incorrectly.


Anyway, it's great hearing from you!



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Hi, Jim,


It is sooooooooooooo good to hear from you.


YES, the Kindle can do audiobooks as well. That's funny because I didn't even mention that because I'm so in love with using my Cowon for the audiobooks. I tried out the audio feature when I first got my Kindle (about a month ago), and it's really nice. One benefit is that it has built-in speakers, but I still use my little Cowon that I can put in my pocket.


Oh, I loved The Beach House. Funny you should mention THAT book. My friend in Atlanta were just reminiscing the other day on the phone about how much we enjoyed that book. She READ it; I LISTENED to it.


Thank you for mentioning Nicholas Evans' book, The Divide. That would be a new one for me. I have seen it in the library but never tried it. He's a good author!


I was thinking about you yesterday because I've been "collecting" Robert Parker books. I'm about ready to start the Spenser series. I haven't read ANY of those yet, so I'm excited. Didn't you say you liked those books? Maybe I should verify this with you first to make sure I'm not remembering incorrectly.


Anyway, it's great hearing from you!




Yes, I love the Spenser books, loved the TV show as well (boy am I dating myself). Unrelated question for you, when you cruise out of Miami, do you park at the POM garages? We are doing a 3 day this Friday on the Imagination and will be driving across from our condo in Ft Myers.

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Hi Lynn!

I guess we all got wrapped up in real life. Still listen to books on my Ipod, right now I am listening to The Heroines by Eileen Favorite. Kind of an interesting concept, not sure that I love it but I am enjoying it. I have looked at the Kindle but can't justify the cost, especially working in a used book store.:p


I still haven't had the chance to take pictures of my beads, busy with work and taking care of Bill's Dad. Hopefully I'm not lying to myself when I say maybe this week.


What is interesting about the concept of The Heroines?

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Yes, I love the Spenser books, loved the TV show as well (boy am I dating myself). Unrelated question for you, when you cruise out of Miami, do you park at the POM garages? We are doing a 3 day this Friday on the Imagination and will be driving across from our condo in Ft Myers.



I hate to admit it, but I never saw Spenser for Hire. Really! Sorry! I feel soooo guilty <g>.


Yes, we always park in the POM garage. It's very easy, actually, and has worked out well ... except for the $20 a day parking fee. I hate that! Last year, though, when we did the b2b, for the first time ever my husband's sister dropped us off and picked us up. It just seemed CRAZY to pay for TWO WEEKS of parking.


BTW, I'm jealous. You're cruising FRIDAY? Wow! Have a wonderful, wonderful cruise. You should have awesome weather.

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I thought you were thinking of cruising out of NJ on Explorer of the Seas, did it fall through?



Long story ... Yes, we had to cancel since my husband started a new job and couldn't plan on taking off at the beginning of May. We're kind of up in the air right now are to WHEN and ON WHAT we're going to cruise. Sigh! Hopefully SOMETHING this year. I'm going cruise crazy.

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I hate to admit it, but I never saw Spenser for Hire. Really! Sorry! I feel soooo guilty <g>.


Yes, we always park in the POM garage. It's very easy, actually, and has worked out well ... except for the $20 a day parking fee. I hate that! Last year, though, when we did the b2b, for the first time ever my husband's sister dropped us off and picked us up. It just seemed CRAZY to pay for TWO WEEKS of parking.


BTW, I'm jealous. You're cruising FRIDAY? Wow! Have a wonderful, wonderful cruise. You should have awesome weather.


Just a three day and then back to the west coast for the rest of the week. Have not been on this ship in some time. Understand about the enw job thing. It does curtail the vacation aspect. hope you get to schedule something this year.

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Hi Jim,

The Heroines, is about a 13 year old girl who's single mother runs a boarding house that is frequented by heroines from novels. It is told in first person by the daughter. I finished it today, I'm glad I read it and I enjoyed it, but I can't say that I loved it.


We leave on a 3 day cruise on the 17th. DH, DD and I, DS is staying at home and watching the dogs. Next cruise after that is the MonkeyHead Dream cruise next January.



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Being a forensic nurse for 21 years, I must confess I like all those type

books...and the detective things...Jeffrey Deaver, Patricia Cornwell,

James Patterson, Ridley Pearson - even my colleague, Eileen Dreyer. I

like others, though - Lisa See, Nicholas Sparks, different things at different times. Carl Hiassen, for a touch of humor. I can't ever be in

the car without a book on tape. I rarely read at home because I'm on the

computer or writing poetry....latest one -


Returning From the Library

An afternoon well spent,

In avid search of books,

From myriad various stacks,

And hidden little nooks.

I’m anxious to get home,

My treasures to peruse,

Viewing all the volumes,

Which one will I first choose?

For two weeks I will be,

Enmeshed in many tasks,

Mastering Balinese cooking,

Illustrated by exotic masks.

I have the new bestseller,

A favorite mystery sleuth,

Who keeps me waiting breathless,

As he searches for the truth.

I’ve a book on herbal medicine,

I hope that I can learn,

To halt the aging process,

And help my youth return!

There’s a travel volume,

With scenes of glorious Greece,

And a book of meditations,

To help find inner peace.

That will keep me busy,

But if I need a few days more,

I can do online renewal,

Without walking out my door!

Carmen Henesy

Copyright © 2009 Carmen Henesy. All Rights Reserved



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Hi Jim,

The Heroines, is about a 13 year old girl who's single mother runs a boarding house that is frequented by heroines from novels. It is told in first person by the daughter. I finished it today, I'm glad I read it and I enjoyed it, but I can't say that I loved it.


We leave on a 3 day cruise on the 17th. DH, DD and I, DS is staying at home and watching the dogs. Next cruise after that is the MonkeyHead Dream cruise next January.





Hi, Karen,


Hmmmm. The plot sounds interesting (I checked it out online). Maybe I'll give it a try one of these days. There are definitely too many books, too little time <g>. That's why I have to do audiobooks AND book books. I can't stop reading ... nor do I want to.


I was telling my husband about your not being able to justify a Kindle since you work in a bookstore. Now THAT makes sense! You are surrounded by books. That's definitely a dream come true.


Have a wonderful cruise, but now I'm totally jealous. Both you AND Jim are cruising. I feel sooooooooooooooooooo left out <g>.

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Hi Jim,

The Heroines, is about a 13 year old girl who's single mother runs a boarding house that is frequented by heroines from novels. It is told in first person by the daughter. I finished it today, I'm glad I read it and I enjoyed it, but I can't say that I loved it.


We leave on a 3 day cruise on the 17th. DH, DD and I, DS is staying at home and watching the dogs. Next cruise after that is the MonkeyHead Dream cruise next January.






Hi, again, Karen,


Don't even worry about the beads until after your cruise ... but one of these days I really would LOVE to see the different colored butterflies and shells (and other beads) that you have available. Thanks!

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Hi Jim,

The Heroines, is about a 13 year old girl who's single mother runs a boarding house that is frequented by heroines from novels. It is told in first person by the daughter. I finished it today, I'm glad I read it and I enjoyed it, but I can't say that I loved it.


We leave on a 3 day cruise on the 17th. DH, DD and I, DS is staying at home and watching the dogs. Next cruise after that is the MonkeyHead Dream cruise next January.




Do you think it is only a woman's book to read or cross gender (after writing that I am not sure I could defend it....but you know what I mean)? Where are you going on your 3 day cruise? I assume the Monkeyhead cruise is a cruise critic cruise?



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