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Formal Dress - Like it?


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[quote name='innlady1']I could probably dig mine up somewhere, too! What a great store that was...I'm in the Boston area and that's the one I remember.[/quote]

[B]I'm from Boston also and so well remember that beautiful store. Just that building is so lovely. Louis is in it now, aren't they? Remember that nice little parking lot they had right in the middle of the city for free parking? I loved that store and would so love something just like it today. Such personal service; such lovely merchandise.[/B]
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To the OP:

Did you and your wife actually fall for the "vintage" line? 35 years old is not "vintage" - it's just old, and it screams "Goodwill" bargain. If you fell for that line then you should go back and demand a refund - you were ripped off big time.

The dress is okay and would probably work for a casual dinner or BBQ around the Lido pool area but formal it is not, and a shipload of diamonds would not make it look more dressy.

Just my opinion, and heck, I am just as entitled to my opinion as anyone else here on the boards.

Standing by with my Kevlar vest in case it's needed..

Valerie;) :)
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[quote name='sail7seas'][B]I'm from Boston also and so well remember that beautiful store. Just that building is so lovely. Louis is in it now, aren't they? Remember that nice little parking lot they had right in the middle of the city for free parking? I loved that store and would so love something just like it today. Such personal service; such lovely merchandise.[/B][/quote]

You're right, Sail. It is a beautiful building...I'm sure with a lot of history to the architecture. Yes, Louis is there now. Funny...I remember the nice parking lot, too! I'll bet you remember R H Stearns and Peck & Peck, too. A part of Boston that's gone but not forgotten.
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[quote name='gooselace'][FONT=Comic Sans MS][SIZE=3] [/SIZE][/FONT]

[FONT=Comic Sans MS][SIZE=3]ekerr19 - maybe I'll wear one of my Diane vonFurstenberg wrap dresses - from the 70s (maybe late 60s). Style seems to be back if not the quality. [/SIZE][/FONT]


OMG: do you still have your DVF wrap dresses? Idiot that I am I gave all mine away. I found one at Nordy's the other day, and it was the only one they had at the time, but it was too small (size 4 - who wears a size 4 outside of Hollywood starlets or wannabees, or is that too large for them:D ?) so I had to settle for an Adrianna Pappel knockoff which is more generously proportioned, but does look good, as long as I remember to hold in my stomach (didn't have to do that back in the 70's;)) .

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[quote name='mamaofami']Does anyone remember B. Altman's? There was one in NYC and my mother used to take me to their restaurant, Charleston Gardens. It looked just like a southern plantation and the waitresses walked around with little tea sandwiches. I loved that place.[/quote]

We didn't have a B. Altman in Boston, but I know there was one in SF too. Lord & Taylor in Boston had a restaurant like that...same as in NYC. Loved that store, too. Today's L & T is definitely not the same.

Wonderful memories, Carol!
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Vintage Resort and Cruise Wear

Swimsuits, cover-ups, Hawaiian dresses and skirts.



Stunning 1970s Hawaiian print dress by Malihini Hawaii.

Self belted Empire waist....sleeveless bodice with square neckline. Center front inverted pleat in long narrow skirt.


The print is exceptionally beautiful. Oversized hibiscus blossoms in luminous shades of oranges, yellows and browns. The fabric is cotton "bark cloth". As a full length dress it is quite dramatic and would make a bold statement.


Not so brave? The dress could easily be shortened for more versatility. Use the extra fabric to make a matching bag!





That sounds about right...The print reminds me of the print in one of my maternity dresses (gasp!) from 1972. Not the same...but similar. LOL...I don't think I dare tell my daughter that my maternity dress would be considered "vintage!"


I guess a younger person on a cruise might consider this vintage. To us "older folks," it might remind us of something we donated to Goodwill, or is packed away in the attic, long overdue to be donated!

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Does anyone remember B. Altman's? There was one in NYC and my mother used to take me to their restaurant, Charleston Gardens. It looked just like a southern plantation and the waitresses walked around with little tea sandwiches. I loved that place.


B. Altman was one of my all time favorites stores in NYC. I lived there in the 60's, 70's, and 80's when 5th Avenue was just a long line of amazing stores .... Bonwit's, Bergdorfs, Best & Co (my absolute favorite), Sak's, B. Altman and Lord & Taylor. You could walk from 57th to below 34th and shop all along the way.


Walking down 5th at Christmastime was absolutely breathtaking ... nothing like it anywhere.


And why are you asking everyone's opinion? Can't you make up your own mind? Why not do what you are comfortable with?


I'm guessing our opinion isn't really what Bicker was looking for ... it was more like an experiment to get everyone's reaction.

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Does anyone remember B. Altman's? There was one in NYC and my mother used to take me to their restaurant, Charleston Gardens. It looked just like a southern plantation and the waitresses walked around with little tea sandwiches. I loved that place.


Was B. Altman's the NY store that had the handsome brown. black and white striped shopping bags? I used to but muself a "treat" every time I was in New York, if it's the one I'm thinking of, because there wasn't one in Chicago. No matter what you bought, the salesperson wrapped it carefully, put it in an appropriate size bag, and tied the handles with a neat brown ribbon.


Last Christmas when I bought an expensive gift at Saks in the mall the totally unhelpful clerk literally threw it into a bag and when I requested a gift box, she threw in one of those cheapie "fold-a-box" deals - right on top of the designer silk shirt.


We've strayed OT, but maybe that's why we are devoted to HAL - it still offers some of the nice touches we used to find in the better stores.

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How funny - everyone gave these "nice and polite" answers. It reminds me of something that Peggy Lipton would have worn on the "Mod Squad." (That's not a bad thing, it's just what the dress reminds me of when I see it.)






I'm guessing our opinion isn't really what Bicker was looking for ... it was more like an experiment to get everyone's reaction.
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Was B. Altman's the NY store that had the handsome brown. black and white striped shopping bags? I used to but muself a "treat" every time I was in New York, if it's the one I'm thinking of, because there wasn't one in Chicago. No matter what you bought, the salesperson wrapped it carefully, put it in an appropriate size bag, and tied the handles with a neat brown ribbon.


Last Christmas when I bought an expensive gift at Saks in the mall the totally unhelpful clerk literally threw it into a bag and when I requested a gift box, she threw in one of those cheapie "fold-a-box" deals - right on top of the designer silk shirt.


We've strayed OT, but maybe that's why we are devoted to HAL - it still offers some of the nice touches we used to find in the better stores.


That's a very good point, gooselace. Hadn't thought of it that way. Hmmmmmmm. ;)

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B. Altman was one of my all time favorites stores in NYC. I lived there in the 60's, 70's, and 80's when 5th Avenue was just a long line of amazing stores .... Bonwit's, Bergdorfs, Best & Co (my absolute favorite), Sak's, B. Altman and Lord & Taylor. You could walk from 57th to below 34th and shop all along the way.

Walking down 5th at Christmastime was absolutely breathtaking ... nothing like it anywhere.

I'm guessing our opinion isn't really what Bicker was looking for ... it was more like an experiment to get everyone's reaction.

Oh my, I'd forgotten about Best & Company. We had one of those in Boston as well.

When I was young & single...and living in Boston...we (my roommates & I) used to visit friends who had moved to Manhattan. I remember your stroll down 5th Avenue very well!

Later, after I was married and we owned a children's specialty shop here, we used to go to NYC several times a year on buying trips...and we enjoyed the same walk up & down 5th Avenue. It's especially lovely at Christmas.

Saks, B. Altman, L & T, Bergdorf's, Bonwit's, B Altman...all of them.

Maybe the poster is correct who assimilated those of us who like HAL with these shopping experiences. :confused:

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And Marshall Field's in Chicago is now named Macy's. Breaks my heart!


OH YES. Had planned to meet a friend there last month in whatever is left of the Walnut Room (probably only the name), but when it came time, we opted for a suburban cafe instead. Keep the memories untarnished.


Revneal - only thing left of Carsons Pirie Scott is the famous Carson's ribs - at several Blackie's in the suburbs. Afraid to ask about Louis Sullivan's architectural ironwork.

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Was B. Altman's the NY store that had the handsome brown. black and white striped shopping bags? ................


I don't think so ... as I recall, they changed the color of their bags from time to time (I recall white and brown), but I'm pretty sure the logo was a dark red. Wouldn't swear to it, though.


Innlady, I also walked and shopped the streets of Boston:) . I lived on Commonwealth in the early 60's. My favorite at the time??? Filene's Basement!!! I was pretty young at the time and that was about my speed!

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I don't think so ... as I recall, they changed the color of their bags from time to time (I recall white and brown), but I'm pretty sure the logo was a dark red. Wouldn't swear to it, though.


Innlady, I also walked and shopped the streets of Boston:) . I lived on Commonwealth in the early 60's. My favorite at the time??? Filene's Basement!!! I was pretty young at the time and that was about my speed!


Oh my gosh, Heather! I lived in Brookline...but not until someone else rented the apartment we wanted on Comm. Ave. out from under us (my college roommates and I!). In the 300's...Maybe 362?


What a small world!


And, yes, Filene's Basement was a favorite of mine, too! ;) I still shop there on occasion!

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Speaking of warm & fuzzy, we are cat people, so this morning (actually yesterday now) when my DH and I were reading the paper and he mentioned a sale at "Felines" I thought it must be some new cat emporium. I asked where, and he said "Felines Basement."


Yes, it was Filenes:D


Grammar police: Is that a Malapropism?

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I like how this has turned into such a warm and fuzzy "thread" ;) (pardon the pun)

This board could use more of these!


Isn't that nice?;) So relaxing and soothing!

A Priest and a Rabbi were sitting next to each other on an airplane.

After a while, the Priest turned to the Rabbi and asked, "Is it still a

requirement of your faith that you not eat pork?"

The Rabbi responded, "Yes, that is still one of our beliefs."

The Priest then asked, "Have you ever eaten pork?"

To which the Rabbi replied, "Yes, on one occasion I did succumb to

temptation and tasted a ham sandwich."

The Priest nodded in understanding and went on with his reading.

A while later, the Rabbi spoke up and asked the priest, "Father, is it

still a requirement of your church that you remain celibate?

"The Priest replied, "Yes, that is still very much a part of our faith."

The Rabbi then asked him, "Father, have you ever fallen to the

temptations of the flesh?

The Priest replied, "Yes, Rabbi, on one occasion I was weak and broke

with my faith."

The Rabbi nodded understandingly and remained silent, thinking, for

about five minutes.

Finally, the Rabbi says, "Beats the Hell out of a ham sandwich, doesn't


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I don't think so ... as I recall, they changed the color of their bags from time to time (I recall white and brown), but I'm pretty sure the logo was a dark red. Wouldn't swear to it, though.


Innlady, I also walked and shopped the streets of Boston:) . I lived on Commonwealth in the early 60's. My favorite at the time??? Filene's Basement!!! I was pretty young at the time and that was about my speed!


Even by the early 70's when I lived on Marlborough St & then, later 240A Newbury St, my friends and I "duked" it out a few fun times at Filene's Basement. But we usually did our serious shopping in NYC and I very much miss those lovely sales ladies at Bonwits & Altman's (I seem to remember them the most) who "knew" us by name even if we only were there 4-5 times a year and they ALWAYS had stuff in the back they "knew" was perfect for us they had "set aside." How clever were they? How gullible were we? But they always seemed to have the right thing, right size. Even the internet isnt as fast with a sale as those sales ladies were.


I got a kick coming back to this thread and seeing that THE DRESS is 35 years old. No wonder I liked it! Now that I think of it, it is almost exactly the pattern of a sheet set I got at my bridal shower in 1972! Sigh......some great memories. I'll bet those old sheets are still in my attic in a cedar chest and I THINK they were the "'new" permanent press. I've got a great seamtress...maybe a formal is possible, though I still maintain the print is smart casual. Permanent press would pack well?


:rolleyes: Martha

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Here I naively thought you honestly didn't know if it would be appropriate
Really? After all the dress code threads, you really didn't think I knew what was and wasn't appropriate? :confused:


and were seeking "advice"... It never occurred to me that the basis for the thread was to "test" us as to determing the "age" of the garment... :o
I think part of it is that I'm a really modern guy. I worry (perhaps incessantly) that my suits are "last year's cut" (but still refuse to spend money on a new suit while I can still get away with wearing the suits I have -- economy y'know :rolleyes:).


By the same token, maybe her wearing a vintage dress will make my suit look more modern! :)

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Did you and your wife actually fall for the "vintage" line? 35 years old is not "vintage" - it's just old, and it screams "Goodwill" bargain. If you fell for that line then you should go back and demand a refund - you were ripped off big time.
Sorry, but 35 years old is vintage. I know folks like what they like and hate what they don't like around here, but that's life. I'm still just interested in whether the dress looks too dated or not, because I already know it is appropriate for formal night, but thanks for the input.
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And why are you asking everyone's opinion? Can't you make up your own mind? Why not do what you are comfortable with?
I think the web is a good place to try to get impressions, such as, in this case, whether without folks knowing how old the dress was, folks felt whether the design was too dated or not. I suppose I have already received my answer, since none of the first set of replies had any inkling of the age of the dress in them.
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