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New passport info.....


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Well, MY issue is that I'm divorced, and will probably be re-married in the next 2 years, and I don't really want to get a passport in my old married name. Not to mention that this will probably be the only trip we take in the next 10 years out of the country! LOL Our next vacation is a week in Key West in 2009 (honeymoon?), and the next few years after that will be close to home trips b/c we'll be saving up to build a house and starting our family, and then the next few vacations after that will probably end up being something kid-friendly like Disney. I'd hate to get a passport for only one trip, and in a name that I won't have for much longer! LOL

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Geting a passport shouldn't be a shell game to see how long we can guess correctly. It makes sense to get one. They keep telling us that we'll need one and if you read other threads on the this topic, everyone says if you have a problem or illness, and need local transpotation home, it is much smoother and quicker if you have a passport.


Plus, if a terrorist act did occur again and alert goes up -- a passport should help identify each of us as a citzen with a right to come home... Let's pray this doesn't ever happen!


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I don't understand why they keep postponing when Americans will need passports to travel. My husband and I got ours in early 2004 because there was the possibility that Barbados was going to require it on our Carnival Spirit cruise. They backed down, but we were glad that we had our passports anyway. Now here we are, almost four years later, and passports are again being postponed as mandatory for Caribbean travel.


I certainly don't feel any safer knowing that the requirements are being delayed AGAIN! What is the hardship in obtaining a passport? I realize it's an added expense for travelers, but after all our country went through on September 11, 2001 isn't it time to speed up when passports are required - not slow down the process?


I'll step down from my soapbox now, but I can't change the way I feel about all this.

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I don't understand why they keep postponing when Americans will need passports to travel. My husband and I got ours in early 2004 because there was the possibility that Barbados was going to require it on our Carnival Spirit cruise. They backed down, but we were glad that we had our passports anyway. Now here we are, almost four years later, and passports are again being postponed as mandatory for Caribbean travel.


I certainly don't feel any safer knowing that the requirements are being delayed AGAIN! What is the hardship in obtaining a passport? I realize it's an added expense for travelers, but after all our country went through on September 11, 2001 isn't it time to speed up when passports are required - not slow down the process?


I'll step down from my soapbox now, but I can't change the way I feel about all this.



I think it is the travel industry lobbying against them. They know people will wait until the last possible minute causing another huge backlog thus people not going places they would need them.


I have had one for a long time. I love being able to jump on last minute good deals and I am seeing the world. (going to Germany next week).


To be honest, I feel no safer if they require them or not, but they offer me a lot of advantages. They are easy to keep up with. Everything goes so smooth when using them. If I need med evac or get left I have it (I ALWAYS take mine with me when I get off the ship and leave the copy in the safe). You would still be able to get home without one, but it will not be easy and often takes days to weeks and it does not matter if you think it is an emergency, it will be handled in their time, not yours. If the need arose, I do not want any delay.


A young couple were staying at my hotel in Cozumel a couple of years ago and we had supper together. They had missed their ship for some reason I never did really figure out. They were being allowed to board the next ship coming to port. They did not have insurance or passports. I only saw them that one day so I guess they got on the other ship, but I wondered what problems they could have had besides having to stay in a hotel for a couple of days.


But really I couldn't care less if others want to get one. I have mine and that is what matters to me.

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I just got this email from a TA.


Travel Document Changes Effective Jan. 31, 2008


Oral representation of citizenship will no longer be accepted


Today (December 21, 2007), Customs and Border Protection (CBP) announced that effective January 31, 2008, all travelers, including U.S. citizens, entering the United States through land and sea ports of entry will no longer have the option of orally declaring their citizenship. This previously accepted, but rare, practice of proving citizenship through oral declaration will no longer be sufficient.


What does the January 31, 2008 discontinuation of the oral citizenship declaration option mean to you and your clients?


Currently, CLIA member lines generally require proof of citizenship and a government-issued ID for boarding. This typically means a driver’s license along with proof of citizenship in the form of a:


Original or certified copy of birth certificate

Naturalization papers (for U.S. Naturalized citizens)

These requirements have been industry standards, but will now be required by law and enforced as of January 31, 2008.

Cruise passengers on international voyages who do not have proper citizenship and identification documentation will not be allowed to board their cruise after January 31, 2008. Please advise your clients of this change.

Once again, as of January 31, 2008, travelers, including U.S. citizens, seeking to enter the United States through land and sea ports of entry must present documents proving citizenship (such as a birth certificate or passport) and government-issued identification (such as a driver’s license).

The best advice is to check with the cruise line directly, as travel documentation requirements can vary by line and itinerary.


Separately, as an update, the official passport deadline for cruise passengers has not yet been determined. CLIA will advise you of any changes, and continues to encourage travelers to purchase or renew their passport to allow the most options for future travel.


For more information, visit: http://travel.state.gov


We got ours in 2005 and it truly makes life easier... By the way, my son applied for his on 11/30 and it arrived in the mail on 12/8! Now that's fast!

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Plan a cruise to Europe if you need justification on getting a passport. That is what prompted my wife and I to get ours back in 2005.


We got them before prices went up in 2005 also. So I don't have to worry about a new passport until 2015.


Earlier last month I had a once in a lifetime opportunity to go to Montréal and be interviewed for a DVD set. Needless to say I was glad I had that passport, as I found out about this opportunity 2 days before hand and would have dreaded driving from Michigan to Montréal. Flight was the best option and the passport was required for flight. I have to say that the Canadian passport stamp looks cooler than the plain old airplane stamps I got in Rome, and Frankfurt.


To those that may put off getting a passport, you may never know what opportunities lurk ahead. Why not be prepared and join the rest of the countries in the world that have to have them for travel anyhow?

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There are those of the opinion that cruisers won't need one ever. It's in another thread where I was told I didnt' know what I was talking about when I said cruisers will need passports in the future. We have them and the expense is just an excuse people use. I feel it's a lot easier and I never had to worry that my typewritten 47 year old bc wouldn't be accepted. The fact that they're not accepting verbal statements anymore should tell people the inevitable is coming. I don't particularly think that $100 for a passport that is good for 10 years should be an issue. My feeling has always been, if it's a financial burden, then have two less drinks onboard or skip playing bingo a couple of times. I feel if you can't afford a passport, why are you going on vacation anyway?

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I know there has been a lot written on this. If in doubt, get a passport because should you have to be flown back to the USA from many of the places where a passport is still not needed if you come back via cruise line you will have a problem. Passports are good for 10 years and if you think you are going to continue to travel, I would just get a passport.



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I have one and can't remember what we paid but $100 seems kind of steep for what they give you. You supply the info and the pictures so why $100.




Just think of this as $10.00 per year rather than $100.00. How much do you pay for your drivers license and then take that out ten years and realize that a passport is a more extensive document. Anyway, not trying to defend the costs but they are what they are.



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Here is the link:




The departments have also identified unique circumstances for specific groups of travelers that warrant permitting the use of alternative documents.

  • U.S. citizens on round trip cruise ship voyages that originate and end in the United States may present a government-issued photo ID and birth certificates, Consular Reports of Birth Abroad or Certificates of Naturalization."

The quote is about half way down the page.

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I have one and can't remember what we paid but $100 seems kind of steep for what they give you. You supply the info and the pictures so why $100.




Well, let's see... They don't just take the info you send them and issue you a passport. There is a search of outstanding warrants, among other searches done. Some people are not allowed to obtain or renew a passport and it's the job of the processer to check each applicant. Also, $10/year is cheap. My DL costs $35 or so and it's good for about 3 years, so my passport is actually cheaper.


What "they" give you is the ability to travel in and out of this country. It can also prevent non-custodial parents from taking children out and parents not paying child support from being able to travel freely overseas to avoid paying. Passports are revoked by judges to prevent people fleeing justice as well.

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There are those of the opinion that cruisers won't need one ever. It's in another thread where I was told I didnt' know what I was talking about when I said cruisers will need passports in the future. We have them and the expense is just an excuse people use. I feel it's a lot easier and I never had to worry that my typewritten 47 year old bc wouldn't be accepted. The fact that they're not accepting verbal statements anymore should tell people the inevitable is coming. I don't particularly think that $100 for a passport that is good for 10 years should be an issue. My feeling has always been, if it's a financial burden, then have two less drinks onboard or skip playing bingo a couple of times. I feel if you can't afford a passport, why are you going on vacation anyway?

If you're referring to the thread that I also posted in with you, then IMO you're seriously misstating what you were told there.


FWIW, we have our passports, but I won't ridicule someone who makes a well-informed decision to not get one when it's not necessarily needed.

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We got our first Passport 15 yars ago, the cost was $65.00. We got married that year and went to Barbados for the honeymoon. I traveled on that one for ten years, it was very simple to change the name after we came back, just sent the marriage license and the passport came back with the name chabged. No problem, no charge. We updated them in 2002 after 10 years, glad we have them, took the Europe cruise in 05 no problem, no rush to get one issued.


It is a really simple process, and rightnow is the time to getone, this time of the year is the lease busy and you can get them back rather quickly. We delay.

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I read or heard that it is now DEFINITELY summer 2009.. for US cruisers that never plan to fly out of the country right now passports are not required.. but they will be in the future.. if you don't purchase them now.. it will be an added expense in the future to add to your cruise budget..


Being CDN.. we have to have our passports... unlike the US ours are only good for 5 yrs.. so I think you all are lucky to get it for 10yrs.


For those that don't get them now.. and wait.. pls don't come back and post that you haven't received your passport in time for your cruise:D:p

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OK, lets look at this over a twenty year period, $97.00 for the first one and $67.00 for a renewal. Thats $164.00 for twenty years. Divide that by 20 and it is $8.20 per YEAR!!!. Or less than $.16 per WEEK!!! If you cannot afford $.16 per week for each member of your family, than you cannot afford to go on any vacation. Just get your passports, you will be glad you did.


If you spread them out over a few years, you won't have to renew them all at once either.

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If you're referring to the thread that I also posted in with you, then IMO you're seriously misstating what you were told there.


FWIW, we have our passports, but I won't ridicule someone who makes a well-informed decision to not get one when it's not necessarily needed.


Maybe not by you, but I was told I was mistaken about passports being needed for cruising twice. IMO the way I was talked to by one poster was rude since what was quoted is not law yet. Once this is finally settled and Congress acts, what is currently written may not stand. Never, ever assume that what is currently stated as draft or proposed won't be changed by committee. I know well how the hill works through friends who have worked there to never believe legislation til it is passed. Nothing ever goes through completely as proposed and I'm far from the only one that thinks passports will be required in the future. How many different versions have been proposed so far?

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Maybe not by you, but I was told I was mistaken about passports being needed for cruising twice. IMO the way I was talked to by one poster was rude since what was quoted is not law yet. Once this is finally settled and Congress acts, what is currently written may not stand. Never, ever assume that what is currently stated as draft or proposed won't be changed by committee. I know well how the hill works through friends who have worked there to never believe legislation til it is passed. Nothing ever goes through completely as proposed and I'm far from the only one that thinks passports will be required in the future. How many different versions have been proposed so far?


Another thing that people that are holding off and those that insist they will never be required is if they will be required in the different countries we travel too.


I really doubt Mexico would ever require them of Americans as they have gotten used to our money, but that doesn't mean it couldn't happen. Or one of the other caribbean countries. It only has to be one to screw you up.

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I read or heard that it is now DEFINITELY summer 2009.. for US cruisers that never plan to fly out of the country right now passports are not required.. but they will be in the future.. if you don't purchase them now.. it will be an added expense in the future to add to your cruise budget..


Being CDN.. we have to have our passports... unlike the US ours are only good for 5 yrs.. so I think you all are lucky to get it for 10yrs.


For those that don't get them now.. and wait.. pls don't come back and post that you haven't received your passport in time for your cruise:D:p

Do you have a source for this info? We were discussing this in the OTHER passport thread, and the latest "proposed rule" that anyone can find a link to says differently.

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