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If You Don't Like Being Violated Don't Book A Cruise To Jamaica


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Just to let you know we were in OR last week and one of the males with our group was also greeted with this pat down hand shake or whatever you want to call it. We also witness another. It seems if you had tatoos or piercings you got the extra treatment, so it is not just limited to MoBay.


In OR last Tuesday. No pats, no questions, just smiles as we went back to the ship. No problem, mon!

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We were in OR a couple of weeks ago with my boyfriend and our 3 teenagers as well as another family. My dear BF is a biker long hair, a tattoo, wore dark sunglasses, the whole bit. After reading this thread before we left I felt sure he would be searched. But nothing. Now, he was asked on many occasions if he "needed anything" but we just said no thank you and went on our way. Actually when going back to the ship they searched my bags closer than his. We really enjoyed Jamacia, used it as a learning experience for our kids. We are by no means well off but the kids did see how good they have it. My 18 DD even said now she knows she's a spoiled brat. We did a tour with Peat Taylor and got to experience the "real" Jamacia. I was never scared or felt uneasy. The other family that was with us decided to get a cab and explore on their own, they however were not as lucky as us. Didn't get to see as much and were way overcharged. I will be returning to this beautiful island.

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We were in Montego bay last week, did ships tour with fantastic guide. No probs with security just usual bags getting scanned. Thats our 3rd time and definately not our last. Be sensible and don't miss a beautiful island.

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Things can happen wherever u travel.It is part of life.As long as it was a female officer,i would not mind:).Just checking for drugs,no biggie been in law enforcement so i get it.

As a teenager years ago going to a concert from Canada to USA my friend was strip searched in a room before being let into the states,again checking for drugs.

If you come from a sheltered way of life you may find these things upsetting,but it happens all the time.:eek:

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  • 2 weeks later...
Well, agreeing to be searched certainly does not mean that pax agree to having their private areas fondled and groped. And from what I've read, all the "druggies" are Jamaican. Why don't the cops round up the dealers and dopers posted on every corner? Why pick on the tourists? Like I stated before, these people are reboarding a cruise ship. They are not being processed into San Quentin.


I find it kind of ironic that Jamaica does NOTHING to stop ILLEGAL dope pushing within it's own borders, but doesn't hesitate to harrass and violate citizens from other countries AS THEY ARE LEAVING THE ISLAND :rolleyes:




They figure it's the last chance they'll ever have to squeeze money from them.....along with their crotches.

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I'm really nervous now. Not about the pat-downs, but about Jamaica in general. We are taking our 5 yr old DD on the Conquest the first week of June, and really want to be able to get off of the ship and enjoy Jamaica, but I'm afraid I'll be a nervous wreck! What is safe and nearby the cruise port??

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I'm really nervous now. Not about the pat-downs, but about Jamaica in general. We are taking our 5 yr old DD on the Conquest the first week of June, and really want to be able to get off of the ship and enjoy Jamaica, but I'm afraid I'll be a nervous wreck! What is safe and nearby the cruise port??


Why don't you schedule a tour instead of wondering around with no direction? I always find I enjoy ports and tourist areas much more when I have a purpose.

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But the biggest reason of all....I will not financially contribute to ANY country where hate crimes against gay people are tolerated. Inexcusable!!!

That's my reason, too. I don't think gay cruisers are likely to be victims, but locals get it all the time. There are medals given to people who mutilate/kill gay people in Jamaica. There's a boycott site: http://www.boycottjamaica.org/


Not even my port taxes. Not unless they change.

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There seems to be a simple answer to this ongoing question about Jamaica. If you are unhappy with the options offered and you have questions about the destination, don't book the cruise. If you have an issue with security and safety and decide to stay on the ship, fine. But remember that your port taxes are funding and supporting the government - if you are wanting to send a message to the cruise lines about the island, the inherent security and drugs problems and tourist hassles, the only way is to simply not book a cruise that goes to Jamaica.


There is a ton of information out there for anyone wanting to visit, so you can get a balanced picture of the potential pitfalls and then make an informed decision. Personally I wouldn't go near the place for many reasons, including their appalling human rights record as far as their persecution of GLBT citizens, but I'd also be reluctant to visit a destination that starts out with negatives and caveats (e.g. a need to take an organised tour as doing anything on your own is deemed as being 'unsafe' ) and then doesn't seem to get any better.

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That's my reason, too. I don't think gay cruisers are likely to be victims, but locals get it all the time. There are medals given to people who mutilate/kill gay people in Jamaica. There's a boycott site: http://www.boycottjamaica.org/


Not even my port taxes. Not unless they change.


Sorry but where is the boycott America site for blacks and other minorities that have been beaten, killed and today treated as less. Laced in the fabic of each society are things many aren't proud about. Jamaica wears the label of violence and homophobia, the US a history of racism. There are still things that many can still be proud about...you think? I respect your choice NOT to go for any reason you choose, but to stand in judgement...Haaaaaaa. A minority might view the problems of the US differently...maybe? To be violated in Jamaica or hated for your color in the US. It's not that simple is it? It's your vacation if you won't feel comfortable, DON'T GO unless you think your constitutional right entitles you to be in every port. If people who truly belive this is a way to bring about change then I will be the first in line because to be hated for color or other reason is WRONG! There are place in the US, as a black person, I would not visit. I have been called names and stared at recently, not decades ago.

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Sorry but where is the boycott America site for blacks and other minorities that have been beaten, killed and today treated as less. Laced in the fabic of each society are things many aren't proud about. Jamaica wears the label of violence and homophobia, the US a history of racism. There are still things that many can still be proud about...you think? I respect your choice NOT to go for any reason you choose, but to stand in judgement...Haaaaaaa. A minority might view the problems of the US differently...maybe? To be violated in Jamaica or hated for your color in the US. It's not that simple is it? It's your vacation if you won't feel comfortable, DON'T GO unless you think your constitutional right entitles you to be in every port. If people who truly belive this is a way to bring about change then I will be the first in line because to be hated for color or other reason is WRONG! There are place in the US, as a black person, I would not visit. I have been called names and stared at recently, not decades ago.

Sorry, but I'm not on Cruise Critic to discuss America's ongoing racial issues. I am here to discuss cruising, and that is what I have done. I feel your post is off-topic, and I don't wish to engage in that debate.

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I have been called names and stared at recently, not decades ago.


With all due respect, comparing the two issues is ludicrous. Being called names and stared at because of your colour is totally unacceptable in this day and age, but it really doesn't equate to being beaten, tortured and then having your throat cut because of your sexuality. Last time I looked, there were laws in the United States to deal with criminal acts such as those outlined above. As far as I'm aware, a significant number of Jamaican police, security personnel and other so-called law enforcement officers have either stood by or actively participated in the above murders of innocent victims.


Please keep this real.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Sorry, but should'nt the check for drug possesion be done at the time of entry into a country, instead of the time of departure? Isnt the onus on American authorities to seach you for drugs when you disembark in USA instead? Why are Jamaican authorities worried about your carrying drugs away from their country..... particularly in view of the fact that they openly permit drug-peddling at their own ports!

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  • 1 month later...

I went to MB Jamaica a few years ago with my family and friends. Our then 18 yr old son and a friend of his also 18 went back to the ship with our daughter and her friend while we went shopping with a guide through Carnival. We thought the kids would be fine since we dropped them off at customs. Little did we know that they pulled both of the boys aside and took them to separate rooms and strip searched them. They both were felt up by a large Jamaican woman. These boys were both clean cut with no tattoo's or piercing. Had we of known this would happen we would never have left them go through security by themselves. The girls made it through fine. Needless to say I will NEVER take a group there again. Thank goodness the boys took it with a grain of salt and were not traumatized over it all.

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  • 1 month later...

don't forget...you are not in the United States.....our laws do not apply...they don't travel with us. We then go by "their" laws when in their country.


Honestly, it was not that big of a deal...dh just joked about it and said he wanted to go through the line again lol....


and btw, dh is a clean cut, shaven, short haired male, with no piercings, tatts, etc.


So it can happen to anyone.


Just be aware, and don't be offended.

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I booked a cruise in 2008 that had Jamaica as a port of call, so i visited the jamaica boards to get info and came across this (very sad) thread. I still went on my cruise A YEAR LATER in 2009 and had a blast in Jamaica.


So now here it is almost Sept 2009, and this thread is STILL ALIVE!!!!


Can we close it already? There was another thread where someone claimed they lost their aunt & uncle in Miami, grabbing everyone's attention. A few days pass by but the OP never returned to give updates on his/her situation. So the moderator closed the thread. Why can't we do the same here?


The horse is dead, stop beating it already.

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I booked a cruise in 2008 that had Jamaica as a port of call, so i visited the jamaica boards to get info and came across this (very sad) thread. I still went on my cruise A YEAR LATER in 2009 and had a blast in Jamaica.


So now here it is almost Sept 2009, and this thread is STILL ALIVE!!!!


Can we close it already? There was another thread where someone claimed they lost their aunt & uncle in Miami, grabbing everyone's attention. A few days pass by but the OP never returned to give updates on his/her situation. So the moderator closed the thread. Why can't we do the same here?


The horse is dead, stop beating it already.



because some people like to be informed before they are groped....that's why.....this is important to some people...if you don't want to read it, please move on. i was shocked when it happened to my husband....but now we know that it could potentially happen, and we were not alone. i know they were not flirting with my husband, as flattering as they have been, but they were merely frisking him. i also know that your sex does not matter...men frisk women, women frisk men. unlike here in the U.S., TSA agents have to be the same sex.


i'ts called BEING INFORMED! nothing wrong with it. like i said before, just move on past it...you yourself just kept it alive for at least one more posting and bumped it up by your comment. i thank you, as do others i'm sure.:)

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I agree completely with what you have said here! My suggestion is for everyone that has experienced this is to write a letter to Carnival Guest Relations explaining this situation. People keep in mind what we Americans view as a sexual in our country is far from it in other countries. Where Carnival is wrong here is that they need to make every passenger aware that this might/probably happen if they choose to leave the ship. Now if enough passengers stay on board they will take notice. To say that people are being molested is way over the top. People doing their job DO NOT GET THEIR JOLLIES OFF by performing routine drug checks. I've read complaints on this board where people have returned from a stop in Jamaica and complain that their fellow passengers are smoking weed in their cabins/balconies etc. We simply can't have it both ways people! Again I think the issue belongs with Carnival and their needing to warn people perhaps add it to the capers for that day that body searches are being done etc but beyond that let's not get rediculous in turning this into something sexual.



Well said!

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After reading all these posts I still don't see a problem with going to MO. I have been offered drusg in St. Thomas at coki beach. I've had street people follow me around outside my office building here in So. Cal. until I gave them a cigarette so that they would go away.


As far as the pat down searches I could care less. If that is thier policy than that is what it is. If drugs are a billion dollar a year industry then someone is obviously taking the drugs out of the country. And wether the customs agents are doing it to stop the drug flow or to increase revenue so what. It is their country.


I have not been yet but my sister has and she had a great time. Someitmes when I read posts like these I can help but wonder if some cruisers expect the countries to be like little americas. I think for a lot of posters it is cultural shock. And that makes them feel unsafe.



I think you hit on the key phrase: cultural shock. People need to educate themselves about each port ahead of time so that they will be prepared. Also, they need to keep an open mind, and not view our culture here in the United States as a baseline from which to judge other cultures. Unfortunately, for many people, the degree to which a culture deviates from American culture is directly proportionate to their opinion of that culture. If the culture in questions deviates a lot, then their opinion is very low.

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As a former travel agent, this is the advice I always gave my clients:


1 NEVER book a cruise that stops in Jamaica.

2 If you ignore rule #1,absolutely do not get off the ship in Jamaica.



One time in this "cess pool" of a country cured me for good. I would not return if someone gave me an all expenses paid trip.



To call a country a "cess pool" is such an unnecessary insult. How very sad.

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Indeed. Why is it the other country's fault..


How about the ignorant white american tourist being a little more open minded and not so close minded, and consider the ways in other countries aren't bad or good.it's just the way it is.




To call a country a "cess pool" is such an unnecessary insult. How very sad.
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