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What a Shame! Casual Dress in Ocean Liners.


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You are correct I wasn't quoting any particular poster, otherwise I would have quoted them in my direct reply. I was getting a general consensus that various opinions were coming across as "looking down" (not quoting anyone specifically) at those who showed up dressed casually at the alternative restaurant on a night designated as casual throughout the rest of the ship.


Don't read into my support for those showing up casual on a casual night as my liking Celebrity's new dress code policy in the alternative restaurants. We're sailing in a few weeks, and I plan to wear a sport coat in the alternative restaurant on a casual night because I personally feel the ambiance of the venue calls for it. Until I read this thread, I wasn't aware of Celebrity's policy change. So at least now I won't wonder why the dress code isn't being enforced when I see someone stroll in wearing a tropical shirt.

BEAV, I thought that was probably the case. It was just you used the "shame" word just after I posted it and I wanted to clarify. I felt my response was worthwhile posting for the edification of this thread in general.



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Just my two pennies worth, I'm a formal guy about 265 days a year. I've avoided the dining room on formal nights, and table mates have blasted me for it. I've shown up in a jacket, sans tie, and have received the dirty looks for it. My preference would be to stay in and eat on my balcony on formal nights, because I honestly find this whole debate a bit silly. Everybody is a bit different, and as far as I'm concerned, that's a good thing.

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Having just returned from the March 8 sailing of the Summit, I can confirm a jacket was required in the Normandie, although the dress code of the day was casual. When the reservation was made I was advised a jacket was necessary. During dinner on Monday every male guest was wearing a jacket. What can I say! However, to highlight the lack of enforcement of guidelines, on the second formal evening, we counted 7 people wearing jeans - albeit the good jeans, no rips, tears or stains, but jeans none the less. This is in direct contradiction of the stated dress code policy in that jeans are not permitted in the Cosmopolitan Restaurant at any time. We had a brief discussion with our waiter on this topic, and was advised the staff had stopped enforcing the dress code as a result of guests complaining to Guest Relations about the way they were being treated, and then the Maitre'd being reprimanded for enforcing the dress code. If the company is not going to stand behind their own dress code, why waste everyone's time and create false expectations in the other guests who take the time to adhere to the evening dress code. Does it detract from my enjoyment, no! However, I will continue to follow the recommended dress code, because apparently that is all they are, recommendations, as a courtesy to the other guests who take the time to dress for dinner and not detract from their enjoyment. Until Celebrity decides whether it is truly a premium cruise line or just another mass market provider the dress code will be open to interpretation by every guest.

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ScubesDad, that's disappointing to hear especially as jeans are not permitted in any of the formal dining areas anyway, regardless of what the dress code of the evening is. Celebrity really need to get their act together.


Notwithstanding that, it's a bit confusing that they were asking that men wear jackets on a casual night? I'll continue to wear informal on casual and informal nights in line with what I said in my earlier post.



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We had a brief discussion with our waiter on this topic, and was advised the staff had stopped enforcing the dress code as a result of guests complaining to Guest Relations about the way they were being treated, and then the Maitre'd being reprimanded for enforcing the dress code.


I'm not at all surprised to read this. I've always believed a maitre'd isn't going to shoot himself/herself in the foot by enforcing a policy that's going to wind up as a passenger complaint coming back at him/her. Taking that thought a little further, any position that relies on passenger gratuities isn't going to put themselves into a confrontational situation. Do you think if a maitre'd denies someone in jeans into the dining room on a formal night (or any night, for that matter) is going to receive a gratuity from that person at the end of the cruise? The maitre'd is going to take the safe (and $prosperous$) route and "look the other way" to dress code violations. It's money out of his/her pocket if he doesn't look the other way!


If Celebrity is genuinely interested in enforcing dress codes, they should position at the entrance to the dining room a member of the hotel director's staff (staff who's job doesn't rely on grautities, that is) to police and enforce the policy.

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Having just returned from the March 8 sailing of the Summit, I can confirm a jacket was required in the Normandie, although the dress code of the day was casual. When the reservation was made I was advised a jacket was necessary. During dinner on Monday every male guest was wearing a jacket. What can I say! However, to highlight the lack of enforcement of guidelines, on the second formal evening, we counted 7 people wearing jeans - albeit the good jeans, no rips, tears or stains, but jeans none the less. This is in direct contradiction of the stated dress code policy in that jeans are not permitted in the Cosmopolitan Restaurant at any time. We had a brief discussion with our waiter on this topic, and was advised the staff had stopped enforcing the dress code as a result of guests complaining to Guest Relations about the way they were being treated, and then the Maitre'd being reprimanded for enforcing the dress code. If the company is not going to stand behind their own dress code, why waste everyone's time and create false expectations in the other guests who take the time to adhere to the evening dress code. Does it detract from my enjoyment, no! However, I will continue to follow the recommended dress code, because apparently that is all they are, recommendations, as a courtesy to the other guests who take the time to dress for dinner and not detract from their enjoyment. Until Celebrity decides whether it is truly a premium cruise line or just another mass market provider the dress code will be open to interpretation by every guest.


The question of Celebrity being a mass market provider has already been answered. When you build five new ships each with a capacity of 2,750. you are mass market.

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I'm not at all surprised to read this. I've always believed a maitre'd isn't going to shoot himself/herself in the foot by enforcing a policy that's going to wind up as a passenger complaint coming back at him/her. Taking that thought a little further, any position that relies on passenger gratuities isn't going to put themselves into a confrontational situation. Do you think if a maitre'd denies someone in jeans into the dining room on a formal night (or any night, for that matter) is going to receive a gratuity from that person at the end of the cruise? The maitre'd is going to take the safe (and $prosperous$) route and "look the other way" to dress code violations. It's money out of his/her pocket if he doesn't look the other way!


If Celebrity is genuinely interested in enforcing dress codes, they should position at the entrance to the dining room a member of the hotel director's staff (staff who's job doesn't rely on grautities, that is) to police and enforce the policy.


Well said! Celebrity - are you listening?!

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I don't know if the companies read these threads but I for one am extremely disappointed to learn of Celebrities lack of enforcement of their own guidelines. However, I will say that I have within the year seen the maitre d' turn someone away for trying to wear shorts in the dining room at dinner on a casual evening.

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I'm not at all surprised to read this. I've always believed a maitre'd isn't going to shoot himself/herself in the foot by enforcing a policy that's going to wind up as a passenger complaint coming back at him/her. Taking that thought a little further, any position that relies on passenger gratuities isn't going to put themselves into a confrontational situation. Do you think if a maitre'd denies someone in jeans into the dining room on a formal night (or any night, for that matter) is going to receive a gratuity from that person at the end of the cruise? The maitre'd is going to take the safe (and $prosperous$) route and "look the other way" to dress code violations. It's money out of his/her pocket if he doesn't look the other way!


If Celebrity is genuinely interested in enforcing dress codes, they should position at the entrance to the dining room a member of the hotel director's staff (staff who's job doesn't rely on grautities, that is) to police and enforce the policy.

I agree, but I find it a bit strange that this direction is being taken in the Speciality Restaurant where tips don't appear to me to be such an issue. If it was the main restaurant where folks dine night after night and are being looked at by their waiter, his assistant and Assistant Maitre d' I could understand it, but this is an area of the ship where for most it is a once or twice in a cruise experience. Not saying it is any more "right" because of it, but it seems strange because the Speciality Restaurant is more unique area and one that to me is a much easier place to enforce the dress code requirements.



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Just my two pennies worth, I'm a formal guy about 265 days a year. I've avoided the dining room on formal nights, and table mates have blasted me for it. I've shown up in a jacket, sans tie, and have received the dirty looks for it. My preference would be to stay in and eat on my balcony on formal nights, because I honestly find this whole debate a bit silly. Everybody is a bit different, and as far as I'm concerned, that's a good thing.

Join the rush to Azamara, or Oceania then with open dining, NO formal nights and casual (not sloppy) dress code thru out the whole cruise, added to superb service in cabins and very good dining service. Some even manage to get same tables nightly, tho I find this amazing to not wish to meet new people??:D Makes for a friendly ship I tell you.

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I agree, but I find it a bit strange that this direction is being taken in the Speciality Restaurant where tips don't appear to me to be such an issue. If it was the main restaurant where folks dine night after night and are being looked at by their waiter, his assistant and Assistant Maitre d' I could understand it, but this is an area of the ship where for most it is a once or twice in a cruise experience. Not saying it is any more "right" because of it, but it seems strange because the Speciality Restaurant is more unique area and one that to me is a much easier place to enforce the dress code requirements.




Just to make sure we're all on the same page here.......


It was my understanding ScubesDad's experience of seeing jeans on the 2nd formal night was in the main dining room (Cosmopolitan) and not the Normandie. And the comments/opinions I expressed in my previous post were targeted toward the main dining room and that environment. I hope I didn't misunderstand ScubesDad's post to mean he observed 7 people in jeans in the Normandie!

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Join the rush to Azamara' date=' or Oceania then with open dining, NO formal nights and casual (not sloppy) dress code thru out the whole cruise, added to superb service in cabins and very good dining service. Some even manage to get same tables nightly, tho I find this amazing to not wish to meet new people??:D Makes for a friendly ship I tell you.[/quote']


Don't forget NCL !!! :D :eek: :D

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Just to make sure we're all on the same page here.......

It was my understanding ScubesDad's experience of seeing jeans on the 2nd formal night was in the main dining room (Cosmopolitan) and not the Normandie. And the comments/opinions I expressed in my previous post were targeted toward the main dining room and that environment. I hope I didn't misunderstand ScubesDad's post to mean he observed 7 people in jeans in the Normandie!

BEAV, we weren't, but are now;) My comments on the jeans issue is a moot point as I was getting my restaurants mixed up. Apologies:o



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BEAV, we weren't, but are now;) My comments on the jeans issue is a moot point as I was getting my restaurants mixed up. Apologies:o




No worries. Besides, it's LATE on your side of the pond! ;)

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After reading this entire thread, I'm so very happy I live in Key West, where, even in the best places, formal is shorts with a crease.:) When we cruise, we honor formal nights, but what others wear would never affect us or our enjoyment of our dining experiance. We follow the dress code - DH has a beautiful navy suit and I find that there are enough drag queens here that I never have to buy a gown or cocktail dress, I just borrow two for each cruise.;) We believe in "live and let live" here as a lifestyle. Lighten' up a little - you may find the little things (like what someone else wears) don't bother you as much.:D

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I am so tired about the bad rap jeans get. My jeans are fashion statements, pressed to within an inch of their life and not cheap I might add. I finaly for the first time wore Jeans on a costa cruise. I looked cute it is what I would wear out to a nice dinner here. I don't think I ruined anyones dinner. If I did they need to get a life and some medication. Just my 2 cents!


Also what is the deal with nobody wanting to let go of this ultra dressy code. The cruise lines at least the main stream have sure relaxed their service and food. Who is getting the same food and service on Celebrity that they had 10 years ago.


I love to dress up and will continue to do so when appropriate but really it is a choice. Within reason you should wear what you want and if it ruins someones evening I really find that funny.

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I'm not at all surprised to read this. I've always believed a maitre'd isn't going to shoot himself/herself in the foot by enforcing a policy that's going to wind up as a passenger complaint coming back at him/her. Taking that thought a little further, any position that relies on passenger gratuities isn't going to put themselves into a confrontational situation. Do you think if a maitre'd denies someone in jeans into the dining room on a formal night (or any night, for that matter) is going to receive a gratuity from that person at the end of the cruise? The maitre'd is going to take the safe (and $prosperous$) route and "look the other way" to dress code violations. It's money out of his/her pocket if he doesn't look the other way!


If Celebrity is genuinely interested in enforcing dress codes, they should position at the entrance to the dining room a member of the hotel director's staff (staff who's job doesn't rely on grautities, that is) to police and enforce the policy.


I agree that they are not going to jeopardize their tips which brings up the thought that those who desire can act the other way. Don't tip the Maitre'd who allows people to violate the dress code and let them know that is the reason he did not get a tip. I would never do that because it's not something that really bothers me but it could be done effectively.

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I am so tired about the bad rap jeans get. My jeans are fashion statements, pressed to within an inch of their life and not cheap I might add. I finaly for the first time wore Jeans on a costa cruise. I looked cute it is what I would wear out to a nice dinner here. I don't think I ruined anyones dinner. If I did they need to get a life and some medication. Just my 2 cents!


Also what is the deal with nobody wanting to let go of this ultra dressy code. The cruise lines at least the main stream have sure relaxed their service and food. Who is getting the same food and service on Celebrity that they had 10 years ago.


I love to dress up and will continue to do so when appropriate but really it is a choice. Within reason you should wear what you want and if it ruins someones evening I really find that funny.

It won’t ruin my dinner plans but I would think it might ruin yours if the Maitre’d turns you away for not being dressed in manner that is stated acceptable on any evening for dinner in the main dinning room.


But I guess some feel it’s worth taking a chance, good luck.;)

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It won’t ruin my dinner plans but I would think it might ruin yours if the Maitre’d turns you away for not being dressed in manner that is stated acceptable on any evening for dinner in the main dinning room.


But I guess some feel it’s worth taking a chance, good luck.;)


I always dress up I love it my fave thing about cruising. Although it was fun on a casual night on costa to wear jeans first time ever. You totally did not read my post and missed the whole point. So good luck to you.

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I am so tired about the bad rap jeans get. My jeans are fashion statements, pressed to within an inch of their life and not cheap I might add. I finaly for the first time wore Jeans on a costa cruise. I looked cute it is what I would wear out to a nice dinner here. I don't think I ruined anyones dinner. If I did they need to get a life and some medication. Just my 2 cents!


Also what is the deal with nobody wanting to let go of this ultra dressy code. The cruise lines at least the main stream have sure relaxed their service and food. Who is getting the same food and service on Celebrity that they had 10 years ago.


I love to dress up and will continue to do so when appropriate but really it is a choice. Within reason you should wear what you want and if it ruins someones evening I really find that funny.


Lack of consideration of your fellow passengers is the issue here - whether you think you look good in your jeans is entirely your opinion and has nothing to do with the dress code. You need to wake up to the fact there are other passengers on the ship that have certain expectations based on published guidelines and you are ignoring all of them :rolleyes: .

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Lack of consideration of your fellow passengers is the issue here - whether you think you look good in your jeans is entirely your opinion and has nothing to do with the dress code. You need to wake up to the fact there are other passengers on the ship that have certain expectations based on published guidelines and you are ignoring all of them :rolleyes: .


Thank you.

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Lack of consideration of your fellow passengers is the issue here - whether you think you look good in your jeans is entirely your opinion and has nothing to do with the dress code. You need to wake up to the fact there are other passengers on the ship that have certain expectations based on published guidelines and you are ignoring all of them :rolleyes: .


Well said. Some people are just plain ignorant and self centered to the point that they just plain "don't get it".

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I am so tired about the bad rap jeans get. My jeans are fashion statements, pressed to within an inch of their life and not cheap I might add. .....


Pressed jeans??? :eek:

1985 called, they want their jeans back!

At least if you are going to make jeans your

"fashion statement" you should make them look fashionable!!

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