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Sick Child-Familythrown off ship (merged)

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It just amazes me how people can judge one family and their actions and not know them at all and just believe a statement released by a company who is going to do everything to not look like the bad guy. The company has major PR people to form statements just so that they do not look bad, regardless of what the people involved look like. I personally know the Cortes family and know that they are not lying people. None of you know what was going on with that family between the time they called and they took Zoe to the dr on board. But I am sure that all of you are just perfect and always live perfectly so you have the right to judge them.

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It just amazes me how people can judge one family and their actions and not know them at all and just believe a statement released by a company who is going to do everything to not look like the bad guy. The company has major PR people to form statements just so that they do not look bad, regardless of what the people involved look like. I personally know the Cortes family and know that they are not lying people. None of you know what was going on with that family between the time they called and they took Zoe to the dr on board. But I am sure that all of you are just perfect and always live perfectly so you have the right to judge them.


Actually the RCCL statement has very little to do with my opinion as I formed and voiced it even before RCCL made that statement at all. But then I have to say that RCCL´s statement covered what I was thinking from the beginning.

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It just amazes me how people can judge one family and their actions and not know them at all and just believe a statement released by a company who is going to do everything to not look like the bad guy. The company has major PR people to form statements just so that they do not look bad, regardless of what the people involved look like. I personally know the Cortes family and know that they are not lying people. None of you know what was going on with that family between the time they called and they took Zoe to the dr on board. But I am sure that all of you are just perfect and always live perfectly so you have the right to judge them.


Actually the RCCL statement has very little to do with my opinion as I formed and voiced it even before RCCL made that statement at all. But then I have to say that RCCL´s statement covered what I was thinking from the beginning.

But thanks for signing up on Cruise Critic to tell us that!

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In my opinion anyone who goes to the press and a lawyer first before trying to work out a solution with whoever it is that is giving them a problem looses my respect and my compassion.


Unfortunately the Cortez family acted like so many Americans these days.....interesting to see that the newer Americans are getting right in step with the rest. :mad:

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It just amazes me how people can judge one family and their actions and not know them at all and just believe a statement released by a company who is going to do everything to not look like the bad guy. The company has major PR people to form statements just so that they do not look bad, regardless of what the people involved look like. I personally know the Cortes family and know that they are not lying people. None of you know what was going on with that family between the time they called and they took Zoe to the dr on board. But I am sure that all of you are just perfect and always live perfectly so you have the right to judge them.


The family made the entire thing into a huge PR bonanza for themselves, so your statement is pretty hypocritical. They go to the press and get so-called "reporters" to basically call RCI evil villians in this scenario. They get lawyers involved. They use what can only be called hyperbole to describe their story. They take no responsibility for the situation.


No, I'm far from perfect, but yes, I think I have the right to judge this family because they are the ones who put themselves in the public eye and under scrutiny. They want only their "story" reported and only the way they want to spin it.



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Many posters here have been on numerous cruises with various cruise lines and have personally seen how crises are handled. The information relesed by RCI is consistant with what all cruise lines do. What the family said is almost becoming a script. Big bad cruise line threw us off the ship and left us stranded. The old man and his son, this family, whoever comes next, etc.

No passports, no insurance, want ro stay on the ship even though the baby is very sick. RCI acted much more responsibility in this case than the parents. I'm disappointed RCI paid the family what they did. It's time for those who try to take advantage of a situation like this to be banned from cruising as the odds are they will do the same thing any cruise they are on.

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Many posters here have been on numerous cruises with various cruise lines and have personally seen how crises are handled. The information relesed by RCI is consistant with what all cruise lines do. What the family said is almost becoming a script. Big bad cruise line threw us off the ship and left us stranded. The old man and his son, this family, whoever comes next, etc.

No passports, no insurance, want ro stay on the ship even though the baby is very sick. RCI acted much more responsibility in this case than the parents. I'm disappointed RCI paid the family what they did. It's time for those who try to take advantage of a situation like this to be banned from cruising as the odds are they will do the same thing any cruise they are on.


Banning them from cruising is a little harsh, but I agree with what others have said about going to the press. They might have felt the need for a lawyer to ensure repayment of their expenses, although what happened to them was due to their own negligence in planning and if they had insurance, they would not need a lawyer to seek reimbursement, but calling the press was unnecessary. However, the lawyer was probably the one who called the press. Hopefully, this family has learned the value of travel insurance, especially when travelling with an infant.

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It just amazes me how people can judge one family and their actions and not know them at all and just believe a statement released by a company who is going to do everything to not look like the bad guy. The company has major PR people to form statements just so that they do not look bad, regardless of what the people involved look like. I personally know the Cortes family and know that they are not lying people. None of you know what was going on with that family between the time they called and they took Zoe to the dr on board. But I am sure that all of you are just perfect and always live perfectly so you have the right to judge them.


Frankly I am amazed that you have come on here trying to defend the way this family has behaved.


Their behaviour towards their child's wellbeing is absolutely disgraceful. The show of complete negligence in not having appropriate insurance cover and passports is unforgiveable by anyone's standards.


RCI acted in the most generous and understanding way that it could towards the family. The next port of call had no medical facilities whatsoever...if it was your baby that was sick, wouldn't you want to move heaven and earth to get the child looked after in a hospital...or are you also the sort of irresponsible parent, as this set of parents have shown themselves to be, who would leave it to the last moment and then have the nerve to complain about being taken off the ship.


They should thank their lucky stars that Zoe is alive and well today and not in a box 6ft under...which could well have been the case had things deteriorated over that night after the ship had left port with the family still aboard.


So please don't come on here trying to justify the family's actions that night...they placed their daughter's health second to continuing the cruise and they deserve to be treated with utter contempt for doing so.


No cruise is worth the health and wellbeing of a child. What they did by slagging off RCI was diabolical and if they cannot handle people saying so, well as with the lack of passports and insurance...only they are to blame.


Maybe next time they will show more consideration to their children's health instead of enjoying a holiday....cos this cruise nearly cost them a daughter by their own negligence and their ain't no way to make it any clearer than that, OK.

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Huladancerdog: Did you see the TV interview with the family and the inflamatory words the "reporter" used in describing the incident?

It was not reporting, it was a hatchet job.

If the family acted the way they did this time and got away with it since RCI paid them for everything, odds are they will try it again. Whether on RCI or another line, they're conditioned to think the same thing will happen.

That's why I said they should be banned. That might also be why RCI reimbursed them for the cruise instead of giving them a cert for a future cruise.

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None of you know what was going on with that family between the time they called and they took Zoe to the dr on board.


Then please explain exactly what went on during that time and prove wrong everyone's perception as to what did take place.

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Banning them from cruising is a little harsh, but I agree with what others have said about going to the press. They might have felt the need for a lawyer to ensure repayment of their expenses, although what happened to them was due to their own negligence in planning and if they had insurance, they would not need a lawyer to seek reimbursement.


You mean they felt the need to get a lawyer in order to increase their chances of getting a payment that they don't deserve in the first place.

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Several things wrong with this scenario:


Don't go on a cruise without insurance especially with young children

Don't go on a cruise without passports when leaving the US

Don't put your pleasure ahead of your child's welfare

If the ship's doctor tells you that your child's condition might worsen,

listen to him

Don't seek monetary reimbursement when you were at fault


If it was any other cruise line, the family would have received partial vouchers towards a future cruise. They were lucky that RCI was as generous as they were. They had no insurance, no passports and are getting a full refund? They should be contacting the media to sing the praises of RCI.


Your children are your responsibility -- sick or well. Be the responsible parent and do what is right for your child. Having children means making sacrifices for them and putting their welfare ahead of your enjoyment.


Too bad RCI was so generous with this family. Now, others will be looking for the same treatment!




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Several things wrong with this scenario:


Don't go on a cruise without insurance especially with young children

Don't go on a cruise without passports when leaving the US

Don't put your pleasure ahead of your child's welfare

If the ship's doctor tells you that your child's condition might worsen,

listen to him

Don't seek monetary reimbursement when you were at fault


If it was any other cruise line, the family would have received partial vouchers towards a future cruise. They were lucky that RCI was as generous as they were. They had no insurance, no passports and are getting a full refund? They should be contacting the media to sing the praises of RCI.


Your children are your responsibility -- sick or well. Be the responsible parent and do what is right for your child. Having children means making sacrifices for them and putting their welfare ahead of your enjoyment.


Too bad RCI was so generous with this family. Now, others will be looking for the same treatment!




Amen! Portions of your post should be printed in bold type on all cruise documents and TA's should be required to review them with people before they book!

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We always buy cruise insurance, perhaps we should be irresponsible and not have insurance. If we get into trouble just go to the news....I guess the family wanted the ship to wait while they go to the hospital. How can one get sea sick while in port?


Doesn't make sense to me.

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It just amazes me how people can judge one family and their actions and not know them at all and just believe a statement released by a company who is going to do everything to not look like the bad guy. The company has major PR people to form statements just so that they do not look bad, regardless of what the people involved look like. I personally know the Cortes family and know that they are not lying people. None of you know what was going on with that family between the time they called and they took Zoe to the dr on board. But I am sure that all of you are just perfect and always live perfectly so you have the right to judge them.



Hhmmm, first post, from Florida..... are you related.:rolleyes:

You came on here in an effort to make us feel bad. Sorry, I can't. I am glad the baby is fine but it's the parents that were not responsible. Then they take it to the news and give a one sided story, omitting several key facts.

Why do huge corporations pay off people like these mentioned. All one has to do is look at the history of some cases like this, it's cheaper than going to court. Juries reward people like them huge amounts of money for their own stupidity. From your first few sentences, I could see you among those that think like that.

Those of us that do pay and get insurance are tired of all this.

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It just amazes me how people can judge one family and their actions and not know them at all and just believe a statement released by a company who is going to do everything to not look like the bad guy. The company has major PR people to form statements just so that they do not look bad, regardless of what the people involved look like. I personally know the Cortes family and know that they are not lying people. None of you know what was going on with that family between the time they called and they took Zoe to the dr on board. But I am sure that all of you are just perfect and always live perfectly so you have the right to judge them.


Sorry, I HAVE been in this situation on a ship. And when your baby is sick you don't complain because you are only given 10 minutes to pack!!!!! :eek: You grab your stuff and get your butt to the ambulance.


If you know them in real life, please advise them to get some priorities. I won't even comment on the lack of insurance or a passport, we'll just call that live and learn. But my biggest problem is that they stopped at the TV station on the way home to complain about the cruiseline. :rolleyes:


It's called accepting responsibilty. They should thank their lucky stars that they didn't have a dead child, not just a sick one. :rolleyes:

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and now, the rest of the story.


Remember the family that was THROWN OFF the RCI ship last week?


Well, here is the other side of the story!

Royal Caribbean International Statement



April 28, 2008



While Royal Caribbean strives to provide all guests with exceptional vacations, our first priority is always the health and well-being of those on our ships.


At 7:30 p.m., April 22, the parents of seven-month-old Zoe Cortes telephoned the Guest Relations Desk onboard Majesty of the Seas, to ask about bringing their daughter to the ship’s Medical Facility, because of their concerns regarding her health. The parents were urged to bring Zoe to the Medical Facility as soon as possible.


At 11:20 p.m. that evening, the parents brought the infant to the Medical Facility. Upon examining Zoe, the onboard medical team learned she was experiencing diarrhea and vomiting. Because of this, and her young age, the onboard medical team was concerned she might also be experiencing some level of dehydration. Again, because of her young age, the onboard medical team felt strongly that Zoe needed an additional medical evaluation by a pediatrician at a land-based hospital. The parents were also told that the ship would be at the company’s private island in the Bahamas the next day, where there is no land-based hospital. All of these issues were explained to Zoe’s parents, who agreed to her departure from the ship.


At approximately 11:45 p.m., an ambulance was ordered to take Zoe to Doctor’s Hospital in Nassau, where the ship was docked at that time. Because the ship was scheduled to depart Nassau shortly thereafter, the ship’s staff offered to assist Zoe’s parents if one of them would like to remain onboard and care for their two other children, while the other parent escorted Zoe to the hospital. The parents declined that offer and decided the entire family would escort Zoe to the hospital. The ship’s staff then asked the family to gather their belongings to go ashore.


Royal Caribbean assigned a Guest Care specialist to contact the Cortes family in Nassau, to offer support and assistance, which included complimentary hotel accommodations in Nassau. The parents were also instructed to contact Royal Caribbean’s Corporate Guest Relations staff to coordinate a resolution to the unused portion of their cruise.


Prior to going to the media on April 25, Mr. and Mrs. Cortes had not contacted the company’s Corporate Guest Relations staff. Instead, that day, the Guest Relations staff pro-actively contacted Mr. and Mrs. Cortes to explain the details of the credit they were to receive for the unused portion of their cruise.


Despite the company’s strong disagreement with the manner in which the Cortes family's situation has been recounted in the media, as a gesture of good will, Royal Caribbean is providing the Cortes family with a refund of its cruise fare and reimbursement for its flights home.


Unfortunately, on October 27, 2007, while booking their cruise, the Cortes family declined to purchase travel insurance, which would have compensated them for expenses related to this matter. Similarly, Royal Caribbean strongly recommends that all of its guests travel with passports.

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They should not have been given a dime. They are leches. Why did they wait so long to take her to the doctor if they were that concerned. If people don't buy insurance then that is thier tough luck. You gamble and you loose.

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Correct, there are two sides to every story. No one here knows just how sick this child looked. I'm sure a ship's medical facility is hardly staffed to take care of a severely sick child. Even many land based hospitals transfer them. If RCI had allowed them to continue the trip and then a sea evacuation had to be carried out the family would have gone to the press telling them about what an incompetent medical staff was aboard the ship and that they should have know that the infant was sick and might need evacuation if allowed to continue the cruise. And they would have ended up paying far more than $3000.00 in extra costs.


This is also a perfect example of why people should not be traveling without passports even if they can legally take the cruise without one.


I agree with this and bottom line is the doctor on the ship felt the child should receive medical care at a hospital and that's it plain and simple and as the doctor it was his call to make. They are not equipped to deal with a very sick child or adult of any age. I'm surprised the parents would even complain over this as obviously the doctor was putting the best interest of the child first over thier vacation. A medical evac off a ship is an easy 25,000.00 and up and you can bet the parents would have been calling the ship's doctor incompetent if they had to pay that amount. Why take a chance your child could get worse just to be on a cruise? I can't imagine not having passports either and we now know the cost of emergency ones and it sounds like it was just part of the whole hassle to get them and it just proves you do need them to fly out of a foreign country and back into the U.S. or wherever you need to go. I know passports are not mandatory for the Caribbean yet but I would consider passports and travel insurance a must have today. None of us knows the entire story here but from reading what is written in the article I think RCCL is being generous with a future cruise credit as it is not their fault the parents did not have travel insurance or passports. JMO

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