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Hi Everyone,

I’m at a dilemma with our cruise I have booked with my TA many months ago and would like some feedback on what you would do.

My TA is a sweetheart and we have developed a friendship over the past few years, thus feel some loyalty BUT I just received an e-mail from a on-line agency that is selling the same SY cabin on the exact same cruise (Oosterdam Med on Aug 23) for $600 less per cabin plus $100 OBC (total of $700 less). We have 3 couples going on this cruise together and I need to let them know what is going on (all are booked through my TA).

My TA called HAL and they are say the current “3 day sale” is not for the SY cabins on this cruise thus they will not give our TA a discount. My TA has no idea how this on-line agency can sell these cabins for $6,600 plus the $100 OBC (I have confirmed this price with the other agency). She said she would have no problem if we booked all 3 cabins with this on-line agency and then would just cancel our reservations with her after we book them (no cancelation fee). I think she is just being nice but it just doesn’t feel good she can’t compete with a different agency.:confused:


So, would $700 make you think twice change from your TA (I do know all the cons going with an on-line agency by the way:cool:).



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Wow...first reaction for me is to save the $700 and book through the online agency. I have booked through an online agency for every single trip I have ever taken, pretty much...and have never once had a problem. Though the only reservation I would have is that HAL said that deal did not apply to SY cabins. I wonder if you booked through the on-line agency if you would end up getting some sort of notice that the cabin wasn't available and that you would actually be placed in a just a verandah state room...which would defeat the whole purpose. But b/c you cannot see the future, I would say chance it!


Although you have developed a friendship with the TA...$700 is a lot of money...if I were a TA, I would not begrudge my friend of $700, thats for sure...I hope everything works out for you :D

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I would say switch the TA for this cruise if you can indeed confirm the room before giving up your current one. We use a local TA but have once or twice used an online which was not at all helpful once we booked. They couldn't answer questions about the cruise,ports, or transportation. However, the cruise was great with no problems.

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If you have a good T/A, I would not be so ready to "jump Ship". If your T/A called and asked HAL about the offer from the online folks and they told her it was not and is not available, I would be very suspicious of the online agency.


Personally I have been burned, once badly, by two online T/A's and am now always reluctant to do business with people I can't see and sit down with. (Just my experience, I'm sure others have found really good online T/A's).


All that said, $700.00 is a fair amount of money. I would call the online T/A and pin them down on exactly what is on offer. Secondly I would press my regular T/A to look at the same offer and see what their pricing is for the same offer. Finally, do some homework to make sure that the online offer is legit. If the offer is legit, your regular T/A should be able to match it, or at least come close. (then all is well, no harm, no foul)


Something like this usually turns into a learning experience for both you and your T/A. The exercise can serve to build some trust going forward with a good T/A and will expose the dealings of a bad one. Keep an open mind and look over the whole situation. Let us all know what happens.

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Here is what I have done and I would recommend that you do the same.


Have your TA call the online agency and confirm the details and price with them.


Your TA should then call HAL and tell them that she needs to get the same deal for her clients. Your TA should be very firm and escalate this to a supervisor if necessary.


Hope that helps.



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We've had nothing but great service from our on-line TA. Now service to us is simply booking the cruise and getting us the documents and we've never had trouble with that. We book our own flights and pre-cruise hotel. We don't rely on the TA for information on the ports, excursions, etc., and can do that research ourselves. We'd pretty much gotten to the point with our brick and mortar TA where she was just booking the cruise and nothing else. It seemed to us that we were paying her for services we weren't using. Our last 5 cruises have all been booked on line at what we consider substantial savings. Yes, you have to make sure all charges are included but we've never had a problem with some "bait and switch" or added charges with the TA we use. As long as we can save the several hundred dollars per cruise we'll continue to use our on line TA.

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Thank you everyone for your responses. I have forwarded a written quote from on-line agency to my TA which in turn has forwarded it to her corporate HQ and waiting for response.

My TA and I agree if we were talking $100 or $200 difference, not a big deal but this amount is different and she totally understands if we switch over if her HQ is not willing to compromise.

I will keep you all updated and thanks again;),


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Good Luck. I would porbably give the online TA a try. I used to book directly with HAL, until I had the time to do some research on my own. Like Randyk47, we take care of our own airfare, hotels etc, so I really just need someone to book through and get the docs. The first time I booked with an online TA, I was nervous, but everything was fine and I have done it several times since for me and my friends.


Best wishes!



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All that said, $700.00 is a fair amount of money. I would call the online T/A and pin them down on exactly what is on offer. Secondly I would press my regular T/A to look at the same offer and see what their pricing is for the same offer. Finally, do some homework to make sure that the online offer is legit. If the offer is legit, your regular T/A should be able to match it, or at least come close. (then all is well, no harm, no foul)

Loyalty is fine, but if you're talking $2,100 (three cabins at $700 savings each), then even the TA will understand why you want to book with the online agency. That's a lot of change! It wouldn't be fair to let the other two couples pay $700 more out of simple loyalty to your TA. Even she would understand that.


But, that said, I would want a written invoice before I gave that online TA a dime. Most online travel sites do have phone numbers that will let you talk to a human being. Talk to someone and confirm the price. Ask her to send you a written invoice detailing the exact amount of the charges before you cancel your booking and book with them.


I have a feeling this deal is not as good as you may think. The online TA may not be including items such as fuel supplement and taxes/port charges, and when she does, you may find that her savings are not all that great, and chances are your current TA can match the difference and keep your business.


How can a large online agency offer cruises cheaper? Simple. They cut into the commission they make from the cruise line for your booking. Because they book a large quantity of cruises, chances are they get a better than normal commission rate. They undercut that a bit and pass the savings onto the customer. This keeps them very competitive in the marketplace while still making pretty much the same on your booking as your local TA would get. Also, sometimes they book group space on certain sailings, and yours may be one of them. With this group space, they get other bennies that they can convert to cash ... like free cabins and whatnot. Normally those cabins would go to the "tour conductor" of the group. In a case such as this, since it is not really a "group," there would be no tour conductor. Those berths can be given back to the cruise line by the TA, putting more money in the agency's pocket.


That's how the large online agency can often undercut the local TA.


But $700 per cabin seems a bit high ... even with undercutting. So, I'd be real careful.


Blue skies ...



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Sometimes, the larger online agencies buy a block of cabins at a significantly reduced rate. You might be purchasing one of those. I always book my cruises with online agencies. You may want to check out the online service with the BBB or something like it. You could also call HAL and confirm with them. I am thinking as I am typing. Put a 24 hour hold on the cabins, which does not require a credit card. Confirm the cabin numbers with HAL directly and then see how you feel. Hope it all works out. The savings could translate into great shopping:)

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John, this is not uncommen for an on-line agency to have this kind of deal. I have a local TA that has become a very good friend and in July 2004 I found this deal for an S Suite for $1100 per person for the Oosterdam for October 2005. She could not even come close (this was 50% of her cost) and she actually encouraged me to grab it. I did and everything went perfectly and I had one heck of a deal. Since then I have had 14 plus cruises thru my local TA. She was not the least bit upset with me and said sometimes the bargains happen and you have to go for it. I agree if it was only say $100 PP then it would not be worth the move because her friendship and time is worth the extra but $700 per cabin is a lot. There have been times that I have quoted a price to my TA like the 2005 cruise the price was far less than even the cost before the TA's commission.

I know some have suggested that your TA call HAL but in all honesty it is doubtful anything can be done. Like was mentioned I am sure this on-line agency bought a block of cabins and are willing to sell them most likely less than what they even paid or they have set up a special promotion with HAL.

I would book it and I am guessing that your TA will know that you will return. This is just too good to pass up.

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I've used 2 different online agencies on multiple cruises. If you want to e-mail me at tohoku at cablespeed dot com in the usual format I can at least let you know if the agency you are considering is one that we have used and have had no problems with

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Hi Everyone,

Great suggestions and experiences, which I think have followed to the letter.

I just wanted to do a follow up and let you all know what happen. I got written confirmations of ALL the cost from the on-line agency, and it was exactly as stated (taxes, fuel charges, $35 to cancel or change, etc.). Then I got an agent on the phone we went ahead and did the 24 hour complementary hold on the SY cabins and I explained exactly that we already had reservations but didn’t think our TA could match the price.

Informed my TA that all numbers were confirmed in writing and really hope her company could match. She is a professional and completely understood $700 per cabin was a lot of money and told me if she couldn’t come close she would recommend switching to the on-line agency.

At the end of the afternoon I got an e-mail from my TA saying she was sorry but her upper management would not reduce the price, period:(. She said she still would recommend switching over to the on-line agency which I wrote back and said that is what we are going to do and sorry things couldn’t work out but hope we could remain friends, which of course she wrote back and said absolutely:).

Half hour later I see on my cell phone she has tried to call 4 times in a row. I called her back and she said had one last talk with someone different at the HQ and got the price reduced and e-mailed it to me. I open the new quote and it was $250 less than the on-line agency offer:eek:. She then called me back and explained how they did it, but I don’t want to go into the details here. Bottom line, I have a great TA and very happy I get to keep her. Just a bummer it had to come down to the last second, but regardless we got a better deal than we ever expected.;)

Thanks again everyone, you all make Cruise Critic a very special place for me!:D


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John, that is great news. It only goes to show that persistances does pay. Sounds like you too have a great TA and definitely worth keeping :)


Yes I do have a great TA like yours Lisa, I just don't use her as much as you use yours:rolleyes: (lol).

Are you going to be on your favorite ship after the dry dock or am I going to be on her first?


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Yes I do have a great TA like yours Lisa, I just don't use her as much as you use yours:rolleyes: (lol).

Are you going to be on your favorite ship after the dry dock or am I going to be on her first?


Right now the future of my cruising other than going on the Eurodam in 4 weeks is rather up in the air:o On the 31st of October my postion of 14 yrs was eliminated so depending on what type of job I land and how much vacation time I can negotiate will depend on when I will get to cruise again after December. So chances are you may get to go on the Oosterdam after her dry dock before me;)

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Right now the future of my cruising other than going on the Eurodam in 4 weeks is rather up in the air:o On the 31st of October my postion of 14 yrs was eliminated so depending on what type of job I land and how much vacation time I can negotiate will depend on when I will get to cruise again after December. So chances are you may get to go on the Oosterdam after her dry dock before me;)


That is terrible news. I hope you find something good real soon. Unfortunately with the economy the way it is right now this is something that could happen to any of us.



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Right now the future of my cruising other than going on the Eurodam in 4 weeks is rather up in the air:o On the 31st of October my postion of 14 yrs was eliminated


Sorry for the sad news Lisa. I pray you will find a new job soon;)

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That is terrible news. I hope you find something good real soon. Unfortunately with the economy the way it is right now this is something that could happen to any of us.




Sorry for the sad news Lisa. I pray you will find a new job soon;)

Many Thanks to both of you. I currently have numerous friends in this same boat so to speak:o Sadly it is that is far too commen right now. I just pray that there is a miracle door that opens that does allow me to continue my passion of cruising:)

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In light of the collapse of the one large online agency, make sure when you use the online agency that the charge goes to HAL, not the agency.


On the other hand, the deals can be very good because of all the reasons stated before. I have had great service and wonderful prices for the past several years with an online agency.

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Aloha All,


Lisa I am sorry to hear about your job, you are such a positive force I am sure you will find something as good or better.


If anyone wants to share their favorite online TA with me let me know, I am still trying to find a good long term relationship with one. You can contact me direct.


Congrats AZJohn, what amazing good work from your TA.

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Right now the future of my cruising other than going on the Eurodam in 4 weeks is rather up in the air:o On the 31st of October my postion of 14 yrs was eliminated so depending on what type of job I land and how much vacation time I can negotiate will depend on when I will get to cruise again after December. So chances are you may get to go on the Oosterdam after her dry dock before me;)

Oh, Lisa ... I am so sorry! This economy surely sucks, doesn't it? I'm pretty much in the same general situation as you. I'm just waiting for the boom to fall. I work for a newspaper, and newspapers aren't doing very well either.


Hopefully you'll find something else real soon. And, hey, if not ... enjoy the Unemployment benefits. They're not too bad these days.


Blue skies ...



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