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should lead you to a temptation that even I am succumbing to..?




It a lens much like my Sigma superwide but with a nicer,more useful focal-length range


Hmmmm...anyone interested in a slightly-used Sigma? :D

I was wondering if you could post two pics of the same subject, one taken with you Sigma at 10 and the other with your 18-105 set at 18. Your pics with the Sigma have me thinking.

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Morning George...........I'm reporting what I'm getting......so I don't know if one is related to the other. Maybe someone with some medical background will fill us in.


It seems that the ship has had some sort of bug that has been going round, besides Bobbie was in bed for two days with a severe cold on the last leg. She is well now......but asking that I bring Sudefed to repay those that were giving her their Sudefed.


Also............here is a great example of why everyone needs insurance while cruising. The ships hospital bill is very expensive. With out insurance.......it comes right out of ones pocket. You cannot get off of the ship without settling up your seapass bill.........and any medical will be on it.


I told Bobbie that it's probably better that this happened on the ship, rather than at home.........as I think he is getting better care, overall, on the ship. The hospital portion would be the same, but the care and food that he is receiving once out of the hospital is much better onboard, then what Bobbies mom would prepare........at her age. I know that there are people onboard that are taking excellent care of Bobbies' folks, and that is one of the beauties of cruising.:)




Sounds like he found great travel insurance. May I ask where I can find this great insurance on the internet? Would this be in place of the RCCL cruise insurance or addition?

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Thanks everyone for your well wishes........they will be passed on!! Bobbie tells me that they are many onboard with colds.........and her Dad caught a cold.........and it went right to his lungs.


He is resting comfortably in his cabin now. He goes back down to the hospital this afternoon for another IV...........and then up to Bobbies cabin for a nice dinner.


I am very pleased that the ship is taking such good care of our whole family. We are blessed.


On another note..........we now have a new President of the United States. His speech was excellent............and I pray that he will heed his words......and we can all work our way out of this recession.





Oh Rick! Another IV :( I am glad he is receiving good care. Please give your family our best as they recover.

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I was wondering if you could post two pics of the same subject,

one taken with you Sigma at 10 -and the other with your 18-105 set at 18. ===> Not likely, sorry


Your pics with the Sigma have me thinking. ===> That I can believe

I'm thinking of what I have on file, but I can't think of any instance..sorry!


I tend to leave the house with one lens on the camera

not wanting to change lenses 'out there' in any non-home environment

due to dust worries in the camera's mirror-box..or on the sensor!



The closest I can come to your request

is these two shots taken in St.John's Parish Church, here on the East Coast of Barbados

where I took both with the Sigma 10-20,unfortunately..



this shot of the dove in church with the lens set at 20 mm. -trying to make the most of the dove




-and this shot of the staircase nearby...


with the Sigma set at 10 mm.


and even so they're not taken from the same vantage point

but maybe you can check the quite-different perspective in these two shots.




Did anyone off Mariner make it out to this church

during the Barbados stopover of Jan. 10th. I wonder?

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I'm thinking of what I have on file, but I can't think of any instance..sorry!


I tend to leave the house with one lens on the camera

not wanting to change lenses 'out there' in any non-home environment

due to dust worries in the camera's mirror-box..or on the sensor!



The closest I can come to your request

is these two shots taken in St.John's Parish Church, here on the East Coast of Barbados

where I took both with the Sigma 10-20,unfortunately..


this shot of the dove in church with the lens set at 20 mm. -trying to make the most of the dove




-and this shot of the staircase nearby...


with the Sigma set at 10 mm.


and even so they're not taken from the same vantage point

but maybe you can check the quite-different perspective in these two shots.




Did anyone off Mariner make it out to this church

during the Barbados stopover of Jan. 10th. I wonder?


Which is why I use the not-so-capable compact superzooms. 27mm up to 486mm and then out to 1942mm with the digital turned on. The results in digital on aren't bad if shot in bright sunlight.


And the new Leica FZ28 (which I should have bought instead of the Nikon P80) tacks on an additional optical boost in center mode. But it wasn't available on SXM after the FZ30 "drowned".

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Which is why I use the not-so-capable compact superzooms.


27mm up to 486mm -and then out to 1,942mm with the digital turned on. ===> Are you serious??

The results in digital on aren't bad if shot in bright sunlight. ===> Good to know!


And the new Leica FZ28 (which I should have bought instead of the Nikon P80)

tacks on an additional optical boost in center mode.

I handled one of those Nikon P80's in the local shop and was impressed.



One day, when She's not looking..


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On another note..........we now have a new President of the United States. His speech was excellent............and I pray that he will heed his words......and we can all work our way out of this recession.




I hope everyone gets well soon!


I, too, pray that all goes well with our new President. His speech was very good and I also pray that Congress works with the man.


Now, returning Carol's thread back to cruising as we have been entertaining ourselves with other matters. ;)



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I handled one of those Nikon P80's in the local shop and was impressed.



One day, when She's not looking..


I love that camera. I think I found it for $299 on a special pre-Christmas sale at JR.com. I'm just saying...


Rick, I hope your FIL is feeling better and having a nice dinner with Bobbie tonight. And thanks for my gold star!

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OMG! $414 - Wow!

or $427 with the Tiffen filter you need to own, anyway!

Now that's a deal!


Sorrry to go off-topic - that Amazon page links a certain outlet on 47th street - Just thought I would comment that I had a good experience with them awhile back.


Although it's been indirectly noted, I just wanted to explictly add in that Amazon often uses third party vendors for camera equipment. I don't know anything about the vendor they are using for this particular item, but I do know that aside from B&H, I would be very careful and do quite a bit of research before using any other New York City based photo vendors. They tend to have a reputation, which calls for extra care and diligence.


I don't know if you are afforded any extra protection by going through Amazon, compared to directly through the vendor themselves.



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Although it's been indirectly noted, I just wanted to explictly add in that Amazon often uses third party vendors for camera equipment. I don't know anything about the vendor they are using for this particular item, but I do know that aside from B&H, I would be very careful and do quite a bit of research before using any other New York City based photo vendors. They tend to have a reputation, which calls for extra care and diligence.


I don't know if you are afforded any extra protection by going through Amazon, compared to directly through the vendor themselves.




I've used 47th and found them to quite good and reputable. But I get airline miles for JR.com, which is also good & reputable.:)

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Hey Mom, just checkin in to see how your travels are going and looks like your having a blast. Did you kidnap that Nelson Brother and take him with you.


Hard to believe we started at the same time as you and your still going. Have fun and hope they gave you complimentary internet for paying all their salaries.



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Thanks for all the pics and info. The RFS looks wonderful.


How does one go about getting an upgrade like this? Did RCI charge extra for the RFS or just give it to you, because it was available?


It was a very tough negotiation. They didn't want to do it.


We went "HALFSIES". We paid for the upgrade on one leg, and the other was complimentary.


We have been *promised* the upgrade for the 3rd, but haven't seen the proof yet. :(

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It was a very tough negotiation. They didn't want to do it.


We went "HALFSIES". We paid for the upgrade on one leg, and the other was complimentary.


We have been *promised* the upgrade for the 3rd, but haven't seen the proof yet. :(



And it is still open Carol!!


So are 5 Grand Suites!!


EDIT: to read..........there are now 3 Grand Suites available!



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It was a very tough negotiation. They didn't want to do it.


We went "HALFSIES". We paid for the upgrade on one leg, and the other was complimentary.


We have been *promised* the upgrade for the 3rd, but haven't seen the proof yet. :(


I would think they would just give you a complimentary upgrade for all three legs just as a thank you for all the wonderful publicity you've given them on this web site. Apparently not.

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Either Carol is having trouble with the internet again.........or she is REALLY staying up late tonight.


I thought she would have checked in with all of the news worthy of mentioning by now.


Oh, Carol...........where are you????:D:D




A combination of both, Rick. ;)



We collectively (mostly Paul, but others, too) spent HOURS working with the RC seating person to put together our seating arrangements for the second leg.


When Cindy and I got our new SeaPasses (GOLD ;)), we were exiled to the 4th Deck, away from the entire group!!!!!


We were SO p-o'ed, that we boycotted dinner that first night.


Ok, we decided to drink our dinner................



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What a day! It started early and ended late.


We, like most of the ship, were signed up for "The Best of Rio" ship's excursion. The tickets said "eight and a half hours", and meet in Studio B at 8:15 a.m. (I am SO not a morning person! right, like you all didn't know that.....)


So,*we* all decided that we wanted to be on the same bus, so the word was passed to meet in Bolero's at 8-ish so that we could go get our stickers in Studio B at the same time. The Royal Divas went down just after 8, after an EXCELLENT breakfast in the Concierge Lounge (more than just the usual stuff: in addition, scrambled eggs, sausage, bacon and hash brown cakes). Not only was this a *full* breakfast, this was DEPARTURE morning for Leg 1. I was very impressed.


When we got to Bolero's, others told us that we could go THEN to the dining room and get our new SeaPasses, so we did. The only slight glitch was that they kept our old SeaPasses, so I don't have the souvenir. :(


We were handed our new card, and they had a photo "dinging" station set up right there in the dining room on Deck 5, so we were truly "good to go".


We all got our stickers as planned, and ALMOST all of *us* got "red 10" stickers. A few strangers (literally) elbowed their way in between our people, so some were left for the next bus, much to their chagrin.


We went and sat down in Studio B and waited for our group to be called. Naturally, we had to make trouble. :D


We started chanting, "We're number 10! We're number 10!"


In a very short while, we were summoned, and departed the ship to our waiting bus, Bus 18 (more numbers to remember). Our very able guide, Fernando, welcomed us and we began our tour of Rio de Janeiro.


Several of the places were included in our tour of the day before, so we felt rather "prepared". This guide did know a lot more, and I love history and facts and background, so i was very happy.


(By the way, it was insanely hot - somewhere around 100, possibly above)


The visit to SugarLoaf (Pao de Azucar - sorry, I can't figure out ASCI-coded diacritical marks without my home desktop computer) was amazing. It's two separate gondola cable car rides up, and then two back. The system itself is a wonder, and the views magnificent. Then the views from the top!!!!! WOW!


We had a fantastic lunch at The Oasis Restaurant, a churrascaria. It was a lot of fun: much-more-than-a-salad-bar, followed by waiters bringing around the skewers of chicken, beef, lamb, sausage and brontosaurus ribs. Dessert was vanilla ice cream.


Lots of fun!


Then we went to Corcovado, to take the cog train up to the top. We had more than an hour's wait, and the only thing to do was to visit the souvenir shops. Coincidence? I think not. On the other hand, most of us really hadn't bought any crap yet, so we did. I got a nice t-shirt for each of my kids.


The train ride itself was a BLAST! Hot, and crowded, but great views. The path goes through a national forest/garden/preservation area kind of thing. It is very steep and scenic. I took some movies, but you really can't perceive the steep slope.


After we got off the train, we had the choice of how to reach the summit and the statue.


I decided to be lazy, and took the elevator and two escalators, vowing to walk down the steps to return.


The statue *is* very impressive, although the crowds (all trying at the same time to get the same special picture) made viewing and photographing less than ideal.


I began to walk down, and it began to rain. (it had rained earlier, too). I was a little apprehensive that the stone steps would become slippery. I had already gone down the equivalent of the escalators, and decided to take the elevator the rest of the way down.


We ended up having to wait more than an hour to get on a train going back down. The waiting area was PACKED, and Brazilians have no sense of "personal space." And it was HOT. Not the most pleasant situation, but most of us made the best of it. I had a nice chat with a cute guy from the SeaTrek department. :D I told my Crown Princess *list* story again. :rolleyes: Our guides were pretty antsy, though, because they were responsible for getting us back to the ship on time.......


We finally got on a train, after two were filled and left without us. (they only run about every 20 minutes). We re-boarded our bus for the trip back. We had to drive faster and miss some drive-bys that Fernando had intended to show us.


It really was a great trip. In addition to Fernando, our Brazilian guide who spoke excellent English, we had, as usual, an RC person who *helped* with counting, etc.


We had to suffer with Dmitri, the Russian "featured" ice skater. He doesn't have an OUNCE of excess body fat. ;) We have the pictures to prove it. :D

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