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Princess has gone from first to worst in our eyes


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This board is so educational! Here, in chilly NE PA, I'd been thinking about how lovely it would be to sleep with the balcony door open, and i read this.


Now I know that I CAN do that, but tun off the a/c. We hardly ever use a/c in our home (window units.. not needed all that often) and now I know that when cruising the Mediterranean I can survive is great! :)

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I'm new to cruising but thought I would add my 2 cents... I'm going on the Caribbean Princess in June. BOY WOULD I LOVE TO HAVE A BALCONY. All we could afford was an inside cabin and we were lucky enough to book it on a day when outside obstructed cabins were low so we upgraded.


PLEASE... if you are cruising on this ship I will GLADLY change cabins with you, that way we both win. You get a quiet room and we can feel like a royalty with a balcony all to ourselves!!!


To everyone else... I have noticed a lot of complaining on this site. Is this common? Doesn't anyone enjoy cruising anymore? Why not switch to land vacations?


Am I crazy choosing cruising over a hotel on a beach? I thought everyone was happy on these ships! I'm starting to worry.:confused:

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I'm new to cruising but thought I would add my 2 cents... I'm going on the Caribbean Princess in June. BOY WOULD I LOVE TO HAVE A BALCONY. All we could afford was an inside cabin and we were lucky enough to book it on a day when outside obstructed cabins were low so we upgraded.


PLEASE... if you are cruising on this ship I will GLADLY change cabins with you, that way we both win. You get a quiet room and we can feel like a royalty with a balcony all to ourselves!!!


To everyone else... I have noticed a lot of complaining on this site. Is this common? Doesn't anyone enjoy cruising anymore? Why not switch to land vacations?


Am I crazy choosing cruising over a hotel on a beach? I thought everyone was happy on these ships! I'm starting to worry.:confused:

First, congrats on snagging an OCV, even an obstructed one, for the same price as an inside! Second, no you're not crazy for choosing a cruise -- they're wonderful. Some people on here would complain if you hung them with a new rope; others may be grumpy because they're not actually on a cruise but have to make do with posting on a website to satisfy their cravings! So don't fret -- you'll have a fabulous time and be surrounded by lots of happy people also having a wonderful time.

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Is hould not respond to your post...but after losing my husband this year to cancerunexpectedly and at way too young an age) and seeing my future changed in an instant and having been world travelers....your miniscule view of your world spoke to me.....not about Princess...but about the precious time living you are wasting by letting absolute garbage ruin your life. My husband and I took a Med. cruise last April before we knew he was ill...it was the trip of a lifetime....sure there were things that weren't perfect....but we were together in amazing ports and I could not stop thinking how blessed we were and now that he is gone I am comforted by those wonderful memories. I am sure glad I did not let a sqeaking door ruin what was to be one of the most wonderful experiences of our lifetime. Life is short....don't sweat the small stuff.

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First, congrats on snagging an OCV, even an obstructed one, for the same price as an inside! Second, no you're not crazy for choosing a cruise -- they're wonderful. Some people on here would complain if you hung them with a new rope; others may be grumpy because they're not actually on a cruise but have to make do with posting on a website to satisfy their cravings! So don't fret -- you'll have a fabulous time and be surrounded by lots of happy people also having a wonderful time.



Yeah, there is always one, isn't there? (complainers I mean!)

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We've been on seven cruises and our eighth is in a few days. I'm excited.


Up until our cruise last year, Princess was our favourite line. We've had good experiences with them. Half of out cruises have been with Princess. Financially, we're set and intgend to cruise a lot going forward.


Last year we took out two adult children on a cruise through the Caribbean. It was to be a once-in-a-lifetime adventure so we booked two balcony rooms next to each other. For the most past it was a great cruise, except for one big (to us) problem. The kids' room was fine. Our room, however, was not. Much of the time when we opened our balcony door the air movement caused a loud buzzing in the wall right beside out bathroom. It sounded like bees in our wall. Despite several attempts to get the maintenance staff to fix it, they were unsuccessful.


We booked a balcony room so that we could sit outside and enjoy the warm Caribbean air and we wanted to keep the door open mostly all the time. We wanted to have the door open while we were sleeping. We had to keep the door closed most of the time, which seriously detracted from our enjoyment of this cruise and took away much of the benefit of havng a balcony room.


I can't over-emphasize how much losing much of the benefit of our balcony detracted from our enjoyment of our cruise. We should have just booked an inside cabin and saved the cost of the balcony because we hardly used it.


I don't complain a lot. I'm an accepting kind of guy. However, when we left the ship for the last time, I put a letter into the comments box (with my contact info), thinking I'd hear back from Princess. After weeks of nothing, I sent an email to their head office. Nothing. I sent a second email, again nothing.


I can accept that things go wrong. Mechanical problems occur. I accept that.


HOwever, I feel there is no excuse for a company not caring. Princess is the company we've had more cruises with than any other line. We've enjoyed crusing with them and had hoped to do many more with them. Unfortunately, my wife have discussed this again recently and have decided that because of Princess's apparent disinterest in us, we've decided to cruise on other lines. There are lots of choice out there and we'll be looking at other lines from now on. OUr next cruise is booked with Norwegian. We intend to be frequent cruisers. We did two last year, one with Princess and another with another line.


I see a thread in this section from a first-time Princess customer. I may be a last-time Princess customer. I'm not saying for sure because I may get over this. With time.


If someone from Princess wants to contact me, my email address is wrothe at shaw.ca.


I love how the complainers usually state, "I hardly ever compain, but..." I've read some doozies on these boards, but this one really takes the cake. This guy actually thinks Princess owes him an apology because he left his door open and the wind made a noise in his cabin? Really?:confused:

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Is hould not respond to your post...but after losing my husband this year to cancerunexpectedly and at way too young an age) and seeing my future changed in an instant and having been world travelers....your miniscule view of your world spoke to me.....not about Princess...but about the precious time living you are wasting by letting absolute garbage ruin your life. My husband and I took a Med. cruise last April before we knew he was ill...it was the trip of a lifetime....sure there were things that weren't perfect....but we were together in amazing ports and I could not stop thinking how blessed we were and now that he is gone I am comforted by those wonderful memories. I am sure glad I did not let a sqeaking door ruin what was to be one of the most wonderful experiences of our lifetime. Life is short....don't sweat the small stuff.


I just have to respond to you directly.


First I am so very sorry for your loss. This cruise is a celebration of life for my wife and I. They discovered cancer in my prostate (stage 4 taking over 30% of the prostate and penetrating the outer sack) Had surgery (radical prostectamy) and have been pronounced cancer free.


While I do not know what you are going through, I feel I can imagine as I watched my wife as she supported me through the process. While I was lucky it could just as easily been quite a different outcome.


I truely wish you well and I hope you are able to find some peace.

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I don't remember if Princess had this, but on our RCI cruise there was a note applied right to the balcony door kindly reminding us not to leave the balcony door open as it affects the ship's a/c and is not environmentally friendly. I remember my DH pointing it out to me. He likes doors closed and I like them open (even though I do turn off the a/c when I do so). So, no one needs to be surprised by this on the ship. I would be more surprised if the maintenance crew did not mention this. We leave the door closed on the ship and still ejoy our balcony tremendously - my favorite part of any cruise. My balcony, a soda and a good book!:D

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Hey...not everyone thinks negatively. We love cruising, and find the staff and everything on the cruise absolutly fantastic!! If you want a great cruise...you will get it. if you want to find fault..you will find it. I choose to have a GREAT CRUISE! I have been on 6 princess cruises, and have loved everyone of them! No complaints, just happy to be able to cruise. I love it!



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:confused: like so many others here, wonder why didn't exchange cabins w/ children if it was quieter. why did you leave door open in 1st place when there is notices in cabin NOT TO? there are reasons for that. glad am not paying your electric bill, do you leave the windows open up there in Canada in mid winter too?

and if not a complainer, then why is such a minor thing causing you to stop sailing w/a particular cruise line? if get a flat tire on your car, is that the last time you buy that make/model?

as for Princess not ans you. you went against their policy, why should they?

and lastly, as others have asked, why has it taken you so long to come here and complain? since it was such a serious thing & ruined your cruise, would have thought you would have been all over this board as soon as got home w/your upsetting exp. so others could be warned..

life is too short to be upset about such piddling little things, be grateful that you have the means & opportunities to take cruises, unlike thousands of people today who don't know where their next mos rent/mort payment is coming from. now that is a prob...

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Are you the same guy that asked the pilot on that Delta flight to please open the window next to your seat so you could get some fresh air on the way home from the port?

Thank you -- I laughed so hard, I spit my frappucino all over my keyboard! You owe me a new space bar!

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Not much sympathy so far, I see. If Princess had at least apologized, I'd be fine. They didn't even do that. I was disappointed that three attempts to let them know of the problem passed without any result. That's what annoyed me. I'm in the service business. I think they should show that they care about this.


Why should they apologize - you kep a door open that you were supposed to keep closed. Ken

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Thank you!!! I should have let the poster rant but after seeing my and my children's lives turned upside down by the "Beast" which is cancer, but could have been any other lifestorm, the near sightedness of his view of the world spoke to me and I had to respond. I hope you are cured of your prostate cancer. My husband who ran 4 miles a day and ate healthily his entire life was stage 4 at diagnosis. We had four months to say goodbye and for me to take care of him..really my last gift to the most wonderful, humble human being I have ever met....who never complained despite all of the horrible treatments he endured (do you see why complainers like this poster stir my emotions)...I am so glad we traveled and created memories....I could recount horror stories of airlines, hotels, etc. etc...in the US and third world countries....but I would be missing the point that first of all we were blessed to be able to travel and secondly that we had each other ......

Finally, next month, I am taking my 87 year old mother on her first cruise...She got her first passport yesterday.....I surely will not let squeaky balcony doors diminish our pleasure....I really feel so sad for the gentleman who initiated this post...he surely is missing out on what life is all about....

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Not much sympathy so far, I see. If Princess had at least apologized, I'd be fine. They didn't even do that. I was disappointed that three attempts to let them know of the problem passed without any result. That's what annoyed me. I'm in the service business. I think they should show that they care about this.


Care about what? Your made-up issue? Dude, when you're in a hole, the best advice you can take is to stop digging! Your complaint is beyond laughable.

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I don't remember if Princess had this, but on our RCI cruise there was a note applied right to the balcony door kindly reminding us not to leave the balcony door open as it affects the ship's a/c and is not environmentally friendly. I remember my DH pointing it out to me. He likes doors closed and I like them open (even though I do turn off the a/c when I do so). So, no one needs to be surprised by this on the ship. I would be more surprised if the maintenance crew did not mention this. We leave the door closed on the ship and still ejoy our balcony tremendously - my favorite part of any cruise. My balcony, a soda and a good book!:D



Hi Ginny, boy did I have some good laughs over this guys post & some of the ans. what a shame, that someone has such a small life to worry over something so trivial for so long.


like you, like having the doors open,but turn the a/c off when do. and sitting there w/ a good book,soda and the water around me, doesn't get much better. Debbie

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We've been on seven cruises and our eighth is in a few days. I'm excited.


Up until our cruise last year, Princess was our favourite line. We've had good experiences with them. Half of out cruises have been with Princess. Financially, we're set and intgend to cruise a lot going forward.


Last year we took out two adult children on a cruise through the Caribbean. It was to be a once-in-a-lifetime adventure so we booked two balcony rooms next to each other. For the most past it was a great cruise, except for one big (to us) problem. The kids' room was fine. Our room, however, was not. Much of the time when we opened our balcony door the air movement caused a loud buzzing in the wall right beside out bathroom. It sounded like bees in our wall. Despite several attempts to get the maintenance staff to fix it, they were unsuccessful.


We booked a balcony room so that we could sit outside and enjoy the warm Caribbean air and we wanted to keep the door open mostly all the time. We wanted to have the door open while we were sleeping. We had to keep the door closed most of the time, which seriously detracted from our enjoyment of this cruise and took away much of the benefit of havng a balcony room.


I can't over-emphasize how much losing much of the benefit of our balcony detracted from our enjoyment of our cruise. We should have just booked an inside cabin and saved the cost of the balcony because we hardly used it.


I don't complain a lot. I'm an accepting kind of guy. However, when we left the ship for the last time, I put a letter into the comments box (with my contact info), thinking I'd hear back from Princess. After weeks of nothing, I sent an email to their head office. Nothing. I sent a second email, again nothing.


I can accept that things go wrong. Mechanical problems occur. I accept that.


HOwever, I feel there is no excuse for a company not caring. Princess is the company we've had more cruises with than any other line. We've enjoyed crusing with them and had hoped to do many more with them. Unfortunately, my wife have discussed this again recently and have decided that because of Princess's apparent disinterest in us, we've decided to cruise on other lines. There are lots of choice out there and we'll be looking at other lines from now on. OUr next cruise is booked with Norwegian. We intend to be frequent cruisers. We did two last year, one with Princess and another with another line.


I see a thread in this section from a first-time Princess customer. I may be a last-time Princess customer. I'm not saying for sure because I may get over this. With time.


If someone from Princess wants to contact me, my email address is wrothe at shaw.ca.


Guess you must have missed the "Please keep the balcony door closed" sign and other information posted in the Patters and elsewhere. When you leave the door open, you cause draft like a wind tunnel throughout several areas around your cabin.....including other peoples cabins. What you heard was, no doubt, part of this vibration. Open doors also effect the air conditioning in your cabin and others sharing the ship with you. It is also a perfect draft to spread fire and smoke.


Complaing to Princess isn't going to do you any good. The balcony doors are supposed to be kept closed......which I'm sure they will remind you if/when they respond.

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Thank you!!! I should have let the poster rant but after seeing my and my children's lives turned upside down by the "Beast" which is cancer, but could have been any other lifestorm, the near sightedness of his view of the world spoke to me and I had to respond. I hope you are cured of your prostate cancer. My husband who ran 4 miles a day and ate healthily his entire life was stage 4 at diagnosis. We had four months to say goodbye and for me to take care of him..really my last gift to the most wonderful, humble human being I have ever met....who never complained despite all of the horrible treatments he endured (do you see why complainers like this poster stir my emotions)...I am so glad we traveled and created memories....I could recount horror stories of airlines, hotels, etc. etc...in the US and third world countries....but I would be missing the point that first of all we were blessed to be able to travel and secondly that we had each other ......

Finally, next month, I am taking my 87 year old mother on her first cruise...She got her first passport yesterday.....I surely will not let squeaky balcony doors diminish our pleasure....I really feel so sad for the gentleman who initiated this post...he surely is missing out on what life is all about....



God Bless you and your children. You lived life the way it should, and had the ability to see thru the stupidity of things. Your children are very fortunate to have a mother like you to teach them the values of life.


Hooray for your mother !! hope she has a fabulous time and you too.

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Linda, my heart goes out to you on your loss; you are obviously a strong woman who is dealing with this well. Cancer is a terrible thing; I had three weeks between my step-father's diagnosis and his passing. Not enough time.


As for the OP, I think most, if not all, experienced cruisers are aware of the whistling, sucking, vibration noise created by balcony doors under certain circumstances and as has been said, there are notices and alerts to please not leave the door open so I, too, have a certain lack of sympathy. At home, if it's hot enough out to warrant using the A/C, I certainly wouldn't think of opening my patio door and leaving it open so I can cool the great outdoors. I'd like to know how the rest of the cruise went, i.e., when you weren't in your cabin.


I'll be thinking of everyone a week from now as I sit on my balcony as the Sapphire pulls away from San Pedro and sails down the coast of CA. :) I'll letcha know whether there's noise or not.

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We experienced CIGAR SMOKING on our Crown balcony last month. Very unpleasant and definitely put a damper on our enjoyment of the balcony. Anyone in agreement that Princess should ban smoking in all state rooms and balconies like other ships. I believe Celebrity has a no smoking policy.

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