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sick after Mariner swine flu cruise

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After hearing how many have gotten sick on that ship lately, I would think it just might be prudent for RCL to cancel a week and do a top to bottom scrubbing of the ship as well as to quarenteen (sp?) of all sick crew members. I happen to know 6 people who have been on that ship recently who have come down with the "Mariner Sickness". And all have gotten sick at the end of the cruise or within a day of getting home.

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i know i will get flamed for this...but geez louise, if you have a headache is it a tumor!


ships & airplanes are close quarters there are lots of germs, have you ever cancelled a vacation due to a cold...probably not! i know that i would fly or cruise while ill as long as i could still function, i would just take more precautions (extra handwashing etc.)


flame away



cruising on mariner 8/16 to MEXICO

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How do you know? Do you have a medical degree? An inside Contact at the CDC?


All I know is that in my job I get several emails a day from the DPH on how to deal with H1N1 situation.

One doesn't need a medical degree or an inside contact, just an Internet connection and google:


CDC: Swine flu mild; schools can stay open

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I'm a nurse. I worked in the ER right out of nursing school and was exposed to EVERYTHING possible! (It's sort of like kids going to preschool and being sick all the time and then once they get to kindergarten they NEVER get sick).


The first time (really) that I got sick after that was when I got off the Rhapsody on my first cruise. On the way home my (now ex) husband and I both started sniffling and sneezing and generally felt awful. We thought maybe it was just because we tried to do everything (which no one can do) and just wore ourselves out.


Now, everyone is blaming the ship for all ills. With all the talk of the norovirus, I realized that the cruises with the highest incidences were those with lots of kids onboard.....kids are not all that understanding of how to use tongs, wash their hands after bathroom breaks and sneezes....etc.


I simply think everyone needs to wash their hands religiously, cover their face when they sneeze and cough, and be super careful with the buffet.



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Do you know how many people were down with this crud on the 46 night around the horn cruise???


Folks.........this is not about the swine flu........it's about something that is aboard that has not been eradicated.........as of yet.


My FIL along with others had pneumonia on that cruise. My DW came down with the "crud" on the day of the "one night inaugural".....her 47th night was hell!


Then she caught it again on the 4/19 cruise.


But the one person that caught it.........on 4/18..........was Captain Johnny. He was miserable and really did not show his face for the one night pre inaugural......or 2 night.


He is back aboard.........and hopefully back to 100%.


TT..........I would suggest that you give a great deal of thought about what you write. You are the upcoming generation........and I'll never put you down about your posts.


All that I can say is.........think before you post!! Also, take it from a 65 year old fart..........that also sometimes does not think before he posts!!:D:D



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I came back from the Mariner 4/26 sailing sick also. Have a runny nose, plugged ears, hacking cough, chest congestion, pounding heachache, fever, and body aches. After spending Sunday night and all day Monday in bed, I finally had enough energy to go to the doctors yesterday.


Since those symptoms are close to swine flu ones, the doctor is testing me for that to make sure it's not. I should know by tomorrow whether it's that or just the same crud that everyone has caught on the Mariner since it went around the horn.


Either way, I will be off work for a week with NO PAY. Thank you for a wonderful cruise Royal Caribbean!! :rolleyes:

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I wash my hands a lot, really. I don't touch my face with dirty hands or rub my eyes. I've taken microbiology in university, and I have to say, it scarred me for life.:rolleyes: I know how diseases are transmitted, and it's mostly hand to face contact. It's hard to look at things the same way after culturing buggies from phones, door knobs, and your own hands.:rolleyes: I use hand gel after getting my stuff from the buffet. I'm aware, and I still got this crud. Most of our large roll call got the 'creeping crud' as we have termed it. It's on the ship. It's not Swine Flu (although I have been accused of having it - if you have been to Mexico and you so much as cough - you are accused of having the Swine Flu).:rolleyes:


The ship needs to go into 'norovirus' mode or whatever they call it. They need to bleach everything, and have staff serve you in the buffet. I do not want to expose my family to this when we are on the ship again in August.

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Do you know how many people were down with this crud on the 46 night around the horn cruise???


Folks.........this is not about the swine flu........it's about something that is aboard that has not been eradicated.........as of yet.


My FIL along with others had pneumonia on that cruise. My DW came down with the "crud" on the day of the "one night inaugural".....her 47th night was hell!


Then she caught it again on the 4/19 cruise.


But the one person that caught it.........on 4/18..........was Captain Johnny. He was miserable and really did not show his face for the one night pre inaugural......or 2 night.


He is back aboard.........and hopefully back to 100%.


TT..........I would suggest that you give a great deal of thought about what you write. You are the upcoming generation........and I'll never put you down about your posts.


All that I can say is.........think before you post!! Also, take it from a 65 year old fart..........that also sometimes does not think before he posts!!:D:D





And you take your DW back for a threepete...:eek:


I agree time for RCCL to figure out what is going around the ship before Mariner gets a real bad reputation that hurts sales and sails...

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My husband caught the same thing in February, IN THE HOSPITAL!!!!! :eek:


It's a nasty late winter/early spring virus. Takes several weeks to finally go away completely.


I highly recommend NeilMed Sinus Rinse. My sis told me about this a year ago. Cuts the colds in HALF; seriously.

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I'm in total agreement Carol.


Now that the Mariner is going north........where nothing grows...but evergreens.........maybe the ship will clear it's self up........and we can all get this behind us.


I say this with tongue in cheek...........as I came down with the crud, after my DW refused to go to the doctor.........and she has had this ever since she got off of the 2/19 ATH cruise.


I'm just getting over it for the first time. I understand that some can have it 3 times!! YIKES!!:rolleyes:


I'll let you know how I'm doing in a week!



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I'm in total agreement Carol.


Now that the Mariner is going north........where nothing grows...but evergreens.........maybe the ship will clear it's self up........and we can all get this behind us.


I say this with tongue in cheek...........as I came down with the crud, after my DW refused to go to the doctor.........and she has had this ever since she got off of the 2/19 ATH cruise.


I'm just getting over it for the first time. I understand that some can have it 3 times!! YIKES!!:rolleyes:


I'll let you know how I'm doing in a week!




You guys get better, too.


I thought I was getting better, but now my face is pounding, and is an odd bright pink colour! This is weird!!

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I highly recommend NeilMed Sinus Rinse. That is what my doctor at Kasier told me to get today and use. Along with the prescription nasal spray and behind the counter sudafed.


DG rest, rest and more rest.

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I highly recommend NeilMed Sinus Rinse. That is what my doctor at Kasier told me to get today and use. Along with the prescription nasal spray and behind the counter sudafed.


DG rest, rest and more rest.



And as you know, I am SO good at resting.;)

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If anyone has come back from the Mariner cruise sick, please take a minute and let RCCL know:




Many of us feel that the "virus" (not swine flu) that has hit so many is directly related to the cruise. This virus has hit many, many passengers since it came around the horn 2 months ago and seems to be continuing on affecting many of us. Since most of us never went to the doctor onboard, RCCL would be unaware of so many be ill. Hope you will take a few minutes to let them know, and hopefully it will allow for a more thorough cleaning of the ship.


Thanks everyone :D

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This swine flu thing is a complete joke. Get real. No worse than any other flu, and actually not that bad of a flu at all. People need to get a grip.:rolleyes:

You say that it's not that bad of a flu. Have you gotten it?? :confused:

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I'm in total agreement Carol.


Now that the Mariner is going north........where nothing grows...but evergreens.........maybe the ship will clear it's self up........and we can all get this behind us.


Actually you have this backwards. Generally viruses tend to die out in the heat, or hibernate or something. Flu season is usually in the cold weather, which is why they figure that in another month in the Northern Hemisphere the H1N1 will mostly go away. It is when it starts to get cool in the fall that we shall all see what happens.

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This swine flu thing is a complete joke. Get real. No worse than any other flu, and actually not that bad of a flu at all. People need to get a grip.:rolleyes:



Parkay.........I believe that Janice said that this had nothing to do with Swine Flu.


So why even bring it up???


We have a grip..........have you been cruising for a just 7 days on the Mariner.....let alone 47 days plus 7.......and getting ready to do another 7.


And, by the way...........it's now over 100 degrees here.........and my DW is finally getting better after seeing the doctor and getting on Cipro.


And .......if won't keep us off of cruises!!:D:eek:



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You say that it's not that bad of a flu. Have you gotten it?? :confused:


I know enough about it to know that it's not any worse than any other flu. Less people have died from this flu than people who die from most. It is way over hyped. That's all.


Parkay.........I believe that Janice said that this had nothing to do with Swine Flu.


So why even bring it up???


We have a grip..........have you been cruising for a just 7 days on the Mariner.....let alone 47 days plus 7.......and getting ready to do another 7.


And' date=' by the way...........it's now over 100 degrees here.........and my DW is finally getting better after seeing the doctor and getting on Cipro.


And .......if won't keep us off of cruises!!:D:eek:




I bring it up because this thread is called "...Mariner swine flu cruise".

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So far, I've heard of the April 19th and April 26th cruisers being very sick when they got home. There's some kind of flu bug going around the ship, long before the swine flu issue.


we were on the april 19th sailing and did not get sick at all.....we were talking about how some were sick, but when we thought about it, we think since they hung out most of the week together, they passed something amongst them selves....we were only with them the first full day for a couple of hours and as i said, we were fine....

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How do you know? Do you have a medical degree? An inside Contact at the CDC?


All I know is that in my job I get several emails a day from the DPH on how to deal with H1N1 situation.


Which has nothing to do with Mariner, since most of us were confirmed not to have swine flu. My cabin steward went out sick and came back 2 days later with no voice. She looked awful, too. IMHO (everybody in my family is a doctor but me, so I'm the dangerous one) her supervisor had no business letting her back on duty in her condition. I had a small can of Lysol that I emptied, but it didn't work.


Let's not over react.

It is very common for people who cruise or fly, to catch something on their vacations being they are in such close quarters with so many people. ;)

My husband and I also came home from the Mariner in February with the "Mariner cough and illness" everyone seems to get on her. It was not the "Swine Flu" and we did get over it. ;)


I also think the title of the thread is a bit over the top. :rolleyes:

"sick after Mariner swine flu cruise"

Did anyone on that ship get Swine flu?


One person on our Roll Call reported that her brother, who was on the 4/19 with us, was diagnosed with swine flu. But most of us just had Mariner crud.


I'm a nurse. I worked in the ER right out of nursing school and was exposed to EVERYTHING possible! (It's sort of like kids going to preschool and being sick all the time and then once they get to kindergarten they NEVER get sick).


The first time (really) that I got sick after that was when I got off the Rhapsody on my first cruise. On the way home my (now ex) husband and I both started sniffling and sneezing and generally felt awful. We thought maybe it was just because we tried to do everything (which no one can do) and just wore ourselves out.


Now, everyone is blaming the ship for all ills. With all the talk of the norovirus, I realized that the cruises with the highest incidences were those with lots of kids onboard.....kids are not all that understanding of how to use tongs, wash their hands after bathroom breaks and sneezes....etc.


I simply think everyone needs to wash their hands religiously, cover their face when they sneeze and cough, and be super careful with the buffet.




No, we are NOT blaming the ship for all ills, just this one. And don't blame the kids - we didn't have that many onboard. The pattern I see is one of a ship that has had several cruises' worth of sick people, crew and passengers alike, that isn't willing to take the ship out of service for a few days, or at least have a "bleach cruise" to eradicate the disease. That upsets me far more than any change from Mexico to Victoria ever could.

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BenBell, I was on the same cruise as you (Liberty 4/25/09) - sorry to hear you got ill :( NO FUN! I am not sure if the huge to-do over the "swine flu" was a GOOD thing as it made alot of people (such as myself) more vigilant about washing my hands longer and more often (especially prior to eating), not touching the hand rails when going down the cruise stair cases, using my elbow to press the elevator buttons, etc. OR if it was a BAD thing as it may have caused alot of undue panic. I myself am somewhat of a germaphobe and was always worried about the big bad NOROVIRUS and THEN to be hit with the SWINE FLU scare the day I leave to cruise on Liberty, I was a wreck! BUT, as stated above, I just took as many precautions as I could and since they say the swine flu has a 7 day incubation period and it has been ALMOST 7 days since my last day of the cruise, I am hoping I am in the clear! I am attaching a few pics that should make you smile. After the 1st photo, it kind of became a trend for me to get my photo taken each day at a different PURELL hand santizing station - I even got my Dad in on the action :D. Hope you feel better!!!! Kim




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Do you know how many people were down with this crud on the 46 night around the horn cruise???


Folks.........this is not about the swine flu........it's about something that is aboard that has not been eradicated.........as of yet.


My FIL along with others had pneumonia on that cruise. My DW came down with the "crud" on the day of the "one night inaugural".....her 47th night was hell!


Then she caught it again on the 4/19 cruise.


But the one person that caught it.........on 4/18..........was Captain Johnny. He was miserable and really did not show his face for the one night pre inaugural......or 2 night.


He is back aboard.........and hopefully back to 100%.


TT..........I would suggest that you give a great deal of thought about what you write. You are the upcoming generation........and I'll never put you down about your posts.


All that I can say is.........think before you post!! Also, take it from a 65 year old fart..........that also sometimes does not think before he posts!!:D:D




I'm not a doctor, nor do a pretend to be one on the message boards, but do you think if some bug was going around that 6 weeks in a confined space would not cause it to spread to a larger than normal percentage of people?


Like I said before, I've been sick since I got home from our Enchantment cruise with similar symptoms so I think it is more likely just something going around. Because Mariner has a "reputation" on here everyone is more aware of it.

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No, we are NOT blaming the ship for all ills, just this one. And don't blame the kids - we didn't have that many onboard. The pattern I see is one of a ship that has had several cruises' worth of sick people, crew and passengers alike, that isn't willing to take the ship out of service for a few days, or at least have a "bleach cruise" to eradicate the disease. That upsets me far more than any change from Mexico to Victoria ever could.


My DD was one 'kid' on this cruise... and she never has come down with it. Go figure! :o I'm still not convinced that there is not a virus that just needs to be cleaned... and I would be willing to bet it is in Dragon's Lair... nice dark area.

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