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Need Contact Info Regarding A Theft Onboard


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We had trouble one time with the locked safe not opening for us. We had the supervisor come to get it open. Turns out that sometimes there are items jamming the door inside, so we always make sure to check that the door area is clear before closing and locking. Those safes are small and with all of us stuffing them full of wallets, jewelry, passports, cash, cameras, no wonder they get jammed sometimes. Take a few seconds to clear the door before attempting to lock it.

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I'm very sorry to hear about this issue for you. You keep mentioning that the investigation would never happen on land. You're right, at least in the U.S. and some other countries. We forget that we're not in any country while on a cruise ship. It's very scary when you think about all of the consequences that could have. Your story just brings that point home.

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My husband's wallet disappeared during the frantic "everyone back on board, put your stuff in the bins" thing on our May 16 cruise.. We cancelled credit cards.. had about $120 in it.. reported to purser.. Last week we got a call from Princess that it had been found and they Fed Ex'd it back.. of course the cash was gone (isn't it always) but the wallet otherwise had everything in it.


My wife's wallet dropped out of her backpack (as we later found out) while we were on a bus in Edinburgh, Scotland. We got a call after we returned home (they found our home phone number from info in the wallet), and got our address. All the money was still in it, despite my wife telling the bus company to take some out for their troubles.

Of course, she had already cancelled all her credit cards, etc. But it's nice to see this sort of thing happening, even in a big city.

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Regarding insecure hotel safes, on another cruise line we had a safe that wouldn't open after we'd locked it. Security came and opened it within seconds. One wonders about the possibility of an inside job. Just a thought.


We had trouble one time with the locked safe not opening for us. We had the supervisor come to get it open. Turns out that sometimes there are items jamming the door inside, so we always make sure to check that the door area is clear before closing and locking. Those safes are small and with all of us stuffing them full of wallets, jewelry, passports, cash, cameras, no wonder they get jammed sometimes. Take a few seconds to clear the door before attempting to lock it.



I forgot the code to open the safe on the Grand. Security came and opened it in seconds. There were several forms to sign that I had requested security to open the safe and agreement that nothing was missing. I wonder how many other than security know how to open the stateroom safes? It is not that secure.

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We were told a search of our cabin would need to be done. We asked how long this would take and were told perhaps two hours. We had two tours arranged for this port and asked if this could be done once we returned. Our cabin would basically be sealed for the day until our return. We asked if we could keep our travel wallets at the pursers office and told no. As we were having troubles with out cabin safe a supervisor came and fixed the problem and we left the ship for the day.


We agreed at this point to not discuss it and just try and enjoy our only port day in Scotland. It did come up in our conversations through the day and my aunt was very uncomfortable with the idea of having our cabin 'searched'. We were both feeling a little victimized and felt this would be just more of the same and wondered to what purpose. When we reboarded the ship we returned to the front desk and mentioned this to them, they explained the importance of this and that if someone was stealing onboard they should know about it. We agreed that yes it was important and needed to be done. We were told that not only would our cabin be searched but so would that of our cabin steward.


At this point a senior housekeeping officer and a security officer were called. They, along with a junior assistant purser came back to our cabin. As we were two women only in the cabin a female security officer was needed in order to do the physical search. An extensive search of our cabin was done. Every nook and cranny was searched. They went through each and every one of our personal belongings. Every item we owned was touched and gone through, clothes, underwear, purses, make-up, jewelry, toiletries, electronics, medical equipment, pockets, bags , suitcases, books, journals. They also seached closets, under beds, between mattresses, through drawers, chair cushions all around the tv and even in the fridge. There were six people in an inside cabin at this point with one female security officer doing the search. I did try and keep the mood light given the circumstances but we did feel victimized. They searched everywhere and came up with nothing.


At this point we asked what was next. They said a 'reading' of our electronic door lock would be done to see who and when anyone entered our cabin. They also said a search of the cabin steward's cabin would also be done. They said they would have the results the next day and left.We were told a search of our cabin would need to be done. We asked how long this would take and were told perhaps two hours. We had two tours arranged for this port and asked if this could be done once we returned. Our cabin would basically be sealed for the day until our return. We asked if we could keep our travel wallets at the pursers office and told no. As we were having troubles with out cabin safe a supervisor came and fixed the problem and we left the ship for the day.



maybe it is just me but this sounds exactly how a crime scene investigation would be handled anywhere........close off area and search for clues????????????????Read key entry data etc.......??????????? Have a female officer present sounds perfectly in accordance with any type of situation where a search would have been needed where you were alone in the cabin with only male officers. I guess maybe i don't fully understand the situation....were you humiliated that they searched your cabin and did not simply write up a report based on statement? Or is it just that is is taking some time? I think they probably should have not said they would have the results the next day if that was not going to be possible. It's terrible this happenned though and my sympathy.

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The OP has explained herself VERY clearly folks (so stop the bashing and second guessing). AS STATED: (1) It's not about the money (2) She accepts some responsibility (3) She followed procedures to report the matter as explained to her. The issue NOW is the lack of follow-through, the lack of communication, the blantant disrespect, the run-around, the wasted time, and the overall onboard crapola that the OP had to endure in pursuing this matter.


Rochelle: There is no doubt in my mind that you were a victim of a very deliberate crime. Your description made it very clear that someone took the time to remove your money in a manner that you would not detect. Thank you for posting your ordeal here, and please keep us posted should you receive ANY feedback from someone in authority at Princess?

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I forgot the code to open the safe on the Grand. Security came and opened it in seconds. There were several forms to sign that I had requested security to open the safe and agreement that nothing was missing. I wonder how many other than security know how to open the stateroom safes? It is not that secure.


To open our's one time when it was jammed, they had to bring an electronic box to get it open. It was not done by hand, and unless someone had our code, without the electronic box, we were told that it would be impossible to open.

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The OP has explained herself VERY clearly folks (so stop the bashing and second guessing). AS STATED: (1) It's not about the money (2) She accepts some responsibility (3) She followed procedures to report the matter as explained to her. The issue NOW is the lack of follow-through, the lack of communication, the blantant disrespect, the run-around, the wasted time, and the overall onboard crapola that the OP had to endure in pursuing this matter.


Rochelle: There is no doubt in my mind that you were a victim of a very deliberate crime. Your description made it very clear that someone took the time to remove your money in a manner that you would not detect. Thank you for posting your ordeal here, and please keep us posted should you receive ANY feedback from someone in authority at Princess?

I/m glad someone believes her. I think IMO that the money was misplaced or lost, not stolen by a crew-member.
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To open our's one time when it was jammed, they had to bring an electronic box to get it open. It was not done by hand, and unless someone had our code, without the electronic box, we were told that it would be impossible to open.


Our safe was "jammed" on the Ruby Princess in April.

A staff member sorted it out for us by moving a plastic card all around the gap between the safe door and surround.

It worked! He said it often happened.

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I'm very sorry this happened to you. It does not sound as though it was handled very well.


I have never had such an experience, but even so, I only travel with essentials, and keep anything of value that I must have locked up, either in the in-cabin safe, or in my locked suitcase. I have a neck pouch and a money belt that I carry essentials in while in port.


I hope you never have another experience like this again. It shows that you can never let your guard down.

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I/m glad someone believes her. I think IMO that the money was misplaced or lost, not stolen by a crew-member.


Of course i believe her intentions, if this was directed towards my post which immediately proceeded yours, it is just i am saying that they have to treat it like a crime scene because it was reported as such. It I am not saying she was not a victim of a crime and as stated, my sympathy. I have also been a crime victim and yes it is difficult and lengthy, in NYC at 2 am with everything out of the trunk of my car, all luggage, pictures that i had planned to bring back east from colo to show family stolen.Nothing for the cops to go through but an empty trunk.....we decided that everything was gone...our wedding pictures etc were probably in a trash can in the village, my spouse's ingraved family heirloom rolex pawned............my sympathy again. But the police in NYC had me standing on the street for hours in the middle of a night with a best freind's wedding to go to the next day...no clothes etc. We never recovered anything nor did the NYC police follow up, but we realized that they had to investigate and did go thourgh that to no avail.. Our insurance company covered the monetary losses, only.

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I don't think you were long-winded Rochelle. One expects belongings of any sort to be safe in one's hotel room or stateroom, but unfortunately there are too many light-fingered people around. Sorry you had a problem. I guess we all learn to be more careful after events such as these. GC

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Lessons learned:


1. Always, always, always put valuables in the safe. If the safe isn't working properly get it taken care if immediately.


2. Never, never, never leave anything of value out anywhere in the cabin unless you are there....and never leave anything unattended when out of the cabin.


3. Take traveler's checks and cash them as needed. You can convert currency at any port....and, it's usually cheaper than buying foreign currency at home.


I don't know what you expect Princess to do. They aren't going to give you money....they have no proof of theft at all; your say-so isn't proof. Your cabin steward was obviously a trusted employee of long standing with the company and unlikely to jeopardize his job for a coupla hundred dollars. It's highly probable that you've miscounted the foreign funds... Princess isn't liable unless theft can be proven to be the fault of someone who has done the wrong.

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For all of you who say Princess is not liable - fine. What they are is not legally liable. But I think they have a moral obligation to at least make their passengers feel as tho they are not liars. Why would Rochelle make this all up.


And to the poster who was on the cruise with her, maybe she and her grandmother did not want to put a damper on YOUR cruise. Maybe she did not feel like talking about it at that point in time. Whatever the reason, it is really none of our business.


We all need to know that no matter how much we take care of our money and belongings, there is always someone who can figure out how to steal it.

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I am going to weigh my 2 cents in - though I am not judging anyone here. Maybe just a thought of a different approach if something like this would happen again.


My mom lost a piece of jewelry in her cabin once. Knowing my mom - I knew she misplaced it and don't think it was stolen.


We approached the cabin steward and said that "we lost a piece of jewelry and this is what it looked like" - some how I made it a point to say that I am sure my mom misplaced it so that he would know that we are not accusing him of it.


When we returned from dinner that night - the piece of jewelry was on her pillow. Again, I don't think he stole it but he made a very good effort to find it and did (and we tipped him nicely for it).


On the opposite side, I wonder if this approach would work if the money had been stolen. This would give the room steward a chance to return it if for some reason it was taken.


Just a thought. If anything, many of us have learned lessons from the OP about keeping valuables locked up (I admit, I have never used the safe myself).

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For all of you who say Princess is not liable - fine. What they are is not legally liable. But I think they have a moral obligation to at least make their passengers feel as tho they are not liars. Why would Rochelle make this all up.


And to the poster who was on the cruise with her, maybe she and her grandmother did not want to put a damper on YOUR cruise. Maybe she did not feel like talking about it at that point in time. Whatever the reason, it is really none of our business.


We all need to know that no matter how much we take care of our money and belongings, there is always someone who can figure out how to steal it.


Here here Northender. I agree with your comments totally.

I dont think Rochelle WAS looking to get her money BACK just to be treated properly and with respect by the staff in charge on the ship. I am sure all of us can relate to that from events that have happened wherever we have travelled.

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For all of you who say Princess is not liable - fine. What they are is not legally liable. But I think they have a moral obligation to at least make their passengers feel as tho they are not liars. Why would Rochelle make this all up.


And to the poster who was on the cruise with her, maybe she and her grandmother did not want to put a damper on YOUR cruise. Maybe she did not feel like talking about it at that point in time. Whatever the reason, it is really none of our business.


We all need to know that no matter how much we take care of our money and belongings, there is always someone who can figure out how to steal it.


We were in fact on the cruise with both parties and first part of the story doesn't fit. They didn't do tours in Greenock as stated they had two tours. They only walked around the town and we talked to them as they were leaving the ship and no trouble was mentioned. Both these ladies are constant talkers and wouldn't keep something like this to themselves.

Second, We attended the Chef's Dinner with them that night again no mention of any negative thing happening. I believe they miscounted and spent the funds. Please note! The dollars that were missing are less than $500.00 how much less she doesn't have any idea?

My theory is they spent the funds and forgot. They spent 3 days pre cruise and a day in Bermuda and lots of time in the casino. The euro's and GBP's they simply didn't figure the cost of buying them.

If you don't put stuff in the safe your asking for trouble. Many times I saw cabin doors open after people left the ship because they didn't close them completly. Theft happens everywhere to the ones that don't use reasonable care.

From what I read there is no total of whats stolen because no one knows what was spent prior to this time.

Sharon had lots of jewellery with her and none was stolen?

Whats the cruiseline to do if someone claims cash is missing but can't for sure tell how much? Should they just believe you and give the money to you and fire the long time employee without any proof. What if the door wasn't closed all the way and another passenger came in and took the funds is it the cruislines fault that the door wasn't closed all the way and the cash wasn't secured in the safe? Should the cruiseline give money cruises or discounts to every passanger who spends more than they remembered?

I'm sorry but to believe someone goes through envelope after envelope of funds only taking small amounts doesn't fit, think of how long this would take. All the days except Bermuda were sea days and the thief if there was one was taking a very big risk that someone would walk in. It would be more believeable if onlt part of the dollars were stolen. If someone stole 3 different currencies it would make it so much easier to prove if caught. I believe the funds were spent on drinks and in the casino.

I attempted to get Rochelle to respond but she is now avoiding this post.

I'll get to the bottom of this I sent her aunt Sharon a letter to get another side of the story.

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We were in fact on the cruise with both parties and first part of the story doesn't fit. They didn't do tours in Greenock as stated they had two tours. They only walked around the town and we talked to them as they were leaving the ship and no trouble was mentioned. Both these ladies are constant talkers and wouldn't keep something like this to themselves.


Second' date=' We attended the Chef's Dinner with them that night again no mention of any negative thing happening. I believe they miscounted and spent the funds. Please note! The dollars that were missing are less than $500.00 how much less she doesn't have any idea? [/color']


My theory is they spent the funds and forgot. They spent 3 days pre cruise and a day in Bermuda and lots of time in the casino. The euro's and GBP's they simply didn't figure the cost of buying them.


If you don't put stuff in the safe your asking for trouble. Many times I saw cabin doors open after people left the ship because they didn't close them completly. Theft happens everywhere to the ones that don't use reasonable care.


From what I read there is no total of whats stolen because no one knows what was spent prior to this time.


Sharon had lots of jewellery with her and none was stolen?


Whats the cruiseline to do if someone claims cash is missing but can't for sure tell how much? Should they just believe you and give the money to you and fire the long time employee without any proof. What if the door wasn't closed all the way and another passenger came in and took the funds is it the cruislines fault that the door wasn't closed all the way and the cash wasn't secured in the safe? Should the cruiseline give money cruises or discounts to every passanger who spends more than they remembered?


I'm sorry but to believe someone goes through envelope after envelope of funds only taking small amounts doesn't fit, think of how long this would take. All the days except Bermuda were sea days and the thief if there was one was taking a very big risk that someone would walk in. It would be more believeable if onlt part of the dollars were stolen. If someone stole 3 different currencies it would make it so much easier to prove if caught. I believe the funds were spent on drinks and in the casino.


I attempted to get Rochelle to respond but she is now avoiding this post.



I'll get to the bottom of this I sent her aunt Sharon a letter to get another side of the story.



wow, to make an accusation against someone like this is totally uncalled for. The OP detailed very well how they kept each foreign currency in separate bundles and how they counted the money. For you to assume that they are wrong or lying is unbelievable. Yes, they should have kept the money in a safe...but the OP already expressed that she is more upset about how princess handled the situation and she has acknowledged that it was her fault for not safekeeping the cash.


A thief would go after cash, not jewelry. Jewelry may be unique and traceable, so if it is found, fingers can be pointed. Cash cannot. Furthermore, cash is far more liquid than jewelry, so it is easier to use and spend. Finally, the thief only took small amounts of cash from each envelope, meaning they did so with the intention of not being caught. If they took jewelry, that would be much more easily noticed.

Could the OP have misplaced the cash? There is a possibility

Is it likely that a thief occurred? That is much more possible


In any case, you shouldn't be putting down the OP with such hurtful, accusational comments when she has already experienced what may have been a crime. This kind of treatment is what she has been concerned with more than the loss of the money itself.

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wow, to make an accusation against someone like this is totally uncalled for. The OP detailed very well how they kept each foreign currency in separate bundles and how they counted the money. For you to assume that they are wrong or lying is unbelievable. Yes, they should have kept the money in a safe...but the OP already expressed that she is more upset about how princess handled the situation and she has acknowledged that it was her fault for not safekeeping the cash.


A thief would go after cash, not jewelry. Jewelry may be unique and traceable, so if it is found, fingers can be pointed. Cash cannot. Furthermore, cash is far more liquid than jewelry, so it is easier to use and spend. Finally, the thief only took small amounts of cash from each envelope, meaning they did so with the intention of not being caught. If they took jewelry, that would be much more easily noticed.

Could the OP have misplaced the cash? There is a possibility

Is it likely that a thief occurred? That is much more possible


In any case, you shouldn't be putting down the OP with such hurtful, accusational comments when she has already experienced what may have been a crime. This kind of treatment is what she has been concerned with more than the loss of the money itself.


Pardon me! But I investigate fraud every day and I'm extremely good at what I do. I have 1st hand knowledge of the cruise and the parties involved and it didn't happen as stated.


If you or I or anyone has things stolen from their cabin the first thing anyone would do is warn others of the theft. Had either one mentioned the theft I would have contacted Princess Secutity people I have worked with in the past to help resolve the issue. I would have also given both the ladies the money they lost had they mentioned it small potatoes.


First they did have two tours in Greenock. Second the cruise ended 4/25/09 6 weeks before this was posted. Third: Very careful to put certain amounts in different envelopes with register tapes on top. But not careful enough to count and keep track of the US dollars.


I was there and peronally believe there was nothing else for the cruiseline to do. How do you fire or charge someone when all you can say is less than $500.00 how much less?


Lets see you believe you have money stolen but not sure is you spent it or not. Your not sure if it was taken by a employee or a fellow traveler.

What do you expect the cruiseline to do hand out money or free trips everytime an allegation is made without proof? Where is your responsibility?


Example: Your at the ATM to make a deposit, you make out an envelope

for deposit. Tou then make the deposit get you receipt and walk away. Several days later the bank says the cash wasn't in the envelope. The bank reviews the video and you failed to put the cash in the envelope and left it laying on the ATM and walked away. The next unidentified person takes the money should the bank or you be responsible for you neglience?


I not calling anyone a theif because I don't believe there was a crime, only a mismanagement of money.

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Pardon me! But I investigate fraud every day and I'm extremely good at what I do. I have 1st hand knowledge of the cruise and the parties involved and it didn't happen as stated.


If you or I or anyone has things stolen from their cabin the first thing anyone would do is warn others of the theft. Had either one mentioned the theft I would have contacted Princess Secutity people I have worked with in the past to help resolve the issue. I would have also given both the ladies the money they lost had they mentioned it small potatoes.


First they did have two tours in Greenock. Second the cruise ended 4/25/09 6 weeks before this was posted. Third: Very careful to put certain amounts in different envelopes with register tapes on top. But not careful enough to count and keep track of the US dollars.


I was there and peronally believe there was nothing else for the cruiseline to do. How do you fire or charge someone when all you can say is less than $500.00 how much less?


Lets see you believe you have money stolen but not sure is you spent it or not. Your not sure if it was taken by a employee or a fellow traveler.

What do you expect the cruiseline to do hand out money or free trips everytime an allegation is made without proof? Where is your responsibility?


Example: Your at the ATM to make a deposit' date=' you make out an envelope

for deposit. Tou then make the deposit get you receipt and walk away. Several days later the bank says the cash wasn't in the envelope. The bank reviews the video and you failed to put the cash in the envelope and left it laying on the ATM and walked away. The next unidentified person takes the money should the bank or you be responsible for you neglience?


I not calling anyone a theif because I don't believe there was a crime, only a mismanagement of money.[/quote']



That being said you are trained to support the company not the consumer. It is your job to disprove anything that may cost the company $$$. :cool:

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It would be darned difficult to mis-manage euros or pounds when you haven't had an opportunity to spend them. I tend to believe that someone did go through each bundle of money as described, and help themselves to just a little bit hoping that the amound would not be noticed. Who that "someone" was is anyone's guess, but it should be a matter of concern to security management.

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It would be darned difficult to mis-manage euros or pounds when you haven't had an opportunity to spend them. I tend to believe that someone did go through each bundle of money as described, and help themselves to just a little bit hoping that the amound would not be noticed. Who that "someone" was is anyone's guess, but it should be a matter of concern to security management.


It sounds like they already did all they could do considering what little information as when it happened and what exactly was missing goes.

Do you expect them to start hanging the room stewarts without proof that its anything other than a counting error. Please note! There is a charge to exchange currency, what was the charge?


When you conduct an investigation you must first look within before expanding the investigation. Both parties in the cabin must first be ruled out before expanding the investigation to others. Remember I know both parties in the cabin and were with them for over 2 weeks you weren't.


I believe funds were miscaculated not stolen.

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Do you expect them to start hanging the room stewarts without proof that its anything other than a counting error. Please note! There is a charge to exchange currency, what was the charge?

Oh come on, I didn't say that, and put the darn pom-poms down. I think you are being very unfair to the OP, and maybe letting some of your personal prejudices from your work interfere with good manners and common sense.
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