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Live from Queen Mary 2 on June 13 2009 btb


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Wasnt' Basil the very cheery & professional Mauretania waiter from QE2 who always used to do the 'pub lunches' & take the orders in the Golden Lion pub? My friends used to rename it as Basil's bistro - I never did try lunch in the pub & wish I had but used to enjoy the Hot Rhythm Jazz Band before lunch in the Main Restaurant but not until about 2 pm - never a rush on a cruise or crossing especially on QE2 or QM2!



Kind Regards,





He was certainly on QE2 for its' last 8 or so years, if I see him again I will ask him. He is cheerful and smiling though.

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Jim, we must meet up in London soon, maybe a mini reunion, Martinis lol.

we are there on the 21st for the tornado train, but your just wont be back in time, ##


Have a great voyage back, I think you be doing the QV in August really:)

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Tonight is the last night of the westbound crossing, elegant casual dress code. I can't believe that this time tomorrow we will be sailing back towards England, still let's not dwell on that, rather think about getting into some last night fun later on.


Enjoying the reports Jim. Oooh - only 6 days to go !!

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He was certainly on QE2 for its' last 8 or so years, if I see him again I will ask him. He is cheerful and smiling though.


It sounds like that Basil :) Nice to know he is still working for Cunard, I will have to look out for him when I am on board in 4 weeks and 2 days :)


Thanks for the updates Jim.

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We arrived spot on time to a misty New York and made fast to Pier 12 at Red Hook. Passenger disembarkation was very smooth. Together with a couple from Scotland I headed off at 9.25 and we were in the Car Drop area by 9.45am. They were from our table and had never been to New ork before. We were going to take a leisurely tour by car followed by lunch at Chin Chins. I called Arecibo Cars and within 10 minutes their car was there to meet us. The driver took us all over Manhattan showing them the sights for a little over 2 hours and charged us $80. What a fantastic deal, they canbe reached on 718 783 6465. Imho they are well worth a call.



He dropped us at Smith and Wollenskys where we had a few beers as we were a little early for lunch. Very civilized and we aalmost stayed there for a nice steak for which they are rightly famous. We went and had a lovely Chinese, so much tasty food and a nice red wine. A bit pricey at $195, but memorable.



Then we called Arecibo and within 5 minutes their car arrived to take us to QM2. Traffic was a bit fridayish and the queues were building so we slipped through the Battery Tunnel and avoided most of the problems. Departure was delayed by about 1 hour as we awaited returning transit and arriving passengers. ultimately we left and two new folk didn't make it on board as they were stuck in traffic somewhere and lost contact with the ship. Lesso there is keep phoning to advise progress or you might be left on the dock. Someone said that as we cast off lines, a cab screeched into the terminal area, but I put that down as urban myth, it is a good tale though.

Dinner was the usual offerings although nothing very exciting and we lost the first of five hours overnight.



The first seaday dawned with a light sky and prospects for a good day, It failed to arrive and is now a rainy afternoon but there is an interesting swell of 4 metres as we approach the Grand Banks area. Let us hop for some sea action to liven matters up. Tonight is the first formal evening, the Black and White Ball and the Welcome Party by Captain Nick Bates. Phew. We have just received notification that James Taylor is performing twice whilst on board, en route to start his European Tour. It is first come, first served, so I have sent the form off immediately.



We had the Cunard Critic meeting this afternoon but only 10 people turned up. nonetheless it was a good meeting and it is interesting to put faces to names. Looking out of my In Hull balcony, there are a lot of white horses chasing across the surface, against a leaden sky. It is the North Atlantic after all.

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We arrived spot on time to a misty New York and made fast to Pier 12 at Red Hook. Passenger disembarkation was very smooth. Together with a couple from Scotland I headed off at 9.25 and we were in the Car Drop area by 9.45am. They were from our table and had never been to New ork before. We were going to take a leisurely tour by car followed by lunch at Chin Chins. I called Arecibo Cars and within 10 minutes their car was there to meet us. The driver took us all over Manhattan showing them the sights for a little over 2 hours and charged us $80. What a fantastic deal, they canbe reached on 718 783 6465. Imho they are well worth a call.



He dropped us at Smith and Wollenskys where we had a few beers as we were a little early for lunch. Very civilized and we aalmost stayed there for a nice steak for which they are rightly famous. We went and had a lovely Chinese, so much tasty food and a nice red wine. A bit pricey at $195, but memorable.



Then we called Arecibo and within 5 minutes their car arrived to take us to QM2. Traffic was a bit fridayish and the queues were building so we slipped through the Battery Tunnel and avoided most of the problems. Departure was delayed by about 1 hour as we awaited returning transit and arriving passengers. ultimately we left and two new folk didn't make it on board as they were stuck in traffic somewhere and lost contact with the ship. Lesso there is keep phoning to advise progress or you might be left on the dock. Someone said that as we cast off lines, a cab screeched into the terminal area, but I put that down as urban myth, it is a good tale though.

Dinner was the usual offerings although nothing very exciting and we lost the first of five hours overnight.



The first seaday dawned with a light sky and prospects for a good day, It failed to arrive and is now a rainy afternoon but there is an interesting swell of 4 metres as we approach the Grand Banks area. Let us hop for some sea action to liven matters up. Tonight is the first formal evening, the Black and White Ball and the Welcome Party by Captain Nick Bates. Phew. We have just received notification that James Taylor is performing twice whilst on board, en route to start his European Tour. It is first come, first served, so I have sent the form off immediately.



We had the Cunard Critic meeting this afternoon but only 10 people turned up. nonetheless it was a good meeting and it is interesting to put faces to names. Looking out of my In Hull balcony, there are a lot of white horses chasing across the surface, against a leaden sky. It is the North Atlantic after all.


I just looked at the weather for your crossing, wonderful, highs and more highs, your better off there than here, well you knew that anyway

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Great reports Jim, thank you. What a shame though that some folk missed the ship......l really can't imagine how that would feel, although in my sea going days they may have been brought on by the pilot boat!



Jackie :)

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I saw you guys as you went under the Verazzano Bridge in Brooklyn. I knew immediately it was the QM2 and I said so to my daughter. When she heard you were heading for England we debated swimming out to you. Surely you'd have taken us aboard! But I then realized we didn't have our passports with us :(


Also we just disembarked off the Miracle on Wednesday. It would be gluttonous to board another ship this soon.


Anyway, have a safe and wonderful journey. Have a drink for me!

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Thanks to all for best wishes etc. Really appreciate them all. A little more for you....


The cocktail party went without incident except for the annoying fact that Ray Rouse and Capt Nick Bates use exactly the same speech at each event, same anecdotes and same jokes. I find it quite annoying and pathetic that they cannot say one original item in a 3 minute address, I am sure he is better at driving the ship.



We enjoyed dinner and there was a good show on. In the CC the Martinis were excellent. The sea felt fairly rough and the ship, unusually was rolling and pitching a faair amount. This was evidenced by the stools sliding around on the polished floor. With this and the hour being lost I headed to bed at around 1am. The ship was rocking about all night long.



Happy Fathers Day to you all. Dark grey skies, slight rain and a Force 8 wind means that we finally realise that we are on a ship at sea. Fantastic, I must find a window to loot out of where I can see the sea and the ship interact while I read. It is the first day of summer today apparently and also the longest day of the year.

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Hi Jim
Glad to see you're enjoying your back to back on QM2, we met whilst on the recent QV Baltic trip, the Australians sometimes played in your quiz team.
A question for you, how do you like the in hull balcony? We have one booked for the QM2 2010 round the world but I'm becoming a little apprehensive about the closed in feeling they may give, would welcome your opinion.
Love to Mrs P.
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[quote name='JeanBart']Hi Jim
Glad to see you're enjoying your back to back on QM2, we met whilst on the recent QV Baltic trip, the Australians sometimes played in your quiz team.
A question for you, how do you like the in hull balcony? We have one booked for the QM2 2010 round the world but I'm becoming a little apprehensive about the closed in feeling they may give, would welcome your opinion.
Love to Mrs P.

Lynn, Many thanks, we looked for you both before we got off but couldn't find you. In hull are perfect if there is any wind as you are sheltered. You still have an aperture that is roughly 6 feet by 4 feet. As I sit in the cabin I can see the sea but when I sit on the balcony I am below the lip so I can see the sky or if I stand up i see the sea.
Nice talking
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The Force 8 only lasted until lunchtime although the seas are still shown with 12 foot swells. We seem to be taking a more sooutherly track and we are just north of the Sargasso Sea which is where most seaweed comes from, I think.

The ship is very deserted with lots of people still in their beds so room service are busy apparently, seems ironic to me. If you are too ill to get up then why eat, and if you are ok to eat, then get out ofbed and go to the restaurants. The higher you are in the ship the more movement there is, I thought that everyone knows that, but apparently not.

The sky is a lot lighter now but it is raining. Still I am not plannng on going anywhere this afternoon.

The day improved slightly but a few souls remained in their beds.

Today, which is day 3 has dawned with a lighter sky and almost no waves whatsoever, how dull.

When I got back last night there were two cocktail party invitations awaiting my attention. The first is the CWC party which is tonight at 7.30pm and the other is for tomorrow morning at 11.30am when the Senior Officers party is held. I think that I will only attend the one today. There is a full programme of lectures this week with Espionage, the Arctic and Liner History being discussed. Very interesting. I tend to watch the recordings in the afternoon rather than go to the live lecture, but it is nice to have both options.

I also received my tickets for the concert by James Taylor who as mentioned earlier is travelling to Europe. He is giving 2 shows, split for dining seating. Ours is tomorrow at 10.30pm and the other is the next day at 8.45pm. I am really looking forward to it, I think.

It is the Martini mixology class again this afternoon but i am not going to attend. Looking to have a quiet day hopefully.
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last year my partner & I sailed on QM2 in an in hull balcony cabin(we booked late & that was all that available. We were onboard for 13 days(carib / Panama cruise out of NYC in February) and we had evrything from snow to 85 degree weather.

Being in that cabin was fine but the balcony I felt like I was in a tin can....if you want to see the ocean...you will not....it was roomy enough & the furniture comfortable. Seated you will be looking at the steel hull of the ship and by looking up - sky. The other thing I did not like is that most days the balcony did not dry out. We used it as much as possible but next time would opt for a traditional balcony.

It is sheltered -so shade from the sun & more private than the tradional balconys higher up...

Enjoy your world cruise!!!

[quote name='JeanBart']Hi Jim
Glad to see you're enjoying your back to back on QM2, we met whilst on the recent QV Baltic trip, the Australians sometimes played in your quiz team.
A question for you, how do you like the in hull balcony? We have one booked for the QM2 2010 round the world but I'm becoming a little apprehensive about the closed in feeling they may give, would welcome your opinion.
Love to Mrs P.
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"Hull Holes" are great for the vagaries of the North Atlantic, but think of the Tropics! As most of your cruise will be more temperate than the Atlantic crossings in January and April, I would personally not want to be in one. Perhaps one of the partially obstructed rooms on 8 Deck would serve you better.

Oh darn it! I told Terry I would stop referring to those sheltered balcony rooms as "Hull Holes!" Sorry, Terry, if you see this.;)
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We are on this same crossing and met Jim at a CC get-together two days ago. We're invited to the same parties and today we heard personable James Taylor at a question and answer session in the theater. After a wild 24 hours during the gale, it is all calm and peaceful now on the North Atlantic. Since we are on deck 12 near the bow, our area was really moving with the heavy seas which didn't bother us but did make it hard to sleep solidly. According to the Captain, it's about 71 degrees on the deck today.

Cheers from this beauty,
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I attended the CWC Cocktail Party, it was ok really, I sat with a motor trader from West Gloucestershire who had just wandered in and sat down. He was on his first voyage and just happened to be passing. Marvellous security. The speeches were identical to those of last week which really makes it somewhat tedious. The top travellers were a couple with only 650 days each.

Day 4 has dawned and it has been raining overnight, the clouds are thick and dark, so i don't anticipate a great day weatherwise. Of course every day at sea on the QM2 is a great day. I am going to have a quiet day prior to suitcase day tomorrow. I cannot believe how quickly the time on board has gone and we have been on for a back to back. Maybe the Eastbound crossings going over to 7 days next year is not just a move to save money by Cunard, what do you think.

Tonight is our last formal night and also the 1st show of James Taylor. I can't wait, I think! I know it seems strange and I am keen to see him, but there is so much hype around this show, maybe too much and it just puts me off.It is probably me.

We had a beautiful sunny couple of hours around 11.30 and it was great sitting at the pool listening to the Carbbean music of Fusion, it was like being down there.
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The James Taylor concert should be great. We have been to three of his concerts in the past 4 years (he's local) and they were all great. He has a new album out called "Covers" where he sings songs made famous by other people. He mixes these in with his own songs. One of his background singers sounds like an old time gospel singer and he almost stole the show away from James.

The last time we saw him he was joined by celloist Yo Yo Ma for Sweet Baby James. Carol King was also onstage and John Travolta came out of the audience to dance and acted like an MC. It was an amazing show.

We also see him and his wife Kim around town and in restaurants now and then. He is very approachable and friendly.
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[quote name='capnpugwash']I attended the CWC Cocktail Party, it was ok really, I sat with a motor trader from West Gloucestershire who had just wandered in and sat down. He was on his first voyage and just happened to be passing. Marvellous security. The speeches were identical to those of last week which really makes it somewhat tedious. The top travellers were a couple with only 650 days each.

Day 4 has dawned and it has been raining overnight, the clouds are thick and dark, so i don't anticipate a great day weatherwise. Of course every day at sea on the QM2 is a great day. I am going to have a quiet day prior to suitcase day tomorrow. I cannot believe how quickly the time on board has gone and we have been on for a back to back. Maybe the Eastbound crossings going over to 7 days next year is not just a move to save money by Cunard, what do you think.

Tonight is our last formal night and also the 1st show of James Taylor. I can't wait, I think! I know it seems strange and I am keen to see him, but there is so much hype around this show, maybe too much and it just puts me off.It is probably me.

We had a beautiful sunny couple of hours around 11.30 and it was great sitting at the pool listening to the Carbbean music of Fusion, it was like being down there.[/QUOTE]


Thanks so much for sharing your voyages with the CC community. I enjoy them very much. Keep on traveling. It helps me to feel as if I am on board when I read your reports.

I will only have five days soon, but hope to meet Ships Cat (Sharon) and some other folks from your part of our small world. (Sorry, "from across the pond" is over-used.)

Thanks again,

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