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Do you not feel really alone?


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I have cruised 3 times. The first time I was single but had my parents and minor children. Went to a single meet-n-mingle absolutely the only person there. WOW, that really amplified the fact I was single. Second time I was with my late husband and our two children we had a great time both with and without the children. Third cruise was myself, 20 dd and her 26 bestfriend. Again, went to the single mnm about 5 people there all were also with groups of some sort. I am trying this again with my two grown children but my past experience is that cruises are for young singles and other wise pairs or groups of people. Just seems to amplify the aloneness that one already feels. Does anyone else feel this way.

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I suppose it depends on your personality. I've been on one cruise by myself - the rest with my son. That one time it was great to do what I wanted - how and when I wanted..... Normally I'm not the outgoing type - more of a wallflower - but I was determined to enjoy the trip. After all - I'd never been to the the east coast - nor to Bermuda - so when my son had to cancel at the last minute - I went anyway. Turned out to be one of the best trips of my life. I never felt alone - the staff and the other passengers on the ship was very understanding and nice.


I think everyone should try it at least once. I have absolutely no regrets about the trip.

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'Going solo' is what you make of it. I love traveling solo, but I also love being with people, so I book walking tours, go to shows, open conversations with people I meet, and walk around with a smile on my face and a bounce in my step, which attracts friendly people and leads to pleasant interactions.


But. I also love my own company, and relish both the quiet time by myself and being able to set my own schedule.


If you tend to be shy, then you may need to practice starting a conversation with strangers and/or responding to those who start one with you. Join ship activities like trivia games where you will be part of a team and will need to interact with others- it's a great way to have fun, meet new people, and practice your socializing skills!


I'd also suggest you not sit at the same table in the dining room as your children. Ask to be seated at a table with people your own age- it's a great way to make friends on the cruise. Sometimes there is a table that has been set up with solo travelers, so I would also ask about that.


I always thought I was shy, until I started traveling solo. It was a wonderful surprise to find that I've actually got quite a bit of social butterfly in me! So, the moment I start feeling even the slightest touch of the 'loneliness blues', I head for some lively place and join in the fun. Even having quiet time in a group setting helps, like lying around a crowded pool.



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I love to go solo and have no trouble feeling just fine when I do go.


I do tend to start talking to people when I'm in an elevator, in line waiting for a show or resturant to open.


I also love spending time alone and don't feel bad when I do.


It's so easy to start talking to people on a cruise ship. Just start by saying "Are you having fun?' or "where are you from" or "did you go on a shore excursion"


Most people are having a good time and are willing to talk to you. Even if they are a couple or family.


I've even gone up to people sitting together laughing and stopped to tell them they seem like they are all having a wonderful time. Most of the time they will ask if I want to join them or later they will if they see me sitting alone.


I've never had any one act like I'm bothering them when I talk to them or had a wife/girlfriend give me a dirty look for talking to her husband. They can tell I'm not trying to pick up on them.


Once you talk to someone you will most likely run into them again and again on the ship. Many will ask you to join them once they find out you are alone.


Taking a ship shore excursion is also a great way to meet fellow passengers.


Even though I go solo and I am single I NEVER go to the single meet ups. I figure they are more for those looking to hook up. I would rather just meet people on the ship on my own terms.


One trip I met so many people I felt like I didn't have enough time to myself because I would run into them or some would ask to meet up later. I had one nice lady beg me to go to the show with her. She was with her whole family on a reunion but everyone did their own thing pretty much and she hung out with her sister who didn't talk much. The lady was thrilled to have me talk with her.


I'm 51 and often talk to younger people. In their 20's or 30's and think its so great to find someone my age who is not judgemental of them. I'll often ask them what their tattoo is or how they get their hair so spiky and they are thrilled to answer my questions. I had one group of 5 young guys ask me to go to the dance club with them. I didn't go as there was something else I wanted to do but I thought it was nice of them.


Put yourself out there. You won't be lonely for long...unless you want to be. If you do, just don't make eye contact, act super shy, don't talk to anyone and don't smile at them.


Go and have fun! If you are not normally one who is out going just pretend you are an actress and you are playing an out going person. Once you give it a try you will see how easy it is.



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I live alone; I travel alone (most of the time). I'm used to being alone. :-)


But I never "brand" myself as a "single" or "solo" traveler. I doubt I would ever attend events targeted as such, and if the staff asks me if I'm alone I quickly say "yes" and change the subject.

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I've been on more than 25 cruises as a solo, and not once can I remember ever feeling alone or lonely. I just slap a smile on my face and act friendly. Some might say I would talk to a dead carp, although I think that's going a little far, but I do try and smile, nod, say Hello and start talking. If you're friendly, look approachable and have a smile and positive attitude, I think that feeling of being alone doesn't start.


For some reason, cruise people are a happy bunch--but of course you're always going to find a few grumpy dopes. Nearly all are friendly and welcoming. I am the type of person who doesn't have a problem being by myself. There's a big difference between being alone and feeling lonely. I just don't ever get that lonely feeling.


Happy travels, no matter where you go.

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I look at every cruise as an opportunity to make a couple of thousand new friends. Reality, I always seem to make at a least of couple that I have managed to stay in touch with. I am fairely outgoing and talkative. The hardest part seems to sometimes actually finding some time alone. Seems that once people find that I am alone I tend to get invited to go with them to shows, bars, etc. Every once in a while I even detect a little misplaced pity. Most people that have never cruised alone have no concept of how relaxing it can be.

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I frequently cruise alone but don't feel alone or lonely. but then again I live alone, go to classes at the gym and at the University on my own, do loads on my own so am used to it. I find the crew talk to you more when you are on your own, so Im never stuck for someone to talk to. At meals times I get to meet people from all around the world. When I'm with someone else I miss this as you tend not to talk to so many people as you do when you are by yourself. I don't however go on a cruise expecting to make a friend that will chum me to different things. i go with the idea in my head that i will be doing a lot on my own. The upside is I can do what I like, exactly when i like without having to consider anyones else. no compromising, no having to make an effort to do something when you are feeling lazy.

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I must be one of those odd folks, but I was also raised with the thought, "If you love yourself, you can never be alone." I've often told my friends, that while I may live alone, I am never lonely...so I can't see how this would have anything to do with how you perceive solo cruising vs. the rest of your life.


I'm not terribly outgoing either; however, if I feel the need for socialization, that isn't to say that I won't speak up at dinner and enable a nice conversation. I've always preferred to do things independently, and not have to worry about others want to do or don't want to do.


So I guess that is my little bit of quirkiness. cheers2.gif

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Hi, I agree with everyone else on here:)

I love sailing solo and have more than 20 so far. I am going again

in September:D


I have been on my own for years and years and cruising for me?

It is a piece of cake:D. It is the best vacation my money can buy

and as for feeling alone or lonely? Nope, not me. I enjoy my own

company and remember, you are on ship with probably 2,000 other

people;) (depending on how big the ship is).


I love sailing solo and its a good thing because if I waited for someone

I would never go......my friends are either married, don't enjoy cruising,

or many of them live far away and just can't go when I want to....

and besides all of that, I LOVE going on my own!!!!!!:D

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I have only been totally solo, once meaning I did not know a soul and there was no one from the roll calls that I hooked up with. The third day I developed one of the worst sore throat I think \i have ever had and felt miserable I think it was either the 5th or 6th night I actually felt seasick and thought :eek: OH NO going to heave and I have a throat that already fells like raw meat, took a gravol and fell asleep. I have to say on this one I not only felt totally alone but quite scared so although I still will travel solo I do know that there are situations that may occur that could make me feel alone, lonely,

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Thank you all for your commets. I am pretty outgoing at home actually some say it is hard to get a word in edgewise. I guess it is just that on the one cruise with my late husband he and I were able to view the stars, the ocean etc together. I really didn't know that the "single" meetings were to "hook up" thanks for the heads up as that is so totally not me. I just like to share experiences and discuss the ups and downs of my adventures.

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  • 2 weeks later...

The best thing about sailing solo is being on your own schedule. I tend to forego the MDR because I usually get lost in time with other activities. Its all about relaxing and doing what I want to do, when I want to do it. Go with the mindset that you are there to have fun on your terms and it will unfold.

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The best thing about sailing solo is being on your own schedule. I tend to forego the MDR because I usually get lost in time with other activities. Its all about relaxing and doing what I want to do, when I want to do it. Go with the mindset that you are there to have fun on your terms and it will unfold.


Hi:) and that is what makes this such an interesting and wonderful

world~we are all so different:D

You forego the Main Dining room and I absolutely love it:D

The only time I skip it is if I am eating in a Specialty Restaurant;)

Having dinner in the main dining room is one of the best and most fun parts

of my day!:)

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  • 2 weeks later...

This is a great thread to read 40 days before leaving on my first solo cruise. Lots of positives posted here. I am sure my time will be just wonderful.....but can't help but be just SLIGHTLY nervous never having done it. I have already met so many people on the roll call that I am totally excited to start putting faces together with names. That will be a great game to get the whole thing started!!

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I travel alone in my job and my husband hates to cruise; so if I'm going to cruise, I generally solo.


I always arrive at the departure port at least 24 hours early and often even more ahead of time than that. I don't need stress. I start my vacation in the hotel.


I have met some truly wonderful people traveling solo. Likely I would never have met them if I had been half of a couple. I have also been invited to join a couple for dinner in a specialty restaurant. Sometimes I accept the offer.


I still exchange holiday cards with many of the people I've met on cruises and sometimes we book a trip at the same time.

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I now travel Solo and am thankful that I do not view it as being alone. I feel that I am getting the chance of a lifetime to explore, see exciting places and the other passengers are an added bonus. When people are on vacation so many are just awesome! Traveling solo you have more opportunities to meet others, and most have wonderful points to share.

I guess I find it a time that I can communicate with a wide variety of people or I have the choice to some quality time of no interruptions! The best of both worlds!!

Enjoy each moment!

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I'm a 58 yr old divorced women, I must get out on my own, I must! There is a world out there. My personality is not outgoing, however I have learned to travel on my own, I have felt alone, but not lonely.

I cruised for the first time last year to Alaska, What a feat. I did have one night that I felt I wanted to be home alone, but have to say the next day , I was up and at um around the ship and off the ship.


Going on my second cruise Solo in Oct, I hope to learn from my first experience and grow doing it.

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I can't say that being a solo cruiser makes me feel lonely. I look at it like this..........I much rather be traveling alone than sitting on my front porch in my rocker saying "I wish I had.........". I do think it depends on your personality and your attitude.

Exactly. I'm tired of waiting around for people who want to do the same things I do.

Last New Year's I went on a cruise with 4 other women. Two of these women, ages 42 and 52 didn't want to do anything. The younger one just wanted to eat breakfast and go back to sleep. She should have stayed home. lol

I met 2 couples just walking around the deck of the ship one day. One of the couples I'm still in contact with via email.

I'm doing 2 cruises alone in the next 6 months.

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I love to go solo and have no trouble feeling just fine when I do go.


I do tend to start talking to people when I'm in an elevator, in line waiting for a show or resturant to open.


I also love spending time alone and don't feel bad when I do.


It's so easy to start talking to people on a cruise ship. Just start by saying "Are you having fun?' or "where are you from" or "did you go on a shore excursion"


Most people are having a good time and are willing to talk to you. Even if they are a couple or family.


I've even gone up to people sitting together laughing and stopped to tell them they seem like they are all having a wonderful time. Most of the time they will ask if I want to join them or later they will if they see me sitting alone.


I've never had any one act like I'm bothering them when I talk to them or had a wife/girlfriend give me a dirty look for talking to her husband. They can tell I'm not trying to pick up on them.


Once you talk to someone you will most likely run into them again and again on the ship. Many will ask you to join them once they find out you are alone.


Taking a ship shore excursion is also a great way to meet fellow passengers.


Even though I go solo and I am single I NEVER go to the single meet ups. I figure they are more for those looking to hook up. I would rather just meet people on the ship on my own terms.


One trip I met so many people I felt like I didn't have enough time to myself because I would run into them or some would ask to meet up later. I had one nice lady beg me to go to the show with her. She was with her whole family on a reunion but everyone did their own thing pretty much and she hung out with her sister who didn't talk much. The lady was thrilled to have me talk with her.


I'm 51 and often talk to younger people. In their 20's or 30's and think its so great to find someone my age who is not judgemental of them. I'll often ask them what their tattoo is or how they get their hair so spiky and they are thrilled to answer my questions. I had one group of 5 young guys ask me to go to the dance club with them. I didn't go as there was something else I wanted to do but I thought it was nice of them.


Put yourself out there. You won't be lonely for long...unless you want to be. If you do, just don't make eye contact, act super shy, don't talk to anyone and don't smile at them.


Go and have fun! If you are not normally one who is out going just pretend you are an actress and you are playing an out going person. Once you give it a try you will see how easy it is.




Joanne said it way better than I could and I do exactly what she does. I see a group having a blast and I go comment that I'm so happy to see such a great bunch and the next thing you know....I'm one of them! I chat with everyone in the embarkation lines to the show lines and meet the nicest people!


I'm 59 and have taken 4 solo cruises in the past 3 years and loved each and every one and have always found wonderful people, some of whom I still correspond. One group from a Princess Oct. 2009 CC Roll Call all got along so well that we are all cruising together to Hawaii Oct. 2010.


Don't be afraid to go up to a solo person eating alone and asking if you may join them. You may have just met the friend of a lifetime!


Happy Sails:)

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I have been traveling solo for almost 20 years and have found, that it's much easier to get into conversations with other people when you're solo, than it is when you are with someone else. It must be my different mind set, because I am normally quite shy, but make a very conscious effort to be more outgoing when traveling solo. I love traveling with friends or family, but traveling solo is so liberating, because, like others said, you don't have to compromise and can do exactly what you want. And what better place to do that than on a cruise ship? :)

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I'm leaving Sunday on my 4th solo cruise.:D I love traveling (either cruising or by land) with friends/family, if I'm going to places where the goal is to relax and enjoy the scenery. But, for a cruise like this one coming up, I'll literally be in the cradle of western civilization (Turkey and Greece), and there are a lot of things that I want to do and see. This may be my only chance to go to this area of the world. If I were with others, I would likely have to spend less time in places I want to stay around longer, and more time in places I'd rather peek at quickly and move along. Or, maybe, not get to see some of my desired places at all, because of what someone else wants to do instead. Not that anyone else's idea of what is important to see is better/worse than mine. We all have different tastes and notions of what's the best thing to do or see while in a certain place. By going solo, there are no hassles or resentments about who missed what. I've traveled to new places both with and without friends/family. For my first time somewhere, I find that solo is better! The words "feeling really alone" become even more foreign than the place I'm at!


This cruise is my 50th birthday splurge gift to myself. I am very excited!!

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