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Why can't anyone say a bad word....


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about Carnival? I love Carnival. It's the only line I've sailed so far, but it seems to me if anyone says something negative they are flamed or given a hard time for not giving a glowing review. And it seems that the people who flame the worse are the ones who preference their comments by saying, "I'm not a Carnival cheerleader...." As soon as I see these words I Know what's coming next.


I'm still getting used to these boards and I understand there are trolls (still learning about this one), but everyone with a negative experience isn't a troll or whiner.


Sometimes, it just is what it is.

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You say anyone and everyone like 100% of the time anything that reflects negetivity towards Carnival is met with hostility.


I think some folks read and see what they want to see.


I've read many negitive reviews with many posters saying something to the affect of, "Sorry the cruise didn't meet your expectations" "Thanks for a honest review that shows positives and negitives"


Of course the posts your talking about are more entertaining to read and thus more memorable.

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I think when someone makes negative comments, others subconsciously feel that their judgment is being questioned, therefore, they post accordingly. For example, if I posted I hate the food in the MDR (not true) someone will post then go eat someplace else.


They aren't posting it as advice, but in all likelihood they like the food in the MDR and feel put down because they like it and someone else doesn't. I don't believe they consciously feel put down, but subconsciously do.


There are some who feel Carnival can do no wrong. Some of those people sail with a blind eye or ignore things that would bother others. I am not talking little things, like kids pushing all the elevator buttons, but things like the painting and having the smell go through the vent system and into cabins making it difficult to sleep or having no working air conditioning for the week and not being able to move to another cabin as the ship is full.


There are also some people who only post negatively and start with I will never sail Carnival again etc. That automatically puts the rest of us on the defensive. To me, it seems the ones saying this, are ones who either feel they are "entitled" to something or the rules that apply to everyone else, don't apply to them; therefore, they won't sail again.


So, you can see there are different reasons some of us seem like cheerleaders, when in fact, we might not be. These are all just my opinion.

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I think it is how the criticism is stated. A complaint without explanation gets a lot of flack. If you don't like something and explain why it is easier to take.


I spent time on the NCL board before that cruise and thought some of the posters were very rude, didn't like anything negative about NCL. After my cruise I posted my likes and dislikes, didn't just say I'll never cruise NCL again. I didn't get any flack. I think there are more NCL cheerleaders than there are Carnival. I think the posters here are friendlier, but that is just MHO.


Most posters are IMHO fair and offer their opinions in a helpful manner. I am always amazed at how many are willing to answer the same questions over and over again. I think there are some agumentative posters who just like to stir things up. It doesn't take long to figure out who they are and know to just leave them alone.

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I don't think the occasional negative comment is flamed here... especially when it is backed up by believable facts.


What causes people to flame is when someone comes on here stating that the cruise was awful because the dining room food was too cold.


Food temperature does not ruin a cruise. It's just one aspect of hundreds of little things that make up the cruise experience.


The flames start when someone is so upset by one little thing that they bash the entire cruise, and that's unfair, and totally flame-worthy.

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I can say a negative word because I've had a bad Carnival cruise. But I learned the hard way, it's the way you say it.


My first experience with Cruise Critic was after a cruise on the Holiday when she had propulsion problems. Bad ones. I've since sailed on Carnival again and have had wonderful cruises.


People need to share their experiences in the right way; I think comments would be met much better if they did so.


So it's not that someone cannot say anything negative about Carnival, as in anything else. It's just the way you say it.



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Well, guess what. I made a post similar to this one, and I got flamed for THAT! Some people just have nothing better to do than to look for threads where they can give the poster a hard time. I'm sure it's not just a Carnival thing. It's a PEOPLE thing. Some people thrive on flaming others. Just ignore them.


On the other hand, it is true that there are some "trolls" who come here with the sole purpose of "stirring the pot". After a while, you will learn to recognize those. Again, the best thing to do is ignore them. ;)

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I think you will find it is not people saying bad things, it is the bad things they are saying.


Such as: We almost starved to death the food was so horrible

Every server was rude

We were bored to tears because there were no activities.


You have been on Carnival. You know those tales could not possibly be true.


Then, they have to embelish their tale. Everybody we talked to said the same thing. Everybody talked about the dirty looks the crew gave them.


If they said something along the lines of: I really had a bad experience with my cabin steward. He barely touched my cabin every day. OR I did not like the way Carnival food tasted. It just wasn't cooked to my liking. Those things are believable.


I think a full 75% of complaints come from some other experience. Very often you have the neg people saying something that basically set them up to have a bad time on the cruise even if they had live dolphins serving drinks.


But instead of saying this cruise got off to a bad start and it just seemed like nothing excited us, they come here, very often it is their first post, and they start a thread with a title like CARNIVAL IS A RIPOFF!!!!!


I sail Carnival several times a year. It is far from my favorite line, but I have not had a horrible time on one single cruise. I am a firm believer they have the worst customer service of any company I have ever dealt with. That is pretty much fact. But saying the food is so horrible people were almost starving is just a total lie. No matter what your taste, there are enough options that way over the majority of people should be able to find something they liked to eat.


A lot of times the complainers come here because they are not happy because their totally unreasonable request for a free cruise, etc was denied. Example: My wife slipped by the pool. They wanted us to go to the infirmary, but we headed straight to the pursers desk to see what compensation we could get because the fall totally ruined our trip.


I remember taking my mother on her first cruise. You could not have slapped the smile off her face. And it was a great cruise. Nothing went wrong. But I was reading her the reviews from our cruise, some from our same floor and she said, boy, she was glad we were not on that ship. Then I told her that WAS our same cruise. She could not believe it. It seems they always had to wait hours for supper every night, we never waited more than 5 min and we were requesting the waiters we wanted. Every person they came into contact with was rude. We found the stewards to be so friendly and helpful up and down the hall ways that my son on his own went down and tipped stewards that were not ours. You have to ask yourself why they were so friendly, helpful, smiling, and cheerful to us, and just out and out rude to the other people on our floor who wrote the review.


And one last thing, very often, after a first time poster comes on and says whatever it is they have to say, another poster will come on and say I was on that cruise and we had no problems.

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about Carnival? I love Carnival. It's the only line I've sailed so far, but it seems to me if anyone says something negative they are flamed or given a hard time for not giving a glowing review. And it seems that the people who flame the worse are the ones who preference their comments by saying, "I'm not a Carnival cheerleader...." As soon as I see these words I Know what's coming next.


I'm still getting used to these boards and I understand there are trolls (still learning about this one), but everyone with a negative experience isn't a troll or whiner.


Sometimes, it just is what it is.



Ya' know, I don't really think that's the case. Certainly some people enjoy attacking posters, especially those who have one or very few posts when they arrive here with harsh criticism.

We've seen any number of 'reviews' in which the originator of the post never returns... kind of a hit and run...

Legitimate criticisms seem to generally be welcome. Flagrant bashing... not so much.


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Oh, there are those on every board that cannot possibly fathom that their line of choice could do ANY wrong, as if "their" ships sail above the water.


But there are those posts that border unrealistic, and some people can come off that way asking a poster to back up a statement, which gets hard when they post and run.


Some are legitamate, cause I always think there HAS to be ONE person on EVERY sailing on EVERY ship out there that thinks everything was rotten.


And if they become a CC member, the "fun" starts.

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I believe if you have a truly legitimate complaint then that is fine and accepted. However most complaints have no details to back up their concerns.


For me bad food would essentially have to be uncooked, I have had in places food still be frozen - that is bad. I have also had meat extremely undercooked which is bad for me. I would be unhappy to order my steak medium well and it be rare. It however wouldn't be something for me to complain about unless they didn't fix it. I pay no attention to comments on food as that is way to subjective - but if you claim it to be bad be prepared to back up way it was that way.


No activities or bored, I would have to say they didn't review the capers. I will mention that on a personal note I found more activities that I wished to do on Princess than on Carnival. I however was never bored.


Hating a ship because of the decor, I just find that odd in general.

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I too have felt that the "cheerleading" does get out of hand from time to time. I WANT all the information from people and then I will make my own assessment as to whether they are legitimate complaints.


The website is called cruisecritic and not cruisepromoter for a reason - because people want positive and negative opinions.


Sometimes people do not respond to the comments because they have moved on and really do not want to waste their time.


I made a comment about hiding smoking on a cruise ship and I had people not just criticisizing me about it (which I agree is ridiculous) but also calling into question my character, personality and lifestyle. I did not respond because I was a) weak b) in agreement c) a troll but rather because I have learned a long time ago that I do not allow negative people to enter into my head rent free. I will not get caught into a position where I am defending myself.


I want to know why people will never cruise on a certain line ever again. I have sailed on five of the different lines and I will never sail RCCL again because of one horrible experience on the cruise and how their head office dealt with it. I have read and appreciate people that have written criticisms about carnival - it doesnt stop me from going on them, in fact I have never had a negative expereience on carnival,but does make me more aware of things. When I see them repeate over and over from different posters it does make me question - no matter how much the poster is criticised.

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I always say this is cruise "CRITIC"...... Critic, to be critical of something, or to find fault with something.....

In other words, we learn things here, and then make them better by being Critics!

about Carnival? I love Carnival. It's the only line I've sailed so far, but it seems to me if anyone says something negative they are flamed or given a hard time for not giving a glowing review. And it seems that the people who flame the worse are the ones who preference their comments by saying, "I'm not a Carnival cheerleader...." As soon as I see these words I Know what's coming next.


I'm still getting used to these boards and I understand there are trolls (still learning about this one), but everyone with a negative experience isn't a troll or whiner.


Sometimes, it just is what it is.

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There are some people on all the CC boards that should really just lighten up a bit, there is really no reason anyone should be flamed.This is after all Cruise 'Critic'. But when someone is truly critiquing or even just stirring the pot, I say let them, we can give them our opinion or just read it and move on, why is it necessary to bash them or say something mean spirited? If it is a troll or a person just trying to get a rise out of people, I say don't post a comment on their thread, we are only feeding into what they want...we take the bait....then that thread goes endlessly on and on....I have to add, this is only my honest opinion;)

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I just got back from a quick 4 day Inspiration. I had a fabulous time with plenty to do the whole time. I did notice a decline in the dining room food and everyone at my table, 6 others, agreed. It just didn't ruin the cruise.


It seemed there were activities of every kind in every venue, so much you had to decide what you could skip to go to something else.


The fear of being flamed and misinterpred keeps many from posting. Some threads I just avoid if I see who started it, a known trouble maker, for instance.


I was once called all kinds of things when I mentioned my work had taken CC off sites available. I said I guessed I'd have to the the phone from Medicaid that has internet and WOW the flaming took off. As a practioner we are asked by Medicaid to get the phone with all its attachments to track medications. You'd think I was stealing! No matter what I tried to explain the flamers wanted to know if I was on Medicaid why was I cruising. They got quite mean and ugly.


Back on CC at work now!

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I think you hit the nail on the head. Some people take negative comments so personally.


I think when someone makes negative comments, others subconsciously feel that their judgment is being questioned, therefore, they post accordingly. For example, if I posted I hate the food in the MDR (not true) someone will post then go eat someplace else.


They aren't posting it as advice, but in all likelihood they like the food in the MDR and feel put down because they like it and someone else doesn't. I don't believe they consciously feel put down, but subconsciously do.


There are some who feel Carnival can do no wrong. Some of those people sail with a blind eye or ignore things that would bother others. I am not talking little things, like kids pushing all the elevator buttons, but things like the painting and having the smell go through the vent system and into cabins making it difficult to sleep or having no working air conditioning for the week and not being able to move to another cabin as the ship is full.


There are also some people who only post negatively and start with I will never sail Carnival again etc. That automatically puts the rest of us on the defensive. To me, it seems the ones saying this, are ones who either feel they are "entitled" to something or the rules that apply to everyone else, don't apply to them; therefore, they won't sail again.


So, you can see there are different reasons some of us seem like cheerleaders, when in fact, we might not be. These are all just my opinion.

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There are some people on all the CC boards that should really just lighten up a bit, there is really no reason anyone should be flamed.This is after all Cruise 'Critic'. But when someone is truly critiquing or even just stirring the pot, I say let them, we can give them our opinion or just read it and move on, why is it necessary to bash them or say something mean spirited? If it is a troll or a person just trying to get a rise out of people, I say don't post a comment on their thread, we are only feeding into what they want...we take the bait....then that thread goes endlessly on and on....I have to add, this is only my honest opinion;)


So if you had visitors in your home who left and then went out and told total strangers to them that your house was filthy, that you served them nothing but slop and that you threw them and there belongings out on the front lawn, that you would not want your "friends", who may have been there at the same time, or the week before or after, setting the record straight for other "friends" you may have come stay with you at another time?


Because that is what it amount to to come on here and bash a cruise for rediculous reasons. I have seen some reviews talk about how dirty and filthy the ship I was just on was and the ship was so clean, I would have almost eaten off the deck.

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I too have felt that the "cheerleading" does get out of hand from time to time. I WANT all the information from people and then I will make my own assessment as to whether they are legitimate complaints.


The website is called cruisecritic and not cruisepromoter for a reason - because people want positive and negative opinions.


Sometimes people do not respond to the comments because they have moved on and really do not want to waste their time.


I made a comment about hiding smoking on a cruise ship and I had people not just criticisizing me about it (which I agree is ridiculous) but also calling into question my character, personality and lifestyle. I did not respond because I was a) weak b) in agreement c) a troll but rather because I have learned a long time ago that I do not allow negative people to enter into my head rent free. I will not get caught into a position where I am defending myself.


I want to know why people will never cruise on a certain line ever again. I have sailed on five of the different lines and I will never sail RCCL again because of one horrible experience on the cruise and how their head office dealt with it. I have read and appreciate people that have written criticisms about carnival - it doesnt stop me from going on them, in fact I have never had a negative expereience on carnival,but does make me more aware of things. When I see them repeate over and over from different posters it does make me question - no matter how much the poster is criticised.


I agree. If I see a signature with someone who has cruised Carnival several time and they post they're not sailing again, I'd like to know why. Whem someone feels there is a consistent decline in the service they have received, to the extent they are choosing to go elsewhere that's important to me.


I can discern the petty (IMHO) complaints -someone looked at me strangely, the steward only left one mint for two people, etc from those I consider more valid.


If I post in a review, the juice on Carnival gets more watered down every year and the quality of the mints has gown down hill, it's a strong possibilty the response will be -- all cruise lines are watering down juice due to the economy, bring your own mints, I see you sailed RCCL once, hope you go back.


Really? Because I don't like the juice and mints. It's actually comical at times. And of course it wouldn't be ALL of the responses, but enough to make me take notice. And then there are those who don't directly insult posters for not liking everything, but they're more smug in their responses - sorry Carnival didn't meet your expectations.

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So if you had visitors in your home who left and then went out and told total strangers to them that your house was filthy, that you served them nothing but slop and that you threw them and there belongings out on the front lawn, that you would not want your "friends", who may have been there at the same time, or the week before or after, setting the record straight for other "friends" you may have come stay with you at another time?


Because that is what it amount to to come on here and bash a cruise for rediculous reasons. I have seen some reviews talk about how dirty and filthy the ship I was just on was and the ship was so clean, I would have almost eaten off the deck.

Well, for starters, we are not talking about my personal home, which of course I would get my dander up. We are talking of public ships. In my post I said We could give our opinion or move on.

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So if you had visitors in your home who left and then went out and told total strangers to them that your house was filthy, that you served them nothing but slop and that you threw them and there belongings out on the front lawn, that you would not want your "friends", who may have been there at the same time, or the week before or after, setting the record straight for other "friends" you may have come stay with you at another time?


Because that is what it amount to to come on here and bash a cruise for rediculous reasons. I have seen some reviews talk about how dirty and filthy the ship I was just on was and the ship was so clean, I would have almost eaten off the deck.



It's on thing to give your perspective: I was at the house too. It was spotless and the food was delicious. They walked us out and gave us directions to the highway.


Maybe you didn't see that my chair at the table was used as a litter box by the cat, my food was cold and had a hair in it, their baby walked up to me with chocolate covered hands and wiped them on my white skirt, the host was on the phone with a friend for 30 minutes when I was leaving and didn't bother to say good-bye.


We could both have very different experiences at the same event. It happens all the time.


I guess it all depends on how the information is relayed...by both sides.

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Cruised on Disney, Princess and Royal Caribbean in the past. Read about the Dream coming soon so we decided to book it for January 2010. Friend told me about CC and i started reading posts. We loved all three other cruise lines and I'm sure we will LOVE the Dream in Jan. I do laugh at all the TO DO about the warm melting choc cake dessert. Looking forward to having it. I will say that the other lines all had GREAT dessert but not one that is talked about like this one. Also laugh at some of the COMPLAINTS people write about. Guess we have been lucky and hope LUCK continues in January. ;)

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Why do people get all upset if you make fun of their local sports teams (even if said team had a bad year)? Why do people get upset if you say you don't like a brand of car? People spend time, money, and emotions on certain items, and then they also get emotionally invest in them. It's illogical and doesn't always make sense, but it's true. They internalize "Carnival cruiser" as part of their identity (the way some internalize "Eagles fan" or "Chevy owner"). So, when someone goes after the brand, they take it as a personal insult. Crazy, I know, but look around and you see it all the time in life.

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about Carnival? I love Carnival. It's the only line I've sailed so far, but it seems to me if anyone says something negative they are flamed or given a hard time for not giving a glowing review. And it seems that the people who flame the worse are the ones who preference their comments by saying, "I'm not a Carnival cheerleader...." As soon as I see these words I Know what's coming next.


I'm still getting used to these boards and I understand there are trolls (still learning about this one), but everyone with a negative experience isn't a troll or whiner.


Sometimes, it just is what it is.


HHHHHEEEEELLLLLLLLLLOOOOO jerseygirl79: I don't know if you've noticed, but, it seems to be that way with most of the cruise lines. It is what it is, if I have a bad time or at least not as good a time as I've had on past cruises, Cruise Critic readers will know about it. When I had a not so good time on a cruise a few years ago on the Miracle I mentioned it. You can only write about your cruise experience. What others think about it is another story.

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about Carnival? I love Carnival. It's the only line I've sailed so far, but it seems to me if anyone says something negative they are flamed or given a hard time for not giving a glowing review. And it seems that the people who flame the worse are the ones who preference their comments by saying, "I'm not a Carnival cheerleader...." As soon as I see these words I Know what's coming next.


I'm still getting used to these boards and I understand there are trolls (still learning about this one), but everyone with a negative experience isn't a troll or whiner.


Sometimes, it just is what it is.

The food was inedible. Half the steak was burned, the other half raw. And it was tough. I waited over a half an hour to get my salad. The only dressing available was low fat italian.


I requested a Goombay Smash (my favorite cruise drink) and they didn't have a clue what I was talking about. Finally, I got a glass of wine, in a juice glass. They did not have umbrellas for the drinks, would I like a toothpick in it? Was that a joke????


I asked for towels and they looked at me like I was a crazy person. "Why do you want towels?" they asked me.


Oh, wait, I didn't leave yet on the cruise, I was visiting a friend's house for dinner.


Sorry. Wrong board.

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