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Everything posted by aussielozzie18

  1. Yes it is. DD is pricing flights to London for next June. Not referring to the non-stop, just in general. She is shocked at the prices.
  2. I love that Spring is here in Sydney. It just lifts your mood. This weekend, DH is doing the first half of the Bondi to Manly walk - 40km from Bondi to Kirribilli. Next weekend, DS is doing the Half Marathon. 21km. Run starts at Milsons Point, they run across the Harbour Bridge, through The Rocks and the city and it finishes at the forecourt of the Sydney Opera House. He is doing it with a school friend. His first time doing a half marathon.
  3. My dad has a wall of these in his garden that he can see from his kitchen window. Absolutely stunning when they all flower at once. We have a new plant in our garden courtesy of my dad. Can only be seen whilst in the garden. I was complaining of bugs whilst waiting to see the first flower open, so DS set up a time lapse camera on his phone. Worked well, so I recommend you do it.
  4. DD is currently at the brand new Allianz Stadium in Sydney watching a friendly womenโ€™s soccer game between Canada and our Australian team, The Matildaโ€™s. DH is watching the same game live on tv. DS, who landed in Sydney from Vancouver first thing this morning, couldnโ€™t quite manage to stay awake for it, but he lasted until 7.30pm which was pretty good considering he got no sleep on the flight.
  5. I would be delighted to find a crocheted duck on a ship. Your wifeโ€™s efforts will bring joy. DD recently spent 8 weeks overseas, multiple countries & flights. Brand new hardcase suitcase came home with deep gauges and dents. DS arrived home this morning from Vancouver. Multiple flights with my 10 yo fabric suitcase. No damage whatsoever. Both did hikes in NPs. Their paths crossed in Hawaii but DD couldnโ€™t pass on the expensive bear spray to DS because it is not permitted on flights. Love the detail in your TR.
  6. Welcome to the world Theo. Beautiful photos, Sue. You are just bursting with happiness in that photo. With such attractive parents, I am sure Theo will be a handsome little fellow. Congratulations to you all.
  7. I have been following a Sydney couple for the past three weeks who have been on a scenic road trip from Sydney to Adelaide including the Great Ocean Road. A trip DH and I did many years ago. Today, they posted photos of the painted silos they saw on their trip. I believe you have something similar in the US but I thought you would enjoy these (shared with permission). Kangaroo & Glossy Black Cockatoos at Kingscote on Kangaroo Island in South Australia. Squirrel Glider & Azure Kingfisher in Rochester, Victoria A Superb Parrott in Picola, Victoria A platypus in Rochester, Victoria The Australian Silo Art Trail is on my bucket list. Something I plan to see in the future. (donโ€™t think I am permitted by cc to mention the account to give them credit)
  8. Relieved to hear your newest grandchild is healthy after a traumatic first 24hrs. Congratulations to your DIL and son and you and Gary on being grandparents again. Enjoy those precious cuddles and new baby smell. Look forward to the photos.
  9. Jerusalem Bay is a nice spot to end the walk but can you can walk further to Brooklyn if you wish. On a sunny day, you see a few boats but not today.
  10. Today, DH and I did a bushwalk from Cowan, which is one of the Northern suburbs of Sydney. We did the Jerusalem Bay Track which is a pretty walk 2.4km down to Jerusalem Bay. Itโ€™s a great walk to do after rain as it follows Cowan creek all the way down so you hear the water and little waterfalls as you walk.
  11. Its been a cold, wet & windy weekend in Sydney. Today itโ€™s Fatherโ€™s Day in Australia. We actually celebrated yesterday with Dad. It was a very pleasant day despite the weather.
  12. Looking forward to your review. Sorry to hear about the in-laws. re Whistler. Son is currently in Vancouver and did the High Note Trail in Whistler two days ago. Snow on the peaks.
  13. For those of you who like my Aussie bird photos, just saw this little guy at the end of my lunch break, watching the dark clouds in the distance.
  14. @Sea Dog Sorry to read you are unwell. Havenโ€™t tested positive yet but those around me who have all had differing symptoms. None were dizzy. Hope you get to the bottom of it. Take care.
  15. @sgmn Hi Sue, hope all is ok with you and your family. I know you were looking forward to the arrival of your newest Grandchild.
  16. Marietta & Debbie - how lovely you met up on board and nice of you to share the photo(s) with us all. Hope everyone is enjoying themselves.
  17. To the lurker who posted his dog photos (sorry I just made myself dizzy trying to find the post via scrolling on my phone) - I just wanted to say your dogs are gorgeous.
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