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Everything posted by aussielozzie18

  1. Picked up a fiction book by Graham Norton at the street library yesterday. Not read one his books yet but only heard good things about them. Love his interview show. DD was in the audience for his show and was lucky enough to have Daniel Radcliffe, Tom Hiddleston and Ricky Gervais being interviewed.
  2. Meanwhile, DD is in Montreal and loving the city. They are there for a music festival this weekend but unbeknownst to them, they are also there during the International Fireworks Competition. For several weeks, fireworks experts from around the world put on a fireworks display over the Lawrence River. Last night, it was Croatia’s turn and they put on a spectacular 30 min display. I can’t share the stunning videos but instead I’ll post the delicious Beaver Tail DD enjoyed. Bon Appetit indeed.
  3. DH has Covid. Thankfully his symptoms are mild. Been a busy week though. Getting him a newspaper before work every day, leaving work for an early lunch so he can have a hot meal then making sure all my work is up to date every day because the likelihood of me getting it is high and the 7 day isolation rule is still in effect here. My boss also informed me on Day 3 that I am supposed to be wearing a mask in the office (rule apparently if your significant other is positive) something I wasn’t ware of and he had forgotten about. DH and I will both be glad when the 7 days is over.
  4. Loathe paper plates. They sag and don’t support food or cutting of food. Prefer hard plastic plates for picnics etc. Dinner plates for eating indoors. Dishwashers are there for a reason. Personal opinion not having a go at anyone else’s choices.
  5. Watched the last of the Tour De France coverage yesterday. I just love the full coverage of the mountain stages - The Alps & The Pyrenees. The sweeping views from the helicopters, the challenge of the tough gradients going up the mountains and the equally challenging rapid descents. The cyclists dealing with the passionate roadside fans in the narrow roads near the top of the mountains. All this keeps me glued to the screen.
  6. @jagsfan your friend Ginny sounds like a wonderful lady. I hope she is surrounded by good friends and family while she deals with her new circumstances.
  7. @Sea Dog Sign of a great dinner party - no photos. You were too busy enjoying your friend’s company and all your delicious food & drinks. Sounds like a wonderful evening.
  8. @lenquixote66 Lenny, Happy 79th Birthday 🎉. Have a wonderful time at your party with your family and friends.
  9. Got a msg from DD at 4.30am their time. She is camping at a music festival in the US with very limited internet. Turns out the only place with reception near the campsite is in the queue for the portaloo… She wanted her share her kindness of strangers moment. A mom my age gave DD her mobile number and said if she has any problems at the festival feel free to call her and with a storm predicted offered DD and her travel buddy, the pullout sofa bed in her RV, if their tent is overwhelmed.
  10. Then we joined an evening bum boat cruise that passed under the illuminated bridges and past the Merlin fountain and across to see the light show at Marina Bay Sands Hotel. My photo is poor quality but the light show & dancing fountains were worth seeing.
  11. We caught the monorail around the island. There was a lady in the carriage with us holding a dragon boat paddle so dad was delighted to have a chat to her about dragon boating. After visiting a beach that dad had been to with mum, we caught the monorail back off the island.
  12. The next day, we caught the Cable Car across to Sentosa Island. If we had visited Singapore when the kids were young this would have been a great place to stay.
  13. Then we walked to the Supertrees and waited for the main event, Dad was complaining. What are we waiting for? Light show, Dad. What light show? Just wait & see…..
  14. The first dome we visited was the Cloud Dome. The indoor waterfall was stunning but the elevated platform was a challenge.
  15. After a return to our apartment and a swim, we headed out again to Gardens by the Bay. We started off with a shuttle tour of the grounds to get an overview then we bought tickets to the domes.
  16. Taxis are inexpensive in Singapore and they were always available at our apartment complex. The next day we caught a taxi from our apartment to the Battlebox Museum at Fort Canning. Dad had no idea what I was taking him to. It is a underground bunker that was the command headquarters of the Malaya campaign during WWII. It was where Singapore surrendered to the Japanese in 1942. The guided tour was fascinating. Dad was pleased I booked it.
  17. For dinner, Dad wanted to eat at the noodle markets. Fortunately, there was one located a short distance by taxi from our apartment.
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