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Everything posted by aussielozzie18

  1. Welcome to the group Lizzie. She has such a sweet face @Lionesss. Must be lovely to have a sweet bundle of fur in your home again.
  2. Oh wow. That is a very special day. Lovely photo. Hope he settles in well. I remember dropping my eldest off. Three of the mums came back to our place and we sat in the garden, talked and ate until it was time to pick them up again 5hrs later. Great way to avert the tears and anxiety that parents & grandparents experience on that first day.
  3. Beautiful day in Sydney today. Spending my lunch break at the chemist for family member who urgently needs script filled..will only see a few of your posts. Straight after work, DH are going out for taco Tuesday and then the movies to see Jodie Comer in Prima Facie (apologies for sp). Filmed at her West End Theatre in London. Looking forward to it. Have a nice night everyone.
  4. When I made our booking for May, I had no problem getting a weekend booking but maybe there is less availability now because of the reduced days they are open. Hopefully, if you look book as soon as the 30 days open, you can secure a booking for your dates.
  5. That is adorable. The innocence of children. My girlfriend & her husband are currently spending the weekend at an Australian zoo in a luxury safari lodge. The food photos are divine and their stunning room has a large glass wall where they can watch the capuchin monkeys who are very entertaining but I am in two minds about this whole concept.
  6. Retirement sounds wonderful but it’s quite a way off for us. DH was talking about moving up the coast since he can now work from home but I need to be near Dad and I would miss going into the city on a regular basis.
  7. Your grandsons have got some skills. We used to say that boys that age that never stopped eating had hollow legs. Hope you feel better soon.
  8. @ReneeFLL if you haven’t been to the Crown Sydney at Barangaroo on previous visits, they now have a FREE observation deck (Sky Deck) on the 83rd floor. I had to cancel my booking a few months back due to the vertigo so haven’t been up there yet but it offers a 30min guided tour with views over Sydney Harbour, Bridge & Opera House. Bookings must be made online in advance. Not sure how long you are in Sydney for (it is closed on Thursdays & Fridays & public holidays)
  9. Plenty of birdsong in the bush, no birds sighted until we headed back to our car. Passed this letterbox painted with a Kookaburra and native flowers and this lorikeet and hidden mate who were enjoying feeding on the bottlebrushes that are just starting to flower in Sydney.
  10. Good evening, it’s been a glorious day in Sydney today. Too nice a day be in inside, so we headed to Lisgar Gardens,a terraced garden in the Northern suburbs of Sydney run by the local Council & volunteers and known for its Camellias, if offers a 6km loop track through the bush with lots of stairs before you reach the lower level of the gardens. In a few weeks time it will be more colourful but plenty of visitors were oohing & aahing over the many camellias today.
  11. My GP sent me to the OT before I was sent to the Specialist. The Specialist does 2hrs of tests and a MRI. Pretty thorough here in dealing with Vertigo. My diagnosis both times has been (work) stress and anxiety meds have helped a lot. Everyone who knows me have been stunned that I needed anxiety meds as they all keep telling me I am the calmest and unruffled person but intense stress can show up in weird ways.
  12. I watched Jane Austen’s Persuasion on Netflix last week. Today, these memories popped up my phone confirming that the Royal Crescent in Bath, UK (top photo) was used as a location. Not surprising given Jane Austen lived in Bath from 1800-1806 and Bath is used for a lot of period tv series.
  13. Tbh, I thought everyone would be bored of my Sydney harbour/bridge/opera house/ferry photos -so pleased you still enjoy them. Spring is around the corner and I appear to have recovered from the worst of the vertigo that had prevented me from going anywhere much in the last couple of months, so fingers crossed for more walks & a cruise over summer. DD has booked a week in Queenstown, New Zealand to hike so if that goes ahead, will have them to share too.
  14. After a wet start this morning, it turned out to be a nice Saturday in Sydney, particularly in the afternoon. Caught the ferry from Milsons Point to Circular Quay with the intention to visit the Sydney Pylon lookout but it closes at 2pm in winter. Passed by the Sydney YHA - The Rocks, discovered it has an archeological site on it’s lower level and adjacent to it. The foyer looks nice and it has a rooftop that has spectacular view of the harbour. Speaking of rooftop views, after checking out the lower levels of Sydney YHA (The Rocks), wandered down to the Museum of Contemporary Art and had afternoon tea at the MCA rooftop cafe - very nice individual Persian love cake and hot drinks , then wandered the galleries of the lower levels which was enjoyable before catching the ferry back to Milsons Point, walking around to Wendy Whiteley’s Secret Garden and heading home.
  15. @dani negreanu Looks like you are having a wonderful family holiday @George C and @NHProud all the best for your MRIs @Luckynana Sorry to read of Ryan’s shock Type 1 diagnosis.
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