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Everything posted by GonzoWCS

  1. Never had any of this happen to us on our adventures, but a very interesting solution set. Cheers
  2. But people do like to go sit and eat early and/or late. And due to your statement above there can be a controlled chaos experience. Cheers
  3. @PammyMouse Hope you don't mind me asking a few questions? 1. How full is the ship (number onboard)? 2. How was the boarding process overall. Timely, organized, amount of time from start to finish? 3. How was the MDR first day seating, and dining experience for dinner? Are you an early seating, late seating and was it organized or controlled chaos? Thanks in advance as we know you are having the time of your life! Cheers
  4. Keep us posted. Hope you have a great time! Cheers
  5. What could possibly go wrong..? 🙈 Cheers
  6. Thanks for this will be on Her very soon in December. Cheers
  7. Of course and sitting in a barrel chair too! Cheers
  8. It does what is required. I never had high expectations.... Cheers
  9. Yum yum. Good Information here making my hungry! Cheers
  10. Good information here thanks. Cheers
  11. I am on the edge of my seat here eating away waiting for the next post. Cheers
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