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Everything posted by uktog

  1. Somehow I fear you will not be hearing from me about this cruise https://www.seatrade-cruise.com/shipbuilding-refurb-equipment/explora-i-handover-delayed
  2. This is the first I have heard, as soon as I know more I will post 😞
  3. We looked into that but we have to declare her condition and insurers say no. Thing is we could be in this situation for years. I think we have decided to go ahead and book and recognise the possible risk. Thank you to everyone for their advice and kind words. They were very helpful
  4. uktog

    New website.

    I need to do some more searching
  5. uktog

    New website.

    Are they still showing live availability today? Thats strange because if it was doable, I am sure the UK online ones would as well or is this a US only feature
  6. uktog

    New website.

    You cant - you have to use a travel agent or call up even to find up cabins available. I am sure the marketeers thought this was brilliant as they could somehow persuade more people to book but for me it is a big turn off
  7. uktog

    New website.

    This is UK based policy and on perusal of all the comparable policies all have the same small print.
  8. Thanks for your kind wishes. Unfortunately we cannot buy cancel for any reason insurance here. Very few TAs have strong relationships in the UK and indeed our current agent a large operation does not deal with Viking at all so it would be a direct booking
  9. This is a hypothetical question and one I hope never to have to test. I am renewing our annual multi trip travel policy. The insurers will not cover cancellation if something happens to our grand daughter who has a life limiting condition. There is no way round it - I have hunted around, no one will. I am aware that other lines and airlines would give me a future voucher if heaven forbid her time came and we were then in a cancellation situation. I am however aware Viking generally has much tougher policies. The cruise we are looking at is £20k+ so a lot to lose. Anyone any experience as to whether Viking would give a voucher in that situation (yes we know the other issues about vouchers etc)
  10. uktog

    New website.

    I am just renewing my UK based annual travel insurance policy. It gives me additional protections over and above a standard policy for some more "unusual" situations which is helpful and includes good cruise cover for a number of things including missed ports or changed itineraries. It also has extra cover in relation to excursions however I was looking at the small print and it says excursions must be booked before the journey started if they are to be covered. So waiting to book on board, perhaps then being disappointed and then contacting a local provider would have no cover. Likewise a ships excursion in relation to negligence by the operator (a notorious grey area) is only covered if I book pre cruise. Lets hope they fully sort the website out soon!!!!
  11. Starting this separate thread now so what actually happens is separated from what might happen. Will be on the Inaugural (all other things willing) in two weeks. We had not expected to be on the inaugural but changes happened. First post is to say things were running a little late but today I was emailed the link to do my on line check in. (Maybe they do not release the link until two weeks before which today is). I followed the link and input the information. If you are travelling with more than one person in the booking you have to complete the check in for everyone before it gives you the option on the front page to request your e-tickets. Seaware is a little annoying, you do have to re-enter common information for the second person. There is no option to tick a box and reapply the common information from the first person. I must have done it all correctly, I now have our e-tickets. It is a 12 page document in our case as there is two of us and it contains all the information you need, the health declaration form, your luggage tags etc. I like the fact the health declaration is something I can print out and complete the day before arriving at the port rather than balancing at a check in desk!. The luggage labels are the "squarer" format used by MSC rather than the long thin ones that our current holders which were bought for Azamara can take but thats not a problem. They do however mention tag holders that will be sent or will be available at the port so no problem there. The information about transport links to Southampton our port of embarkation is very good indeed and very specific. It covers all the airport options, how to identify licensed taxis (the plates to look out for) and general tipping guidance which is correct for the UK. We had booked one excursion, it is correctly detailed in the document. When we booked it, no time was given. Delighted to see that "Ocean state of mind" does not include be up early for an excursion and we have a 10.45 start that day. So all in all a good start to the final countdown. Will update with any pre cruise information and once onboard, will share information, experiences and try and answer questions
  12. I think if that is the case given the weird new system they need to explain that clearly online, especially with regular bookers/searchers who often did not put in even one loyalty number when searching. Hopefully it all becomes clear soon!!!
  13. Thanks. Does anyone know how the conversion is handled for left over OBC. On Azamara it’s determined by the rate applying the day you book your excursions that fixes the exchange rate for the balance but on other lines I’ve seen it be based on rate at booking or rate at embarking- I’m just curious
  14. I note it is working for you in $. Maybe the issue is £ or maybe it’s the cruise I’m looking at or maybe it’s no longer recognising our numbers. Who knows but it’s frustrating
  15. In the UK, the OBC given by Viking is in sterling. At what stage do they make the dollar conversion - at booking, when using pre cruise say for an excursion or if no excursions booked is it at boarding? I have searched these boards but could not find an answer.
  16. I listed both but the discount did not apply sorry, that was one of the reasons I wanted to call them - no difference between zero numbers, one or two - and yes it is on a cruise included in the offer. Anyway have to leave it now the timings are just not sort it all out
  17. Thanks, my frustration is I do have time today and then not until after the 10th - I also had time during last week but on that call, the agent gave completely wrong information. Had I had the right information then I wouldn't be needing todays call! - Perhaps if they had competent staff taking the calls Monday - Saturday I could live with the position today.
  18. Thanks. I tried that no got cut off and as I’m not on Wi-Fi calling it’s too expensive to sit in a queue and I suspect they can’t access sales info anyway. Sad, Azamara used to be a 7 day operation but sign of the times I presume
  19. I was hoping to do some business with Azamara today, Sunday being the only day of the week at present I can do it. I have called the number on the website to be told they only work Monday to Friday. Does anybody have a number regarding looking after an existing booking/maybe a new one that operates on a Sunday or is this just something I have to let go
  20. They are serving only so no need for additional specific training - they are taught portion control, they are taught to use a single spoon and they are also subject to the general hygiene training all crew gets which seems more than sufficient to me. Unfortunately you would be going hungry on Azamara if you do not want them to serve you at lunchtime as they closed the dining room to alleviate the staffing position
  21. Maybe on these boards, as is seen on other boards there is a case of familiarity breeds contempt amongst some frequent cruisers with some rose tinted glasses back to what was remembered (or imagined) about the good old days. s no bad thing that people try other lines, whilst some stay away for ever, others realise either the grass on the other side was not actually greener or they find that works for what they want now but there is a snag. For many we know who discovered on finding what they wanted now, the per day rate was over £75+ more per person per day - some are happy/able to do that others trim their expectations and return to their original line of choice. There is no right or wrong answer but its better to move on rather than hark on if thats the right thing for us
  22. Discovered some more positive information elsewhere. This related to the onboard "lecturers" or luminaries as they call them. Here is an example David Allfrey, Brigadier and former CEO of The Royal Edinburgh Military Tattoo will be aboard this journey to Scotland (August 2023). He will be sharing his experience in the British military as well as of his 12 years as CEO of this fantastic spectacle. He will also accompany the Destination Experience to the Tattoo in Edinburgh’s famous castle. This is someone with outstanding pedigree. I am hoping we get some equally illuminating speakers on the inaugural
  23. You will not be able to see them until the offer opens on Saturday
  24. But I did chip a back tooth trying to bite into my ship
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