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Everything posted by debenson0723

  1. I used my NR OBC for an additional tip at Onda on the Viva 4 weeks ago so still happening on some ships.
  2. Viva's capacity is listed as 3099 on the NCL website.
  3. Do you have your confirmation email from when you booked the cruise or made the last change? If you are more comfortable printing something out, take that with you. You cannot download edocs once you hit the 72 hour mark prior to your cruise. You aren't the first person not to have them and you won't be the last.
  4. No, on my cruise earlier in December no one even asked to see them. I always just save the screen shot on my phone. As long as you have your passport, they can find you on the manifest. Relax and enjoy your cruise.
  5. Prima MDR dinner menus change every night and you won't know which menu the chef has chosen for that night until later in the afternoon when it is posted. Maybe those that prefer to eat in the MDR can do that on some nights and those that want the Haven can eat there. Or if it's just an MDR dessert, go there after your Haven dinner.
  6. You never know. I have spent most of today working on my January-June vacations and once I figure those out, will work on the 2nd half of the year. I have 6 States left to complete my 50 and would like to knock a few more of those off the list. But I am thinking Alaska will be in there somewhere in the fall.
  7. I am looking at this cruise but plan to do what I usually do...book refundable hotel and airfare and then watch the prices on the cruise until it comes down to what I am willing to pay, typically about 30 days out. If it doesn't get to that point, then I cancel the hotel and take the airfare credit for my next vacation. I enjoy the ship and walking around the ports plus Alaska is a nice place to get out of the heat in September.
  8. Totally agree. I consider myself a 'normal' tipper but the 2 times I overtip is the airport skycaps and the porters at the cruise port. And (knock on wood) never had a bag lost.
  9. Yes, the porters who work at the port will take your luggage and it will appear outside your cabin sometime in the afternoon. Some people prefer to keep their carryons with them (you should always keep a bag with your docs, medications, jewelry, etc with you). I was carryon only once and took it on board with me...it was a pain so I never did that again, just took a small tote onboard. It appears that most of the ships now have a drop off for carryons onboard but if I was going to do that, I would just give to the porter.
  10. It really depends on the concierge. I have eaten multiple times in the Haven restaurant with my friend who was in the Haven. It cost around $60 and I paid for it with non-refundable OBC. One concierge also invited me to come up on the last morning and disembark with them but I declined as I already had priority disembarkation (and I would have felt uncomfortable doing that).
  11. Just off the Viva and used the Specialty dining credit at Onda. We each got an appetizer (which could have been a pizza), a pasta (which could have been a pizza), had the filet for an entree (and could have added 2 sides) and dessert, which we ended up splitting because we had so.much.food. And don't forget the bread course...that is worth the price of admission alone!
  12. In the 5 cruises I have taken in the past 2 years, I have had 2 small itinerary changes. 1 last year due to weather, which resulted in getting to our next port 8 hours early (and what I considered a bonus) and one this month on Viva, which changed ports a few months prior to sailing...that one was more of a disappointment but we still had a great time. Prior to that, I don't recall any changes. Guess I have just been lucky.
  13. Many years ago we were on an RCL cruise and shared a table with 2 nurses who were on the ship to provide dialysis for a passenger. They were actually hired by the cruise line and worked full time on various ships all over the world. They worked every 3 days or so when the passenger needed treatment and had the rest of the time for themselves...and they got paid! Not sure if something like this is still available but like mentioned above, I would check the disabilities board and also google Dialysis at Sea. If not NCL, maybe another cruise line provides this service.
  14. Boarded in many ports and it's not unusual for port employees not to know where the specific lines are. I am Sapphire and just go to the shortest one that isn't Haven, CAS or handicap. As far as the food issue, those types of concerns should always be handled on board by someone who can take care of it then and there. It's like emailing the CEO of Ford because you got a flat tire.
  15. I just use my app on my phone and get the Stars for future purchases (off the ship). And I've never stood in line more than 10 minutes, even at peak times. Certainly not 'hours'.
  16. Last year on the Prima we were sitting in Starbucks around 10:30am discussing dinner. No reservations for that night but were thinking about Hasuku (teppanyaki restaurant). Went on the app and lo and behold, 4 seats available that night at 6pm. Booked it on the app, which then opened up our 4 seats at 6pm on another night (let the hostess know when checking in that night that we wouldn't be using our other reservation). People change their plans all the time so if there is a venue you want, keep checking. Same with the show stand by line...people change their plans, forget they have a reservation, are still at dinner, etc.
  17. The muster drill is much easier. At your 21 day check-in (which is also a change...it used to be you could complete it right after final payment), you watch the safety video then once on board, go to your muster station, get your card scanned and you are finished. The video does come up once again the first time you turn on your TV but I just unpack my tote bag while it runs. I'll never forget one of my first NCL cruises before FAS, I met a couple whose bar tab for 7 days was $1100! They are big fans of FAS and the $21 pp/pd.
  18. As mentioned in the posts above, the theater box office, the touch screens (I guess I am lucky because the ones I have used have all worked) and typically one of the comedy clubs (depends on the ship). I have even left a show that I particularly liked, walked up to the touchscreen outside the theater and booked the late show for the same night. Standby line has always been successfuly too.
  19. The Waterfront can be a quiet area on the Encore in the evenings if you sit away from the restaurants and bars. A few walkers going by but we find sitting out there having quiet conversations with the sound of the waves very relaxing. My last few cruises have had what appear to be families in the Library and Game rooms playing games and there is noise bleed from the Atrium. I would also suggest the Observation Lounge on the starboard side, away from the bar and music, if you want to be inside.
  20. Never made a reservation for an MDR, never had much of a wait. If you have a large party (say over 6) then it might be quicker but I have showed up with 6 and again, not a long wait. Grab a cocktail at Mixx bar, which is in between Taste and Savor and by the time you get it, your name will be called. If one restaurant is busy, they will sometimes direct you to another MDR which isn't. All the same menus.
  21. All of these are correct. You honestly shouldn't have a problem as long as you do it same afternoon you board. On my recent Viva cruise they didn't do any show reservations (the GM said it was a one time thing) and we had no issues getting great seats to both shows.
  22. She wants to switch to an NCL cruise. She feels it would be a better fit for her family.
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