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Everything posted by schmoopie17

  1. We donate to Tunnel to Towers and Wounded Warrior Project.
  2. The short answer is "no". The long answer is points are not awarded until after a cruise is completed. Plain and simple. We were in the same boat until our Jade cruise last month. Two points short of Platinum before the cruise. After our 14 day cruise was completed...voila, Platinum. The levels point levels are there to be attained...not to just get close. This isn't horseshoes.
  3. I might add that I wholeheartedly agree about the "Thank you for your service" thing. It all rings hollow with me, since I remember the days of walking around the DC area in the early 70's with my military hair when civilians all had long hair and being swore at, given the finger, etc. My friends and I were called "baby killers", even though none of us ever picked up a weapon after basic training, nor even set foot in 'Nam. Funny how attitudes magically change over the year from "Go to hell" to "Thank you for your service." Whenever someone says to me "Thank you for your service" I say to myself "Where were you in the 70's??"...silently nod, and leave it at that. If that takes away from someone else's "joy", so be it.
  4. I'm shocked at the personal attacks for simply stating my opinion of something that I personally attended. But then again, it's CC, so...I guess I'm not entitled to an opinion. Apparently all of the attackers missed the point that I said I APPRECIATE what NCL does for Veterans. The thing that I (and essentially everyone I spoke to after the "event") thought was that it was essentially much ado about nothing. They simply went through the motions. To have a room full of probably 125 people who took time out of their day to make sure to attend, and to have it last 10 whole minutes was a joke. No "cocktail party"...no social time afterward...nothing. Sorry, I (and they) were there...none of you were. Maybe it's handled better on other ships, but this was a joke. People who attended were still expressing their disappointment the next day and beyond in bars, while standing in line for restaurants and in elevators. etc.
  5. If I had to rate my enjoyment of a cruise on the quality of a buffet, I'd probably never cruise again. My buffet exposure is maybe a chocolate croissant while passing through, along with maybe a slice or two of pizza taken out to the pool. Otherwise, buffets are just...(how do I say this nicely?)...buffets. I'll leave it at that. Our food choices are either MDR or Specialty (with the occasional Local or O'Sheahan's...assuming they get the wings crispy). The buffet is just an afterthought. And usually not a very good one. (Especially with the crowds and having to fight for a seat). No, thanks...
  6. Waiting to see 2026 TAs. So far, crickets.
  7. If you did, you need to pinky swear that you'll treat your CC buddies to Haven suites (or at least Club balconies) on an upcoming cruise.
  8. Here is my report of the Veterans "tribute" from my trip report on the Jade from last month. If you miss it, you won't be missing much... Attended the official Veteran's reception in the Spinnaker. Every seat was taken in anticipation of a memorable event. In a word it was...disappointing. They played the National Anthem, asked who in the crowd was in the Army, Navy, etc., brought up a few senior crew members...and then adjourned the event. Ten minutes later. Seriously. Seriously disappointing. NCL does a great job of recognizing Veterans with the discount, medals, pins, etc., so it was surprising how this event went down.
  9. Glad you enjoyed it. If you need any other tips for your upcoming cruise, be sure to let me know.
  10. Mrs. Schmoopie decided to make hash browns today. Eat your hearts out…while I eat real hash browns.
  11. I would equate this to you having a suite at a ballgame, which typically comes with food and drinks as part of the deal. Could you invite your friends to join you who are sitting in the bleachers?
  12. That's odd. We just paid taxes for drinks in Tampa a couple weeks ago...as well in four (count 'em) four ports in Spain in 2022.
  13. And people say NCL is cutting back on entertainment. They should book that kid to perform in the theater.
  14. There are a few big dips on CC...and arguably, I am one of them. 😋
  15. Very true...we have done this in the past. It should be clarified that it is allowed once PER CRUISE. If the price drops on ANOTHER cruise after final payment, you can always request it for the other cruise, as well.
  16. Curious as to where you're seeing a 2:00pm departure on any of the seven days. I have checked three different TA sites, along with NCL's site, and no where do I see a 2:00pm departure (or the coast cruise) on the itinerary for 1/18/25 (one of the dates we would be interested in). If you could steer me to where you're seeing this, I'd be interested.
  17. Might want to be careful on future Jade sailings. I believe I may have exhausted the supply of Bulleit.
  18. We were strongly considering the POA, but a while back we heard about this change...so now we're only slightly considering it. Also, while I'm here, I'm thinking that if we do decide to do the POA, it's not worth getting a balcony, not only because of the change, but since the movement between islands is at night. Plus, they leave most ports around 5:30-6:00, which is when us old geezers try to schedule dinner. So wouldn't see much during that time, anyway. Correct? (Not about the geezer part...we know we're geezers. But correct about not needing a balcony)??
  19. Last year on the Prima we did one of the Cozumel Bar Hops (there's more than one) and it was just okay. Can't remember the name but we probably should have done the other one. PBR is my go-to "cheap" (meaning non-craft) beer. I grew up in Milwaukee (although some say I never really grew up) and that was what my dad drank...so I developed a fondness for PBR, probably by osmosis.
  20. Studio cabin? Don't studios normally have bright lights, microphones and cameras? If so, you might want to make sure there's no "On the air" sign outside your door.
  21. Thanks, my friend. But I don't think you'd want to hear my "live" thoughts (even if I somehow magically was able to access CC in a timely manner) as my thoughts would be co-mingled in a bourbon haze (my new favorite on NCL, since their beer selection on non-District ships is pathetic).
  22. We have had a great PCC for the last few years. He has a direct line with voicemail. If he doesn't answer immediately (calling my be name), he will return the call within a few minutes. His name is...oh, wait. Never mind. Lately we have booked using a TA who gives perks the PCC can't. Her name is...oh, wait (again). Never mind (again).
  23. You first embark the ship on Tampa on Deck 7. I don't remember anything remarkable about the process other than we had to hunt for our muster station on deck 6. When you disembark in ports it's on deck 4. When you disembark the final time in Tampa it's on deck 7 again.
  24. If you go in the Casino on Jade, make sure you bring your own air supply.
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