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Everything posted by schmoopie17

  1. Not sure what you're getting at. We didn't take any food from the outside area (even though they had some stuff (burgers, hot dogs) outside next to the Pool Bar). This was from the INSIDE buffet and then taken OUTSIDE.
  2. Long-time CCers know that the secret to wings in O'Sheahan's (or the Local) is to order them "crispy" with the sauce on the side. Makes a HUGE difference. Try it next time. You're welcome.
  3. Who did this tour? We went to San Gimignano and Siena in 2022, but your tour sounds much better than what we did. Going back to Livorno in September, so maybe we can duplicate your tour.
  4. Our daily sea day ritual on the Jade in February was to grab pizza and fries from the buffet right after it opened and take them to the pool. Always walked right by the Washy Washy girl and nothing was ever said. Now, if I didn't clean my hands, she might have had a problem.
  5. Is Diego a solo guitarist? If so, he was on our Jade cruise in February.
  6. I'm glad I didn't join you on this cruise. Like they say, "Three's Company, Four's something else".
  7. I believe John Daly was also resurrected after a 10 year absence.
  8. Still waiting for the photo of the Three Stoo...er, Three Musket...uh, Three Intrepid CCers.
  9. Funny you should mention this. In the last couple of months I decided to finally look my age and grow a goatee (which comes in gray, while my full head of hair is frumpy brown). My passport picture is goatee-less. Hoping I don't get stranded in Rome in September because they won't think I'm me.
  10. No...this one was SITTING on the bar...not HITTING on him at the bar.
  11. What is this Game of Thrones of which you speak? Is it about playing musical chairs in a restroom?
  12. Six months?? Good luck remembering all of this stuff. Oh wait, I was mixing you up with me. I can't remember what I had for breakfast this morning...or if I even had breakfast.
  13. Wow, that's really some bad luck if you can get hit by a bus on a cruise ship. And here we thought @graphicguywas accident prone. (By the way, look both ways when coming out of the Local...if you think slippery floors are bad, those cruise ship bus drivers are reckless.)
  14. Exactly...and if no cabins are available for choosing they may assign you a GUARANTEED cabin. Which was my point from a hundred posts earlier. It's not rocket science...or even cruise ship science. Although @RocketMan275 might disagree 😁
  15. You're assuming there are ten (or any) left. If not, you're most likely getting a guarantee. My point was availability is already scarce 18 months out. If you want to play cabin roulette and hope there's a cabin that will be available (and suitable) at the last minute...good luck. Go for it...
  16. Deposits on NCL are $250. Not sure I've ever seen $100...at least not in the recent past. As for the $500 value of Cruise First...this was exactly our situation. We bought a Cruise First during the Double Up promotion...paid $250 and we were given a $500 certificate. We booked a cruise that had a $250 deposit and the excess $250 was credited to our final balance. Not a problem.
  17. I'm seeing a 3:45 departure time for the July 3 cruise on the Escape.
  18. So...I've always wondered, is this two bottles for embarkation only? If not, what stops you (or me) from bringing on two bottles at every port stop? How would they track it? Having said that, we would never sail without the alcohol package, so bringing wine onboard is really unnecessary (unless you're a wine snob and want good stuff).
  19. "What time is it?" "Ten minutes to always" "Cool...just 10 more minutes until pizza"
  20. Waiting until the last minute will not get you a very good choice of cabin. Most likely a guarantee, on which case you have no choice. We're looking at early 2026 cruises (not on NCL) and already the majority of them have very slim pickings left...and it's still 18 months out.
  21. I read that too fast and thought you said chicken area. That would be necessary if someone brought a support rooster onboard.
  22. We need a picture of @graphicguy, @debenson0723 and @Sugar Magnolia enjoying sail away together. That is assuming the latter actually makes it on the ship.
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