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Everything posted by John&LaLa

  1. Yes, Laura has been, but I haven’t. 2 sets of neighbors, and a ton of past sailing friends are joining us.
  2. Keep Control is a term commonly used here. It refers to being able to access your reservation directly. You can't do that when a TA controls your reservation. If you think a good TA can't fix your problems, then I can't help you. FWIW, I have called C&A once during the pandemic. That was to request my wife's points for a solo cruise be corrected. TA probably could have done it, but I'm willing to chip in occasionally. Ive honestly lost track of how many cruises have been cancelled, FCC'd, re booked, lift and shifted, etc. And not one call to Royal. My TA handled everything seamlessly There have been hiccups along the way, but I don't worry about them. He has notified me of deals, opportunities, set up a group cruise, and now we're doing a wedding. Easy peasy. He sends new invoices when price drops happen, finds cabins that don't appear on website. Pretty cool. And he reminds me when payments are due. For our upcoming World Cruise, we've moved cabins and categories at least 4 times just to get the perfect cabins for 9 months. I could go on and on😇
  3. I've seen guests take the whole tray of those before. Laura was livid
  4. No need, all drinks require vouchers Or are you referring to coffee? Probably half of those are to go
  5. 50,000 copies sold. Now I want to see what he writes about
  6. Probably, but they are hit or miss on quality. And please don't overload
  7. Lots more benefits/services than just money😉 Kinda surprised you don't realize that.
  8. No doubt, but it seems to happen to those who want to 'keep control' of their bookings.
  9. Honestly never have problems like this, TA just deals with it
  10. Thosevhave been replaced by Lavazza pod machines. But still no way anyone brings aboard their personal Keurig
  11. Get the original https://pawleysislandhammocks.com/products/sale-products?gclid=Cj0KCQjwpcOTBhCZARIsAEAYLuVHWCvdInUUDMg_HVDYFob2614liS03-X2dSyiNyUF-sPPkOsSnzV8aAi9aEALw_wcB
  12. Once I got one when Choice, but it was during the Empress Cuba debacle. They were giving anyone a free cruise. Been Prime since 2019 and have never received a free offer othet than annual reward. No love for those of us that earn our status 100 points at a time😉
  13. What ship? Haven't seen that option in forever
  14. Participate 🤔 Can't say I recall doing that. On a recent cruise I had to leave pool for a lifeguard drill
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