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Everything posted by BamaVol

  1. I don’t imagine it is Princess behind the changes. I’m under the impression that Princess contracts with vendors who provide the excursions. Princess has nothing to gain from a change. It is not Princess trying to line their pockets by substituting shopping for lunch. I realize that the OBC vs. credit refund is on them, but don’t blame them for what is not under their control.
  2. They’ve had Sam Adams Boston lager my last two cruises. On CB it was from Mexico in March and predated the reformulation. I never found a bar that had anything special on that sailing. We did sail Sapphire in September and there were 5 Alaskan beers available at any bar where I ordered one.
  3. We rode the shuttle in reverse (21 to 2) last March. Boarding the shuttle was a madhouse. There was a mob vs. a line for the shuttle - which was a short bus that held maybe 20-30 people. I would do anything to avoid it next time. I like the idea of parking at the disembarkation garage.
  4. A high school friend work in the casino on Pacific Princess for about 5 years. I can confirm the China port based on an anecdote he told me. He arrived in Hong Kong and there was mail waiting for him there. One envelope was a wedding invitation from a girl he thought he was still dating. That’s when he knew it was time for a land based job. He graduated high school in 1972, so college probably in 1976. Add 5 years and it would have been around 1981 or 1982.
  5. We bring about 20 with us. I would recommend to anyone that hasn’t purchased them yet to avoid the ones that only hold 5 pounds. I think our second set is rated for 10 pounds. Even then, we double up for heavier items. We haven’t traveled with kids in years but still find them useful. Umbrellas, hats, medallions, binoculars all hang on hooks until we need them. Out of the way but in sight so we don’t forget them. If you watch a video on how ships are built, each cabin is a metal module that is slid into place. I haven’t seen an outside wall that isn’t steel, and therefor holds a magnet. The only wall I’m not sure of is the one separating the closet from the “bedroom”. We just use the wall opposite the bed.
  6. We had a lovely cruise on her last March. Outstanding crew. MDR food was delicious. We never felt any crowding even though she sailed close to capacity. We enjoyed the bar music and took (not maximum) advantage of the Plus package. We walked the promenade deck every day, enjoyed the gym and various games and programs. No cabin issues. Noro and missed ports can occur on any ship, any line. If you’re concerned about that, you need to book a cabin in the mountains.
  7. Might be fun to add a few pieces from another box.
  8. My daughter has been asking me about this. We are on Enchanted Princess in June. I told her to wait until the schedule was a little more populated on the app. I don’t remember an 80’s party on my previous Princess cruises, but my 80’s clothing had I kept any would consist of business attire. My daughter was born in 1982. I don’t think her 80’s clothing would fit her, but she’s been known to go thrifting and you never know what you might find on a rack.
  9. I’ve had my reservations “changed” before on short notice. Got an apologetic email. But it was the same MDR and time. Nothing changed! I should have asked for OBC as compensation for my inconvenience. LOL
  10. We sailed Sapphire in September to Alaska and she felt perfectly designed for the voyage. Lots of viewing spots, inside and out. Our cabin on Aloha had a covered deck that kept us dry. Something to consider as some are more open to the elements than others.
  11. You can ask when OB. I feel like I saw buckets available on CB back in March. I wasn’t interested so the details didn’t register.
  12. Cabin attendant, waiter, hostess are all tipped at or near the end of the cruise. We see them daily. Bartenders and bar servers aren’t there every day. So I tip them by the drink. I would feel bad if someone gave great service all cruise long and I couldn’t find them on the final night.
  13. We add a tip when we order a drink whether from a bar server or directly from a bartender. We like to establish a friendly relationship with the bartenders and servers and adding a buck or two keeps them attentive to our needs. I’ve never discerned a negative attitude when failing to tip extra, however.
  14. On IOS, it’s 1.0.1. But it isn’t any better. This new app seems solely designed for onboard use. There’s just so much missing.
  15. Even with a couple specialty coffees per day and lots of bottled water, I couldn’t break even on 1 daily alcoholic beverage. I think your math is probably correct.
  16. I’m not sure if they’ve moved Planks and Steamers. When we sailed CB in March 2023, they were located at the back of the buffet. But not functioning at the time. I’ve heard people refer to “pop up venues”.
  17. And how do I get there? On my iPhone. Can someone guide me from “home”? I understand it’s too soon to see luggage tags, but I’d like to know where they’ve hidden the travel summary. Not to mention OBC.
  18. Does anyone know if they have robes available in children’s sizes?
  19. I wear a size medium men’s t-shirt. I could have wrapped the bathrobe around myself at least one and a half times. Mrs BV is small to extra small petite and could have wrapped hers around herself twice.
  20. I must have been looking at the crystal ball upside down.
  21. I can make a prediction: Bama by a touchdown. Now you don’t have to watch.
  22. For sure in the International Cafe. Which is the only place I’ve ordered coffee.
  23. BTW, they can make mistakes. I had a plate of pasta placed in front of me covered in parmesan despite the headwaiter preparing it without dairy. Fortunately I knew better and so did the headwaiter. She straightened things out when she saw what had happened.
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