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Everything posted by BamaVol

  1. I had a Manhattan with it and I think I paid $1.18 over my Plus allowance. Hard to judge in a mixed drink but I didn’t dislike it.
  2. Too tight for me to be comfortable. We were held on the ship until 9:30, although we were far from the first group to debark. What happens if you miss the tunnel window? Is it a 30 or 60 minute delay? It’s a pretty ride but I don’t think I would be enjoying it if I was stressing over my arrival time.
  3. Your cabin attendant will supply them if you request once onboard. We got ours the first day, but late due to all of them having to be washed.
  4. We can hope that the new app was written by a different third party than the last one. A more competent one.
  5. MSC will match your status. Although I’m pretty sure that’s not what you’re interested in.
  6. It may depend on the date and itinerary sailed. We have been under the pool deck and it was silent. Of course, Alaska in September. The Piazza does host some noisy events. But after bedtime, I wouldn’t expect it to be loud, if that’s your concern.
  7. I feel like I read somewhere that the medallion was manufactured in Singapore. But a Google search came up with a 2021 joint announcement between Carnival and Jabil manufacturing that the medallions were being produced in the Dominican Republic. As far as distribution, it sounds like they are being shipped through a midwestern hub. No big surprise, given customers across the US and Canada.
  8. It sounds like you would be seated. You should show up with one in your pocket next time. That way you’re covered no matter what.
  9. I get several every week. Maybe close to daily. Email marketing is pretty inexpensive. I don’t think Princess would let up even if every cabin was booked through the next year.
  10. Quite a few of us on this board are senior citizens. And comfortable with technology. The medallion app in its current form is challenging at times for the best of us. If you post specific questions, you will probably get some help. But playing the senior citizen card won’t get you much.
  11. Did I miss it, or did you share which ship this was?
  12. It took me about six weeks after knee replacement surgery to be fully recovered. I would think you’ll be fine at 11 weeks.
  13. Apparently Princess ships are full of people who were formerly loyal to some other line that cut back. The thing is, if you keep changing who you cruise with, you will never realize how good it used to be. I’m new to Princess, therefor I’m pleased. Maybe others would be too if you just looked at each cruise as if it was your first time.
  14. I applied through Stockperks Monday. OBC was posted Thursday night. I didn’t check, but I did get confirmation the next morning from my TA.
  15. I downloaded the Stockperks app to my iPhone 11 yesterday. It took a couple tries to link to my bank brokerage. I did not like giving them access to my bank accounts as well but could not proceed without doing so. I supplied the cruise data and got an email confirmation. I will know by next Monday if it worked.
  16. If you read the footnotes from the 2022 CCL financial statements, they indicate that they allocate between elements of a package. So my interpretation is the more you drink on your Plus or Premier package, the less they allocate to crew appreciation.
  17. Semantics. Princess pays the staff wages. You give Princess the means to pay staff wages by paying CA (or Plus/Premier). This is how cruise pricing is structured. Stop paying CA and all you are doing is hastening the failure of CCL. The game will continue to be played because baking the wages into base fares scares away too many passengers lured in by artificially low base fares, it’s the same reason we pay tips to restaurant servers. If all the menu prices rose by 20% overnight, some would stop dining out even though the bottom line hasn’t changed.
  18. This is how they are paid. The industry doesn’t want to mark up the basic cruise prices and scare away business. Just like restaurants don’t want to advertise yesterdays $30 steak as now costing $36. Has the tipping culture been reversed in other countries or did all of them start out the way they are?
  19. That’s a cynical reaction and not justified. Clearly the ball was dropped, at multiple levels. You have no cause to speculate on the reason. You have every reason to be disappointed. And nothing can erase the experience. So, I hope you get at least a written apology. And if I were the one writing it, it would come with compensation in some form.
  20. Look about a week before you sail. I’m not sure why they bother adding activities piecemeal. But they do.and just so you know, there are no reservations for any activities even though it looks like you are signing up for them.
  21. They don’t seem worried about you posting a complaint here. i’d love to see Princess’s written response. You should write them.
  22. I don’t eat dessert, but I can see someone taking one for later. My impression is that they are on the large side. But I’ve never been served an entree that I couldn’t finish. Some of them have been quite miniature. I sometimes leave the dining room still hungry. But the feeling goes away after my second Manhattan in the Wheelhouse after dinner.
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