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Everything posted by mo&fran

  1. Here we are in St Croix. Seas are very calm, no sign of Tammy. Looks like a good @Sea Dog excursion day. And we have cell phone service (5G) on good old T-Mobile. Always nice to be in a US territory.
  2. What has been happening lately , if you have mobility issues, they tend to attempt to place you at a table that has easy access, which they have been doing for me with my rollator. Seadog doesn't use one, so they did not know. If i had opted for traditional dining, heaven only knows where in the maze I would get seated. Only recently have they started seating us in a more access able location.
  3. One place you will almost always find us is outside the Pub between 5 -630 every afternoon.
  4. Typically, libraries on this class of ship have been known to have better wifi connections. Most had computer labs located in the area around the aft elevators and you could count on. The connection in our room (6370) has been great and I have been watching youtube videos any time I want. That has been rare.
  5. The concierge lounge in now the suite lounge is also on 14. It is quite nice and a good size, however only open to suites and Pinn's. Deck 9 is now staterooms.
  6. We are in the port, getting ready to dock. All is well. B2B meet at 845 in the Imperial lounge, kind of early and I guess not a lot of B2B,ers since we have mostly met in the theater recently. Hoping for fast turn around and get you guys onboard quickly.
  7. I am on Adventure and when I asked for a towel, as soon as she saw my gold Pinnacle card she just waved me away , did not need to see it.
  8. I looked at some 662 locations, perfect. You have a great location, IMHO.
  9. On the weather front, Tammy is now projected to be further east now, should be less a factor.
  10. Diamond lounge is still the DL on 14 (Leonardo is the concierge x 3811) and is open to D and up). The Suite lounge is impressive, Maria is the concierge (x 3812) and is open to Pinn's. It is large with outside seating areas. We were not there during HH.
  11. Look like tropical storm Tammy is projected to pass over St Martin this weekend. https://www.wptv.com/weather/tropical-weather/tropical-storm-tammy-forms-in-atlantic-not-expected-to-affect-florida
  12. Every day is a little better. Daily breakfast is great, what I have been waiting for. Lunch and dinner can be a challenge, taste still is a little off. Stateroom ac has had the room freezing, finally called to have the heat fixed so it is now a little better. For the first time. I am able to sit here without a sweater and be comfortable. Taking care of the ship for you guys.
  13. You always see the escort, I do not recall seeing the gun with a guy ready to use it, that is what I thought was different. With all of the news media coverage of increased security , just guessing.
  14. Our departure yesterday had a slight delay. No reason given. We were in the pub at tht time, but I went back to the room to get something, and when I looked out, saw we were departing and went out on the balcony to watch, and our USCG escort had a guy up in the bow, in combat gear, manning a big gun. I don't recall that being a normal occurrence. This guy had a helmet and looked like he was ready for action. Just sayin.
  15. I had no idea. Yesterday was crazy on board. The line to get into WJ was insane, we arrived and noon, and did not try to get in till after 2.
  16. All went well with our boarding on Adventure yesterday, we are cruising again. My problem has been to wean myself from the feeding tube, and all nutrition coming from actual eating. Oncologist suggested we not bring any tube feed along at all, although the tube is still there., so that is what we did. It's been a learning process. Finding how to deal with favorite meals can be a problem since I was forced to lose a lot of teeth prior to radiation. I'll figure it out. I had my first cruise breakfast this morning at Pinnacle breakfast, French toast, sausage links and potatoes. Went perfect, didn't finish since I did not want to stuff, but It will get much better. Now I can vary that a little. Biggest issue is tough meats, for the time being filet mignon is going to be my goto steak. Hoping for the best. Bread is an issue, a little hard to deal with for now. But realis pleased with how the breakfast has gone. This stateroom is very nice, our attendant was happy to see us, wandered where we were last week. Wifi is excellent so far.
  17. I never thought that we would either, it always looked like an impossible goal, then we started booking cruises, And we really did not book that many 2 point cruises, but the points just started adding up. Of course, DW had some good luck in the casino, so there were also some free casino comp cruises also.
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