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Everything posted by BND

  1. 18 months ago, we definitely were sailing. We were on HOTS in early Nov 2021 and cruises had started before that by several months. We've done 8 cruises since restart and food isn't the same, even before the new menus. It's less about "taste" and more about quality slipping, but as we were told suppliers (particularly in FL) who mainly provided product for the cruise lines went out of business during Covid due to lack of business. But, also, the main reason, is just like your cost for groceries have gone up, so have theirs. As is the norm, this has gone off topic a bit.
  2. It was either on Jewel or EN last year that we went out on the balcony and DH hadn't opened the handle all the way and when it shut, it locked. Fortunately, it was during the morning when stewards were still working on rooms and I leaned over and saw our neighbors cabin being cleaned. I got the attention of the steward and she went and found ours and he let us back in . LOL. 36 cruises with balconies and that was the first time that has ever happened to us.
  3. Awful defensive about a simple topic which tells me a lot. You didn't even address the fact you can remove the gratuities if you want to. Are you going to go after anyone else who disagrees with you or did I just hit a sore spot?
  4. The OP apparently isn't happy with RCI at all. I will say this, why post about something that is truly optional? While the majority of us do not remove gratuities and even tip more, the added daily gratuities are not mandatory so why complain about something that is within your control? If you want to be cheap, be cheap, but quit complaining about it on here.
  5. You mean he rinsed it down the drain, which you could have also done.
  6. I just rinse it off and continue my shower.
  7. It's really pushing it to call it "Mexican Night', just like Italian, French, etc. The enchilada is def more like a burrito, def not an enchilada.
  8. Key West is still in Florida last I checked.
  9. We got the same we have for a long time-3 each on our April EN cruise. We are thrilled lol as we won't drink mineral water. On Jewel last fall we were on the first cruise back out of the US and all they had was mineral water in cans. We left them there and didn't drink them.
  10. I only posted what was said by the concierge because just like the formal night info from onboard, they are really just rumors. That's all. I never said I believed it was 100% accurate.
  11. Half? Half of people will not dress up every night. Those that want formal night want one or two per cruise, not every, single, night. I don't think he's correct in what he thinks he was told. There's no way half of those eating in the MDR want to dress up every night. The D Concierge on EN just told us a couple of weeks ago that they've been told that JS will soon have full suite status. If that comes true, to me, it means that JS will start costing even more. All we can do is wait and see.
  12. We have 5, currently sitting in a cabinet. We should have about 7 but have turned down at least one (I mean how many EN ones do I need?) This last EN cruise, we were due one and our friends who were with us and D+ (have one block from another ship already) after we asked if they wanted it, said yes. So, we asked for it, had it delivered and gave it to them. Not sure if we'll want the new ones.
  13. Actually, it's in Hampton. I lived in VA Beach years ago and we lived close to Oceana and fighter jets routinely flew over our house and dumped fuel before landing. That's how long it's been as it's illegal to do so now. We've also been on a couple of cruises where a jet flew close by.
  14. There is a big difference between a local bar giving out free drinks to regular customers who return frequently and might for years and a cruise passenger who, while they might be regular cruisers are not returning week after week to the same ship or bar.
  15. Our experience in the DL and MDR is that they take your card the first night but after that they mostly just ask for cabin #. Occasionally, they bring receipt to sign. This has been going on since they instituted the receipt thing last year, but it's very inconsistent. Other locations where they don't know us, they always ask for our card.
  16. Those "free" D and above drinks are already figured into the budgets. Point is, it's not up to the bartender/waiter who does or doesn't get free drinks.
  17. This last trip on EN a couple of weeks ago, one day I looked at my account and it said I had used a free drink in the Pool Bar. All I'd had that day was a cafe mocha from Cafe Lattetudes and that was on my account already. I mentioned it to the DL concierge that evening and she said so we didnt' have to go stand in line at the CS she would just have the waiter give me my drink without running our number. She couldn't deduct a free drink from the account. That was fine but it wasn't a real concern as i never use all mine. My concern was someone else used my number. What probably happened is a waiter punched in the wrong cabin number for someone, but still. You need to keep an eye on your account on the app.
  18. Or the OP could do a quick search. This has been discussed ad nauseum on more than one thread.
  19. I love how some blame Royal and not the perpetrators lol if someone did hack it. My son is a senior IT manager and will tell you that pretty much every system is hackable. Most have backdoors so even the creators can get in if someone shuts/locks the front door. As the saying goes : That's why we can't have nice things".
  20. It's based on completed cruises, not current ones. There was a time when people would come on here and report that the LA gave them the benefits during the cruise, but that hasn't happened for a while. Mainly because there are so many turning a status each cruise. There used to be a very few on each cruise. The reality is, they want you to go on another cruise to enjoy your new status, which makes perfect business sense.
  21. I doubt Royal would see it his way and not likely he's authorized to do that. He's giving away something that isn't his to give away. Even for our "free" drinks, they always run our card or number and charge them against our balance. BTW, if you tip a lot, you're not getting them for "free", but the bartender is giving away Royal's profits and raising costs.
  22. I have never heard of or seen it charged. We were just on EN a couple of weeks ago with friends who brought a bottle of wine to dinner to share and nothing about corkage fee was ever mentioned. It's an old policy that just doesn't seem to be used anymore.
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