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Everything posted by BND

  1. Formal night is never on the last night as people are packed or in the middle of packing. It should be night 6.
  2. Well, you are in FL. In VA, they are still required in all medical settings. I fully support no masks and have, but everything from Dentists to Dr's to imaging centers and hospitals all require them. My DIL is an RN in a GP's office and they still wear them as INOVA requires it.
  3. I watched a guy walk into Home Goods on Saturday with his hand curled around something. As he got to the door to enter he vaped and then put his hand by his side. Is it really so hard to leave it in the car while you shop? Heaven forbid that he is separated from it for 1/2 hour or so.🙄
  4. LOL. Sounds like the OP went back in time. The reps really are just reading off the info they are given. Problem is, that rep sounds like they have an old script. If anything, with the cancellation of the "emergency" by the President in May, masking won't be required anywhere anymore such as Dr's offices as it currently is. There's always a few people wearing masks. At church yesterday out of a few hundred people, I saw two wearing masks. A year ago, there would have been 50+.
  5. Fish is prepped ahead of time. I doubt you can get a plain salmon just because that's how you want it. People with true food allergies and medically required dietary needs normally have to select their meals the night before so the chef is prepared. In that case, I'm sure they'd prep salmon for those individuals without the crust if there was an issue with the ingredients, such as with the cheese or gluten. I'm allergic to shrimp and I let the wait staff know the first night. I'm not anaphylactic so I don't order shrimp dishes and the waitstaff knowing can let me know if there is any in a dish. No need to make other changes. At the cheers with an officer lunch on Jewel, the filet came with shrimp so I just asked for it to be left off which they gladly did and more than likely will do so in the future as that's not the same as ordering "off menu".
  6. Baltimore does. They also have a separate entrance for Key, Pinn and suites. Since we always stay in a JS, we go in that entrance, but we pass by the regular line to get to the door and they have signs for times and they do check.
  7. Who isn't guilty of going at least once for a free glass of champagne lol? We only went once and didn't buy anything. Don't get me started on the "art" onboard.
  8. Not really. They use staff that is already being paid a salary so no extra cost there. The "gifts" have dwindled to basically nothing. Generally, they send one activities staff member.
  9. Why on earth would anyone need an email to know this was an IT mistake? I knew immediately. I just started this thread because I thought it was hilarious and wanted to see how many others have received it. I didn't call, anyone on here willing to say they did? You really seem to want an apology.
  10. Anyone else besides my DH and I get the message you have 30 minutes to complete muster? LOL. Our next cruise is 8 April and I'm currently sitting in my family room online shopping for the new house we're buying.
  11. You can only book prior to the cruise if you pay at time of booking.
  12. Some days we hang in the solarium all day and grab breakfast or lunch there (or go to the WJ and bring it back). Sometimes a salad is what I need after eating so many calories on other days. We're on EN on April 8 for the 12 night. They usually have either roast beef at lunch or another meat to carve for sandwiches. I also love egg salad so get that sometimes. We haven't eaten in there in a while even though we did 3 cruises on her last year. We normally go to the early show and then head straight to late seating.
  13. We just love 150. Best specialty restaurant in the fleet.
  14. My DH is a retired US Navy Captain so yeah. When one of my sisters got married, our youngest sister who was 15 (we were bridesmaids) started swaying and almost passed out from locking her knees. I knew looking at her and the swaying that she was about to go down. I grabbed her and made her sit and put her head down. Everyone thought it was me at first because I was 6 months pregnant, but I knew better than to lock my knees.
  15. One other thing we have seen a couple of times is someone pass out from standing in one spot in the heat.
  16. Those that don't watch the video or pay attention to the crew member when checking in at the muster station are the same ones that didn't pay attention when muster was in person. We've cruised 35 times and I can tell you exactly what the instructions are and how to properly put on a life jacket. There will always be problem "children" in every situation. Those that are drinking a lot, those that don't follow any instructions or rules, ever and those that think any emergency instructions are "stupid and useless". I can't tell you how many times I watched a few people at in person muster whispering to their friends, looking around everywhere except at the crew member and leaning against the back wall with their eyes closed. Anyway, my point is, the emuster is just as effective for those that actually pay attention as the in person one was for the same reason.
  17. Once again, people are discussing (kind of arguing) about something that Royal has said is against their rules. No smoking of any kind except in designated areas. I don't get why it's so hard to understand for some. It's like it's a challenge when there are rules. Vaping definitely smells and at the end of the day, it's not healthier than not smoking at all. There's also more and more data showing it's not really safer than smoking.
  18. And our primary care Dr has a different take. She has no issues with us living our lives and we have seen her since our return on the 7 cruises we've done since restart without catching it. I think your PC Dr is exxaggerating about "ALL" her patients. Our is ready for everything to get back to normal because she said she rarely sees it. BTW, rates are dropping. We live our life normally and also do on cruises.
  19. No, I saw it. He just wasn't the voice of reason the last couple of years lol.
  20. Ah yes, I remember fondly the Ace threads from the last couple of years. What has happened to Ace?
  21. One of the reasons there have been so many illnesses since "lockdown" is because people weren't being exposed to everyday germs. We just don't sweat it. Never wipe down anything. Wash our hands and don't put our fingers in our mouths or anywhere on our face unless we have just washed our hands. Our last cruise on Jewel, the ship and our cabin were spotless. Cleanest ship we've ever been on. But, just like the last three years, people can't keep living their lives in constant fear. Not only have we done 7 cruises since restart, we've stayed in hotels at the beach for 4 different weeks, stayed in hotels near family and stayed with family. We also continued to see our families and friends the entire time. We've been just as healthy as ever.
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