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Everything posted by BND

  1. I just went back to confirm what I saw last night and this is the post I see. Where did the part about the CC member come from? There is no "read more" after this quote: Topofthelinetommy 6 days ago I just got off this ship 2 days ago. I was incredibly disappointed by Royal Caribbean. It's a very nice renovated ship. The ships capacity is 2700 and we had 800 people, you would think it would have better service. The restaurants were not very good. I highly recommend getting off at Port and exploring. Chopped was pitiful, I had better steak at Outback and when the manager was told about the food he replied with "we will leave it at that"... Izumi was great, the mailing dining room alright. The ship also has steam and sauna which is completely free and great after the gym.
  2. First, the OP isn't the one who said they were onboard with 800. They saw it on a post on a YT video by someone who supposedly was on after it came back to PC. Second, by "came across", they said they came across the video, not that they came across on the ship. Please actually read the entire thread.
  3. I understand why women freeze it, but when traveling most just dump if they have too much. Those that freeze normally do it while at home for future use. It's not about flying with it, it's the fact she wants to freeze it. Traveling with anything frozen is more difficult than just keeping it cold.
  4. You can absolutely use your phone in US ports while onboard. We do it all the time. We also used ours in San Juan and St. Thomas. We cruise out of Baltimore all the time and don't turn on airplane mode until we get past the bridge tunnel (rt 13) (at the bay/ocean). We've also done the SE coast cruise several times and as soon as we're in port in Charleston or PC we turn off airplane mode. Also do the same thing in New England (Mass and Maine).
  5. I basically did post just that where I said that our b2b and the cruise following were near capacity.
  6. I saw a post on FB last week of an ad for galley staff. Royal was looking to hire several hundred galley staff, chefs, etc. So, yes, they are short staffed. We talked to the chef on Jewel in Nov about the quality of the strip steak. He wasn't happy with it either but they have to work with what they get.
  7. Women normally freeze for future use so she'd have to transport it home frozen which isn't easy at all.
  8. This isn't about you. It's about a post on a YT that is more than likely incorrect. Every other cruise since Jewel returned to PC has had over 2200 people onboard.
  9. So, someone in the comments says there were 800 on board. I still don't buy it. The ship has been sailing near capacity since it returned to PC.
  10. I went and looked at the schedule and edited my answer prob at the same time you quoted me. I still want to know who the YTer was or what the title of the video was. The OP saying they just "came across" it doesn't carry any weight.
  11. We were on Jewel of the Seas Nov 6 and 13 for a b2b and there were about 2500 on each leg. For Thanksgiving, they were expecting a full ship. It was the cruise after ours as we got off the 19th (Sunday before Thanksgiving). I don't think 800 is correct. Who is the YTer who posted that?
  12. In April there were something like 27 Pinns on the 12 night and 15 or so on the 8 night and both had the separate Pinn area. What was really funny was on the 6 night Bermuda in July, we as D+ had the third highest point count onboard (435 or so) and there were only 2 Pinns onboard so we got to go onstage at the Top Tier event as the top three cruisers and get our photo (group) taken with the Captain. So, yeah, some itineraries have very few. 12 night always has more than other itineraries. So, they did have the separate area set up on the 8 and 12 night but I don't remember it on the 6 night. We've gone out of Baltimore on RCI 12 times and the longer itineraries always have the most.
  13. EN's CL isn't as utilized as the DL is. Our experiences on EN is that at most a few suite guests use it and occasionally D+ and Pinns. But, we've met many D+ and Pinns in the DL. Didn't they have the Pinns setup in the VCL on the main level? I know for our 3 EN cruises this year, they had a section in the VCL, front and center roped off for Pinns, including appetizers. Not that there were ever very many there.
  14. Probably not unless they plan to expand to other ships.
  15. Even most people who work remotely have to go into the office occasionally and a lot require normal working hours which means being up at all hours halfway around the world. That'll get old really quick. Doing the work I did and DH and our sons and DIL do, none can work remotely. I only know a few people who work from home and a couple of them owned their own small business prior to the pandemic.
  16. I'm surprised too considering the cost and people with under 18's are usually still working. These types of cruises are usually full of retirees.
  17. LOL. Just how many kids do you think will be on this cruise?
  18. We currently have 543 pts but won't quite make Pinn with the cruises we have currently booked (all in JS) over the next two years. We'll be at 667. DH retires in a year so maybe sneak a few more in. Our issue with X is limited ports to cruise from. We prefer Baltimore and PC to cruise out of. We do NJ occasionally and have been on Summit from there. I don't really like FFL and Miami. One reason we really like the smaller ships is service is always great.
  19. How long have you been cruising? We have for 17 years and it's changed a lot just in that timeframe. I can tell you there are others on here who have cruised a lot longer and remember many things cut. I'll say what I've said before, as long as people demand cheaper fares, there will be things cut. Cruising has changed from a luxury that not everyone could afford to a vacation for the masses so of course cuts happen. I'm always amazed that people expect while costs of everything go up that they think costs of cruising shouldn't. To respond to that, this is what you get.
  20. "Desire" LOL. You make it sound like people do laundry because they enjoy it so much that they have to do it. Laundry is one of the easiest things in the world to do. Not like anyone is scrubbing clothing on rocks down at the river. And, "boil and fry" is a very good description of what the laundry does to clothing. Very hot water+very hot dryers+commercial size= shrunken and damaged clothes. I sent a pair of cotton shorts one time by mistake (DH packs and counts) and they came back a couple shades lighter and shrunk so much I couldn't wear them again. I'd much rather do my own than have the ship destroy clothes. After 9 months of that temp clothing would be unusable.
  21. It's based on availability. You need to go to CK when you board and ask to book. We've done it one time on Oasis. We plan to try it again on Wonder in 2024.
  22. If it is, it's only for the normal event hours. Usually 3-3.5 hours and ends at late seating time. So, done by 8 or 830 depending on when late seating is.
  23. For evening/dinner I wear everything twice so I take enough for 7 nights but I do take enough of daytime outfits for everyday. So, a few dresses and a couple pairs of capris and tops. We go out of Baltimore a lot and drive there in just over an hour. For Europe, we would pack differently. Heck, for NE/Canada we packed differently because we could wear some clothes more than once. Jeans and tops I wore over insulated ones. On a 9 night CA/NE, I had two pairs of jeans. On a 13 night Caribbean I need 13 pairs of shorts. For the World cruise, I'm sure I'd probably take 2-3 weeks worth of clothes at least so I wasn't doing laundry every week.
  24. We just got back three weeks ago from three weeks on vacation (FL and b2b 13 night cruise). We stayed in Bartow for one night and at the Radisson in PC for 4 nights. On the day before the cruise, we did a load of laundry while we ate breakfast and hung by the pool. I packed enough clothes for the 13 night cruise and what we wore in FL, we washed and repacked it. On longer cruises, we do utilize the free bag of laundry for underwear and t-shirts. I've also been known to handwash my swimsuits and a couple of other small articles using shampoo (works great as detergent) and roll them in a towel and hang in the bathroom. It all dries overnight so not a big deal. Of course, we always take the Auto Train to FL so not really limited. I can't imagine doing a world cruise without laundry facilities.
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