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Everything posted by BND

  1. That's different. Your Diamond free drinks cover drinks by price, not by size. The card is a punch per size so a small is one, medium (grande) is two. The first time we bought the card onboard several years ago, they punched one per drink. They pretty quickly changed that.
  2. Oops just saw this after mentioning a FB post about it. Impossible. She's just covering her butt. She knows breaking RCI rules can get her banned.
  3. Apparently an article someone linked on FB says the mother said she was 22 weeks lol. No way. Avg 22 weeker weighs 1 lb.
  4. More than likely the baby was not born at 23 weeks. Either someone who didn't know she was pregnant (very rare) or someone who wasn't entirely honest. Just because someone says they're less than 24 weeks pregnant doesn't mean they are. I'm curious as to the size of the baby. That will tell us a lot, but I'm betting on the not under 24 weeks. BTW, we just got off Jewel on 19 Nov after a b2b. At the Captain's Corner someone asked about babies born at sea's citizenship. The Captain then proceeded to mention he had a crew member hide her pregnancy and deliver on an RCI ship (didnt' name which one) that the CD (Susan Adams) was also on and that the baby has citizenship of the country of ship's registration. So, Bahamas for that one. The mom wanted to give birth in the US so she hid her pregnancy, but she didn't count on delivering in international waters.
  5. We just got off Jewel and it was $51.98. What's more important than the letter is what actually appears when you go online to purchase.
  6. Jamaica has very strict laws about drugs. Until the last couple of years, it was illegal to possess, sell or grow pot. There have been some reforms.
  7. There have been cases where they have arrested people in ports for having drugs in their possession and in their cabin on the ship. Some port authorities can and have brought dogs aboard. It's been reported on here over the years. It's more frowned upon in most of the Caribbean than it is in the US.
  8. As I said in my other post (as did others) we didn't pay for a balcony to smell smoke while trying to use it. That's the big deal and why most care. I also cared before they banned it as it's not like the smoke just stops where their balcony ends. We haven't reported anyone yet but will if it is a nuisance. I have, however said loudly that smoking is not allowed on balconies when I have smelled it. Not sure what people in CA care about has to do with a cruise ship that has very specific rules.
  9. We've been on Oasis class, last time was a year ago-no parade as they were still heavily into protocols. Previous cruises on Oasis class they did a parade but it wasn't "anchors away". It involved the characters they no longer have. I've just never heard the term. We've been on EN and Jewel since but they don't have promenades and don't do parades.
  10. Just as long as they don't serve "Butterfish" lol.
  11. Anchor away parade? What exactly are you asking?
  12. That's what I told DH when I did the survey. This is just for PR. They don't have enough time to tally and really delve into the responses but they can say they did ask for input. BS.
  13. It's not. Under US Federal Law and a lot of ports it's illegal. This breaks more than one rule onboard also. I personally don't want to smell any smoke of any kind when I'm on my non-smoking balcony attached to my non-smoking room.
  14. Only those that like Indian Food. I can't stand it.
  15. There are currently three questions and they are the ones you answer when you do online check in. They also confirm them at the pier. Are you vaxxed, are you boosted and are you more than 23 (or 24 can't remember) weeks pregnant. We have done 3 b2bs and one single cruise in the last year and they quit doing the 24 hour before questions a few months ago. We watch the lifejacket video and listen to the alarm before we get to the port. Very easy and very quick. We then can go by our muster station at any time.
  16. You'd think so but on Jewel a couple of weeks ago I added $1 tip and signed the receipt and the $1 never showed up on the account.
  17. You can get dollars in some foreign ATM's. OP, try RBC (Royal Bank of Canada). I also just googled "where can you get dollars in St. Maarten" and the first hit said Local currency and US Dollar ATM machines (Maestro/Cirrus) are situated throughout the island.
  18. They were putting up the framing for the tree when we were there on Jewel a couple of weeks ago. Not moving very fast lol.
  19. No. I have a knee injury that is still healing but I can walk the pier and have. It's not as long as some piers.
  20. We actually had Cheers with an Officer on our 6 night second leg of b2b on Jewel just over a week ago. LA told us the Hotel Director wanted to do it so they did. But, normally it's 7+ nights.
  21. My choices lol? I don't eat hotdogs and rarely eat hamburgers. I also never order the apple tart. My "choices" are only limited by the fact I'm allergic to shrimp (so I do not eat seafood since I don't particularly want to get sick). We shared a table with a couple we met the first night (4 of us assigned to an 8 top that no one else came to) and decided to share on our second leg of our b2b also. They also weren't impressed. They did say the seafood was pretty good. They cruise regularly, as in every few weeks and also said the food quality onboard was less than good. We ate in Giovanni's one night and it was good (love Osso Bucco and pasta). My/our experience doesn't have to be anyone else's, but as I said, we heard a lot of complaints about food quality including from the chef we met on board who works at a resort in FL. We have cruised on 3 b2b's and one single cruise in the last year and up until Jewel, the food has been pretty good. Not everything was bad, but most wasn't great on this last b2b. You were onboard in Europe, correct? You ever think the food quality from FL may not be the same as in Europe? You know, different suppliers and all.
  22. MDR food should be lower level? Seriously? So, you think because a ship is bigger and newer the MDR food should be better? Come on. That's ridiculous. And, a lot elitist. As far as the tart goes, you missed the point entirely. Many people were disappointed in the food and that includes people who cruise on all different sizes of ships. This was by far the worst meals we have ever had on Royal, from Vision class through Oasis class.
  23. That would be port fees and taxes. Your cruise fare, while including ports doesn't cost "per port" but it does cost "per cruise night". They are providing the service by providing the cruise. How exactly do you price out a port?
  24. We just got off Jewel 9 days ago from a b2b. The beef isn't great, especially the strip steak but other items weren't great either. My DH was very disappointed the first night he ordered the Apple Blossom Tart. It's now basically apple pie with none of the taste of the tart. Mozz sticks were sometimes mozz, sometimes an unidentified cheese. As Jewel had just come from Europe, they had English Sausages that they called hot dogs and the hamburgers were very thin. The only thing I heard people praise the entire 13 days was the seafood. Quality has gone way down, even since our July cruise on EN. I've seen some of the same complaints about other ships so it's definitely a supplier issue which they need to fix. So, I must have missed it, but what time is Wonder due to leave today?
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