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Everything posted by BND

  1. Point is, no one knows for sure right now although the language on RCI says no. It would never enter my mind to do it.
  2. Closed loop out of the US are subject to penalties for debarking anywhere other than the embarkation port. European rules do not apply here.
  3. You cannot see your charges on ALL ships, but yes on Odyssey you can. Vision class for example does not have this option. I'm not sure about Radiance class, but i think it also doesn't have it (find out in two weeks). My DH takes a cheap Casio digital watch with us. Never rely on your phone while on a cruise. You can leave your phone on, just in airplane mode so you can use the app. Why would you have trouble accessing the muster drill on the app? If you do, then everyone is.
  4. No. They currently don't allow it as far as I know. There would also be fees involved.
  5. You no longer have to answer health questions the day before. You just have to answer the three when you check in- 1 are you vaxxed 2- are you boosted and 3-are you more than 23 weeks pregnant. They stopped the day before questions in the last couple of months.
  6. Yes, it's really per cabin than per person, although we usually each watch it.
  7. Anyone who has dealt with this thought to write to Michael Bayley? It's easy enough for them to have a statement in the Compass about declaration and how to go about it prior to debarking. If they get enough complaints... One trip, back when we were still doing the forms, we had bought over our limit (by a couple hundred dollars at most I think and we were honest) in port, not onboard, and when we turned the form into CBP, they pulled us into an office and wanted us to pay in cash something like $12.75. They had no way to give change so we ended up giving them $15 or something. They didn't like that, but they couldn't have been surprised. We do carry cash, but not coins. We usually stay below the allowance and never buy enough onboard to trigger anything. We also avoid buying much in the duty free shops in port.
  8. You either watch the video on the app or on the tv, go to the muster station and they will verify you watched and then scan your card/boarding pass. Since she isn't using the app, they will probably show her how to put on the life jacket. That's basically it.
  9. I don't get why someone would refuse to get the app, but whatever. There are options for those very few people that include the rare person who has a non-smart phone or no cell phone. Very rare. LOL my parents are 85 and my mom uses her phone all the time. My dad recently quit using his phone because he has no reason to as he's basically homebound and has his computer. And, they have a landline.
  10. What CBP collects is duty, basically import type taxes which is what they collected. When you go over the duty limit, you have to pay a tax/fee. It's not sales tax.
  11. We've done it from our hotel when in PC and we've done it from our home (live an hour from Baltimore). We do it in the morning. As long as it shows "complete" you are good.
  12. That must have been a long time ago. Neither of those happen and haven't for the 15 years we've been on Royal. What island had a C&A lounge? Never heard of that.
  13. She will get what she normally gets. Her friend won't get anything. Not sure what Emerald gets. DH and I get 6 total as D+.
  14. They have to fill out a tax form as it's subject to income tax (US citizens/residents).
  15. It was duty free at time of purchase. But, the tax comes into play when you come into the US with it.
  16. I've always wondered, do they think no one else did? That's how it comes across when someone says "It's my vacation and I'll do what I want" "I paid for my vacation". Um, yeah, we all did.
  17. How about you can only check out a towel for the number of people in your cabin? This will stop one person getting 10 towels and reserving multiple seats for their "group". If we really want a seat in a specific area, we go early. I don't get the people who think they can sleep til 10 or 11 and then just go find a seat in a prime location. I've seen several in the Solarium with baffled looks on their face at 11 am.
  18. As long as there are ways to game the system, there will be changes to stop it at some point. Some people spend way too much time trying to do so.
  19. It should just disappear but maybe not until the date actually passes. Just ignore it or you could remove the app and add it back or update it if there's an update available.
  20. If you use a scanner it should be just as crisp and clean. You can scan from your phone if you don't have access to a full size one.
  21. Our TA is a good friend. They don't charge anything and they get paid a commission by the cruiseline.
  22. They're not staying in port longer. Schedules/Itineraries are pretty much the same as they've always been. Pier runners are hardly new and some ports are more notorious for them such as Cozumel.
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