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Everything posted by BND

  1. Pretty sure she was thinking about the old pull off tabs.
  2. Some crew count on the gullibility of some cruisers. No one is starving, geez.
  3. They just spread out the thickness. So, instead of everything being lined up right next to each other, they are tiered. It saves some space, but not as much as some think.
  4. Nasty lol? Because I stated something different than you did? What exactly is nasty about me stating my experience/reality? What exactly are you talking about that I left out? I responded to your response to my quote. Your entire reseponse.
  5. That doesn't mean 90% of all people do. 90% of the people I know personally do not work remotely so there's that. I'd love to know what these families traveling with 4 or 5 people do that they can afford to do this trip.
  6. For us, on a 7 night cruise, it's usually around day 3 or 4. We've asked for our free D+ bag and had no issue getting it on another day (esp on longer cruises or b2b's) Don't know if the $35 bag works that way.
  7. We've only made the one claim in 35 cruises. AON was very easy to work with for us.
  8. We used them in late summer 2019. I had an accident and dislocated my kneecap and ankle and fractured my fibula. My Orthopedic surgeon did his part and filled out what he needed to. DH did the rest and we had a full refund within a few weeks. We had already paid in full as it was past the final payment date and got it all, in increments. Port taxes, fees and prepaid things directly from RCI, the rest came from AON in full. We were pleased with how it worked out. This next calendar year, we have purchased Allianz but that's because we have two b2b's so 4 cruises and it's cheaper with more coverage through them.
  9. We leave our cabin very neat, nothing on the floor except our backpack and computer bag and neat desk area. Clothes are never left strewn around. Everything is either hanging, in a drawer or dirty in the pop up hamper we bring. But, I rarely make my bed at home so why would I make it on a cruise? Our house is also very neat, outside of DH"s office lol.
  10. Yes. Boarding pass just says "suite". We've been on HOTS, EN and Jewel in the last 13 months and all had suite on our boarding pass for JS. We're always in a JS and have always boarded with suites.
  11. We were on Jewel in Nov. We had the first check in time and within about 3 minutes of leaving the counter, they started announcing boarding. Suites, Pinnacles, D+ and D were announced. After that they started announcing times which was funny because first boarding was 12 and they started with 1030 lol. It was 12 because it was the first cruise after a TA. So, unless you check in before boarding starts, you will end up boarding with the masses.
  12. Okay, so you have an opinion. I was actually responding to the part where the poster said it should be limited to an appropriate fare spent. My question to that poster was what exactly would that (appropriate fare) be? Regardless, everyone spends what they spend. I just wanted to know what the poster considered "appropriate". We were kind of a victim of the last major change. They added Emerald which we were for exactly one cruise. We were going to make D on that cruise but because of the addition of Emerald, we had to wait one. Not really a big deal, but it has happened.
  13. It's not about the total weight on it. For Northstar. It's about the evacuation equipment which has a weight limit. It's a harness system.
  14. This. Freezing breast milk as I said is something some do when at home. I "overproduced" with my sons (1983 and 1986) and just dumped lol. Those that I follow who freeze do so at home and freeze in home freezers. It's not something women do when traveling. Trying to freeze and them travel just isn't the norm.
  15. Did you or did you not post a post from the YT video? Same user? Totally different than what I saw. Confused. The other quote was from where? ??? Same poster?
  16. 41 years and we are the same. We pick, but we love each other. No marriage is perfect even though some will protest that theirs are. DH drives me absolutely insane, but I could never imagine being with anyone else and he feels the same way.
  17. What exactly would that be? We always cruise in JS and have spent a heck of a lot more than some to get to D+. Oh, and we've done 4 or 5 cruises in GS. One cruise in a full suite doesn't cost as much as multiple cruises in a JS. 🙂 Think about it.
  18. I have never worn shorts (nor has my DH) in the MDR at dinner. LOL. Twice a day service was always strange to me and we've stayed in resorts and in high end hotels. The reality is so many things have been "dumbed down". It's all about the $$$. Even if it means lowering the experience for everyone.
  19. We just saw a couple on Jewel that we had met on Harmony last year. It happens.
  20. They both start with the same user name. There also were only two comments on the video. One was just a couple of words.
  21. You mean those of us that have actually been onboard in the last month and a half since she returned from Europe?
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