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Everything posted by LittleFish1976

  1. You'd probably take a photo of the RAT result and take that to the terminal, wouldn't you? Also, the International vax certificate is free and easy to get. Good to have.
  2. Great article. Well done. I wish I had had someone bringing food and drinks to my door when I had covid! You're right - it's better than being at home!
  3. Don't get me started on the hobnail boots in the dining room... 😉
  4. As far as I know the government requirement is not for a supervised test which means as @Hogbay says, you can buy a test at a pharmacy or supermarket and test yourself. You must have photgraphic proof of the negative test though with ID and time/date there as well. Some cruise lines have more stringent requirements and so may require a supervised test, either RAT (lateral flow test) or a PCR. If you need that sort of thing someone from Sydney will need to chime in and let you know about local availability. As I said, NCL will tell you what you need. I assume our rules are for all departures from Australia. Australian rules regarding smoking will also be enforced on all departures from here, I understand.
  5. The requirements for boarding a cruise ship in Australia are different from those to enter the country. Currently, a test is required to board a ship. I'd follow whatever you see on the NCL website that is specific to your voyage to be sure you have the correct information though. March is still a long way off in covid terms, so who knows what the requirement will be by then but I would assume the rules put in place for the recommencement of cruising here will stay in place for the length of the season.
  6. It won't be a coincidence - the anti-virals work very quickly and ease that awful congestion in the head etc. I hope you can get some cough syrup from the doctor to help with the cough. The rebound infection is a real thing. I was testing negative after the antivirals but within a few days I started to feel ill again and tested positive again. So something to watch out for. You're very brave speaking to the journalist. I'd be worried I'd be mis-quoted!
  7. I take the Bosisto's eucalytus cough drops everwhere I go - they seem to stop it for a while.
  8. We need special badges that say 'I just have asthma/reflux/Barrett's oesophagus/allergies'. I'd wear one.
  9. I haven't been to Finland but I've been to Norway where the reindeer are delicious!!!! And 57 different types of fish for breakfast. Heaven!
  10. You did well. I've been eyeing the Japan voyages off for some time. Having a refundable deposit certainly increases the attractiveness of an early booking.
  11. There are two gala nights on the 8 night voyage Q309A, Melbourne to Auckland. I wouldn't be surprised @ClefsDor if you find once you're aboard that there are two. Having said that, it could also be that because your voyage was also sold as shorter segments, that has altered the schedule for formal nights. Do I recall correctly that you're in QG? If so, Mr ClefsDor should feel comfortable in his dinner jacket on other nights as well.
  12. Glad to hear you'll get the antivirals. I had them. Also had a codeine cough medicine which helped a lot with the congestion in my chest - recommend that if it's suitable for you and you can get your hands on it. The anti-viral I had was Paxlovid. I hope it helps you.
  13. Well that's good to know that the crew seemed to be going okay when you were out and about last. Are they wearing masks, the crew?
  14. I had wonderful daily monitoring on-line and a daily phone call from a Health Dept nurse. I think it might even have been a hospital in the home thing. I even had a call one day from an intensive care nurse because they were worried about me. The Vic health dept has been doing a wonderful job.
  15. Do you know Julie how many passengers in total are on board? Puts the covid numbers in perspective if you know that. Were there many staff missing- assumed infected before you entered iso?
  16. It's often not the most obvious symptom. Each of the variants seems to have a slightly different primary symptom. With the BA4/5 which I think was the one I had, it was very bad sore throat, headache, awful night sweats. Most people I knew had trouble breathing, nausea (vomiting). Coughing was there but mainly as a lingering minor issue. And when I say lingering, I mean weeks and months afterwards. People of all ages that I spoke to all had awful symptoms. I do know of one woman in her 30's who had no symptoms while her huband and kids were all very sick (husband ended up having to see a cardiologist due to his cardiac symptoms).
  17. I think you did the right thing protecting yourself for those 2 years. I don't think you can get a 'touch of covid' or a milder dose - I think you've either got it or you haven't. I did the same as you and protected myself totally for ages but succumbed in July when I finally gave in and ate in a restaurant for a family birthday. Got covid that night. Daughter did too and she'd been going to the office and socialising for months, so that regular exposure didn't protect her at all. We were both quite ill. I'm still exhausted and short of breath. It's worth avoiding it but it is difficult to do so. I've just come back from a visit to the Melbourne CBD - pretty sure I was the only one wearing a mask.
  18. Air NZ use better aircraft between Australia and NZ in my experience. I fly Melbourne to Auckland quite a lot and Qantas use 737's -'Winglets' which are a bit on the small and noisy side whereas Air NZ use 777's - a proper international aircraft and much more comfortable.
  19. Being short-staffed is the reason I thought the cruise ships would avoid making masks not compulsory for staff. I expect there would be more staff illness if they're not wearing masks while working. You'd think they'd do anything to avoid that given the trouble they've had getting enough staff to get operational again. Are the staff still required to wear masks on Coral at the moment? I notice other lines and ships are removing the requirement for staff.
  20. I remember that far back. In around 1973 the AUD was higher than the USD. Something like $1.05 or $1.10 I think AUD to USD. The good old days! Just looked it up. In 1973 one US dollar got you 70 cents Australian. Someone else can do the maths in the other direction!
  21. There have been recent changes to cc insurance - some are now offering to cover domestic. Have a look at the full product disclosure booklet to check whether your particular one covers what you're looking for.
  22. Gosh! Of course they are!! The whole point of the trip. Thanks for pointing that out though.
  23. I just wrote and posted a response to your comment here but can't see it so if it shows up, I'm not going mad! I think that timing is too tight for comfort. Missing the start of your cruise would be awful. I'd be staying in a backpackers for a few nights rather than arriving (and maybe missing) the day of boarding.. Is the ship having an overnight in Honolulu at the start of your cruise though? That would give you a buffer.
  24. I'd take the Air NZ one - you've got more chance, surely, of being delayed in Sydney than in Auckland. Also, if you take the Air NZ flight home, you will arrive in Australia at your home port and avoid having to collect luggage in SYdney as I decribed above.
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