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Everything posted by Keksie

  1. My Japanese Maple is showing off. One of the previous owners planted it. I have a little one I got last year and hopefully it will be this nice someday.
  2. I have most of the work done. We are having my son, his GF, her son, and her mother and stepfather. I have not met the mom and stepfather yet so we will see. I just have to stuff the turkey in the morning and get it in the oven. The sides are made and just need to bake. I have 2 ovens which helps. They are bringing a side and a pie. I made a pumpkin cheesecake. So the menu for tomorrow is as follows: Turkey and stuffing Sweet potato casserole Potato dumplings Their side gravy rolls cranberry relish (homemade) olives Cheesecake pie For appetizers I will have a couple of cheese balls and spinach dip I wish everyone a wonderful Thanksgiving!
  3. My heart goes out to you. There are not words to describe how sorry I am to hear this.
  4. If you use any of the meds you bring you might want to pack the wrappers back in your luggage to dispose of at home.
  5. Thank you @Jimbo @h20skibum and @Coralc for the advice on the tub. We have a large cement patio behind the house that is covered so that is where it would go. We would need to have an electrician run the wiring for it once we decide where we would put it. I love the idea of the salt generator. I always like saltwater pools.
  6. I am thinking about getting a small 2-4 person hot tub. So a question to all the people who have one - what do you have, do you like it and what are the pros and cons?
  7. That is the main reason we moved to Florida. I wanted to spend the holidays with my son. SIL's get extra points for that clean up!
  8. Just didn't want you to think that a negative test would be sure way of not having it. We have traveled, gone out to restaurants and activities since May 2020 and never felt the need to test.
  9. You do realize that a person could still be contagious and not test positive yet. There is no way to be sure you are not endangering others.
  10. At the table I will mention I will get a coke but when the server comes I will ask for a Dr. Pepper and no Mr. Pibb will not be a substitute. Then I will get a Coca cola.
  11. That is the downside to having aging pets. When we moved to Florida our 7 cats ranged from 18ish to 9ish. We have 2 of the original group. Elmer is probably around 10 and Storm is probably around 9. Then we have Samantha who is just over a year old and Annabel who is 8 months old. Elmer and Storm both have health issues.
  12. Thank you everyone for all the kind words. It helps so much to have this thread when times are bad and when times are good too.
  13. He had diabetes and an autoimmune disease for several years. The meds for the autoimmune counter acted the insulin so it was a balance between the two. It finally just got too much for him. We had been expecting the end to come for awhile now.
  14. It has been an awful no-good day! Cinnamon was Kubota's brother and now they can be together over the Rainbow Bridge.
  15. Look at a Plan G. It is the best of the medigap policies. You might want to look into joining AARP and look at their medigap policies. For a plan D you can go to the medicare website and look for a place you can put in your current medications and it will give you the plans that include those medications.
  16. I am sorry. Maybe the needles were bigger then. So far I have had a diabetic dog and two diabetic cats. I have had a lot of practice giving insulin injections.
  17. It doesn't have to be an all-in or all-out. People can choose to use the tech that helps them and choose not to use the tech that doesn't work for them. I don't think that calling everyone who doesn't embrace everything tech a luddite. Some people may not think that turning over all aspects of their life to a cloud is a wise decision while still using parts of the cloud when it makes sense for them. Once China takes over Taiwan it might be nice to have things that don't depend on chips.
  18. That is why I volunteer at the refuge. They won't let me take the animals home! LOL So glad you took the pictures, I am sure that helped with a lot of adoptions. I have had a diabetic dog and have a diabetic cat. The needles are small and the animals really don't seem to notice the injections.
  19. Or when the store's internet goes down and they are taking cash only. Or when the person in front of me is fumbling around for their card or it is declined for a $5.37 cup of coffee while I already have the cash for mine in my hand. Or when the gas pump has a skimmer on it. Or when the grandson is taxed on his Venmo account. Cash transactions cannot be traced!
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