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Everything posted by LHT28

  1. We will be there in a week or so many years ago I remember docking there back in the 70's
  2. Horizons is always a good place speak to the Concierge & they can arrange for an area with CC sign If not the Captains party Martinis could work for a small group
  3. If you contact Oceania they might be able to tell you Lights on the other ships some were from Murano Some remind me of Swarovski
  4. I agree though many just want to have the problem fixed & not always about "getting something" Interesting you would write to the UK office since you have Texas as your location
  5. I would look at the C1 the C2's are closer to the bow & under the theater which can be noisy at times You may like the motion of the ocean if you were in the forward cabins on AZA 😉
  6. Fly to one of the islands like Barbados or where the cruise starts Some UK lines have fly/ sail offers Or if you want to experience the sea days then go the southern route The seas are unpredictable but in those months the northern route will probably be bumpy JMO
  7. Where would you go in the time frame between the 2 ports? It will probably be a non event Enjoy the trip
  8. You are on a ship with more than 60% Americans why would it shock you to see American coffee it is what they like
  9. I am not sure if it just cruise lines that have a problem with food quality We have a hard time here getting good quality beef as well as other food supplies plus the prices have gone up quite a lot in the past year Remember negative comments are also "influencers" 🤔 JMO
  10. Why would you even book a boring itinerary ?
  11. Yikes Who was the GM? They should respond to you no matter what the complaint is
  12. We have been in 4051 & 4047 on Regatta so should be same or similar on Sirena Both were fine & close the GDR or deck 5 loungers
  13. Did you speak to the GM about this butler ?
  14. We got a letter in the documents for turnaround day on B2B I guess top suites get the invite as well It is usually RSVP We usually go ashore never used the invite
  15. Sorry to hear about the trip Hope in the future you will be able to sail again
  16. You could always have a note put on her file but unless someone stops you at the entrance do not stress about it
  17. If doing Italy would do in spring or fall unless you love the heat /crowds CAN/NE try for spring or June no hurricanes & the weather is much nicer Maybe start in Montreal or QC & stay a few days before the cruise explore the area Do some research to see what works best for you
  18. You can check the wharf you will be at https://www.portquebec.ca/en/cruises/vessel-schedules/cruise-ships-schedule When were were at wharf 22 the HOHO was out on the street infront of the port entrance a few years Maybe if an excursion booked through the cruise line the bus may come to the ship ??
  19. Or maybe De' Longhi We love our Magnifica espresso machine 👍
  20. If you enjoy dressing up then you should We have seen ballgowns & Tuxes on Oceania not often but they must have enjoyed it I would not worry about what others do
  21. You could try Bayside Marketplace & there used to be a place for luggage storage unless you can drop your bags with VV Or the Intercontinental might store your bags for a fee
  22. You should post in your Roll Call https://boards.cruisecritic.com/forum/490-marina-roll-calls/
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