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Everything posted by LHT28

  1. We are in the same situation so onboard the phone will be on airplane mode the when onshore in Canada regular cell If we need to call home will use What's app when in USA waters with the wifi connection or I will just email on my laptop LOL
  2. yes know what Whats app is I did look up wifi calling seems the same oe similar I let DH deal with it LOL
  3. as long as it folds or you can fit it through the cabin door Check with your cruise line for the dimensions
  4. You can see the location of the wharf/pier https://www.portquebec.ca/en/cruises/information-for-cruise-ship-passengers/access-to-docks
  5. I am cell phone challenged so not sure what WiFi calling is I will have to look it up Thanks
  6. Maybe there are other ships at Grand Turk & more than just Oceania is affected by the storm They could hit the US coast ports but still need to hit a foreign port to satisfy the PVSA Imagine booking a cruise in hurricane season then complain when a hurricane actually comes along 😈
  7. Can you get on another flight a bit later in the day? Refund for that airline? Security lines can be backed up especially on a Holiday weekend
  8. I looked at those menus & the drink menu from Jan posting & they are on on the wine by the glass list except one dessert wine It may be a new addition as the wine will change subject to supplies New bar menus posted in January https://boards.cruisecritic.com/topic/2904150-riviera-new-bar-drinks-menus-and-prices/ Enjoy
  9. If the wine is on the Wine menu by the glass then it is included I think they are just trying to show people what wine will go with that particular dish
  10. Usually you do not need to cancel & rebook your TA can just get your booking re priced with the sale price
  11. Why did they book during hurricane season? There is always a chance of changes during this time of the year on the east coast especially cruises to Bermuda We booked a cruise this month EWO knowing things can change with severe weather JMO
  12. My DH tells me FB news is blocked for him & we live in Canada but he can use his FB account otherwise
  13. Some go to Mc D's with the expectations of a fine dining restaurant same with cruise lines 🙂
  14. So you can log into CC OK We have yahoo mail do you use it or have any issues getting into the mail??
  15. That OC is not aft were you looking at one on deck 11 maybe ?
  16. Value can mean different things to different people For those that do not travel most of the year Having 1 or 2 cruises per year My "Value" is having a ship with less pax better quality food less noise with quieter ambiance I do not mind paying more for an experience that suits our needs/wants We do not book top suites or upper lever cabins quite happy in an Ocean view or balcony Spend YOUR money on what suits you best & not worry about how other spend theirs 😉
  17. with the free trolley & metro mover a lot of hotels are easy to get to Bayside Bit the Intercontinal/ Holiday Inn/ Yve are within sight of Bayside
  18. I do not consider it small compared to the Hot tubs sizes on the other ships 😄
  19. ! spend the extra steps & go to Barristas for coffee it is MUCH better 2 Riviera has a large T pool
  20. if you have a Canadian passport that is all you need The other thing to check is if Covid tests are required when you are travelling We have our Covid Vaccine on our phone incase this is needed again
  21. Did you check the overland package with O It is more than your DIY but includes a hotel & some meals https://www.oceaniacruises.com/grand-voyage-cruises/dubai-to-barcelona-RVA240514A/hotels/overland/3/?sr=%2fcruise-finder%23time_frame%3d2024-5%26ship%3dRVA%26sort%3dfeatured%3adesc%26page%3d1%26pageSize%3d10
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