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Everything posted by LHT28

  1. That has been our experience on the cruises & the string quartet played inbetween his sessions
  2. Sorry did not know they were currently travelling I thought they were going early & would apply then
  3. I remember a few years back a lady missed her flight from Austin to NYC & could not board until the ship hit Halifax on day 5 of a 10 day cruise Not sure what happened whether her insurance kicked in as it was weather related I hope I never have to test it out 😉
  4. No You just have to take a chance that the foods you like will be repeated in the GDR 😀
  5. Something to do with PVSA I guess if you are going to disembark in a foreign country it may work to board in the next US port I have read where people could not board in the next US port & had to wait until the ship was in a foreign port I have not tested it 😉
  6. I would not wait until Athens to get the VISA I would get it ASAP I know it is difficult but keep trying before you leave Canada JMO
  7. I think there will be a lot of cruise passengers that will be caught up in this
  8. Depends on the next port If you are to embark in a US port & the next port is a US port ..not a chance of embarking If a foreign port then there is a chance Yes it is not worth stressing about it may never happen LOL
  9. In USA turnaround ports yes but some European ports you can just stay onboard In UK we needed to get off but Denmark was no problem Depends on the rules of the Country
  10. Go to destination services early in the 1st segment & as if they have tours for purchase on turnaround day Then you can decide to DIY or take one of the tours
  11. We have had a disruption via a cruise line booked flight but BA took care of us so no need to call the cruise line Other cases we have been lucky When we have done charter flights for AI resorts it was taken care of by the tour company so not a problem My first stop if the flight was changed while at the airport would be the airline but maybe the cruises have some magic wand to get you on another flight the same day 😄
  12. Just noticed that the boardwalk is closed Not sure of where that is in relationship to the falls we were planning to go early Oct Not sure if there is or is not a fee to see the falls the site is confusing https://www.sepaq.com/destinations/parc-chute-montmorency/ https://www.sepaq.com/destinations/parc-chute-montmorency/a-propos/nouvelles-medias/nouvelle.dot?id=e3104e63-5253-4059-becc-38dcb2411632
  13. That is a misconception The cruise line have no control over the flight they are the same as you booking your own ticket if there are no seat on the next flight then you are not going anywhere
  14. LHT28


    It has said starting in 2024 for several months https://travel-europe.europa.eu/etias_en Maybe they are confusing other Countries that have recently changed the rules like Egypt & Brazil
  15. There is a thread just down the page discussing this issue https://boards.cruisecritic.com/topic/2960425-beware-canadians-travelling-to-egypt-new-process-for-visa/page/3/#comment-66041045
  16. I have no personal knowledge of which cabins where the bathrooms were redone I am sure the poster must have inspected all the B 3 cabins to make sure their comment was correct 😈 Marina may have a different plan I have no insider info 🤔
  17. There were some cabins on Riviera where they left the tubs as several people wanted tubs so they compromised & left some There was a thread with the cabins with/without tubs the Marina may follow the same plan https://boards.cruisecritic.com/topic/2874113-riveria-bathtub-updates/#comment-63775016
  18. Just walk out the door from the dressing room or gym🙂
  19. Are these on the spa deck or pool deck?
  20. They send a form around a few days before the next segment & in the past it will offer tours along with instructions on what to do for turnaround day
  21. https://oceaniacruises.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/360005404994-How-may-I-book-spa-treatment-before-my-cruise-
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