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Everything posted by Hogladyrider

  1. @Jamman54....my ol stopping grounds from 1980 until departure in 2019. A lot of growth in Orlando area during those years. ENJOY!
  2. @sid_9169....and the OFFICIAL Sid verdict on this is........?
  3. @sid_9169...that would drive me crazy having to keep tabs on charges and credits on my account, VV seems to make it more difficult than it needs to be all the way around or am I missing something? Wanted to ask you....you mention vivid dreams when sleeping, I am guessing, as a result from the sleeping aids you take. Do you get a restful nights sleep after all those vivid dreams? Could be part of the reason for your moods at times if you are not getting adequate sleep! Enjoy your NEW day!
  4. @sid_9169....that is not enough food to fill up your big toe!
  5. @sid_9169....your precruise Miami time between hotel, tips, drinks, food etc must cost you almost as much as your 5 days cruise and you are there less than 24 hours.....welcome to Miami! PS - and you are only paying for one person imagine if you were paying for 2!
  6. @sid_9169....yes we have the red shoes! safe travels...looking forward to your Miami adventures and cruise schinanigans!
  7. @Jamman54......I am sorry to see this cruise reach its return....another outstanding review. Always enjoy ALL of your and Patti's travels and the outstanding pictures. Susan
  8. @sid_9169...see you are a shining star....2 pgs already and you haven't left Atlanta or finished the work week!
  9. @scubacruiserx2...thank you...we can do a cab to Dukes. Thanks for the LOL moment mentioning the doors off helicopter ride. My SO will not fly in a commercial airplane so a helicopter is definitely not on the schedule.
  10. Pardon my ignorance, taking first cruise to Hawaii in January 2024 on HAL. Is this cruise port in Kauai the same as Nawalilli? We don't see ANY ship excursions that interest us and a trip to Duke's is right up our alley!
  11. IMO this is now "the norm" in today's society. That doesn't make it right, just it is what it is....we all will have to deal with it.
  12. would you please provide additional input as to why you felt the adult coloring was a joke? Thanks.
  13. YIKES, that's expensive day real estate for shade! However, what works for one cruiser may not work for another. Thanks for the info!
  14. @Jamman54......WOW $500 for a cabana, does that include food and beverage? That's out of my budget for sure even if it included food and beverage. I see the flying chairs are up to $15 for adults now, I remember when they were $10. We always walk as I love taking pics of the flowers. Carnival has commercialized Mahogany Bay since it first opened, but it is a great beach day for sure!
  15. AMEN! Almost 7 months PO with my left knee, still have some soreness in the evening. NOT looking to have the other one done ANYTIME soon!
  16. @Jamman54...my mom had hip replacement surgery at 90. Her recovery was super fast compared to TKR surgery! Hope that hip settles down for you.
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