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Tranquility Base

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Everything posted by Tranquility Base

  1. An enjoyable day here. Whilst some went on tours, naturally many wandered the town. Being a Saturday afternoon, I reckon 50% of the people I saw around town were from the ship. On previous occasions here I had always done tours. This time wandering up & down the hills, and then along the waterfront area, I was impressed by some of the sights to see here. Now on our way to Salerno.
  2. Thank you, very well put. This, I believe, originated from the airline industry in the ‘70s & 80s. They developed their CRM program ( cockpit resource management ) which then developed into crew resource management. In the maritime world this initially became BRM ( bridge resource management ). As you say, there are numerous safety advances in play today which are a result of moving away from the old school blame culture. Modern day incident / accident investigation is far more advanced than that of 40 years ago.
  3. I think they would soon catch on.
  4. I am guessing one of your cruises stops at Tauranga ? If so, you could consider a tour which includes the agrodome show in Rotorua. Rotorua is about an hour from Tauranga. There are also many other worthwhile attractions in Rotorua.
  5. Indeed we are. I am simply reading from their website where Oceania have their paragraph “ “Introducing simply MORE”. They finish with the words……” for the best value in luxury cruising”.
  6. Poor form, what…..simply not cricket ol’ chap. But thanks for the ‘heads up’. Will pay extra close attention.
  7. At the Captain’s talk and Q & A this morning; generator fixed and with the sea temp in the Mediterranean cooler than in the Arabian Sea, we have full capacity again. By my calculation we may be into Messina a little bit ahead of schedule tomorrow. Pub lunch in the MDR today. A nice improvement, seven main course choices as well as all the starters & desserts. Nice outdoor weather today.
  8. Speed is showing as 21 kts which is encouraging ( touch wood ). Will be able to judge ETA more accurately after the noon announcement.
  9. I wouldn’t have thought it would be too difficult for someone on the ship to get the ETD info of other ships there on the day and share that with the passengers. After all, isn’t it those little extra efforts which differentiate a Luxury line from many of the others.
  10. We have just past the mid point Pilot Station where we swap over the Pilots.
  11. If you care to buy me a Long Island Ice Tea or three I would be most appreciative. Hope this helps.
  12. As would we. Although we have sailed on 6 ‘R’ ships on 3 different lines, and enjoyed them all, I have outgrown the ‘ hull cutout ‘ balconies.
  13. Suez update. Now at anchor soon to bunker fuel. At this stage, unless a warship turns up, we are the lead ship. Expect to start out about 4am ( 11am SYD).
  14. Yes, the Aqaba tales are being told around the ship today. ( Petra & Wadi ) Jo did a water tour which I’m sure she will blog about. Very close to our anchorage point off Suez. Due there about 4pm ( about 90 mins time ). Don’t know when tomorrow morning we’ll start the transit but from experience probably between 5 & 6 am ( about noon SYD time ) Lovely weather in the shade today.
  15. A few years back we joined an ATW for 40 days at the half way point of the ATW. We had a great time. The roll call was active. We joined a couple of tours organised by ATWers. I organised a tour on which all who joined were ATWers. We joined a trivia team of ATWers. ( perhaps the different nationality from most onboard helped) My wife went to a popular activity group and fitted in with well the ATWers. ( they gave her lots of ‘O points’ to use before we got off ) Had pleasant conversations at the bar with many ATWers without any awkwardness. Would happily do it again, but the itinerary / time of year hasn’t suited.
  16. Don’t have an answer to that question yet arxcards. I guess it will become clearer in a few days time.
  17. Many thanks; and yes I do appreciate you won’t be experiencing this first hand. At this stage I think we’ll risk the uncovered balcony in favour of the relaxed & very flexible dining in Reserve class as well. cheers.
  18. Update ( 2nd pm ) Tomorrow ( 3rd ) is the final sea day to Aqaba. Full day planned there on the 4th. Daylight transit planned for Suez on the 6th. Messina on the 8th. Athough only a short stop in Messina ( 3pm - 9pm ) the team has put together 4 different shorex which is a good effort. Once we are in the Med there will be greater flexibility in case of any need for further alterations. We are relaxed about it all, and it appears the vast majority of the ship is as well. A large group had their mid winter Xmas dinner in an area set aside in Horizon last night. A great night, and the staff & crew made it a wonderful event. S. Claus had a passing resemblance to Charlie our head of security. Another Sunday brunch in the MDR from 10:30 - 1:30 today. VERY popular, especially all the chefs displaying their special cakes and desserts. Well done to all involved. Everything ticking along well.
  19. Thank you vlthom. That was the info I was looking for, and is in agreement with what basor said in post # 16.
  20. Thanks for doing this thread. My query as the cruise progresses will be regarding dining. We normally try to book Reserve Class Minis. However it appears most of these on Diamond are fully uncovered. This is a concern for us. Any info you can share regarding how normal anytime dining in the MDR is working will be appreciated.
  21. Are you saying the “free cruise” would likely be blended into the 40 day cruise ( 18 to 21 credit one ) ? IE: the opposite of the reply in post # 16.
  22. Update. Aqaba delayed 1 day, Suez delayed 1 day, Mykonos cancelled, Messina added. A well thought out and pragmatic decision in my opinion. A personal request. Whilst I, and I’m sure others, are happy to post factual updates from onboard, it would be appreciated if it wasn’t necessary to wade through irrelevant posts to do so. I will respect Stu’s original intention in starting this thread. Cheers.
  23. Let’s say someone has 18 credits. The next cruise they wish to take is 40 days ( 3 credits ) ( I am aware the ‘ free cruise’ is based on max 14 days ) Does the ‘free cruise’ become and be taken as their their 22nd, or does the ‘ free cruise’ HAVE to be blended into and become part of the 40 day booking ?
  24. It will be interesting to find out next week what the shorex credits will be on cruises longer than 35 days.
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