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Everything posted by bennybear

  1. @cunnorl good wishes for a good outcome and quick recovery!
  2. Rabbit, rabbit, white rabbit! Need all the luck I can get! What wonderful luck @ger_77 for that new couple. We have also a large Ukrainian population and a lot of new immigrants some sponsored by our church. A heartwarming story is when a young child saw some blue and yellow construction paper at Michael’s, he yelled Ukraine! @JazzyV yikes on the possible hematoma. Hope it disappears quickly, although they can take quite sometime to reabsorb. Last time I needed a biopsy they hit a blood vessel which caused a rather large hematoma, which is why I am rather nervous about this week. Alberta has the worlds largest Ukrainian Easter egg
  3. @marshhawk the sandwiches are gyros, pork on a spit, with lettuce tomatoes and Tzatziki . Now with French fries, lol, keeping the Brits happy? I you want a nice lunch by the sea, there’s a lovely restaurant at the beach, take the little tourist train or a taxi.
  4. I am so sorry for your loss! What a tough situation. My deepest condolences!
  5. Good morning and thanks all! Most definitely not in control, lol! I am very thankful for my doctor of more than 25 years! We’ve visited Katakalon several times, strongly recommend Olympia if you haven’t been. And if you have there’s a nearby lovely beach under ten minutes away. Not the one by the town. Also one of the local restaurants is very good for lunch, I’ve attached a photo. It is on the end of town farthest from the dock. @USN59-79 Congratulations to you both your 60 th! Wow! @cruzn single and @Suslor happy birthday! Sorry to hear of your health issues,
  6. We did this as well, it was early on and the excursion was still available so we had no issues. @gregma60 there are two types of OBC, refundable usually from your TA and non refundable usually from HAL. So it depends what type, they usually draw down the non refundable first.
  7. Good morning and thanks all! We love Hawaii but not Honolulu, after dozens of trips we just go to the islands preferably the big one! Speaking of big waves and surfers, the Eddie’s were held this year when we were in Hawaii. They are only held when the surfing conditions are perfect once every decade or so. And the wonderful news is that a local lifeguard won this most prestigious event. We’ve seen some pretty crazy waves and have visited Navarra in Portugal, scary from shore! Yesterday I saw that it had been recently the 26 th anniversary of the school shooting in Dunblane Scotland, and since that time the UK has had zero more school shootings! I too don’t like smoke and mirrors. Prayers to those in need! Beautiful blankets @ger_77 @Cruising-along jealous you can plant, do let us know how it smells. It sounds so lovely.
  8. No luck on the bluebirds, so no happiness or spring just yet! Miles and miles of frozen tundra, lol! @Vict0riann glad you made it safely, with wine on the way. I too hate anyone near my eyes after getting hot butter in one making blackened snapper. So I think they’ll have to knock me out, if I need anything done, @Seasick Sailorwelcome home! let’s hope the plumbing issues drain away, sigh! I was remiss in not posting food on a stick
  9. Good morning and thanks all! We have been unable to visit Moorea numerous times, we may try again so enjoying the photos. And I love black pearls…. @smitty34877 so sorry to hear about your aid but glad to hear NYC finest helped out your DH. Nice to have family you can count on! @sunviking90 welcome! Love Vancouver, our DS lived there for a number of years and I still have family there. @Sharon in AZ Sure you’ll enjoy Vancouver! @Cruising-along that sounds like such a great cruise! Sorry to hear of more appliance curse and now we have the plumbing problems too! After we had the plumber visit, two toilets were fixed and one drain for just under $100 each but that’s CAD. DH still had to fix another issue on one toilet and now another drain is leaking! So we await another visit, just don’t understand the call out charges, the truck charge…. Perhaps it’s the curse of the nearly half century old house! But we are in no hurry to move, ran into the neighbours’ children trying to get their 94 year old parent consider moving. That’ll be us in a few more decades, lol! We are going out to look for bluebirds, lol! They make me hopeful.
  10. We found that things really closed up in October in Corfu even though the weather was great. Mykonos May be different, but it will be easy to have a backup plan and just enjoy the town if that’s the case.
  11. It was Koper, Slovenia. They were a complete zoo, no organization to meet us and we had tickets, they were busy selling new ones. Then the tour was really just a transfer, Terribly disappointing.
  12. Jumping in, we used them once from the big box store and were extremely disappointed in both the quality and the lack of organization. It was so bad the big box refunded our money, so caveat emptor!
  13. Good morning and thanks all! We loved Quebec City and we’re fortunate to stay at the Chateau Frontenac, highly recommend it, the views are amazing. Our DD stayed there again on her honeymoon. I hope your trip to Tucson rejuvenates you! I’ll jump into the washer discussion. I don’t like our front loader, leaving the door open, the musty smell and bending over to get the laundry out. Our next one will be top load again. We had more snow yet again today, fitting as we watch the funeral of the two young police killed in Edmonton. God speed to them!
  14. Nice to celebrate this lovely place of sharing, and all those who help make it what it is. I seem to recall it early in 2020. I love the idea of a road trip, or maybe for now we have another virtual picnic, I think we’ve had a few of those. But somewhere a little warmer? Or on a BHB? I too am saddened by the terrible tornadoes. We unfortunately share the frozen tundra but also have had devastating tornadoes. So my heart goes out to all those affected. Just wanting to share another aurora photo where we also caught the moon and Venus.
  15. I too appreciate a civilized discussion. We found our visit to the peace park very profound. This city attracts a number of international visitors, we ended up on a small bus with a contingent from Ortona, Italy which has a large Canadian war cemetery from a battle to liberate that town. We found the visit in Hiroshima much like visiting a war cemetery, and we have visited many. Profound, moving and always thought provoking. We used the luggage transfer service and it was very convenient, but we just travelled with one large suitcase and a smaller one. So we could live out of the smaller one overnight. We kept our cruise things mostly in the large case. So glad you got to try okonomiyaki, we had it elsewhere too but we found the best was the one in Hiroshima where it originates. We were fortunate to spend a couple of nights in a small onsen town Kinosaki onsen, near where the wagyu was raised. The A5 beef we had was amazing and we’re from Alberta which is famous for our beef. It’s kind of like eating butter. bon voyage! Oh that brings back such good memories! We too stayed in this wonderful historic hotel and had a view of our ship from our room. We also enjoyed that it is so near the amazing Chinatown.
  16. @ger_77 there’s an IHOP in YYC for when you next visit. Good morning and thanks all! Love pecans however they are pronounced, put some in my apple pear cranberry crisp using my mom’s recipe. Always nice to see her handwriting. @luvteaching sending good thoughts for improvement for your DH. @smitty34877what a lovely photo! The snow is pretty but we will be glad when it is gone!
  17. I’m impressed that you drove the truck and fifth wheel. I was ok with a truck and camper and motor home. but not the fifth wheel. Hats off!
  18. We absolutely loved Kyoto, we spent five nights there and highly recommend this beautiful city with spectacular sights. An overnight will just give you a taste, so if there’s anyway pre or post cruise you can add it, I would highly recommend.
  19. I think it’s wonderful how we can all share information that may help any of us in the future. Makes this a wonderful,place, love what I learn here, Today loved the snoring bears @kochleffel
  20. @marshhawk we saw what really looked like an angel, but were not able to capture it. The lights change so quickly, but I saw a number of photos from last night that looked like angels, so I prefer to believe that these heavenly beings are looking out for us. It is a very moving experience. Not my photo, see credits in picture
  21. Appreciate the wise words of wisdom, but DH had already been checked by a very experienced nurse at the campground but they wanted to ensure there was nothing missed so he needed more testing at the hospital. An ambulance fortunately wasn’t needed but are available. We initially thought it would be a short drive but the first rural hospital we visited had no doctor available, so we had to drive to a larger Center. Sadly a reality in our province. @ger_77 congratulations to your DH that is a real honour. Well done! Appreciate all the kind comments, the aurora are very active right now, and can be seen into the northern US as well. There are apps like aurora watch that are available and tell you the likelihood of seeing them. You need to head into a dark area away from any light pollution and try taking a few photos if you see anything, as often the camera picks up the light before your eyes do. Happy hunting!
  22. Always interesting to read different opinions. We stayed in Hiroshima the first two nights of our visit. We enjoyed the most beautiful gardens, a visit to the beautiful island of Miyajima, had a thought provoking visit to the peace park where we met a survivor, and enjoyed the most amazing Okonomiyaki that Hiroshima is famous for. We would go back in a heartbeat. I agree it is too far to go for a day, day trips never do a place justice. We also like to use the word sumimasen, as it is one of those all purpose words like Bitte, it can mean excuse me, please…. As well as a few others.
  23. Good morning and thanks to everyone! Especially the memes! @kazu love the coloured garden soil! @aliaschief your memes are wonderful! almost thought I recognized someone yesterday! I wish your take out was better! @kochleffel I live the cartoon, makes me think of robins! Glad to hear of the successful surgeries, Debbie and mamaofami. @superomaappreciate seeing that menu, that dessert looks amazing! And Alberta beef. @grapau27 you might want to consider a refresher during course for your DW. When I got my last new car they offered a defensive driving private lesson, which I took. The instructor said it was very important for women to drive regularly because you never know what lies ahead and it is a skill you can get rusty at. And I learned some new things. Please and I mean this in the kindest way, if you have further heart symptoms do not drive yourself, It is much too dangerous for yourself and others. Last year I found myself in a situation where DH had to go to the hospital in the night when we were at our rural lake campground. It was a several hour round trip in the dark on unfamiliar roads, driving his huge 3/4 ton diesel 4x4 truck. But I was familiar enough that I could do it without too much trepidation. And we had a great outcome. Last evening we were fortunate to see some lovely aurora very nearby.
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