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Everything posted by cccole

  1. Wow, fabulous photos. A cruise I would love to be on. THANK YOU!!!! Cherie
  2. Thank you, I will check out Spain Day Tours. The food in this thread looks absolutely amazing. I think we will make reservations for evenings. Cherie
  3. I always go to the 1st post on this amazing thread and click on "here." It seems to work for me. Cherie
  4. Kazu, Thank you so much for taking us along on this adventure. We have just added 5 days in Barcelona to a December trip to Europe and I have made a list of everything and every place you reported on. I may have missed it, but is there a company in Barcelona that you used for excursions? I have been to Barcelona before but my husband has not. It's nice to see that you are enjoying the cruise. So looking forward to all of your posts! Thank you again soooooooo much, Cherie
  5. Can't wait to hear about Nuku'alofa. Have you been here before? A fun overnight I think. Thank you so much for your daily reports, I look forward to them. Cherie
  6. So happy to hear about everyone. And, hopefully being a member of bible study was not important when being taken care of. Sounds like a good ending to a very difficult day for everyone. Cherie
  7. Fingers, ankles, knees, arms, and eyes crossed that you are free tomorrow!!!!!!!!! Cherie
  8. I may have missed this but is there pickleball being played? Thank you for letting us cruise with you. You're visiting one of the most beautiful areas in the world, IMO. Cherie
  9. Does your window open so that you can get fresh air? Or, did they offer you a quarantine cabin with a balcony? Just curious. I apologize if you have already answered these questions. I think this itinerary is fabulous and will be following along. Thank you for letting us join you, Cherie
  10. rebelshaw - Does Peets not have the instant packs? I do not like instant coffee but Starbucks has great instant packs that we have used on international trips. A coffee press would be a great solution. Cherie
  11. The problem with some coffee makers is that when just want hot water for tea there is a lasting flavor from the coffee. I think I have heard of some taking some vinegar and running it thru the machine prior to water for tea. Possibly a good container that will hold hot water from the Lido would be good. I remember the days when we packed one of those coils that we put in a cup to boil the water. Hopefully The Inside Cabin gave the best solution. Cherie
  12. If you have a reaction to certain alcohol can you purchase a bottle of the alcohol that works for you and have your drinks made with it? I am assuming you cannot bring anything but wine when boarding. I would rather pay the price of an unopened bottle that my body likes than take a chance. Good info on this thread. Cherie
  13. I have not taken one teen on a HAL cruise, I took 3 teens, on a Caribbean cruise, so have been hesitant to respond. I planned our excursions to be fun and exhausting so they were happy when back on board. We were on the Zuiderdam and loved it. This was a winter break cruise and I was worried but it is one of our favorite cruises. The crew loved having them on board and we were constantly entertained at dinner. Whatever you decide I hope you have fun. Cherie. p.s. if you book, you might go on your roll call to make contacts with other families.
  14. And this thread is great advice to everyone traveling to know what the consequences are of a possitive test in the countries you visit. They may even change after you have departed home. It really is an issue that anyone traveling needs to monitor. Yes, a TA, a cruise line, an airline have their policies. Make sure you know the policy of the country/countries you are visiting and try not to blame someone else for not doing your homework. Cherie
  15. Thank you Sea42 for a such a reasonable response. I also agree with OP that it has to be frustrating because a visitor did not educate themselves to the rules/consequences of a positive test in the countries they were visiting. Traveling now is a risk, we either accept it or do not accept it. In post #18 it was pointed out that the op "was done with HAL when the embarkation was changed to Trieste." Hopefully op's wife tests negative soon and they can leave Italy. Cherie
  16. If this is the policy of the Italian government, and travelers can access the information and policy, why would the U.S. Embassy become involved. I truly hope they spend their time and resources on more important problems. JMO. Cherie
  17. Love this. For my 70th Bday everyone was wearing a t-shirt that read "corks are for losers". Cherie
  18. I can't even imagine anyone asking the questions you have been asked. Unbelievable. Possibly these questions were asked on the same cruise? Totally despicable!!! But, being judgmental is not something I tolerate. Cherie
  19. What a beautiful sail-away!!!!! Can't wait for tomorrows report and photos. Hope you see the Northern Lights!!!!!! Thank you, Cherie
  20. And, when loyalty doesn't seem to account for anything this would build loyalty to HAL for me. Cherie
  21. So the cruise portion of your cruise tour was refunded in FCC. what is the refund on your cc for? Just curious. I did not know that FCC is refunded to cc. A refund to cc is much better than a FCC. Cherie
  22. This is an awesome photo since I am following both of your "live froms." This itinerary is just amazing, thank you for letting us cruise with you. Cherie
  23. I love following Jeff Farschman's HAL voyages and the photos. He and the Scott sisters are fun to "travel with." I want their lives. So, if you're interested for the 2022-2023 posts you can find them on amazingvoyages2.blogspot.com. I often use Jeff's commentary and photos when planning a trip. This is going to be a fun adventure. I thank Jeff for letting so many of us travel with him. Cherie
  24. So funny. Last year when we were in Zimbabwe a vendor was trying to sell mutli billion dollar bills for $20. My son offered him $2 to be nice and said my $2 is worth more than the bills you're selling. It was nice to be in another country where the U.S. $ is the official currency. Only tip with them when you are trying to send a message!! Cherie
  25. Gistfamily - Both your cruise and cruise tour are cancelled. That is so unfortunate. You were worried about the cruise and posted earlier in July. Hopefully your TA is a magician and can book everything on another line. I would be so disappointed and angry. FCC really does not even begin to cover it. I'd be done with HAL, with giving such late notice. Keep us posted. Cherie
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