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Everything posted by Sunshine3601

  1. If your 1st excursion runs late your 2nd excursion will have no idea where you are. They will just figure you are a no show. Although I have been on some excursions where they wait a couple of minutes to see if missing people on their list show up but not all of them do that as they have set schedules to meet.
  2. I received news yesterday that one of my best neighbors is not doing well. I spoke with her last week to let her know that roofers would be coming early one day soon and apologized in advanced they would wake her up as I know she sleeps in until 9 or 10 am most days. She sounded horrible and was catching her breath with every word she spoke. She said she was going to the doctors the next day as she hasn't felt good for weeks and kept blaming it on the heat and humidity. I saw her Daughter stop by to check on her Mom's house and when she saw me outside she informed me that her Mom went to the Doctor's and they called an ambulance to take her to the hospital. She was told all her arteries completely clogged and she is too old for open heart surgery. She turned 91 earlier this month. Her Mom wants to come home to do hospice but her Daughter feels she would be better off going to a facility to have round the clock care. So very sad. I have known this family since I was a little girl. (I grew up in the same neighborhood where we live now.) She has been on mind since Saturday. I plan on visiting her this week once I find out where they are moving her to (or back home). I pray that she is not in any pain and is surrounded by her loving family.
  3. +1 @Keksie Your pie looks delicious. My Mother's neighbor used to make these. Boy do I miss them. Maybe someday soon I will have to try to make my own Rhubarb pie.
  4. Excellent! I am sure you will have awesome cruise(s) on Jewel. I love both those itineraries. I guess you will have to buy some beautiful flowers (maybe tulips) in Amsterdam before you board. ENJOY😄
  5. My Sept 12th sailing for 12 nights is only showing menus for 3 or 4 nights so far. I updated my app a week ago and nothing changed on menus.
  6. I think the storms you had are about to roll into our area. Wind just started up and radar map looks like they'll be here around 10 pm. Hopefully not as strong as yours.
  7. Welcome home. Lucy looks thrilled to see both of you. Where is Owen? Did you check out the cars in the garage yet? LOL Thanks for sharing your cruises with us. I really enjoyed🤩
  8. BTW, you're not an idiot. Buying this gift for your anniversary is awesome🤩 You got this!!
  9. Based on this info then it would definitely be in your best interest to change sailings to Greenland for next year. I just looked at that sailing the other day as it is one I want to do too! Looks like a great itinerary. In fact, I would probably call royal this weekend to do the switch instead of waiting till next month when prices could be higher.
  10. We have had zero issues w/getting off ships in Cape Liberty. Cruise out of that port several times a year. We usually have a relaxing breakfast in MDR then walk off ship between 8:30 and 8:45 and hop in an Uber by 9 am after getting our luggage and doing facial recognition. You can order Uber while you are walking off the ship and that will speed up the process or pre-order/reserve your Uber for a specific time.
  11. I am actually surprised to hear the Greenland sailing on Grandeur is cheaper than your Alaska cruise. I say go for the Greenland cruise!!😄
  12. his looks like a bunch of cherry tomatoes joined together yours looks like a bunch of regular size tomatoes joined together.
  13. Those clouds are eerie looking but also cool looking. It was nasty HOT and Humid here today. We reached over 100 with a feel like Hedouble hockey sticks. 40% chance of storms overnight with a high of 95 tomorrow then should be really nice Sunday in the low / mid 80's. Our roof was scheduled to be done this week but owner of the company called earlier in the week and said he was giving his guys off for the rest of the week due to the extreme heat. Which was fine by me as I wouldn't want anyone working on my roof in these temps. rescheduled for Tuesday which looks like we should have a beautiful day per forecast.
  14. If you have uber app you can do a mock booking by hitting reserve enter locations, date and time and you will receive a price. That should be your total charge with the reserve fee included, if I remember correctly. If renting a car, just order uber while dropping off vehicle to avoid the fee. To uber from the port to rental agency you could order uber as your walking off the ship or in luggage area.
  15. I saw footage on my news channel last night. Very sad to see. I hope they can get under control soon and that everyone is safe including the fire fighters.
  16. I usually pre-order Uber a couple weeks before date needed. For me that $20 +/- reserve fee is worth it as they usually arrive earlier than reserved time and it is much nicer to know they are there than having to order and wait 20 to 30 minutes for Uber to pick you up at the port as they are all very busy that morning.
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