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Everything posted by TeeRick

  1. It is unclear what outcomes of this vaping test will be the deciding factor. Many here say increased casino revenue. But zero or 1-2 vapers in the casino (reported by most of the on ship reports here) cannot really enhance revenue unless they are very high rollers - and only stay there because of the allowance of vaping. This does not seem to be a real high probability outcome (like slots !). Perhaps the real increase in revenue for Celebrity is from all of the cruisers here cancelling and losing their deposits to Celebrity😀. Those who signed up and got good fares who cancel- Celebrity will sell your cabins at higher prices. Perhaps to folks who do not have as many loyalty benefits as you. It only impacts Celebrity if there is a meaningful reduction in bookings over time. So far the ships are in high demand and sailing full.
  2. Your Celebrity cruise will actually be similar to the three lines you mentioned.
  3. With all of the fans of MSC YC, and new bookings, that will eventually and surely drive up the price.
  4. It is just marketing. If tired of it, easy to ignore or move to Trash. Or to Spam.
  5. Yes, agree that is in the cruise contract (one which not many people pay much attention). Even with that legal wiggle room, that is not really an excuse IMO for the loyal customers. It is making significant changes to their product offering without communicating to the people directly affected who have paid for that product. Legal - yes. Transparent - no. Angst and anger amongst the customer base when this keeps happening- yes.
  6. That actually is a huge change for Luminae. I cannot recall anybody ever posting about an extra charge there for lobster or anything else.
  7. We are in the same boat (no pun intended!). After years of cruising Celebrity in all categories, but recently mostly suites, our last one was a CS on Equinox in January. No more suites booked on Celebrity. I never thought I would say this. But thanks Celebrity for opening my eyes (finally). We are waiting to see what they do to the product (additional downgrades) before we book a suite with them again. So we are booking Silversea and also considering the MSC YC suites after comments here seem to be positive. Perhaps a suite on a new ship on HAL - we will try Alaska.
  8. Some people here are quite apprehensive now after the continued unannounced changes (most for the worse). There perhaps would be less angst if Celebrity would be transparent about the changes and communicate them in advance instead of having them leaked. They caused this angst in their customer base!
  9. Terry, I do look forward to your comments on the change. You said you have a plan to test it. If it were me (and its not) I would be very much trying to enjoy that great cruise on APEX and not be too focused on this change to the point that it disrupts my vacation experience. But again, a dedicated butler is not usually a thing that I use very much and it would not distract me from my cruise if I had to use a Team.
  10. And I very much look forward to your report on this change as I value your opinion.
  11. I did not see a lot of posts saying this will be better. Most people (like me) are saying they will wait and see based on their experience on board and hearing from a number of posters actually experiencing the change in a sky suite. Not one poster, one cruise. The poster was not even in a sky suite, but in an upper level suite and reported they could not order dinner for their balcony from a specialty restaurant. I am still negative about the lack of transparency and communication. But when (or if) I get a Sky suite on Celebrity again will depend on seeing a number of relevant posts from cruise critic members in sky suites. Right now they do not have any new Retreat business booked from me.
  12. Again that is perhaps why you should have the choice of an assigned butler or the butler team concept. It seems many here might choose the team.
  13. Here is a plastic trinket you can get online to commemorate your fine meal in the MDR. About the right size too. 🙂
  14. Sort of like a mall food court? 😀 Maybe a step above that. But even in a food court there are usually no buzzers or waiting system.
  15. Yes thank you. Sometimes it is just a glitch or mistake by a ship's crewmember, maybe not understanding the rules. Then it takes on a life of its own here on CC. Not a surprise as folks here have a heightened awareness and maybe expectation of takeaways. Celebrity's actions (and inactions -like lack of communication and transparency of changes) have caused this situation and angst amongst its loyal guests.
  16. Yes excellent idea to ask the CC host.
  17. Why too complicated? Seems pretty simple. Small number of suites overall. Most non-suite passengers have to choose between two individual MDR times or Anytime dining before every cruise and Celebrity handles choices like that. I still believe that many suite cruisers will choose the Butler Team anyway.
  18. If this is true, why? Removing free coffee for a few E+ on just one day maybe starting at 11:30 AM boarding does not save any money of any significance. Truly a nickel and dime move to cause resentment among the higher tier cruisers. But apparently on the same day al Bacio offers free champagne?
  19. If you are in a suite you will dine in Luminae the entire cruise. So Murano is an excellent choice for a special experience. Just a note- you can arrange off-menu or special dishes in Luminae by 24 hr advance notice.
  20. It seems to me anyway that some sort of blended plan might work for suites. When you board (or before), you choose a Team Butler approach or an Individual Dedicated Butler approach (who has a number of suites as before). All suites must choose, not just Sky Suites. I think from reading the comments here, quite a few would choose the Team approach since they use the Butler service for mainly routine things. But if you want an individual because you use them a lot then that could be accommodated.
  21. I thought the OP was saying just the opposite.
  22. Terry now I kind of understand why you are peeved at this change. You actually use your butler a lot vs. my use of them. I think perhaps once in a 7 night cruise I might actually call my Butler. Not 1-2 times a day. I see my butler when he/she stops by on occasion, perhaps to check our mini-fridge. Or when they deliver our breakfast after leaving the card on the door. I actually have very little need for them in reality. We never have them meet us in the theatre on Chic night- and we don't like the reserved seat area. Anything related to guest services, reservations, etc. I will go to the Retreat Lounge and use the Concierge there. Our room steward takes care of us more than our butler including taking an occasional laundry bag. That is my case. Frankly I struggle finding what to do with the butler on most cruises. So most of my needs would be easily met by a dedicated on-demand Retreat Team approach when I really think about it. So I am willing to try it.
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