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Everything posted by StanleyandGus

  1. @Jimbo You and your wife saved Graycie from being a feral kitty, and if my memory of cat trees and cat toys is accurate at your place, she was a spoiled princess, as all cats deserve to be!
  2. I left after university (UBC). I was posted right across the country to Gagetown New Brunswick. I know what you mean- even though every area of the country is beautiful (except for some areas of Ontario), mountains are where I feel most at home. If there’s an ocean, even better! My husband loves the prairies- he was born in Edmonton. We do have plans to move to BC eventually, around Osoyoos.
  3. I was wrong- it’s really the night sky, which has stars all around because it’s flat, and the Aurora borealis! You were right.
  4. I could be wrong (I’m from BC as well), but I think Land of the Living Skies” refers to the incredible amount of sky without any any geographical features interrupting the view. We’re the north end of the Great Plains. Frankly, there’s not much else to look at! It’s beautiful, just different from mountains.
  5. I took my temporary dog for a walk in -20 (Google tells me it’s -4 Fahrenheit). It was a pleasant walk, but one has to be dressed for it! James returns next month to have Christmas with us, and pick up the dog. The cats will be relieved. Thor really likes Gus, and washes his ears. Gus, being a cat, is horrified.
  6. I freeze individual meal portions. That way Chris just has to microwave it. I’m sure he could cook, but after 37 years, there’s no indication of that!
  7. I like snow, unless it’s blowing sideways, which it was for some of today! If you visit, summer is better, unless you have a nice down parka! And studded tires.
  8. This is the weather here today. I think it’s here to stay. Driving is unpleasant because of the blowing snow, but on the other hand, it’s easy to clean up the dog’s, um, leavings!
  9. I would like to sail on the Icon if there was a family group- I don’t care about slides and carousels, but it sounds great for that kind of trip.
  10. I wanted to thank @brilloheadfor the advice about looking after a tonsillectomy patient. The surgery was last Tuesday, and it’s been, well, horrible. Thankfully, she’s getting better now. I’ve just been scanning the posts this week, but I wanted to say I like snow. At least until March; then it gets a bit much. I feel I can release this photo of my grandson. It’s his first selfie! He’ll probably get more proficient later. My daughter doesn’t want any identifiable photos online, but you can’t tell much.
  11. It’s Canadian Thanksgiving weekend. I have a turkey in the oven, and everything is ready to go in the oven once the turkey is out. I am very thankful to be comfortably situated. Happy Thanksgiving!
  12. Thank you! I am a retired pharmacist, but having someone who has actually experienced post op pain due to a tonsillectomy is valuable. And I will keep the hydration requirement in mind. Did you drink just water, or was there anything else that appealed? I guess Jello would be good.
  13. I didn’t mean to respond with a laughing face. I wanted to see who was the (can’t say it) that though that deaths were funny. Apologies.
  14. It’s about 46 degrees here, but the high today is going to be 57, which is fine. I don’t think we have had frost yet. I will be going out to see my daughter, because she is having her tonsils removed. I understand that as an adult, the recovery is quite painful, but her ENT look a look and agreed that she needed it done. At least mommy will be there to look after the grandson and baby her (at least, as must as she will accept!). Her husband is a contractor, so he wants to work as much as possible before the weather changes.
  15. No. They will accept it, without saying anything, but no one goes into a bank these days, and it’s not usable without exchanging it.
  16. It’s over a hot air return- the curtains probably billow enticingly. She’s so cute, and they’re just curtains! 😁
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